Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/lowlevel/xc/xc.c
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ static PyObject *pyxc_domain_create(XcOb
     static char *kwd_list[] = { "domid", "ssidref", "handle", "flags", "target", NULL };
-    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|iiOii", kwd_list,
-                                      &dom, &ssidref, &pyhandle, &flags, &target))
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|iiOii", kwd_list, &dom,
+                                      &ssidref, &pyhandle, &flags, &target))
         return NULL;
     if ( pyhandle != NULL )
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ static PyObject *pyxc_domain_getinfo(XcO
         info_dict = Py_BuildValue(
-            ",s:L,s:L,s:L,s:i,s:i}",
+            ",s:L,s:L,s:L,s:i,s:i,s:i}",
             "domid",           (int)info[i].domid,
             "online_vcpus",    info[i].nr_online_vcpus,
             "max_vcpu_id",     info[i].max_vcpu_id,
@@ -344,7 +344,8 @@ static PyObject *pyxc_domain_getinfo(XcO
             "cpu_time",        (long long)info[i].cpu_time,
             "maxmem_kb",       (long long)info[i].max_memkb,
             "ssidref",         (int)info[i].ssidref,
-            "shutdown_reason", info[i].shutdown_reason);
+            "shutdown_reason", info[i].shutdown_reason,
+            "cpupool",         (int)info[i].cpupool);
         pyhandle = PyList_New(sizeof(xen_domain_handle_t));
         if ( (pyhandle == NULL) || (info_dict == NULL) )
@@ -1751,6 +1752,179 @@ static PyObject *pyxc_dom_set_memshr(XcO
     return zero;
+static PyObject *cpumap_to_cpulist(uint64_t cpumap)
+    PyObject *cpulist = NULL;
+    uint32_t i;
+    cpulist = PyList_New(0);
+    for ( i = 0; cpumap != 0; i++ )
+    {
+        if ( cpumap & 1 )
+        {
+            PyObject* pyint = PyInt_FromLong(i);
+            PyList_Append(cpulist, pyint);
+            Py_DECREF(pyint);
+        }
+        cpumap >>= 1;
+    }
+    return cpulist;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_create(XcObject *self,
+                                     PyObject *args,
+                                     PyObject *kwds)
+    uint32_t cpupool = 0, sched = XEN_SCHEDULER_CREDIT;
+    static char *kwd_list[] = { "pool", "sched", NULL };
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ii", kwd_list, &cpupool,
+                                      &sched))
+        return NULL;
+    if ( xc_cpupool_create(self->xc_handle, &cpupool, sched) < 0 )
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    return PyInt_FromLong(cpupool);
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_destroy(XcObject *self,
+                                      PyObject *args)
+    uint32_t cpupool;
+    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &cpupool))
+        return NULL;
+    if (xc_cpupool_destroy(self->xc_handle, cpupool) != 0)
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    Py_INCREF(zero);
+    return zero;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_getinfo(XcObject *self,
+                                      PyObject *args,
+                                      PyObject *kwds)
+    PyObject *list, *info_dict;
+    uint32_t first_pool = 0;
+    int max_pools = 1024, nr_pools, i;
+    xc_cpupoolinfo_t *info;
+    static char *kwd_list[] = { "first_pool", "max_pools", NULL };
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|ii", kwd_list,
+                                      &first_pool, &max_pools) )
+        return NULL;
+    info = calloc(max_pools, sizeof(xc_cpupoolinfo_t));
+    if (info == NULL)
+        return PyErr_NoMemory();
+    nr_pools = xc_cpupool_getinfo(self->xc_handle, first_pool, max_pools, info);
+    if (nr_pools < 0)
+    {
+        free(info);
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    }
+    list = PyList_New(nr_pools);
+    for ( i = 0 ; i < nr_pools; i++ )
+    {
+        info_dict = Py_BuildValue(
+            "{s:i,s:i,s:i,s:N}",
+            "cpupool",         (int)info[i].cpupool_id,
+            "sched",           info[i].sched_id,
+            "n_dom",           info[i].n_dom,
+            "cpulist",         cpumap_to_cpulist(info[i].cpumap));
+        if ( info_dict == NULL )
+        {
+            Py_DECREF(list);
+            if ( info_dict != NULL ) { Py_DECREF(info_dict); }
+            free(info);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        PyList_SetItem(list, i, info_dict);
+    }
+    free(info);
+    return list;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_addcpu(XcObject *self,
+                                     PyObject *args,
+                                     PyObject *kwds)
+    uint32_t cpupool;
+    int cpu = -1;
+    static char *kwd_list[] = { "cpupool", "cpu", NULL };
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "i|i", kwd_list,
+                                      &cpupool, &cpu) )
+        return NULL;
+    if (xc_cpupool_addcpu(self->xc_handle, cpupool, cpu) != 0)
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    Py_INCREF(zero);
+    return zero;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_removecpu(XcObject *self,
+                                        PyObject *args,
+                                        PyObject *kwds)
+    uint32_t cpupool;
+    int cpu = -1;
+    static char *kwd_list[] = { "cpupool", "cpu", NULL };
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "i|i", kwd_list,
+                                      &cpupool, &cpu) )
+        return NULL;
+    if (xc_cpupool_removecpu(self->xc_handle, cpupool, cpu) != 0)
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    Py_INCREF(zero);
+    return zero;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_movedomain(XcObject *self,
+                                         PyObject *args,
+                                         PyObject *kwds)
+    uint32_t cpupool, domid;
+    static char *kwd_list[] = { "cpupool", "domid", NULL };
+    if ( !PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "ii", kwd_list,
+                                      &cpupool, &domid) )
+        return NULL;
+    if (xc_cpupool_movedomain(self->xc_handle, cpupool, domid) != 0)
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    Py_INCREF(zero);
+    return zero;
+static PyObject *pyxc_cpupool_freeinfo(XcObject *self)
+    uint64_t cpumap;
+    if (xc_cpupool_freeinfo(self->xc_handle, &cpumap) != 0)
+        return pyxc_error_to_exception();
+    return cpumap_to_cpulist(cpumap);
 static PyMethodDef pyxc_methods[] = {
     { "handle",
@@ -1866,7 +2040,8 @@ static PyMethodDef pyxc_methods[] = {
       " maxmem_kb [int]: Maximum memory limit, in kilobytes\n"
       " cpu_time [long]: CPU time consumed, in nanoseconds\n"
       " shutdown_reason [int]: Numeric code from guest OS, explaining "
-      "reason why it shut itself down.\n" },
+      "reason why it shut itself down.\n"
+      " cpupool  [int]   Id of cpupool domain is bound to.\n" },
     { "vcpu_getinfo", 
@@ -2264,6 +2439,66 @@ static PyMethodDef pyxc_methods[] = {
       " enable  [int,0|1]:    Disable or enable?\n"
       "Returns: [int] 0 on success; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_create",
+      (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_create,
+      "Create new cpupool.\n"
+      " pool    [int, 0]: cpupool identifier to use (allocated if zero).\n"
+      " sched   [int]: scheduler to use (credit if unspecified).\n\n"
+      "Returns: [int] new cpupool identifier; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_destroy",
+      (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_destroy,
+      METH_VARARGS, "\n"
+      "Destroy a cpupool.\n"
+      " pool [int]:    Identifier of cpupool to be destroyed.\n\n"
+      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_getinfo",
+      (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_getinfo,
+      "Get information regarding a set of cpupools, in increasing id order.\n"
+      " first_pool [int, 0]:    First cpupool to retrieve info about.\n"
+      " max_pools  [int, 1024]: Maximum number of cpupools to retrieve info"
+      " about.\n\n"
+      "Returns: [list of dicts] if list length is less than 'max_pools'\n"
+      "         parameter then there was an error, or the end of the\n"
+      "         cpupool-id space was reached.\n"
+      " pool     [int]: Identifier of cpupool to which this info pertains\n"
+      " sched    [int]:  Scheduler used for this cpupool\n"
+      " n_dom    [int]:  Number of Domains in this cpupool\n"
+      " cpulist  [list]: List of CPUs this cpupool is using\n" },
+    { "cpupool_addcpu",
+       (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_addcpu,
+      "Add a cpu to a cpupool.\n"
+      " pool    [int]: Identifier of cpupool.\n"
+      " cpu     [int, -1]: Cpu to add (lowest free if -1)\n\n"
+      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_removecpu",
+       (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_removecpu,
+      "Remove a cpu from a cpupool.\n"
+      " pool    [int]: Identifier of cpupool.\n"
+      " cpu     [int, -1]: Cpu to remove (highest used if -1)\n\n"
+      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_movedomain",
+       (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_movedomain,
+      "Move a domain to another cpupool.\n"
+      " pool    [int]: Identifier of cpupool to move domain to.\n"
+      " dom     [int]: Domain to move\n\n"
+      "Returns: [int] 0 on success; -1 on error.\n" },
+    { "cpupool_freeinfo",
+      (PyCFunction)pyxc_cpupool_freeinfo,
+      METH_NOARGS, "\n"
+      "Get info about cpus not in any cpupool.\n"
+      "Returns: [list]: List of CPUs\n" },
     { NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/util/
--- /dev/null
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
+""" convert sxp to map / map to sxp.
