908 lines
34 KiB
908 lines
34 KiB
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/.pkgextract
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/.pkgextract
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(cd ../; tar xkfI xemacs-21.4.3-info.tar.bz2)
+rm -f mule-packages
+rm -f xemacs-packages
+tar xkfI ../xemacs-mule-sumo-2001-04-08.tar.bz2
+rm -f lib-src/pstogif
+tar xkfI ../xemacs-sumo-2001-04-08.tar.bz2
+patch -p0 -s --suffix=.vm < ../xemacs-sumo-2000-01-24-vm.patch
+patch -p0 -s --suffix=.ilisp < ../xemacs-sumo-2000-09-04-ilisp.patch
+patch -p0 -s --suffix=.ispell < ../xemacs-sumo-2000-09-04-ispell.patch
+patch -p0 -s --suffix=.mc < ../xemacs-sumo-2000-09-04-mc.patch
+patch -p0 -s --suffix=.conf < ../xemacs-21.4.3-autoconf.patch
+find lisp/ etc/ -name '*.elc' | xargs -r rm -f
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/gnuclient.c
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lib-src/gnuclient.c
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/gnuclient.c
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ filename_expand (char *fullpath, char *f
/* Encase the string in quotes, escape all the backslashes and quotes
in string. */
static char *
-clean_string (const char *s)
+clean_string (char *s)
int i = 0;
char *p, *res;
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/mmencode.c
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lib-src/mmencode.c
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/mmencode.c
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
static void
output64chunk(int c1, int c2, int c3, int pads, FILE *outfile);
@@ -430,6 +435,32 @@ fromqp(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, char
+/* not safe on nfs filesystems, but this is close */
+safeopen(char *filename, char *mode)
+#ifdef MSDOS
+ return fopen(filename, mode);
+ int fd;
+ int flags;
+ if(mode[0] == 'w') {
+ flags = O_EXCL | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY;
+ fd = open(filename, flags, 00666);
+ }
+ else {
+ flags = O_RDONLY;
+ fd = open(filename, flags);
+ }
+ if(fd == -1) {
+ return (FILE *)0;
+ }
+ return fdopen(fd, mode);
Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int encode = 1, which = BASE64, i, portablenewlines = 0;
+ struct stat fpstat;
FILE *fp = stdin;
FILE *fpo = stdout;
@@ -467,7 +499,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stderr, "mimencode: -o requires a file name.\n");
- fpo = fopen(argv[i], "w");
+ fpo = safeopen(argv[i], "w");
if (!fpo) {
@@ -500,7 +532,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
setmode(fileno(fpo), O_BINARY);
} /* else */
- fp = fopen(argv[i], "r");
+ fp = safeopen(argv[i], "r");
#endif /* WIN32_NATIVE */
if (!fp) {
@@ -510,6 +542,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef WIN32_NATIVE
if (fp == stdin) setmode(fileno(fp), O_BINARY);
+ if(fstat(fileno(fp), &fpstat) == -1) {
+ perror("fstat");
+ exit(3);
+ }
+ fchmod(fileno(fpo), fpstat.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO));
#endif /* WIN32_NATIVE */
if (which == BASE64) {
if (encode) {
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/pop.c
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lib-src/pop.c
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/pop.c
@@ -129,16 +129,20 @@ static char *find_crlf (char *, int);
#define POP_PORT 110
#define KPOP_PORT 1109
#if defined(WIN32_NATIVE) || defined(CYGWIN)
-#define POP_SERVICE "pop3" /* we don't want the POP2 port! */
+# define POP_SERVICE "pop3" /* we don't want the POP2 port! */
-#define POP_SERVICE "pop"
+# ifdef linux
+# define POP_SERVICE "pop3"
+# else
+# define POP_SERVICE "pop"
+# endif
-#ifdef KRB5
-#define KPOP_SERVICE "k5pop"
-#define KPOP_SERVICE "kpop"
+# ifdef KRB5
+# define KPOP_SERVICE "k5pop"
+# else
+# define KPOP_SERVICE "kpop"
+# endif
char pop_error[ERROR_MAX];
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/vcdiff
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lib-src/vcdiff
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lib-src/vcdiff
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@ case $# in
-rev1= rev2= status=0
+if ! type -p mktemp > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ echo "$0: can not create temporary files." 1>&2
+ exit 1
trap 'status=2; exit' 1 2 13 15
trap 'rm -f $rev1 $rev2 || status=2; exit $status' 0
@@ -86,14 +89,14 @@ do
case $f in
s.* | */s.*)
- rev1=`mktemp /tmp/geta.XXXXXXXX`
+ rev1=`mktemp /tmp/geta.XXXXXXXX` || exit 1
sccs get -s -p -k $sid1 "$f" > $rev1 &&
case $sid2 in
workfile=`expr " /$f" : '.*/s.\(.*\)'`
- rev2=`mktemp /tmp/getb.XXXXXXXX`
+ rev2=`mktemp /tmp/getb.XXXXXXXX` || exit 1
sccs get -s -p -k $sid2 "$f" > $rev2
