[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=vym Name=VYM - View Your Mind Name[de]=VYM - View Your Mind Name[zh_TW]=心智檢視 GenericName=Planning and Brainstorming Tool Icon=vym.png MimeType=application/x-vym; Comment=Planning and brainstorming Comment[af]=View Your Mind (Besigitig jou verstand) Comment[sq]=View Your Mind (Shfaq Mendjen Tënde) Comment[ast]=View Your Mind (Ve la to miente) Comment[bn]=View Your Mind (আপনার উদ্দেশ্য প্রদর্শন করুন) Comment[bs]=View Your Mind (Pogledajte svoje misli) Comment[ca@valencia]=View Your Mind (Visualitzeu la vostra ment) Comment[ca]=View Your Mind (Visualitzeu la vostra ment) Comment[zh_CN]=View Your Mind (浏览您的思维) Comment[da]=View Your Mind (Vis dit sind) Comment[et]=View Your Mind (Vaata oma mõtteid) Comment[fi]=View Your Mind (Näytä mielesi) Comment[fr]=View Your Mind (Cartographier vos idées) Comment[gl]=View Your Mind (Vexa a súa mente) Comment[ky]=View Your Mind (Акылыңды иштетип көр) Comment[oc]=View Your Mind (Cartografiar vòstras idèas) Comment[pl]=View Your Mind (Uzewnętrznia myśli) Comment[ro]=View Your Mind (Hărți mentale) Comment[ru]=View Your Mind (Просмотр ваших мыслей) Comment[sl]=View Your Mind (Oglejte si svoje misli) Comment[es]=View Your Mind (Vea su mente) Comment[vi]=View Your Mind (Xem tư duy của bạn) Comment[zh_TW]=VYM 腦力激盪工具 X-AppInstall-Package=vym X-AppInstall-Popcon=430 X-AppInstall-Section=universe X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=app-install-data Categories=Qt;KDE;Office;