+import types
+from xen.xend import sxp
+def map2sxp(map_val):
+    """ conversion of all key-value pairs of a map (recursively) to sxp.
+        @param map_val: map; if a value contains a list or dict it is also
+                    converted to sxp
+        @type map_val: dict
+        @return sxp expr
+        @rtype: list
+    """
+    sxp_vals = []
+    for (k, v) in map_val.items():
+        if isinstance(v, types.DictionaryType):
+            sxp_vals += [[k] + map2sxp(v)]
+        elif isinstance(v, types.ListType):
+            sxp_vals += [[k] + v]
+        else:
+            sxp_vals += [[k, v]]
+    return sxp_vals
+def sxp2map( s ):
+    """ conversion of sxp to map.
+        @param s: sxp expr
+        @type s:  list
+        @return: map
+        @rtype: dict
+    """
+    sxphash = {}
+    for child in sxp.children( s ):
+        if isinstance( child, types.ListType ) and len( child ) > 1:
+            if isinstance( child[1], types.ListType ) and len( child[1] ) > 1:
+                sxphash[ child[0] ] = sxp2map( child )
+            else:
+                childs = sxp.children(child)
+                if len(childs) > 1:
+                    sxphash[ child[0] ] = childs
+                else:
+                    sxphash[ child[0] ] = childs[0]
+    return sxphash
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from XendDPCI import XendDPCI
 from XendPSCSI import XendPSCSI, XendPSCSI_HBA
 from XendDSCSI import XendDSCSI, XendDSCSI_HBA
 from XendXSPolicy import XendXSPolicy, XendACMPolicy
+from xen.xend.XendCPUPool import XendCPUPool
 from XendAPIConstants import *
 from xen.util.xmlrpclib2 import stringify
@@ -498,6 +499,7 @@ classes = {
     'PSCSI_HBA'    : valid_object("PSCSI_HBA"),
     'DSCSI'        : valid_object("DSCSI"),
     'DSCSI_HBA'    : valid_object("DSCSI_HBA"),
+    'cpu_pool'     : valid_object("cpu_pool"),
 autoplug_classes = {
@@ -514,6 +516,7 @@ autoplug_classes = {
     'DSCSI_HBA'   : XendDSCSI_HBA,
     'XSPolicy'    : XendXSPolicy,
     'ACMPolicy'   : XendACMPolicy,
+    'cpu_pool'    : XendCPUPool,
 class XendAPI(object):
@@ -914,7 +917,8 @@ class XendAPI(object):
-                    'enabled']
+                    'enabled',
+                    'resident_cpu_pools']
     host_attr_rw = ['name_label',
@@ -1014,6 +1018,8 @@ class XendAPI(object):
         return xen_api_todo()
     def host_get_logging(self, _, host_ref):
         return xen_api_todo()
+    def host_get_resident_cpu_pools(self, _, host_ref):
+        return xen_api_success(XendCPUPool.get_all())
     # object methods
     def host_disable(self, session, host_ref):
@@ -1076,7 +1082,9 @@ class XendAPI(object):
                   'PBDs': XendPBD.get_all(),
                   'PPCIs': XendPPCI.get_all(),
                   'PSCSIs': XendPSCSI.get_all(),
-                  'PSCSI_HBAs': XendPSCSI_HBA.get_all()}
+                  'PSCSI_HBAs': XendPSCSI_HBA.get_all(),
+                  'resident_cpu_pools': XendCPUPool.get_all(),
+                 }
         return xen_api_success(record)
     def host_tmem_thaw(self, _, host_ref, cli_id):
@@ -1185,7 +1193,10 @@ class XendAPI(object):
-                        'features']
+                        'features',
+                        'cpu_pool']
+    host_cpu_funcs  = [('get_unassigned_cpus', 'Set(host_cpu)')]
     # attributes
     def _host_cpu_get(self, ref, field):
@@ -1210,21 +1221,28 @@ class XendAPI(object):
         return self._host_cpu_get(ref, 'flags')
     def host_cpu_get_utilisation(self, _, ref):
         return xen_api_success(XendNode.instance().get_host_cpu_load(ref))
+    def host_cpu_get_cpu_pool(self, _, ref):
+        return xen_api_success(XendCPUPool.get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(ref))
     # object methods
     def host_cpu_get_record(self, _, ref):
         node = XendNode.instance()
         record = dict([(f, node.get_host_cpu_field(ref, f))
                        for f in self.host_cpu_attr_ro
-                       if f not in ['uuid', 'host', 'utilisation']])
+                       if f not in ['uuid', 'host', 'utilisation', 'cpu_pool']])
         record['uuid'] = ref
         record['host'] = node.uuid
         record['utilisation'] = node.get_host_cpu_load(ref)
+        record['cpu_pool'] = XendCPUPool.get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(ref)
         return xen_api_success(record)
     # class methods
     def host_cpu_get_all(self, session):
         return xen_api_success(XendNode.instance().get_host_cpu_refs())
+    def host_cpu_get_unassigned_cpus(self, session):
+        return xen_api_success(
+            [ref for ref in XendNode.instance().get_host_cpu_refs()
+                 if len(XendCPUPool.get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(ref)) == 0])
     # Xen API: Class host_metrics
@@ -1284,6 +1302,7 @@ class XendAPI(object):
+                  'cpu_pool',
     VM_attr_rw = ['name_label',
@@ -1312,7 +1331,9 @@ class XendAPI(object):
-                  'security_label']
+                  'security_label',
+                  'pool_name',
+                  ]
     VM_methods = [('clone', 'VM'),
                   ('start', None),
@@ -1340,7 +1361,9 @@ class XendAPI(object):
                   ('set_memory_dynamic_min_live', None),
                   ('send_trigger', None),
                   ('migrate', None),
-                  ('destroy', None)]
+                  ('destroy', None),
+                  ('cpu_pool_migrate', None),
+                  ]
     VM_funcs  = [('create', 'VM'),
                  ('restore', None),
@@ -1540,6 +1563,17 @@ class XendAPI(object):
         return xen_api_success(
             xd.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_ref) == xd.privilegedDomain())
+    def VM_get_cpu_pool(self, session, vm_ref):
+        dom = XendDomain.instance().get_vm_by_uuid(vm_ref)
+        pool_ref = XendCPUPool.query_pool_ref(dom.get_cpu_pool())
+        return xen_api_success(pool_ref)
+    def VM_get_pool_name(self, session, vm_ref):
+        return self.VM_get('pool_name', session, vm_ref)
+    def VM_set_pool_name(self, session, vm_ref, value):
+        return self.VM_set('pool_name', session, vm_ref, value)
     def VM_set_name_label(self, session, vm_ref, label):
         dom = XendDomain.instance().get_vm_by_uuid(vm_ref)
@@ -1618,7 +1652,8 @@ class XendAPI(object):
             if key.startswith("cpumap"):
                 vcpu = int(key[6:])
-                    xendom.domain_pincpu(xeninfo.getDomid(), vcpu, value)
+                    cpus = map(int, value.split(","))
+                    xendom.domain_pincpu(xeninfo.getDomid(), vcpu, cpus)
                 except Exception, ex:
@@ -1836,7 +1871,9 @@ class XendAPI(object):
             'metrics': xeninfo.get_metrics(),
             'security_label': xeninfo.get_security_label(),
-            'crash_dumps': []
+            'crash_dumps': [],
+            'pool_name':'pool_name'),
+            'cpu_pool' : XendCPUPool.query_pool_ref(xeninfo.get_cpu_pool()),
         return xen_api_success(record)
@@ -1934,6 +1971,25 @@ class XendAPI(object):
         xendom.domain_restore(src, bool(paused))
         return xen_api_success_void()
+    def VM_cpu_pool_migrate(self, session, vm_ref, cpu_pool_ref):
+        xendom = XendDomain.instance()
+        xeninfo = xendom.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_ref)
+        domid = xeninfo.getDomid()
+        pool = XendAPIStore.get(cpu_pool_ref, XendCPUPool.getClass())
+        if pool == None:
+            return xen_api_error(['HANDLE_INVALID', 'cpu_pool', cpu_pool_ref])
+        if domid is not None:
+            if domid == 0:
+                return xen_api_error(['OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED',
+                    'could not move Domain-0'])
+            try:
+                XendCPUPool.move_domain(cpu_pool_ref, domid)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                return xen_api_error(['INTERNAL_ERROR',
+                    'could not move domain'])
+        self.VM_set('pool_name', session, vm_ref, pool.get_name_label())
+        return xen_api_success_void()
     # Xen API: Class VBD
     # ----------------------------------------------------------------
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- /dev/null
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions.
+""" CPU Pool support including XEN-API and Legacy API.
+import types
+import threading
+import re
+import xen.lowlevel.xc
+import XendNode
+import XendDomain
+from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
+from xen.xend.XendBase import XendBase
+from xen.xend import XendAPIStore
+from xen.xend.XendConstants import XS_POOLROOT
+from xen.xend import uuid as genuuid
+from xen.xend.XendError import VmError, XendAPIError, PoolError
+from xen.xend.xenstore.xstransact import xstransact
+from xen.util.sxputils import sxp2map, map2sxp
+    'credit' : xen.lowlevel.xc.XEN_SCHEDULER_CREDIT,
+    'sedf'   : xen.lowlevel.xc.XEN_SCHEDULER_SEDF,
+    }
+xc = xen.lowlevel.xc.xc()
+class XendCPUPool(XendBase):
+    """ CPU Pool management.