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/default.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/default.el
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+;(require 'tex-site)
+(setq-default TeX-master nil)
+; Users private libaries
+; (setq TeX-macro-private '("~/lib/tex-lib/"))
+; AUC-TeX-Macros
+; (setq TeX-style-private "~/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/style/")
+; Autom. Auc-TeX-Macros
+; (setq TeX-auto-private "~/lib/xemacs/site-lisp/auctex/auto/")
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/dumped-lisp.el
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lisp/dumped-lisp.el
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/dumped-lisp.el
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ in dumped-lisp.el and is not itself list
"cl-extra" ; also loads cl-macs if we're running interpreted.
+ "cl-macs" ; Avoid autoloading of kernel functions
"custom" ; Before the world so everything can be customized
@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ in dumped-lisp.el and is not itself list
;; "sun-eos-debugger-extra"
;; "sun-eos-menubar"))
"loaddefs" ; <=== autoloads get loaded here
+ "disp-table"
(setq preloaded-file-list
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/find-paths.el
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lisp/find-paths.el
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/find-paths.el
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ DEFAULT is the preferred value."
(defun construct-emacs-version-name ()
"Construct a string from the raw XEmacs version number."
- (concat emacs-program-name "-" emacs-program-version))
+ (concat emacs-program-name "/" emacs-program-version))
(defun paths-directories-which-exist (directories)
"Return the directories among DIRECTORIES.
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/mule/cyrillic.el
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lisp/mule/cyrillic.el
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/mule/cyrillic.el
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@
;; converted to ISO8859-5 internally.
;;; Code:
+ (setq max-lisp-eval-depth (+ 800 max-lisp-eval-depth))
+ (setq max-specpdl-size (+ 2000 max-specpdl-size)))
;; Case table:
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/site-init.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/site-init.el
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;; xemacs-21.1.14/lisp/site-init.el
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
+;; CONFIGURATION see source code
+(setq gnus-default-nntp-server "news")
+(setq w3-directory (concat lisp-directory "w3"))
+(setq progress-feedback-use-echo-area t) ;; boo#905625 and bsc#902003
+;;; site-init.el ends here
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/x-win-xfree86.el
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/lisp/x-win-xfree86.el
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/lisp/x-win-xfree86.el
@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@
;; define also the control, meta, and meta-control versions.
(loop for mods in '(() (control) (meta) (meta control)) do
(define-key function-key-map `[(,@mods ,key)]
- `[(shift ,@mods ,sane-key)])))))
+ `[(shift ,@mods ,sane-key)]))))
+;; Begin insert
+;; <werner@suse.de> set Symbol delete == [delete] to delete-char
+ (load "term/func-keys" t t)
+;; End insert
;;; x-win-xfree86.el ends here
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/func-keys.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/func-keys.el
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;;; term/func-keys.el for site-lisp path in xemacs-21.4.12
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996-2003 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, No warranty of any kind
+;; num block
+;; kp-f1 .. kp-f4 and kp-tab not found on MF-102
+ (global-set-key [(kp-f1)] esc-map) ; Escape
+ (global-set-key [(kp-f2)] 'undo) ; Undo
+ (global-set-key [(kp-f3)] 'isearch-forward) ; Search
+ (global-set-key [(kp-f4)] 'kill-line) ; Kill-Line
+ (global-set-key [(kp-tab)] 'indent-for-tab-command)
+ (global-set-key [(kp-0)] "0") ; 0
+ (global-set-key [(kp-1)] "1") ; 1
+ (global-set-key [(kp-2)] "2") ; 2
+ (global-set-key [(kp-3)] "3") ; 3
+ (global-set-key [(kp-4)] "4") ; 4
+ (global-set-key [(kp-5)] "5") ; 5
+ (global-set-key [(kp-6)] "6") ; 6
+ (global-set-key [(kp-7)] "7") ; 7
+ (global-set-key [(kp-8)] "8") ; 8
+ (global-set-key [(kp-9)] "9") ; 9
+ (global-set-key [(kp-multiply)] "*") ; `+'
+ (global-set-key [(kp-add)] "+") ; `+'
+ (global-set-key [(kp-divide)] "/") ; `/'
+;; german fault:
+(defvar lang-environment "en_us"
+ "The value of the environment variable \"LANG\"
+used to set appropriate keypad. Default value is \"en_us\".
