Subject: virtinst: compare host and domain cpu models
From: Charles Arnold Wed Mar 28 13:45:30 2018 -0600
Date: Tue Apr 3 10:57:49 2018 -0400:
Git: fd6a8154408fb462e5437dc920afe4d80da3c1f8

Lookup the domain capabilities CPU model and compare with
the host capabilities CPU model and if they are not equal
set the guest's CPU model to None.

(crobinso: compare against 'custom' list not 'host-model', move
 to separate function)

Index: virt-manager-1.5.0/tests/cli-test-xml/compare/virt-install-boot-uefi.xml
--- virt-manager-1.5.0.orig/tests/cli-test-xml/compare/virt-install-boot-uefi.xml
+++ virt-manager-1.5.0/tests/cli-test-xml/compare/virt-install-boot-uefi.xml
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
     <smm state="on"/>
     <vmport state="off"/>
-  <cpu mode="custom" match="exact">
-    <model>Opteron_G4</model>
-  </cpu>
+  <cpu mode="custom" match="exact"/>
   <clock offset="utc">
     <timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="catchup"/>
     <timer name="pit" tickpolicy="delay"/>
Index: virt-manager-1.5.0/virtinst/
--- virt-manager-1.5.0.orig/virtinst/
+++ virt-manager-1.5.0/virtinst/
@@ -880,6 +880,33 @@ class Guest(XMLBuilder):
                 self.emulator = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
+    def _set_cpu_x86_kvm_default(self):
+        if self.os.arch !=
+            return
+        self.cpu.set_special_mode(self.x86_cpu_default)
+        if self.x86_cpu_default != self.cpu.SPECIAL_MODE_HOST_MODEL_ONLY:
+            return
+        if not self.cpu.model:
+            return
+        # It's possible that the value HOST_MODEL_ONLY gets from
+        # <capabilities> is not actually supported by qemu/kvm
+        # combo which will be reported in <domainCapabilities>
+        domcaps = DomainCapabilities.build_from_guest(self)
+        domcaps_mode = domcaps.cpu.get_mode("custom")
+        if not domcaps_mode:
+            return
+        cpu_model = domcaps_mode.get_model(self.cpu.model)
+        if cpu_model and cpu_model.usable:
+            return
+        logging.debug("Host capabilities CPU '%s' is not supported "
+            "according to domain capabilities. Unsetting CPU model",
+            self.cpu.model)
+        self.cpu.model = None
     def _set_cpu_defaults(self):
@@ -898,14 +925,11 @@ class Guest(XMLBuilder):
             self.cpu.model = "cortex-a57"
         elif self.os.is_x86() and self.type == "kvm":
-            if self.os.arch !=
-                return
+            self._set_cpu_x86_kvm_default()
-            self.cpu.set_special_mode(self.x86_cpu_default)
             if self._os_object.broken_x2apic():
                 self.cpu.add_feature("x2apic", policy="disable")
     def _hyperv_supported(self):
         if (self.os.loader_type == "pflash" and
             self.os_variant in ("win2k8r2", "win7")):