+        @ivar pool_lock: Lock to secure modification of pool data
+        @type pool_lock: Rlock
+    """
+    pool_lock = threading.RLock()
+    def getClass(cls):
+        return "cpu_pool"
+    def getAttrRO(cls):
+        attrRO = ['resident_on',
+                  'started_VMs',
+                  'host_CPUs',
+                  'activated',
+                 ]
+        return XendBase.getAttrRO() + attrRO
+    def getAttrRW(cls):
+        attrRW = ['name_label',
+                  'name_description',
+                  'auto_power_on',
+                  'ncpu',
+                  'sched_policy',
+                  'proposed_CPUs',
+                  'other_config',
+                 ]
+        return XendBase.getAttrRW() + attrRW
+    def getMethods(cls):
+        methods = ['destroy',
+                   'activate',
+                   'deactivate',
+                   'add_host_CPU_live',
+                   'remove_host_CPU_live',
+                   'add_to_proposed_CPUs',
+                   'remove_from_proposed_CPUs',
+                   'add_to_other_config',
+                   'remove_from_other_config',
+                  ]
+        return XendBase.getMethods() + methods
+    def getFuncs(cls):
+        funcs = ['create',
+                 'get_by_name_label',
+                ]
+        return XendBase.getFuncs() + funcs
+    getClass    = classmethod(getClass)
+    getAttrRO   = classmethod(getAttrRO)
+    getAttrRW   = classmethod(getAttrRW)
+    getMethods  = classmethod(getMethods)
+    getFuncs    = classmethod(getFuncs)
+    #
+    # XenAPI function calls
+    #
+    def create(cls, record):
+        """ Create a new managed pool instance.
+            @param record: attributes of pool
+            @type record:  dict
+            @return: uuid of created pool
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        new_uuid = genuuid.createString()
+        XendCPUPool(record, new_uuid)
+        XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+        return new_uuid
+    create = classmethod(create)
+    def get_by_name_label(cls, name_label):
+        """ Query a Pool(ref) by its name.
+            @return: ref of pool
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return [ inst.get_uuid()
+                     for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass())
+                     if inst.name_label == name_label
+                   ]
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    get_by_name_label = classmethod(get_by_name_label)
+    def get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(cls, host_cpu):
+        """ Query cpu_pool ref the given cpu belongs to.
+            @param host_cpu: ref of host_cpu to lookup
+            @type host_cpu:  str
+            @return: list cpu_pool refs (list contains not more than one element)
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        cpu_nr = node.get_host_cpu_field(host_cpu, 'number')
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            if cpu_nr in pool_rec['cpulist']:
+                # pool found; return the ref
+                return cls.query_pool_ref(pool_rec['cpupool'])
+        return []
+    get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref = classmethod(get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref)
+    def get_all_managed(cls):
+        """ Query all managed pools.
+            @return: uuids of all managed pools
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            managed_pools = [ inst.get_uuid()
+                              for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass())
+                              if inst.is_managed() ]
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+        return managed_pools
+    get_all_managed = classmethod(get_all_managed)
+    #
+    # XenAPI methods calls
+    #
+    def __init__(self, record, new_uuid, managed_pool=True):
+        XendBase.__init__(self, new_uuid, record)
+        try:
+            self._managed = managed_pool
+            self.name_label = None
+            name = record.get('name_label', 'Pool-Unnamed')
+            self._checkName(name)
+            self.name_label = name
+            self.name_description = record.get('name_description',
+                                               self.name_label)
+            self.proposed_cpus = [ int(cpu)
+                                   for cpu in record.get('proposed_CPUs', []) ]
+            self.auto_power_on = bool(record.get('auto_power_on', False))
+            self.ncpu = int(record.get('ncpu', 1))
+            self.sched_policy = record.get('sched_policy', '')
+            self.other_config = record.get('other_config', {})
+        except Exception, ex:
+            XendBase.destroy(self)
+            raise ex
+    def get_resident_on(self):
+        """ Always return uuid of own node.
+            @return: uuid of this node
+            @rytpe:  str
+        """
+        return XendNode.instance().uuid
+    def get_started_VMs(self):
+        """ Query all VMs currently assigned to pool.
+            @return: ref of all VMs assigned to pool; if pool is not active,
+                     an empty list will be returned
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        if self.get_activated():
+            # search VMs related to this pool
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            started_VMs = [ vm.get_uuid()
+                            for vm in XendDomain.instance().list('all')
+                            if vm.get_cpu_pool() == pool_id ]
+        else:
+            # pool not active, so it couldn't have any started VMs
+            started_VMs = []
+        return started_VMs
+    def get_host_CPUs(self):
+        """ Query all cpu refs of this pool currently asisgned .
+            - Read pool id of this pool from xenstore
+            - Read cpu configuration from hypervisor
+            - lookup cpu number -> cpu ref
+            @return: host_cpu refs
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        if self.get_activated():
+            node = XendNode.instance()
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            if pool_id == None:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INTERNAL,
+                                [self.getClass(), 'get_host_CPUs'])
+            cpus = []
+            for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    cpus = pool_rec['cpulist']
+            # query host_cpu ref for any cpu of the pool
+            host_CPUs = [ cpu_ref
+                          for cpu_ref in node.get_host_cpu_refs()
+                          if node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+                              in cpus ]
+        else:
+            # pool not active, so it couldn't have any assigned cpus
+            host_CPUs = []
+        return host_CPUs
+    def get_activated(self):
+        """ Query if the pool is registered in XendStore.
+            If pool uuid is not in XenStore, the pool is not activated.
+            @return: True, if activated
+            @rtype:  bool
+        """
+        return self.query_pool_id() != None
+    def get_name_label(self):
+        return self.name_label
+    def get_name_description(self):
+        return self.name_description
+    def get_auto_power_on(self):
+        return self.auto_power_on
+    def get_ncpu(self):
+        return self.ncpu
+    def get_sched_policy(self):
+        if len(self.sched_policy) == 0:
+            # default scheduler selected
+            return XendNode.instance().get_vcpus_policy()
+        else:
+            return self.sched_policy
+    def get_proposed_CPUs(self):
+        return [ str(cpu) for cpu in self.proposed_cpus ]
+    def get_other_config(self):
+        return self.other_config
+    def set_name_label(self, name_label):
+        self._checkName(name_label)
+        self.name_label = name_label
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_name_description(self, name_descr):
+        self.name_description = name_descr
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_auto_power_on(self, auto_power_on):
+        self.auto_power_on = bool(int(auto_power_on))
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_ncpu(self, ncpu):
+        _ncpu = int(ncpu)
+        if _ncpu < 1:
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'ncpu')
+        self.ncpu = _ncpu
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_sched_policy(self, sched_policy):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        self.sched_policy = sched_policy
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_proposed_CPUs(self, proposed_cpus):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        self.proposed_cpus = [ int(cpu) for cpu in proposed_cpus ]
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_other_config(self, other_config):
+        self.other_config = other_config
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def destroy(self):
+        """ In order to destroy a cpu pool, it must be deactivated """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+            XendBase.destroy(self)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def activate(self):
+        """ Create pool in hypervisor and add cpus.
+            Preconditions:
+            - pool not already active
+            - enough unbound cpus available
+            Actions:
+            - create pool in hypervisor
+            - select free cpus (preferred from proposed_CPUs list) and bind it to
+              the pool
+            - create entries in Xenstore
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+            if self.sched_policy != XendNode.instance().get_vcpus_policy():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_UNKOWN_SCHED_POLICY)
+            unbound_cpus = set(self.unbound_cpus())
+            if len(unbound_cpus) < self.ncpu:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_CPUS,
+                                [str(self.ncpu), str(len(unbound_cpus))])
+            # build list of cpu numbers to bind to pool
+            cpu_set = set(self.proposed_cpus).intersection(unbound_cpus)
+            if len(cpu_set) < self.ncpu:
+                pool_cpus = (list(cpu_set) +
+                             list(unbound_cpus.difference(cpu_set)))
+            else:
+                pool_cpus = list(cpu_set)
+            pool_cpus = pool_cpus[0:self.ncpu]
+            # create pool in hypervisor
+            pool_id = xc.cpupool_create(
+                sched = XEN_SCHEDULER_TO_ID.get(self.sched_policy, 0))
+            self.update_XS(pool_id)
+            # add cpus
+            for cpu in pool_cpus:
+                xc.cpupool_addcpu(pool_id, cpu)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def deactivate(self):
+        """ Delete pool in hypervisor
+            Preconditions:
+            - pool is activated
+            - no running VMs in pool
+            Actions:
+            - call hypervisor for deletion
+            - remove path of pool in xenstore
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if not self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+            if len(self.get_started_VMs()) != 0:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'in use')
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            # remove cpus from pool
+            cpus = []
+            for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    cpus = pool_rec['cpulist']
+            for cpu_number in cpus:
+                xc.cpupool_removecpu(pool_id, cpu_number)
+            xc.cpupool_destroy(pool_id)
+            # update XenStore
+            xs_path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id
+            xstransact.Remove(xs_path)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def add_host_CPU_live(self, cpu_ref):
+        """ Add cpu to pool, if it is currently not assigned to a pool.
