* vim-9.1.1134-revert-putty-terminal-colors.patch - Update to 9.1.1176. * 9.1.1176: wrong indent when expanding multiple lines test(runtime/syntax): improve syntax tests editorconfig: set indent config for *.vim files runtime(doc): mention alternative check for vim9script * 9.1.1175: inconsistent behaviour with exclusive selection and motion commands runtime(man): don't add jumps when loading a manpage runtime(vim): recognize <...> strings (and keys) for 'keywordprg' * 9.1.1174: tests: Test_complete_cmdline() may fail runtime(doc): mention bzip3 in gzip plugin documentation * 9.1.1173: filetype: ABNF files are not detected * 9.1.1172: [security]: overflow with 'nostartofline' and Ex command in tag file * 9.1.1171: tests: wrong arguments passed to assert_equal() * 9.1.1170: wildmenu highlighting in popup can be improved runtime(netrw): upstream snapshot of v179 runtime(doc): fix typo "bet" in :h 'completeopt' * 9.1.1169: using global variable for get_insert()/get_lambda_name() * 9.1.1168: wrong flags passed down to nextwild() * 9.1.1167: mark '] wrong after copying text object runtime(doc): update how to get Vim * 9.1.1166: command-line auto-completion hard with wildmenu runtime(tar): use readblob() instead of shelling out to file(1) * 9.1.1165: diff: regression with multi-file diff blocks * 9.1.1164: [security]: code execution with tar.vim and special crafted tar files translation(it): Update Italian translation runtime(tar): fix syntax error in tar.vim * 9.1.1163: $MYVIMDIR is set too late runtime(syntax-tests): Apply stronger synchronisation between buffers OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/editors/vim?expand=0&rev=879
57 lines
2.0 KiB
57 lines
2.0 KiB
Index: vim-9.1.0330/runtime/filetype.vim
--- vim-9.1.0330.orig/runtime/filetype.vim
+++ vim-9.1.0330/runtime/filetype.vim
@@ -2313,6 +2313,10 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.stp setf stp
" Standard ML
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sml setf sml
+" FreeMarker templates
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ftl setf ftl
" Sratus VOS command macro
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cm setf voscm
Index: vim-9.1.0330/runtime/syntax/ftl.vim
--- /dev/null
+++ vim-9.1.0330/runtime/syntax/ftl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: FreeMarker Template Language (FTL)
+" Maintainer: Stephan Müller <stephan@chaquotay.net>
+" Last Change: 2003 Oct 7
+syn case match
+" directives and interpolations
+syn region ftlStartDirective start=+<#+ end=+>+ contains=ftlKeyword, ftlDirective, ftlString, ftlComment
+syn region ftlEndDirective start=+</#+ end=+>+ contains=ftlDirective
+syn region ftlStartUserDirective start=+<@+ end=+>+ contains=ftlString, ftlComment
+syn region ftlEndUserDirective start=+</@+ end=+>+
+syn region ftlInterpolation start=+${+ end=+}+
+syn region ftlInterpolation2 start=+#{+ end=+}+
+syn region ftlString contained start=+"+ end=+"+
+syn region ftlComment start=+<#--+ end=+-->+
+" keywords
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained list if else macro import include switch case break
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained assign local global nested recurse fallback visit
+syn keyword ftlDirective contained function return t rt lt nt ftl
+syn keyword ftlKeyword contained as in using
+" highlighting
+highlight link ftlKeyword Statement
+highlight link ftlDirective Statement
+highlight link ftlStartDirective Function
+highlight link ftlEndDirective Function
+highlight link ftlStartUserDirective Function
+highlight link ftlEndUserDirective Function
+highlight link ftlInterpolation Constant
+highlight link ftlInterpolation2 Constant
+highlight link ftlString Constant
+highlight link ftlComment Comment