+If \"LANG\" is set to \"de\" or some other aliases
+(see /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/) the keypad decimal is
+chosen to \",\".
+ Your SuSE-Team")
+(let ((lang (getenv "LANG")))
+ (if (null lang)
+ (setq lang-environment "en_us")
+ (setq lang-environment lang)))
+; (if (string-match "^\\(de$\\|de_\\|GER_DE\\|german\\)" lang-environment)
+; (progn
+; (global-set-key [(kp-decimal)] ",") ; `,' german decimal
+; (global-set-key [(kp-separator)] ".")) ; `.' german separator
+; (global-set-key [(kp-decimal)] ".")
+; (global-set-key [(kp-separator)] ","))
+ (global-set-key [(kp-decimal)] ".")
+ (global-set-key [(kp-separator)] ",")
+ (global-set-key [(kp-subtract)] "-") ; `-'
+ (global-set-key [(kp-enter)] 'newline) ; Linefeed
+ (global-set-key [(kp-home)] 'beginning-of-line) ; home
+ (global-set-key [(kp-up)] 'previous-line) ; up
+ (global-set-key [(kp-prior)] 'scroll-down) ; ppg
+ (global-set-key [(kp-left)] 'backward-char) ; left
+ (global-set-key [(kp-begin)] 'beginning-of-line) ; first
+ (global-set-key [(kp-right)] 'forward-char) ; right
+ (global-set-key [(kp-end)] 'end-of-line) ; end
+ (global-set-key [(kp-down)] 'next-line) ; down
+ (global-set-key [(kp-next)] 'scroll-up) ; npg
+ (global-set-key [(kp-insert)] 'overwrite-mode) ; insert/ovwrt
+;; Backspace, Delete and any thing else
+(if (not (eq 'x (console-type)))
+ nil
+ ;;
+ ;; Overriding the BS/DEL/KP_DEL mapping for Xemacs-20.4:
+ ;; ... Hey they have done a good job: DEL and BS
+ ;; now are distinct.
+ ;;
+ (global-unset-key 'kp-delete)
+ (local-unset-key 'kp-delete)
+ ;;
+ ;; What will be inserted `on quoted-insert'
+ ;;(remprop 'delete 'ascii-character)
+ ;;(remprop 'backspace 'ascii-character)
+ ;;(put 'backspace 'ascii-character 127)
+ ;;
+; (load "delbs" t t)
+ (load "x-compose" t t)
+ ;;
+ ;; Set the keyboard macro [(kp-delete)]
+ ;; to the same action as for [(delete-char)]
+ ;;
+ (global-set-key [(kp-delete)] 'backward-or-forward-delete-char)
+ (local-set-key [(kp-delete)] 'backward-or-forward-delete-char)
+ ;;
+ ;; Switch DEL/KP_DEL to delete-char
+ ;;
+ (setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)
+;; Most new users like this, but common emacs users?