+            @param cpu_ref: reference of host_cpu instance to add
+            @type  cpu_ref: str
+        """
+        if not self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        number = node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            other_pool_ref = self.get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(cpu_ref)
+            if len(other_pool_ref) != 0:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                            'cpu already assigned to pool "%s"' % other_pool_ref[0])
+            xc.cpupool_addcpu(pool_id, number)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        if number not in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.append(number)
+        self._update_ncpu(pool_id)
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_host_CPU_live(self, cpu_ref):
+        """ Remove cpu from pool.
+            After successfull call, the cpu is free.
+            Remove of the last cpu of the pool is rejected.
+            @param cpu_ref: reference of host_cpu instance to remove
+            @type  cpu_ref: str
+        """
+        if not self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        number = node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            pool_rec = {}
+            for pool in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    pool_rec = pool
+                    break
+            if number in pool_rec['cpulist']:
+                if len(pool_rec['cpulist']) < 2 and pool_rec['n_dom'] > 0:
+                    raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_LAST_CPU_NOT_REM,
+                                    'could not remove last cpu')
+                xc.cpupool_removecpu(pool_id, number)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU not assigned to pool')
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        if number in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.remove(number)
+        self._update_ncpu(pool_id)
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def add_to_proposed_CPUs(self, cpu):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        _cpu = int(cpu)
+        if _cpu not in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.append(_cpu)
+            self.proposed_cpus.sort()
+            if self._managed:
+                XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_from_proposed_CPUs(self, cpu):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        _cpu = int(cpu)
+        if _cpu in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.remove(_cpu)
+            if self._managed:
+                XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def add_to_other_config(self, key, value):
+        self.other_config[key] = value
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_from_other_config(self, key):
+        if key in self.other_config:
+            del self.other_config[key]
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    #
+    # Legacy RPC calls
+    #
+    def pool_new(cls, config):
+        try:
+            record = sxp2map(config)
+            if record.has_key('proposed_CPUs') and \
+               not isinstance(record['proposed_CPUs'], types.ListType):
+                record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+            new_uuid = cls.create(record)
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+        return new_uuid
+    def pool_create(cls, config):
+        try:
+            record = sxp2map(config)
+            if record.has_key('proposed_CPUs') and \
+               not isinstance(record['proposed_CPUs'], types.ListType):
+                record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+            new_uuid = genuuid.createString()
+            pool = XendCPUPool(record, new_uuid, False)
+            pool.activate()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_start(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.activate()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_list(cls, names):
+        sxprs = []
+        try:
+            node = XendNode.instance()
+            xd = XendDomain.instance()
+            pools = cls.get_all_records()
+            for (pool_uuid, pool_vals) in pools.items():
+                if pool_vals['name_label'] in names or len(names) == 0:
+                    # conv host_cpu refs to cpu number
+                    cpus = [ node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+                             for cpu_ref in pool_vals['host_CPUs'] ]
+                    cpus.sort()
+                    pool_vals['host_CPU_numbers'] = cpus
+                    # query VMs names. Take in account, that a VM
+                    # returned by get_all_records could be destroy, now
+                    vm_names = [ vm.getName()
+                                 for vm in map(xd.get_vm_by_uuid,
+                                               pool_vals['started_VMs'])
+                                 if vm ]
+                    pool_vals['started_VM_names'] = vm_names
+                    pool_vals['auto_power_on'] = int(pool_vals['auto_power_on'])
+                    sxprs += [[pool_uuid] + map2sxp(pool_vals)]
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+        return sxprs
+    def pool_destroy(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.deactivate()
+            if not pool.is_managed():
+                pool.destroy()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_delete(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.destroy()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_cpu_add(cls, poolname, cpu):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            cpu_ref = cls._cpu_number_to_ref(int(cpu))
+            if cpu_ref:
+                pool.add_host_CPU_live(cpu_ref)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU unknown')
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_cpu_remove(cls, poolname, cpu):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            cpu_ref = cls._cpu_number_to_ref(int(cpu))
+            if cpu_ref:
+                pool.remove_host_CPU_live(cpu_ref)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU unknown')
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_migrate(cls, domname, poolname):
+        dom = XendDomain.instance()
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        dominfo = dom.domain_lookup_nr(domname)
+        if not dominfo:
+            raise VmError('unknown domain %s' % domname)
+        domid = dominfo.getDomid()
+        if domid is not None:
+            if domid == 0:
+                raise VmError('could not move Domain-0')
+            try:
+                cls.move_domain(pool.get_uuid(), domid)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                raise VmError('could not move domain')
+['pool_name'] = poolname
+        dom.managed_config_save(dominfo)
+    pool_new        = classmethod(pool_new)
+    pool_create     = classmethod(pool_create)
+    pool_start      = classmethod(pool_start)
+    pool_list       = classmethod(pool_list)
+    pool_destroy    = classmethod(pool_destroy)
+    pool_delete     = classmethod(pool_delete)
+    pool_cpu_add    = classmethod(pool_cpu_add)
+    pool_cpu_remove = classmethod(pool_cpu_remove)
+    pool_migrate    = classmethod(pool_migrate)
+    #
+    # methods
+    #
+    def is_managed(self):
+        """ Check, if pool is managed.
+            @return: True, if managed
+            @rtype: bool
+        """
+        return self._managed
+    def query_pool_id(self):
+        """ Get corresponding pool-id of pool instance from XenStore.
+            @return: pool id or None
+            @rytpe:  int
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            for pool_id in xstransact.List(XS_POOLROOT):
+                uuid = xstransact.Read(XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id, 'uuid')
+                if uuid == self.get_uuid():
+                    return int(pool_id)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        return None
+    def update_XS(self, pool_id):
+        """ Write (or update) data in xenstore taken from instance.
+            @param pool_id: Pool id to build path to pool data in xenstore
+            @type  pool_id: int
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            xs_path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id
+            xs_entries = { 'uuid' : self.get_uuid(),
+                           'name' : self.name_label,
+                           'description' : self.name_description
+                         }
+            xstransact.Mkdir(xs_path)
+            xstransact.Mkdir(xs_path, 'other_config')
+            xstransact.Write(xs_path, xs_entries)
+            xstransact.Write('%s%s' % (xs_path, 'other_config'),
+                             self.other_config)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def _update_ncpu(self, pool_id):
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                self.ncpu = len(pool_rec['cpulist'])
+    def _checkName(self, name):
+        """ Check if a pool name is valid. Valid names contain alphabetic
+            characters, digits, or characters in '_-.:/+'.
+            The same name cannot be used for more than one pool at the same
+            time.
+            @param name: name
+            @type name:  str
+            @raise: PoolError if invalid
+        """
+        if name is None or name == '':
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'Missing Pool Name')
+        if not'^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.\:\/\+]+$', name):
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'Invalid Pool Name')
+        pool = self.lookup_pool(name)
+        if pool and pool.get_uuid() != self.get_uuid():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM,
+                'Pool name "%s" already exists' % name)
+    #
+    # class methods
+    #
+    def recreate_active_pools(cls):
+        """ Read active pool config from hypervisor and create pool instances.
+            - Query pool ids and assigned CPUs from hypervisor.
+            - Query additional information for any pool from xenstore.
+              If an entry for a pool id is missing in xenstore, it will be
+              recreated with a new uuid and generic name (this is an error case)
+            - Create an XendCPUPool instance for any pool id
+            Function have to be called after recreation of managed pools.
+        """
+        log.debug('recreate_active_pools')
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            pool = pool_rec['cpupool']
+            # read pool data from xenstore
+            path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool
+            uuid = xstransact.Read(path, 'uuid')
+            if not uuid:
+                # xenstore entry missing / invaild; create entry with new uuid
+                uuid = genuuid.createString()
+                name = "Pool-%s" % pool
+                try:
+                    inst = XendCPUPool( { 'name_label' : name }, uuid, False )
+                    inst.update_XS(pool)
+                except PoolError, ex:
+                    # log error and skip domain
+                    log.error('cannot recreate pool %s; skipping (reason: %s)' \
+                        % (name, ex))
+            else:
+                (name, descr) = xstransact.Read(path, 'name', 'description')
+                other_config = {}
+                for key in xstransact.List(path + 'other_config'):
+                    other_config[key] = xstransact.Read(
+                        path + 'other_config/%s' % key)
+                # check existance of pool instance
+                inst = XendAPIStore.get(uuid, cls.getClass())
+                if inst:
+                    # update attributes of existing instance
+                    inst.name_label = name
+                    inst.name_description = descr
+                    inst.other_config = other_config
+                else:
+                    # recreate instance
+                    try:
+                        inst = XendCPUPool(
+                            { 'name_label' : name,
+                              'name_description' : descr,
+                              'other_config' : other_config,
+                              'proposed_CPUs' : pool_rec['cpulist'],
+                              'ncpu' : len(pool_rec['cpulist']),
+                            },
+                            uuid, False )
+                    except PoolError, ex:
+                        # log error and skip domain
+                        log.error(
+                            'cannot recreate pool %s; skipping (reason: %s)' \
+                            % (name, ex))
+    recreate_active_pools = classmethod(recreate_active_pools)
+    def recreate(cls, record, current_uuid):
+        """ Recreate a pool instance while xend restart.
