Thu July 19 15:24:39 UTC 2023 - Larry Rainey <> - VirtualBox 7.0.10 (released July 18 2023) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: OCI: Introduced general improvements VMM: Fixed a bug while walking page tables while executing nested VMs causing flooding of the release log as a consequence (Intel hosts only, bug #21551) GUI: Added general improvements TPM: Fixed a crash when a VM has a TPM version 1.2 configured (bug #21622) 3D: Initial support for OpenGL 4.1 3D: Fixed various graphics issues with Windows 11 guests (bugs #21136, #21515) Guest Control/VBoxManage: Fixed parameter "--ignore-orphaned-processes" Guest Control/VBoxManage: Fixed behavior of how handling argument 0 for a started guest process works: One can now explicitly specify it with the newly added option "--arg0". This will effectively restore the behavior of former VirtualBox versions Audio: Also use the PulseAudio backend when pipewire-pulse is running instead of falling back to ALSA (bug #21575) NAT: Adjusted UDP proxy timeout from 18-21 to 21-24 range to respect intended 20 second timeout (bug #21560) Linux Host: Added initial support for Indirect Branch Tracking (bug #21435) Linux Host: Added initial support for kernel 6.5 (NOTE: Guest Additions do not support kernel 6.5 yet) Linux Host and Guest: Improved condition check when kernel modules need to be signed Linux Host and Guest: Added initial support for RHEL 8.8 (bug #21692), 8.9 (bug #21690) and 9.3 (bugs #21598 and #21671) kernels Linux Guest Additions: Fixed issue when kernel modules were rebuilt on each boot when guest system has no X11 installed Linux Guest Additions: Added initial support for kernel 6.4 Linux Guest Additions: Fixed issue when vboxvideo module reloading caused kernel panic in some guests (bug #21740) Linux Guest Additions: Introduced general improvements in the installer area Windows Guest Additions: Introduced general improvements in graphics drivers area removed "fixes_for_kernel_6.4.patch" as this is fixed upstream Fix issue with kernel on newer CPU (boo#1212209) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
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Index: VirtualBox-7.0.10/src/VBox/Main/Makefile.kmk
--- VirtualBox-7.0.10.orig/src/VBox/Main/Makefile.kmk
+++ VirtualBox-7.0.10/src/VBox/Main/Makefile.kmk
@@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@ $(VBoxAPIWrap_0_OUTDIR)/VBoxAPI.d.ts \
--stringparam generating "dtrace-probes" \
- $(QUIET)$(SED) -e '' -o "$@.tmp" \
+ $(QUIET)$(SED) -e '' --output "$@.tmp" \
"$(VBOX_PATH_MAIN_SRC)/src-all/VBoxAPI-start$(if-expr "$(VBOX_HOST_DTRACE_VERSION)" == "dtrace: Sun D 1.6.2",-alternative,).d" \
"$@" \
"$(VBOX_PATH_MAIN_SRC)/src-all/VBoxAPI-end$(if-expr "$(VBOX_HOST_DTRACE_VERSION)" == "dtrace: Sun D 1.6.2",-alternative,).d"
Index: VirtualBox-7.0.10/src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk
--- VirtualBox-7.0.10.orig/src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk
+++ VirtualBox-7.0.10/src/VBox/Devices/Makefile.kmk
@@ -989,8 +989,7 @@ if !defined(VBOX_ONLY_EXTPACKS) && "$(in
$(call MSG_TOOL,iasl,VBoxDD,$<,$@)
$(QUIET)$(RM) -f $@ $@.tmp $@.pre
$(QUIET)$(TOOL_$(VBOX_GCC_TOOL)_CC) -E -P -x c -o $@.pre $<
- $(QUIET)$(SED) -e "s/<NL>/\n/g" \
- --output $@.pre1 $@.pre
+ $(QUIET)$(SED) -e "s/<NL>/\n/g" $@.pre > $@.pre1
$(QUIET)$(VBOX_IASLCMD) -tc -vs -p $@ $@.pre1
$(QUIET)$(MV) -f $@ $@.tmp
$(QUIET)$(SED) -e "s/AmlCode\|vboxssdt_cpuhotplug_aml_code/AmlCodeSsdtCpuHotPlug/g" \