Index: xen-4.1.1-testing/tools/ioemu-qemu-xen/xenstore.c
--- xen-4.1.1-testing.orig/tools/ioemu-qemu-xen/xenstore.c
+++ xen-4.1.1-testing/tools/ioemu-qemu-xen/xenstore.c
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ void xenstore_parse_domain_config(int hv
     char *buf = NULL;
     char *fpath = NULL, *bpath = NULL, *btype = NULL,
         *dev = NULL, *params = NULL, *drv = NULL;
-    int i, ret, is_tap;
+    int i, j, ret, is_tap;
     unsigned int len, num, hd_index, pci_devid = 0;
     BlockDriverState *bs;
     BlockDriver *format;
@@ -533,12 +533,7 @@ void xenstore_parse_domain_config(int hv
         danger_type = xs_read(xsh, XBT_NULL, danger_buf, &len);
-        if (pasprintf(&buf, "%s/params", bpath) == -1)
-            continue;
-        free(params);
-        params = xs_read(xsh, XBT_NULL, buf, &len);
-        if (params == NULL)
-            continue;
         /* read the name of the device */
         if (pasprintf(&buf, "%s/type", bpath) == -1)
@@ -546,6 +541,35 @@ void xenstore_parse_domain_config(int hv
         drv = xs_read(xsh, XBT_NULL, buf, &len);
         if (drv == NULL)
+        free(params);
+        if (!strcmp(drv,"iscsi") || !strcmp(drv, "npiv") ||
+            !strcmp(drv,"dmmd")) {
+          if (pasprintf(&buf, "%s/node", bpath) == -1)
+             continue;
+          /* wait for block-[iscsi|npiv|dmmd] script to complete and populate the
+           * node entry.  try 30 times (30 secs) */
+          for (j = 0; j < 30; j++) {
+            params = xs_read(xsh, XBT_NULL, buf, &len);
+            if (params != NULL)
+               break;
+	    sleep(1);
+          }
+          if (params == NULL) {
+             fprintf(stderr, "qemu: %s device not found -- timed out \n", drv);
+            continue;
+          }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          if (pasprintf(&buf, "%s/params", bpath) == -1)
+              continue;
+           params = xs_read(xsh, XBT_NULL, buf, &len);
+           if (params == NULL)
+             continue;
+        }
         /* Obtain blktap sub-type prefix */
         if ((!strcmp(drv, "tap") || !strcmp(drv, "qdisk")) && params[0]) {
             char *offset = strchr(params, ':'); 
@@ -657,6 +681,12 @@ void xenstore_parse_domain_config(int hv
                         format = &bdrv_host_device;
                         format = &bdrv_raw;
+        } else if (!strcmp(drv,"iscsi")) {
+            format = &bdrv_raw;
+        } else if (!strcmp(drv,"npiv")) {
+            format = &bdrv_raw;
+        } else if (!strcmp(drv,"dmmd")) {
+            format = &bdrv_raw;
 		} else {
 		    format = bdrv_find_format(drv);
 		    if (!format) {