+            @param record: attributes of pool
+            @type record:  dict
+            @param current_uuid: uuid of pool to create
+            @type current_uuid:  str
+        """
+        XendCPUPool(record, current_uuid)
+    recreate = classmethod(recreate)
+    def autostart_pools(cls):
+        """ Start managed pools that are marked as autostart pools.
+            Function is called after recreation of managed domains while
+            xend restart.
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass()):
+                if inst.is_managed() and inst.auto_power_on and \
+                   inst.query_pool_id() == None:
+                    inst.activate()
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    autostart_pools = classmethod(autostart_pools)
+    def move_domain(cls, pool_ref, domid):
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool = XendAPIStore.get(pool_ref, cls.getClass())
+            pool_id = pool.query_pool_id()
+            xc.cpupool_movedomain(pool_id, domid)
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    move_domain = classmethod(move_domain)
+    def query_pool_ref(cls, pool_id):
+        """ Get pool ref by pool id.
+            Take the ref from xenstore.
+            @param pool_id:
+            @type  pool_id: int
+            @return: ref
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        uuid = xstransact.Read(XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id, 'uuid')
+        if uuid:
+            return [uuid]
+        else:
+            return []
+    query_pool_ref = classmethod(query_pool_ref)
+    def lookup_pool(cls, id_or_name):
+        """ Search XendCPUPool instance with given id_or_name.
+            @param id_or_name: pool id or pool nameto search
+            @type id_or_name:  [int, str]
+            @return: instane or None if not found
+            @rtype:  XendCPUPool
+        """
+        pool_uuid = None
+        try:
+            pool_id = int(id_or_name)
+            # pool id given ?
+            pool_uuid = cls.query_pool_ref(pool_id)
+            if not pool_uuid:
+                # not found -> search name
+                pool_uuid = cls.get_by_name_label(id_or_name)
+        except ValueError:
+            # pool name given
+            pool_uuid = cls.get_by_name_label(id_or_name)
+        if len(pool_uuid) > 0:
+            return XendAPIStore.get(pool_uuid[0], cls.getClass())
+        else:
+            return None
+    lookup_pool = classmethod(lookup_pool)
+    def _cpu_number_to_ref(cls, number):
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        for cpu_ref in node.get_host_cpu_refs():
+            if node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number') == number:
+                return cpu_ref
+        return None
+    _cpu_number_to_ref = classmethod(_cpu_number_to_ref)
+    def unbound_cpus(cls):
+        """ Build list containing the numbers of all cpus not bound to a pool.
+            Info is taken from Hypervisor.
+            @return: list of cpu numbers
+            @rytpe:  list of int
+        """
+        return xc.cpupool_freeinfo()
+    unbound_cpus = classmethod(unbound_cpus)
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ XENAPI_CFG_TO_LEGACY_CFG = {
     'PV_bootloader': 'bootloader',
     'PV_bootloader_args': 'bootloader_args',
     'Description': 'description',
+    'pool_name' : 'pool_name',
@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ XENAPI_CFG_TYPES = {
     'superpages' : int,
     'memory_sharing': int,
     'Description': str,
+    'pool_name' : str,
 # List of legacy configuration keys that have no equivalent in the
@@ -285,6 +287,7 @@ LEGACY_CFG_TYPES = {
     'bootloader':    str,
     'bootloader_args': str,
     'description':   str,
+    'pool_name':     str,
 # Values that should be stored in xenstore's /vm/<uuid> that is used
@@ -306,6 +309,7 @@ LEGACY_XENSTORE_VM_PARAMS = [
+    'pool_name',
@@ -414,6 +418,7 @@ class XendConfig(dict):
             'other_config': {},
             'platform': {},
             'target': 0,
+            'pool_name' : 'Pool-0',
             'superpages': 0,
             'description': '',
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -133,6 +133,8 @@ VTPM_DELETE_SCRIPT = auxbin.scripts_dir(
 XS_VMROOT = "/vm/"
+XS_POOLROOT = "/local/pool/"
 NR_PCI_DEV = 32
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ from xen.xend.xenstore.xsutil import Get
 from xen.xend.xenstore.xswatch import xswatch
 from xen.xend.XendConstants import *
 from xen.xend.XendAPIConstants import *
+from xen.xend.XendCPUPool import XendCPUPool
 from xen.xend.server.DevConstants import xenbusState
 from xen.xend.server.BlktapController import TAPDISK_DEVICE, parseDeviceString
@@ -2569,6 +2570,19 @@ class XendDomainInfo:
         oos =['platform'].get('oos', 1)
         oos_off = 1 - int(oos)
+        # look-up pool id to use
+        pool_name =['pool_name']
+        if len(pool_name) == 0:
+            pool_name = "Pool-0"
+        pool = XendCPUPool.lookup_pool(pool_name)
+        if pool is None:
+            raise VmError("unknown pool %s" % pool_name)
+        pool_id = pool.query_pool_id()
+        if pool_id is None:
+            raise VmError("pool %s not activated" % pool_name)
         flags = (int(hvm) << 0) | (int(hap) << 1) | (int(s3_integrity) << 2) | (int(oos_off) << 3)
@@ -2590,6 +2604,11 @@ class XendDomainInfo:
                 failmsg += ', error=%i' % int(self.domid)
             raise VmError(failmsg)
+        try:
+            xc.cpupool_movedomain(pool_id, self.domid)
+        except Exception, e:
+            raise VmError('Moving domain to target pool failed')
         self.dompath = GetDomainPath(self.domid)
@@ -3617,6 +3636,11 @@ class XendDomainInfo:
         retval = xc.sched_credit_domain_get(self.getDomid())
         return retval
+    def get_cpu_pool(self):
+        if self.getDomid() is None:
+            return None
+        xeninfo = dom_get(self.domid)
+        return xeninfo['cpupool']
     def get_power_state(self):
         return XEN_API_VM_POWER_STATE[self._stateGet()]
     def get_platform(self):
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 from xmlrpclib import Fault
+import types
 import XendClient
 class XendInvalidDomain(Fault):
@@ -186,6 +187,26 @@ class DirectPCIError(XendAPIError):
     def __str__(self):
         return 'DIRECT_PCI_ERROR: %s' % self.error
+class PoolError(XendAPIError):
+    def __init__(self, error, spec=None):
+        XendAPIError.__init__(self)
+        self.spec = []
+        if spec:
+            if isinstance(spec, types.ListType):
+                self.spec = spec
+            else:
+                self.spec = [spec]
+        self.error = error
+    def get_api_error(self):
+        return [self.error] + self.spec
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.spec:
+            return '%s: %s' % (self.error, self.spec)
+        else:
+            return '%s' % self.error
 class VDIError(XendAPIError):
     def __init__(self, error, vdi):
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from XendStateStore import XendStateStor
 from XendMonitor import XendMonitor
 from XendPPCI import XendPPCI
 from XendPSCSI import XendPSCSI, XendPSCSI_HBA
+from xen.xend.XendCPUPool import XendCPUPool
 class XendNode:
     """XendNode - Represents a Domain 0 Host."""
@@ -159,6 +160,8 @@ class XendNode:
+        self._init_cpu_pools()
     def _init_networks(self):
         # Initialise networks
@@ -366,6 +369,18 @@ class XendNode:
         for physical_host, pscsi_HBA_uuid in pscsi_HBA_table.items():
             XendPSCSI_HBA(pscsi_HBA_uuid, {'physical_host': physical_host})
+    def _init_cpu_pools(self):
+        # Initialise cpu_pools
+        saved_cpu_pools = self.state_store.load_state(XendCPUPool.getClass())
+        if saved_cpu_pools:
+            for cpu_pool_uuid, cpu_pool in saved_cpu_pools.items():
+                try:
+                    XendCPUPool.recreate(cpu_pool, cpu_pool_uuid)
+                except CreateUnspecifiedAttributeError:
+                    log.warn("Error recreating %s %s",
+                             (XendCPUPool.getClass(), cpu_pool_uuid))
+        XendCPUPool.recreate_active_pools()
     def add_network(self, interface):
         # TODO
@@ -586,6 +601,7 @@ class XendNode:
+        self.save_cpu_pools()
     def save_PIFs(self):
         pif_records = dict([(pif_uuid, XendAPIStore.get(
@@ -628,6 +644,12 @@ class XendNode:
                                 for pscsi_HBA_uuid in XendPSCSI_HBA.get_all()])
         self.state_store.save_state('pscsi_HBA', pscsi_HBA_records)
+    def save_cpu_pools(self):
+        cpu_pool_records = dict([(cpu_pool_uuid, XendAPIStore.get(
+                    cpu_pool_uuid, XendCPUPool.getClass()).get_record())
+                    for cpu_pool_uuid in XendCPUPool.get_all_managed()])
+        self.state_store.save_state(XendCPUPool.getClass(), cpu_pool_records)
     def shutdown(self):
         return 0
@@ -939,6 +961,7 @@ class XendNode:
             self.format_node_to_memory(info, 'node_to_memory')
         info['node_to_dma32_mem'] = \
             self.format_node_to_memory(info, 'node_to_dma32_mem')
+        info['free_cpus'] = len(XendCPUPool.unbound_cpus())