+(global-set-key [(home)] 'beginning-of-line)
+(global-set-key [(control home)] 'beginning-of-buffer)
+(global-set-key [(end)] 'end-of-line)
+(global-set-key [(control end)] 'end-of-buffer)
+;; End of func-keys.el
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/gnome.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/gnome.el
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+;;; term/gnome.el for site-lisp path in xemacs-21.1.7
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, No warranty of any kind
+; (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(find)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[2~" [(insertchar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[3~" [(deletechar)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(select)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[5~" [(prior)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[6~" [(next)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOP" [(f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOQ" [(f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOR" [(f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOS" [(f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[15~" [(f5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[17~" [(f6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[18~" [(f7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[19~" [(f8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[20~" [(f9)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[21~" [(f10)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[23~" [(f11)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[24~" [(f12)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[25~" [(f13)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[26~" [(f14)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[28~" [(help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[29~" [(menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[28~" [(meta help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[29~" [(meta menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[31~" [(f17)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[32~" [(f18)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[33~" [(f19)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[34~" [(f20)])
+;; num block
+;; [(home)] and [(end)] found in num block
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(end)])
+;; Locked num block
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOI" [(kp-tab)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOj" [(kp-multiply)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOk" [(kp-add)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOl" [(kp-separator)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOM" [(kp-enter)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOm" [(kp-subtract)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-decimal)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-period)]) ; [kp-decimal]
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOo" [(kp-divide)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOp" [(kp-0)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOq" [(kp-1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOr" [(kp-2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOs" [(kp-3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOt" [(kp-4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOu" [(kp-5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOv" [(kp-6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOw" [(kp-7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOx" [(kp-8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOy" [(kp-9)])
+;; Undefine some ESC ESC behavior --- for later use
+ (global-unset-key "\e\e")
+ (define-key esc-map "\e" nil)
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOD" [(left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOC" [(right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOA" [(up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOB" [(down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOD" [(meta left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOC" [(meta right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOA" [(meta up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOB" [(meta down)])
+;; Not in Use?
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOD" [(control left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOC" [(control right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOA" [(control up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOB" [(control down)])
+;; Backspace, Delete and any thing else
+ (global-unset-key [(insertchar)])
+ (global-set-key [(insertchar)] 'overwrite-mode)
+ (global-unset-key [(deletechar)])
+ (global-set-key [(deletechar)] 'delete-char)
+(load "term/func-keys" nil t)
+;; Ende von gnome.el
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/kvt.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/kvt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+;;; term/kvt.el for site-lisp path in xemacs-21.1.7
+;;; Copyright (c) 2000 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, No warranty of any kind
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(find)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[2~" [(insertchar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[3~" [(deletechar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(select)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[5~" [(prior)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[6~" [(next)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[11~" [(f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[12~" [(f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[13~" [(f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[14~" [(f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[15~" [(f5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[17~" [(f6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[18~" [(f7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[19~" [(f8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[20~" [(f9)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[21~" [(f10)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[23~" [(f11)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[24~" [(f12)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[25~" [(f13)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[26~" [(f14)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[28~" [(help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[29~" [(menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[28~" [(meta help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[29~" [(meta menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[31~" [(f17)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[32~" [(f18)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[33~" [(f19)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[34~" [(f20)])
+;; num block
+;; [(home)] and [(end)] found in num block
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+;; Locked num block
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOP" [(kp-f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOQ" [(kp-f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOR" [(kp-f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOS" [(kp-f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOI" [(kp-tab)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOj" [(kp-multiply)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOk" [(kp-add)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOl" [(kp-separator)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOM" [(kp-enter)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOm" [(kp-subtract)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-decimal)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-period)]) ; [kp-decimal]
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOo" [(kp-divide)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOp" [(kp-0)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOq" [(kp-1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOr" [(kp-2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOs" [(kp-3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOt" [(kp-4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOu" [(kp-5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOv" [(kp-6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOw" [(kp-7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOx" [(kp-8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOy" [(kp-9)])
+;; Undefine some ESC ESC behavior --- for later use
+ (global-unset-key "\e\e")
+ (define-key esc-map "\e" nil)
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOD" [(left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOC" [(right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOA" [(up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOB" [(down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOD" [(meta left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOC" [(meta right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOA" [(meta up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOB" [(meta down)])
+;; Not in Use?
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOD" [(control left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOC" [(control right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOA" [(control up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOB" [(control down)])
+;; Backspace, Delete and any thing else
+ (global-unset-key [(insertchar)])
+ (global-set-key [(insertchar)] 'overwrite-mode)
+ (global-unset-key [(deletechar)])
+ (global-set-key [(deletechar)] 'delete-char)
+(load "term/func-keys" nil t)
+;; Ende von kvt.el
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/linux.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/linux.el
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+;;; term/linux.el for site-lisp path in xemacs-21.1.7
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, No warranty of any kind
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[2~" [(insertchar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[3~" [(deletechar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[5~" [(prior)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[6~" [(next)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[[A" [(f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[[B" [(f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[[C" [(f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[[D" [(f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[[E" [(f5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[17~" [(f6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[18~" [(f7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[19~" [(f8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[20~" [(f9)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[21~" [(f10)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[23~" [(f11)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[24~" [(f12)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[25~" [(f13)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[26~" [(f14)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[28~" [(help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[29~" [(menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[28~" [(meta help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[29~" [(meta menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[31~" [(f17)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[32~" [(f18)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[33~" [(f19)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[34~" [(f20)])
+;; Not in Use?
