Subject: xenpaging: populate paged-out pages unconditionally

Populate a page unconditionally to avoid missing a page-in request.
If the page is already in the process of being paged-in, the this vcpu
will be stopped and later resumed once the page content is usable again.

This matches other p2m_mem_paging_populate usage in the source tree.

(xen-unstable changeset:   22437:9a9bcf399856)

Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <>

 xen/common/grant_table.c |    3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

Index: xen-4.0.2-testing/xen/common/grant_table.c
--- xen-4.0.2-testing.orig/xen/common/grant_table.c
+++ xen-4.0.2-testing/xen/common/grant_table.c
@@ -156,8 +156,7 @@ static int __get_paged_frame(unsigned lo
         *frame = mfn_x(mfn);
         if ( p2m_is_paging(p2mt) )
-            if ( p2m_is_paged(p2mt) )
-                p2m_mem_paging_populate(rd, gfn);
+            p2m_mem_paging_populate(rd, gfn);
             rc = GNTST_eagain;