         # FIXME:  These are hard-coded to be the inverse of the getXenMemory
         #         functions in  Find a cleaner way.
@@ -958,6 +981,7 @@ class XendNode:
+                      'free_cpus',
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ from xen.xend import XendNode, XendOptio
 from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
 from xen.xend.XendClient import XEN_API_SOCKET
 from xen.xend.XendDomain import instance as xenddomain
+from xen.xend.XendCPUPool import XendCPUPool
 from xen.web.SrvDir import SrvDir
 from SrvRoot import SrvRoot
@@ -147,6 +148,12 @@ class XendServers:
                 status = None
+            # auto start pools before domains are started
+            try:
+                XendCPUPool.autostart_pools()
+            except Exception, e:
+                log.exception("Failed while autostarting pools")
             # Reaching this point means we can auto start domains
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xend/server/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from xen.xend.XendClient import XML_RPC_
 from xen.xend.XendConstants import DOM_STATE_RUNNING
 from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
 from xen.xend.XendError import XendInvalidDomain
+from xen.xend.XendCPUPool import XendCPUPool
 # vcpu_avail is a long and is not needed by the clients.  It's far easier
 # to just remove it then to try and marshal the long.
@@ -98,6 +99,10 @@ methods = ['device_create', 'device_conf
 exclude = ['domain_create', 'domain_restore']
+POOL_FUNCS = ['pool_create', 'pool_new', 'pool_start', 'pool_list',
+              'pool_destroy', 'pool_delete', 'pool_cpu_add', 'pool_cpu_remove',
+              'pool_migrate']
 class XMLRPCServer:
     def __init__(self, auth, use_xenapi, use_tcp = False,
                  ssl_key_file = None, ssl_cert_file = None,
@@ -197,6 +202,11 @@ class XMLRPCServer:
                 if name not in exclude:
                     self.server.register_function(fn, "xend.domain.%s" % name[7:])
+        # Functions in XendPool
+        for name in POOL_FUNCS:
+            fn = getattr(XendCPUPool, name)
+            self.server.register_function(fn, "xend.cpu_pool.%s" % name[5:])
         # Functions in XendNode and XendDmesg
         for type, lst, n in [(XendNode,
                               ['info', 'pciinfo', 'send_debug_keys',
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/create.dtd
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xm/create.dtd
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/create.dtd
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
                  s3_integrity           CDATA #REQUIRED
                  vcpus_max              CDATA #REQUIRED
                  vcpus_at_startup       CDATA #REQUIRED
+                 pool_name              CDATA #REQUIRED
                  actions_after_shutdown %NORMAL_EXIT; #REQUIRED 
                  actions_after_reboot   %NORMAL_EXIT; #REQUIRED
                  actions_after_crash    %CRASH_BEHAVIOUR; #REQUIRED
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xm/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -659,6 +659,10 @@ gopts.var('suppress_spurious_page_faults
           fn=set_bool, default=None,
           use="""Do not inject spurious page faults into this guest""")
+gopts.var('pool', val='POOL NAME',
+          fn=set_value, default=None,
+          use="""CPU pool to use for the VM""")
 gopts.var('pci_msitranslate', val='TRANSLATE',
           fn=set_int, default=1,
           use="""Global PCI MSI-INTx translation flag (0=disable;
@@ -1157,6 +1161,8 @@ def make_config(vals):
         config.append(['localtime', vals.localtime])
     if vals.oos:
         config.append(['oos', vals.oos])
+    if vals.pool:
+        config.append(['pool_name', vals.pool])
     config_image = configure_image(vals)
     if vals.bootloader:
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xm/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ from xen.util.xmlrpcclient import Server
 import xen.util.xsm.xsm as security
 from xen.util.xsm.xsm import XSMError
 from xen.util.acmpolicy import ACM_LABEL_UNLABELED_DISPLAY
+from xen.util.sxputils import sxp2map, map2sxp as map_to_sxp
 from xen.util import auxbin
 import XenAPI
@@ -237,6 +238,23 @@ SUBCOMMAND_HELP = {
     'tmem-freeable'  :  ('', 'Print freeable tmem (in MiB).'),
     'tmem-shared-auth' :  ('[<Domain>|-a|--all] [--uuid=<uuid>] [--auth=<0|1>]', 'De/authenticate shared tmem pool.'),
+    #
+    # pool commands
+    #
+    'pool-create'   :  ('<ConfigFile> [vars]',
+                        'Create a CPU pool based an ConfigFile.'),
+    'pool-new'      :  ('<ConfigFile> [vars]',
+                        'Adds a CPU pool to Xend CPU pool management'),
+    'pool-start'    :  ('<CPU Pool>', 'Starts a Xend CPU pool'),
+    'pool-list'     :  ('[<CPU Pool>] [-l|--long] [-c|--cpus]', 'List CPU pools on host'),
+    'pool-destroy'  :  ('<CPU Pool>', 'Deactivates a CPU pool'),
+    'pool-delete'   :  ('<CPU Pool>',
+                        'Removes a CPU pool from Xend management'),
+    'pool-cpu-add'  :  ('<CPU Pool> <CPU nr>', 'Adds a CPU to a CPU pool'),
+    'pool-cpu-remove': ('<CPU Pool> <CPU nr>', 'Removes a CPU from a CPU pool'),
+    'pool-migrate'  :  ('<Domain> <CPU Pool>',
+                        'Moves a domain into a CPU pool'),
     # security
     'addlabel'      :  ('<label> {dom <ConfigFile>|res <resource>|mgt <managed domain>} [<policy>]',
@@ -283,6 +301,7 @@ SUBCOMMAND_OPTIONS = {
        ('-l', '--long',         'Output all VM details in SXP'),
        ('', '--label',          'Include security labels'),
        ('', '--state=<state>',  'Select only VMs with the specified state'),
+       ('', '--pool=<pool>',    'Select only VMs in specified cpu pool'),
     'console': (
        ('-q', '--quiet', 'Do not print an error message if the domain does not exist'),
@@ -344,6 +363,10 @@ SUBCOMMAND_OPTIONS = {
        ('-u', '--uuid', 'Specify uuid (abcdef01-2345-6789-01234567890abcdef).'),
        ('-A', '--auth', '0=auth,1=deauth'),
+    'pool-list': (
+       ('-l', '--long', 'Output all CPU pool details in SXP format'),
+       ('-c', '--cpus', 'Output list of CPUs used by a pool'),
+    ),
 common_commands = [
@@ -490,9 +513,21 @@ tmem_commands = [
+pool_commands = [
+    "pool-create",
+    "pool-new",
+    "pool-start",
+    "pool-list",
+    "pool-destroy",
+    "pool-delete",
+    "pool-cpu-add",
+    "pool-cpu-remove",
+    "pool-migrate",
+    ]
 all_commands = (domain_commands + host_commands + scheduler_commands +
                 device_commands + vnet_commands + security_commands +
-                acm_commands + flask_commands + tmem_commands + 
+                acm_commands + flask_commands + tmem_commands + pool_commands +
                 ['shell', 'event-monitor'])
@@ -889,7 +924,7 @@ def datetime_to_secs(v):
         v = str(v).replace(c, "")
     return time.mktime(time.strptime(v[0:14], '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'))
-def getDomains(domain_names, state, full = 0):
+def getDomains(domain_names, state, full = 0, pool = None):
     if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
         doms_sxp = []
         doms_dict = []
@@ -898,6 +933,9 @@ def getDomains(domain_names, state, full
         dom_metrics_recs = server.xenapi.VM_metrics.get_all_records()
         for dom_ref, dom_rec in dom_recs.items():
+            if pool and pool != dom_rec['pool_name']:
+                continue
             dom_metrics_rec = dom_metrics_recs[dom_rec['metrics']]
             states = ('running', 'blocked', 'paused', 'shutdown',
@@ -937,7 +975,15 @@ def getDomains(domain_names, state, full
         if domain_names:
             return [server.xend.domain(dom, full) for dom in domain_names]
-            return server.xend.domains_with_state(True, state, full)
+            doms = server.xend.domains_with_state(True, state, full)
+            if not pool:
+                return doms
+            else:
+                doms_in_pool = []
+                for dom in doms:
+                    if sxp.child_value(dom, 'pool_name', '') == pool:
+                        doms_in_pool.append(dom)
+                return doms_in_pool
 def xm_list(args):
@@ -945,10 +991,11 @@ def xm_list(args):
     show_vcpus = 0
     show_labels = 0
     state = 'all'
+    pool = None
         (options, params) = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, 'lv',
-                                               'state='])
+                                               'state=','pool='])
     except getopt.GetoptError, opterr:
@@ -962,18 +1009,24 @@ def xm_list(args):
             show_labels = 1
         if k in ['--state']:
             state = v
+        if k in ['--pool']:
+            pool = v
     if state != 'all' and len(params) > 0:
         raise OptionError(
             "You may specify either a state or a particular VM, but not both")
+    if pool and len(params) > 0:
+        raise OptionError(
+            "You may specify either a pool or a particular VM, but not both")
     if show_vcpus:
         print >>sys.stderr, (
             "xm list -v is deprecated.  Please use xm vcpu-list.")