+;; ----------------------------------
+;; Console-Setting for Linux ???
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[H" [(meta up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[Y" [(meta down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[M" [(menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[M" [(meta menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[P" [(pause)])
+;; num block
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[G" [(begin)])
+;; Locked num block Nothing to do :-)
+;; Undefine some ESC ESC behavior --- for later use
+ (global-unset-key "\e\e")
+ (define-key esc-map "\e" nil)
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[D" [(left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[C" [(right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[A" [(up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[B" [(down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\e[D" [(meta left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\e[C" [(meta right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\e[A" [(meta up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\e[B" [(meta down)])
+;; Not in Use?
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\e[D" [(control left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\e[C" [(control right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\e[A" [(control up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\e[B" [(control down)])
+;; Backspace, Delete and any thing else
+ (global-unset-key [(insertchar)])
+ (global-set-key [(insertchar)] 'overwrite-mode)
+ (global-unset-key [(deletechar)])
+ (global-set-key [(deletechar)] 'delete-char)
+(load "term/func-keys" nil t)
+;; Ende von linux.el
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/xterm.el
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/site-packages/lisp/term/xterm.el
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+;;; term/xterm.el for site-lisp path in xemacs-21.1.7
+;;; Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE Gmbh Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved.
+;;; Author: Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>, No warranty of any kind
+;; MF-102: on linux console \033[1~ is not [(find)] but [(home)]
+;; in xterm [(home)] is \033[H (app-keypad off) or \033OH (app-keypad on)
+;; and [(find)] is \033[1~
+;; Note: this must be consistent with app-defaults of xterm,
+;; terminfo/termcap, and all of inputrc, csh.cshrc, exrc
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[1~" [(find)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[H" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[2~" [(insertchar)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[3~" [(deletechar)])
+;; MF-102: on linux console \033[4~ is not [(select)] but [(end)]
+;; in xterm [(end] should be \033[F (app-keypad off) or \033OF (app-keypad on)
+;; and [(select)] is \033[4~
+;; Note: this must be consistent with app-defaults of xterm,
+;; terminfo/termcap, and all of inputrc, csh.cshrc, exrc
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[4~" [(select)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[F" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[5~" [(prior)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[6~" [(next)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[11~" [(f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[12~" [(f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[13~" [(f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[14~" [(f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOP" [(f1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOQ" [(f2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOR" [(f3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOS" [(f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[15~" [(f5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[17~" [(f6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[18~" [(f7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[19~" [(f8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[20~" [(f9)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[21~" [(f10)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[23~" [(f11)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[24~" [(f12)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[25~" [(f13)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[26~" [(f14)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[28~" [(help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[29~" [(menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[28~" [(meta help)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e?\e[29~" [(meta menu)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[31~" [(f17)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[32~" [(f18)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[33~" [(f19)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e[34~" [(f20)])
+;; num block
+;; [(home)] and [(end)] found in num block
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOH" [(home)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOF" [(end)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOE" [(begin)])
+;; Locked num block
+;; kp-f1 .. kp-f4 and kp-tab not found on MF-102
+;; For xterm on xfree we use f1 .. f4, see above
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOP" [(kp-f1)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOQ" [(kp-f2)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOR" [(kp-f3)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOS" [(kp-f4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOI" [(kp-tab)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOj" [(kp-multiply)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOk" [(kp-add)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOl" [(kp-separator)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOM" [(kp-enter)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOm" [(kp-subtract)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-decimal)])
+; (define-key function-key-map "\eOn" [(kp-period)]) ; [kp-decimal]
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOo" [(kp-divide)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOp" [(kp-0)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOq" [(kp-1)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOr" [(kp-2)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOs" [(kp-3)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOt" [(kp-4)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOu" [(kp-5)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOv" [(kp-6)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOw" [(kp-7)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOx" [(kp-8)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOy" [(kp-9)])
+;; Undefine some ESC ESC behavior --- for later use
+ (global-unset-key "\e\e")
+ (define-key esc-map "\e" nil)
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOD" [(left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOC" [(right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOA" [(up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eOB" [(down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOD" [(meta left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOC" [(meta right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOA" [(meta up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\e\eOB" [(meta down)])
+;; Not in Use?
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOD" [(control left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOC" [(control right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOA" [(control up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\C-?\eOB" [(control down)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eO5D" [(control left)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eO5C" [(control right)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eO5A" [(control up)])
+ (define-key function-key-map "\eO5B" [(control down)])
+;; Backspace, Delete and any thing else
+ (global-unset-key [(insertchar)])
+ (global-set-key [(insertchar)] 'overwrite-mode)
+ (global-unset-key [(deletechar)])
+ (global-set-key [(deletechar)] 'delete-char)
+(load "term/func-keys" nil t)
+;; Ende von xterm.el
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/src/Makefile.in.in
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/src/Makefile.in.in
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/src/Makefile.in.in
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ $(RAW_EXE): $(link_deps) $(DUMP_ID)
else \
$(CC) -c $(cflags) -DMAX_SIZE=0 $(SRC)/dump-data.c ;\
- $(LD) $(start_flags) $(ldflags) -o $@ $(start_files) $(objs) $(otherobjs) $(DUMP_ID) dump-data.o $(LIBES)
+ $(LD) $(start_flags) -Wl,-rpath-link,/usr/X11R6/lib $(ldflags) -o $@ $(start_files) $(objs) $(otherobjs) $(DUMP_ID) dump-data.o $(LIBES)
## (3) Update the .elc's needed for dumping
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ $(LIB_SRC)/DOC: $(LIB_SRC)/make-docfile
$(TEMACS_BATCH) -l $(LISP)/make-docfile.el -- \
-o $(LIB_SRC)/DOC -d $(SRC) -i $(LIB_SRC)/../site-packages \
$(obj_src) $(mallocdocsrc) $(rallocdocsrc) \
- $(extra_doc_files) ; fi
+ $(extra_doc_files) ${lispdir}disp-table.elc ; fi
## (5) Dump
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/src/print.c
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/src/print.c
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/src/print.c
@@ -1104,6 +1104,40 @@ float_to_string (char *buf, double data)
Ibyte *cp, c;
int width;
+ /* Check for plus infinity in a way that won't lose
+ if there is no plus infinity. */
+ if (data == data / 2 && data > 1.0)
+ {
+ strcpy (buf, "1.0e+INF");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Likewise for minus infinity. */
+ if (data == data / 2 && data < -1.0)
+ {
+ strcpy (buf, "-1.0e+INF");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Check for NaN in a way that won't fail if there are no NaNs. */
+ if (! (data * 0.0 >= 0.0))
+ {
+ /* Prepend "-" if the NaN's sign bit is negative.
+ The sign bit of a double is the bit that is 1 in -0.0. */
+ int i;
+ double zero = 0.0;
+ union { double d; char c[sizeof (double)]; } u_data, u_minus_zero;
+ u_data.d = data;
+ u_minus_zero.d = - zero;
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof (double); i++)
+ if (u_data.c[i] & u_minus_zero.c[i])
+ {
+ *buf++ = '-';
+ break;
+ }
+ strcpy (buf, "0.0e+NaN");
+ return;
+ }
if (NILP (Vfloat_output_format)
|| !STRINGP (Vfloat_output_format))
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/src/regex.c
--- xemacs-21.5.29.orig/src/regex.c
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/src/regex.c
@@ -1154,6 +1154,9 @@ print_double_string (re_char *where, re_
syntax, so it can be changed between regex compilations. */
/* This has no initializer because initialized variables in Emacs
become read-only after dumping. */
+#ifdef __linux__ /* libc and glibc including this */
reg_syntax_t re_syntax_options;
Index: xemacs-21.5.29/suse/README.SUSE
--- /dev/null
+++ xemacs-21.5.29/suse/README.SUSE
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ XEmacs-21.5.34
+ * Sie finden eine Referenz-Karte im Verzeichnis etc/
+ in der Datei refcard.ps, die Sie ausdrucken können.
+ * Weitere Hilfe zum XEmacs findet sich ebenfalls unter etc/
+ und natürlich auch Online im Editor selbst im Help-Menü.
+ * You find a reference card refcard.ps in the directory etc/
+ which can be printed.
+ * More help for XEmacs will can be found in etc/ and
+ clearly online in the menu help