Display Manager Scriptlets HOWTO ================================ To keep display manager specific code out of the generic start script (/etc/init.d/xdm) as much as possible display managers should provide a script file that provides anything specific to this dm. At minimum the script file needs to provide: here <DM> denotes the name of the file. This should be the same as the pid file generated by the display manager - without the .pid extent. # this function matches the command line argument. If it finds a match it initializes any dm specific variables and returns 0 (success) otherwise it returns 1 (fail). At minimum it needs to set the full path the the display manager binary. It may set STARTPROC to a function that gets run prior to starting a dm, RELOADPROC to a function that's run to reload the DM configuration, PROBEPROC to a function that's run when the DM status is probed. Any those functions should return 0 on success or any other value on failure. Additionally it may initialize any other variables needed by the DM. <DM>_vars() { case $1 in <thisdm>) DISPLAYMANAGER=/usr/bin/<thisdm> STARTPROC=<DM>_start # optional RELOADPROC=<DM>_reload # optional PROBEPROC=<DM>_probe # optional .... }