-    doms = getDomains(params, state, use_long)
+    doms = getDomains(params, state, use_long, pool)
     if use_long:
         map(PrettyPrint.prettyprint, doms)
@@ -1841,6 +1894,13 @@ def xm_info(args):
                 return ""
+        def getFreeCpuCount():
+            cnt = 0
+            for host_cpu_record in host_cpu_records:
+                if len(host_cpu_record.get("cpu_pool", [])) == 0:
+                    cnt += 1
+            return cnt
         info = {
             "host":              getVal(["name_label"]),
             "release":           getVal(["software_version", "release"]),
@@ -1852,6 +1912,7 @@ def xm_info(args):
             "threads_per_core":  getVal(["cpu_configuration", "threads_per_core"]),
             "cpu_mhz":           getCpuMhz(),
             "hw_caps":           getCpuFeatures(),
+            "free_cpus":         getFreeCpuCount(),
             "total_memory":      int(host_metrics_record["memory_total"])/1024/1024,
             "free_memory":       int(host_metrics_record["memory_free"])/1024/1024,
             "xen_major":         getVal(["software_version", "xen_major"]),
@@ -3486,6 +3547,169 @@ def xm_tmem_shared_auth(args):
         return server.xend.node.tmem_shared_auth(domid,uuid_str,auth)
+def get_pool_ref(name):
+    refs = server.xenapi.cpu_pool.get_by_name_label(name)
+    if len(refs) > 0:
+        return refs[0]
+    else:
+        err('unknown pool name')
+        sys.exit(1)
+def xm_pool_start(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-start", 1)
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        ref = get_pool_ref(args[0])
+        server.xenapi.cpu_pool.activate(ref)
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.start(args[0])
+def brief_pool_list(sxprs):
+    format_str = "%-16s   %3s  %8s       %s          %s"
+    for sxpr in sxprs:
+        if sxpr == sxprs[0]:
+            print "Name               CPUs   Sched     Active   Domain count"
+        record = sxp2map(sxpr)
+        name = record['name_label']
+        sched_policy = record['sched_policy']
+        if record['activated']:
+            cpus = record.get('host_CPU_numbers', [])
+            vms = record.get('started_VM_names', [])
+            if not isinstance(cpus, types.ListType):
+                cpus = [cpus]
+            if not isinstance(vms, types.ListType):
+                vms = [vms]
+            cpu_count = len(cpus)
+            vm_count  = len(vms)
+            active = 'y'
+        else:
+            cpu_count = record['ncpu']
+            vm_count  = 0
+            active = 'n'
+        print format_str % (name, cpu_count, sched_policy, active, vm_count)
+def brief_pool_list_cpus(sxprs):
+    format_str = "%-16s %s"
+    for sxpr in sxprs:
+        if sxpr == sxprs[0]:
+            print format_str % ("Name", "CPU list")
+        record = sxp2map(sxpr)
+        name = record['name_label']
+        cpus = ""
+        if record['activated']:
+            cpus = record.get('host_CPU_numbers', [])
+            if isinstance(cpus, types.ListType):
+                cpus.sort()
+                cpus = reduce(lambda x,y: x + "%s," % y, cpus, "")
+                cpus = cpus[0:len(cpus)-1]
+            else:
+                cpus = str(cpus)
+        if len(cpus) == 0:
+            cpus = "-"
+        print format_str % (name, cpus)
+def xm_pool_list(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-list", 0, 2)
+    try:
+        (options, params) = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, 'lc', ['long','cpus'])
+    except getopt.GetoptError, opterr:
+        err(opterr)
+        usage('pool-list')
+    if len(params) > 1:
+        err("Only one pool name for selection allowed")
+        usage('pool-list')
+    use_long = False
+    show_cpus = False
+    for (k, _) in options:
+        if k in ['-l', '--long']:
+            use_long = True
+        if k in ['-c', '--cpus']:
+            show_cpus = True
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        pools = server.xenapi.cpu_pool.get_all_records()
+        cpu_recs = server.xenapi.host_cpu.get_all_records()
+        sxprs = []
+        for pool in pools.values():
+            if pool['name_label'] in params or len(params) == 0:
+                started_VM_names = [['started_VM_names'] + [
+                    server.xenapi.VM.get_name_label(started_VM)
+                    for started_VM in pool['started_VMs'] ] ]
+                host_CPU_numbers = [['host_CPU_numbers'] + [
+                    cpu_recs[cpu_ref]['number']
+                    for cpu_ref in pool['host_CPUs'] ] ]
+                sxpr = [ pool['uuid'] ] + map_to_sxp(pool) + \
+                    host_CPU_numbers + started_VM_names
+                sxprs.append(sxpr)
+    else:
+        sxprs = server.xend.cpu_pool.list(params)
+    if len(params) > 0 and len(sxprs) == 0:
+        # pool not found
+        err("Pool '%s' does not exist." % params[0])
+    if use_long:
+        for sxpr in sxprs:
+            PrettyPrint.prettyprint(sxpr)
+    elif show_cpus:
+        brief_pool_list_cpus(sxprs)
+    else:
+        brief_pool_list(sxprs)
+def xm_pool_destroy(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-destroy", 1)
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        ref = get_pool_ref(args[0])
+        server.xenapi.cpu_pool.deactivate(ref)
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.destroy(args[0])
+def xm_pool_delete(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-delete", 1)
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        ref = get_pool_ref(args[0])
+        server.xenapi.cpu_pool.destroy(ref)
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.delete(args[0])
+def xm_pool_cpu_add(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-cpu-add", 2)
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        ref = get_pool_ref(args[0])
+        cpu_ref_list = server.xenapi.host_cpu.get_all_records()
+        cpu_ref = [ c_rec['uuid'] for c_rec in cpu_ref_list.values()
+                                  if c_rec['number'] == args[1] ]
+        if len(cpu_ref) == 0:
+            err('cpu number unknown')
+        else:
+            server.xenapi.cpu_pool.add_host_CPU_live(ref, cpu_ref[0])
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.cpu_add(args[0], args[1])
+def xm_pool_cpu_remove(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-cpu-remove", 2)
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        ref = get_pool_ref(args[0])
+        cpu_ref_list = server.xenapi.host_cpu.get_all_records()
+        cpu_ref = [ c_rec['uuid'] for c_rec in cpu_ref_list.values()
+                                  if c_rec['number'] ==  args[1] ]
+        if len(cpu_ref) == 0:
+            err('cpu number unknown')
+        else:
+            server.xenapi.cpu_pool.remove_host_CPU_live(ref, cpu_ref[0])
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.cpu_remove(args[0], args[1])
+def xm_pool_migrate(args):
+    arg_check(args, "pool-migrate", 2)
+    domname = args[0]
+    poolname = args[1]
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        pool_ref = get_pool_ref(poolname)
+        server.xenapi.VM.cpu_pool_migrate(get_single_vm(domname), pool_ref)
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.migrate(domname, poolname)
 commands = {
     "shell": xm_shell,
@@ -3571,6 +3795,14 @@ commands = {
     "usb-list-assignable-devices": xm_usb_list_assignable_devices,
     "usb-hc-create": xm_usb_hc_create,
     "usb-hc-destroy": xm_usb_hc_destroy,
+    # pool
+    "pool-start": xm_pool_start,
+    "pool-list": xm_pool_list,
+    "pool-destroy": xm_pool_destroy,
+    "pool-delete": xm_pool_delete,
+    "pool-cpu-add": xm_pool_cpu_add,
+    "pool-cpu-remove": xm_pool_cpu_remove,
+    "pool-migrate": xm_pool_migrate,
     # tmem
     "tmem-thaw": xm_tmem_thaw,
     "tmem-freeze": xm_tmem_freeze,
@@ -3604,6 +3836,8 @@ IMPORTED_COMMANDS = [
+    'pool-create',
+    'pool-new',
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- /dev/null
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
+""" Create a new unmanaged pool.
+import sys
+from xen.xm.main import serverType, SERVER_XEN_API, server
+from xen.xm.pool import parseCommandLine, err, help as help_options
+from xen.util.sxputils import sxp2map
+def help():
+    return help_options()
+def main(argv):
+    try:
+        (opts, config) = parseCommandLine(argv)
+    except StandardError, ex:
+        err(str(ex))
+    if not opts:
+        return
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        record = sxp2map(config)
+        if type(record.get('proposed_CPUs', [])) != list:
+            record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+        ref = server.xenapi.cpu_pool.create(record)
+        if ref:
+            server.xenapi.cpu_pool.activate(ref)
+    else:
+        server.xend.cpu_pool.create(config)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- /dev/null
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
+""" Create a new managed pool.
+import sys
+from xen.xm.main import serverType, SERVER_XEN_API, server
+from xen.xm.pool import parseCommandLine, err, help as help_options
+from xen.util.sxputils import sxp2map
+def help():
+    return help_options()
+def main(argv):
+    try:
+        (opts, config) = parseCommandLine(argv)
+    except StandardError, ex:
+        err(str(ex))
+    if not opts:
+        return
+    if serverType == SERVER_XEN_API:
+        record = sxp2map(config)
+        if type(record.get('proposed_CPUs', [])) != list:
+            record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+        server.xenapi.cpu_pool.create(record)
+    else:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- /dev/null
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
+""" Common function of cmds pool-new / pool-create.
+import sys
+import types
+import os
+from xen.xend import PrettyPrint
+from xen.xend import sxp
+from xen.xm.opts import Opts, set_value, set_true, append_value, OptionError
+GOPTS = Opts(use="""[options] [vars]
+Create a pool.
+Pool creation parameters can be set by command-line switches, from
+a python configuration script or an SXP config file. See documentation
+for --defconfig, --config. Configuration variables can be set using
+VAR=VAL on the command line. For example name=Pool-1 sets name to Pool-1.
+GOPTS.opt('help', short='h',
+          fn=set_true, default=0,
+          use="Print this help.")
+          fn=set_true, default=0,
+          use="Print the available configuration variables (vars) for the "
+          "configuration script.")
+GOPTS.opt('path', val='PATH',
+          fn=set_value, default='.:/etc/xen/pool',
+          use="Search path for configuration scripts. "
+          "The value of PATH is a colon-separated directory list.")
+GOPTS.opt('defconfig', short='f', val='FILE',
+          fn=set_value, default='xmdefconfig',
+          use="Use the given Python configuration script."
+          "The configuration script is loaded after arguments have been "
+          "processed. Each command-line option sets a configuration "
+          "variable named after its long option name, and these "
+          "variables are placed in the environment of the script before "
+          "it is loaded. Variables for options that may be repeated have "
+          "list values. Other variables can be set using VAR=VAL on the "
+          "command line. "
+          "After the script is loaded, option values that were not set "
+          "on the command line are replaced by the values set in the script.")
+GOPTS.opt('config', short='F', val='FILE',
+          fn=set_value, default=None,
+          use="CPU pool configuration to use (SXP).\n"
+          "SXP is the underlying configuration format used by Xen.\n"
+          "SXP configurations can be hand-written or generated from Python "
+          "configuration scripts, using the -n (dryrun) option to print "
+          "the configuration.")
+GOPTS.opt('dryrun', short='n',
+          fn=set_true, default=0,
+          use="Dry run - prints the resulting configuration in SXP but "
+          "does not create the CPU pool.")
+GOPTS.var('name', val='NAME', fn=set_value, default=None,
+          use="CPU pool name.")
+GOPTS.var('sched', val='SCHED', fn=set_value, default='credit',
+          use="Scheduler to use for the CPU pool.")
+GOPTS.var('cpus', val='CPUS', fn=set_value, default=1,
+          use="CPUS to assign to the CPU pool.")
+GOPTS.var('other_config', val='OTHER_CONFIG', fn=append_value, default=[],
+          use="Additional info for CPU pool")
+def sxp2map(sxp_val):
+    record = {}
+    for x in sxp_val:
+        if isinstance(x, (types.ListType, types.TupleType)) \
+           and len(x) > 1:
+            if isinstance(x[1], (types.ListType, types.TupleType)):
+                record[x[0]] = sxp2map(x[1])
+            else:
+                record[x[0]] = x[1]
+    return record
+def err(msg):
+    print >> sys.stderr, "Error: %s" % msg
+    sys.exit(-1)
+def make_cpus_config(cfg_cpus):
+    """ Taken from XendConfig. """
+    # Convert 'cpus' to list of list of ints
+    cpus_list = []
+    # Convert the following string to list of ints.
+    # The string supports a list of ranges (0-3),
+    # seperated by commas, and negation (^1).
+    # Precedence is settled by order of the string:
+    #    "0-3,^1"      -> [0,2,3]
+    #    "0-3,^1,1"    -> [0,1,2,3]
+    def cnv(s):
+        l = []
+        for c in s.split(','):
+            if c.find('-') != -1:
+                (x, y) = c.split('-')
+                for i in range(int(x), int(y)+1):
+                    l.append(int(i))
+            else:
+                # remove this element from the list
+                if len(c) > 0:
+                    if c[0] == '^':
+                        l = [x for x in l if x != int(c[1:])]
+                    else:
+                        l.append(int(c))
+        return l
+    if type(cfg_cpus) == list:
+        if len(cfg_cpus) > 0 and type(cfg_cpus[0]) == list:
+            # If sxp_cfg was created from config.sxp,
+            # the form of 'cpus' is list of list of string.
+            # Convert 'cpus' to list of list of ints.
+            # Conversion examples:
+            #    [['1']]               -> [[1]]
+            #    [['0','2'],['1','3']] -> [[0,2],[1,3]]
+            try:
+                for c1 in cfg_cpus:
+                    cpus = []
+                    for c2 in c1:
+                        cpus.append(int(c2))
+                    cpus_list.append(cpus)
+            except ValueError, e:
+                raise err('cpus = %s: %s' % (cfg_cpus, e))
+        else:
+            # Conversion examples:
+            #    ["1"]               -> [[1]]
+            #    ["0,2","1,3"]       -> [[0,2],[1,3]]
+            #    ["0-3,^1","1-4,^2"] -> [[0,2,3],[1,3,4]]
+            try:
+                for c in cfg_cpus:
+                    cpus = cnv(c)
+                    cpus_list.append(cpus)
+            except ValueError, e:
+                raise err('cpus = %s: %s' % (cfg_cpus, e))
+    else:
+        # Conversion examples:
+        #  cpus=1:
+        #    "1"      -> [[1]]
+        #    "0-3,^1" -> [[0,2,3]]
+        #  cpus=2:
+        #    "1"      -> [[1],[1]]
+        #    "0-3,^1" -> [[0,2,3],[0,2,3]]
+        try:
+            cpus_list = cnv(cfg_cpus)
+        except ValueError, e:
+            err('cpus = %s: %s' % (cfg_cpus, e))
+    return cpus_list
+def make_config(vals):
+    config  = ['pool']
+    config += [['name_label',]]
+    config += [['sched_policy', vals.sched]]
+    if type(vals.cpus) == int:
+        config +=  [['ncpu', vals.cpus], ['proposed_CPUs' , []]]
+    elif type(vals.cpus) == str and len(vals.cpus) > 1 and vals.cpus[0] == '#':
+        try:
+            config +=  [['ncpu', int(vals.cpus[1:])], ['proposed_CPUs' , []]]
+        except ValueError, ex:
+            err('Wrong illegal of parameter "cpus"')
+    else:
+        prop_cpus = make_cpus_config(vals.cpus)
+        config +=  [['ncpu', len(prop_cpus)],
+                    ['proposed_CPUs'] + prop_cpus]
+    other_config = []
+    for entry in vals.other_config:
+        if '=' in entry:
+            (var, val) = entry.strip().split('=', 1)
+            other_config.append([var, val])
+    config +=  [['other_config'] + other_config]
+    return config
+def parseCommandLine(argv):
+    GOPTS.reset()
+    args = GOPTS.parse(argv)
+    if or GOPTS.vals.help_config:
+        if GOPTS.vals.help_config:
+            print GOPTS.val_usage()
+        return (None, None)
+    # Process remaining args as config variables.
+    for arg in args:
+        if '=' in arg:
+            (var, val) = arg.strip().split('=', 1)
+            GOPTS.setvar(var.strip(), val.strip())
+    if GOPTS.vals.config:
+        try:
+            config = sxp.parse(file(GOPTS.vals.config))[0]
+        except IOError, ex:
+            raise OptionError("Cannot read file %s: %s" % (config, ex[1]))
+    else:
+        GOPTS.load_defconfig()
+        if not GOPTS.getopt('name') and GOPTS.getopt('defconfig'):
+            GOPTS.setopt('name', os.path.basename(
+                GOPTS.getopt('defconfig')))
+        config = make_config(GOPTS.vals)
+    if GOPTS.vals.dryrun:
+        PrettyPrint.prettyprint(config)
+        return (None, None)
+    return (GOPTS, config)
+def help():
+    return str(GOPTS)
Index: xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
--- xen-4.0.1-testing.orig/tools/python/xen/xm/
+++ xen-4.0.1-testing/tools/python/xen/xm/
@@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ class xenapi_create:
                 get_child_nodes_as_dict(vm, "platform", "key", "value"),
                 get_child_nodes_as_dict(vm, "other_config", "key", "value"),
+            "pool_name":
+                vm.attributes["pool_name"].value,
@@ -696,6 +698,8 @@ class sxp2xml:
             = str(get_child_by_name(config, "s3_integrity", 0))
         vm.attributes["superpages"] \
             = str(get_child_by_name(config, "superpages", 0))
+        vm.attributes["pool_name"] \
+            = str(get_child_by_name(config, "pool_name", "Pool-0"))
         sec_data = get_child_by_name(config, "security")
         if sec_data: