#! /bin/bash # Script to clone Xen Dom-Us. # Based on XenClone by Glen Davis; rewritten by Bob Brandt. # Further extended and restructured by Manfred Hollstein. # Copyright (C) 2007 Manfred Hollstein, SUSE / Novell Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 # USA. # # Defaults # VERSION=0.4.5 XEN_CONFIGS=/etc/xen/vm/ XEN_BASE=/var/lib/xen/images/ SOURCE= DESTINATION= DUPLICATE=0 HOSTNAME= IP= MAC= PART=2 DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED= DOMU_ROOTDEV= FORCE=no # # Subroutines used in this script # # Display the usage information for this script function usage () { cat << EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [-h|--help] [-v|--version] [--force] [-c dir] [-b dir] [-d] [-n hostname] [-i address] [-m address] [-p number-of-root-partition-within-domU] [-t target-device] SourcedomU NewdomU Clones a domU, and gives a new Host name, MAC address and possibly IP address. Once finished the new domU should boot without any additional configuration. Currently works with single NIC, and basic bridge setup. Tested with cloning a SLES10 install created from the SLES10 YaST Xen module. -h, --help Display this help message. -v, --version Display the version of this program. --force Silently overwrite files when destination already exists. -c Xen configuration directory which defaults to: $XEN_CONFIGS -b Xen image base directory which defaults to: $XEN_BASE -d Duplicate only, do not modify attributes. -n Hostname to be used, if not specified the NewdomU name will be used. -i IP address to be used, if not specified the IP address will not be changed. -m MAC address to be used, if not specified a psuedo-random address will be used based on the ip address with the format: 00:16:3e:BB:CC:DD Where BB,CC,DD are the Hex octals of the IP address. -p This script assumes that the second partition on any writable disk of the domU to be cloned holds the root file system in which attributes have to be changed. If this is not the case for you, you can specify the partition number using this flag. -t If the SourcedomU uses a block device for its root/ boot directory, you need to specify the new block device for NewdomU. From XENSource Networking WIKI (http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenNetworking) Virtualised network interfaces in domains are given Ethernet MAC addresses. When choosing MAC addresses to use, ensure you choose a unicast address. That is, one with the low bit of the first octet set to zero. For example, an address starting aa: is OK but ab: is not. It is best to keep to the range of addresses declared to be "locally assigned" (rather than allocated globally to hardware vendors). These have the second lowest bit set to one in the first octet. For example, aa: is OK, a8: isn't. Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if minor problems, 2 if serious trouble. EOF } # Display the version information for this script function version () { cat << EOF ${0##*/} (Xen VM clone utility) $VERSION ${0##*/} comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>. Written by Manfred Hollstein, based on work by Glen Davis and Bob Brandt. EOF } # Find/Replace text within a file function replace () { sed -i -e "s!$1!$2!g" "$3" } # # Find the first entry that names a writable image or device, assuming # the Dom-U is going to boot from it: # function get_first_writable_image () { local i for i in $@ do case $i in # Match the first entry like "'phy:/dev/md0,xvda,w'," *",w'," ) # Strip off the leading "'" character: i="${i#*\'}" # Strip off the final trailing "'," echo "${i%*\',}" return ;; esac done } # # Extract just the protocol and the file/device name part from a disk entry: # function extract_proto_and_filename () { echo "$1" | cut -d, -f1 } # # Make sure this script is run by the superuser root # if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ] then echo "You must be root to run this script!" >&2 exit 1 fi # # Process the parameters # # Must look for double -- arguments before calling getopts # if [ "$1" = "--version" ] then version exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "--help" ] then usage exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "--force" ] then FORCE=yes shift fi while getopts ":b:c:dhi:m:n:p:t:v" opt do case $opt in b ) XEN_BASE=$OPTARG ;; c ) XEN_CONFIGS=$OPTARG ;; d ) DUPLICATE=1 ;; h ) usage exit 1 ;; i ) IP=$OPTARG ;; m ) MAC=$OPTARG ;; n ) HOSTNAME=$OPTARG ;; p ) PART=$OPTARG ;; t ) DOMU_ROOTDEV=$OPTARG ;; v ) version exit 0 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND-1)) if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "Illegal number of arguments passed!" >&2 echo "" >&2 usage exit 1 fi SOURCE=$1 DESTINATION=$2 # # Verify the Source and Destination parameters # # The source and destination should be relative directory names without # trailing /'s. If the source does have a full path, use that path as the # value for XEN_BASE. Otherwise remove all but the last part of the path # for both source and destination # SOURCEDIR=${SOURCE%/*} SOURCEBASE=${SOURCE##*/} if [ "$SOURCEDIR" != "$SOURCEBASE" ] then XEN_BASE=$SOURCEDIR"/" SOURCE=$SOURCEBASE fi SOURCE=${SOURCE##*/} DESTINATION=${DESTINATION##*/} # # Verify the Xen Config and Source parameters # # Verify the validity of each argument, ask the user if there is a problem while [ ! -d "$XEN_CONFIGS" ] do cat << EOF >&2 $XEN_CONFIGS either does not exist or is not a directory. Please enter a valid directory. EOF read -e -p "Xen Configuration Directory? " XEN_CONFIGS done while [ ! -d "$XEN_BASE" ] do cat << EOF >&2 $XEN_BASE either does not exist or is not a directory. Please enter a valid directory. EOF read -e -p "Xen Image Base Directory? " XEN_BASE done # # Directories should have a / after them # [ "$XEN_CONFIGS" != "" ] && XEN_CONFIGS="${XEN_CONFIGS%/}/" [ "$XEN_BASE" != "" ] && XEN_BASE="${XEN_BASE%/}/" # # Verify that actual image and configuration file exist # while : do if [ ! -f "$XEN_CONFIGS$SOURCE" ] then echo "The $XEN_CONFIGS$SOURCE file does not exist." >&2 echo "Please select a valid file." >&2 FILES= for FILE in `ls $XEN_CONFIGS` do # If the entry is a file [ -f "$XEN_CONFIGS$FILE" ] && FILES="$FILES $XEN_CONFIGS$FILE" done if [ -z "$FILES" ] then echo "There are no suitable files beneath $XEN_CONFIGS" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Files beneath $XEN_CONFIGS" select FILE in $FILES do if [ -f "$FILE" ] then SOURCE=${FILE##*/} break fi echo "Invalid Selection." >&2 done else # # Figure out what type of image we're using: # BOOTENTRY=$(get_first_writable_image $(sed -n -e 's,^disk[ ]*=[ ]*\[\(.*\)\],\1,p' "$XEN_CONFIGS$SOURCE")) case "$BOOTENTRY" in phy:* ) DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED=no ;; file:* | \ tap:aio:* ) DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED=yes ;; * ) echo "Don't know how to deal with the boot protocol/device you appear to be using: $BOOTENTRY" >&2 echo "These are the ones this script supports: \"phy:*\", \"file:*\", \"tap:aio:*\"" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac fi if [ ${DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED} = yes ] then if [ ! -d "$XEN_BASE$SOURCE" ] then echo "The directory $XEN_BASE$SOURCE is invalid." >&2 echo "Please select another one." >&2 FILES= for FILE in `ls $XEN_BASE` do # If the entry is a directory and # it is not empty [ -d "$XEN_BASE$FILE" ] && [ "`ls $XEN_BASE$FILE`" != "" ] && FILES="$FILES $XEN_BASE$FILE" done if [ -z "$FILES" ] then echo "There are no suitable directories beneath $XEN_BASE" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Directories beneath $XEN_BASE" select FILE in $FILES do if [ -d "$FILE" ] then SOURCE=${FILE##*/} break fi echo "Invalid Selection." >&2 done continue fi break else # DomU is using some block device while [ ! -b "${DOMU_ROOTDEV}" ] || [ ! -w "${DOMU_ROOTDEV}" ] do read -e -p "You need to specify a valid block device for the new target DomU: " DOMU_ROOTDEV done break fi done BOOTIMAGE="$(echo $BOOTENTRY | awk -F : '{ print $NF }' | sed -e 's:,[^,]*,[^,]*$::')" # # Verify that the destination location does not already have an image or # config file # while [ -z "$DESTINATION" ] do echo "You have not specified a Destination." >&2 read -e -p "New Destination? " DESTINATION done while : do if [ -f "$XEN_CONFIGS$DESTINATION" ] && [ $FORCE = no ] then echo "The target configuration file $XEN_CONFIGS$DESTINATION already exists!" >&2 read -e -p "Please select a new Destination? " DESTINATION fi if [ ${DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED} = yes ] then if [ -d "$XEN_BASE$DESTINATION" ] && [ $FORCE = no ] then echo "The target image location $XEN_BASE$DESTINATION already exists!" >&2 read -p "Please select a new Destination? " DESTINATION continue fi fi break done # # Verify the network parameters (if Duplicate Only was not selected) # if [ $DUPLICATE -eq 0 ] then if [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] then echo "You have not entered a host name. If you wish to, enter one now." >&2 read -p "New host name? (Default: $DESTINATION) " HOSTNAME fi [ -z "$HOSTNAME" ] && HOSTNAME=$DESTINATION if [ -z "$IP" ] then echo "You have not specified an IP Address. If you wish to change the IP address, enter one now." read -p "New IP Address? " IP fi while [ -n "$IP" ] && [ "${IP/*.*.*.*/ok}" != "ok" ] do echo "The IP Address you specified is invalid. If you wish, enter a new one now." read -p "New IP Address? " IP [ -z "$IP" ] && break done if [ -z "$MASK" ] then echo "You have not specified a network mask in bits. Please enter one now. Default is 24 " read -p "Network mask? " MASK fi while [ -n "$MASK" ] && [ "${MASK/**/ok}" != "ok" ] do echo "The Network mask you specified is invalid. If you wish, enter a new one now." read -p "Network mask? " MASK [ -z "$MASK" ] && MASK=24 done if [ -z "$MAC" ] then newMAC="" newMACtext="(format 01:23:45:67:89:AB)" # If the IP Address is specified and the MAC isn't, generate one. if [ -n "$IP" ] then octal1=${IP%%.*} IP=${IP#*.} octal2=${IP%%.*} IP=${IP#*.} octal3=${IP%%.*} octal4=${IP#*.} IP="$octal1.$octal2.$octal3.$octal4" octal1="00"`echo $octal1 16 o p | dc | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` octal2="00"`echo $octal2 16 o p | dc | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` octal3="00"`echo $octal3 16 o p | dc | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` octal4="00"`echo $octal4 16 o p | dc | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` newMAC="00:16:3e:"${octal2:(-2)}":"${octal3:(-2)}":"${octal4:(-2)} newMACtext="(default $newMAC)" fi echo "You have not specified a MAC Address. If you wish to change the MAC address, enter one now." read -p "New MAC Address? $newMACtext " MAC [ -z "$MAC" ] && MAC=$newMAC fi while [ "$MAC" != "" ] && [ "${MAC/[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]:[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]/ok}" != "ok" ] do echo "The MAC Address you specified is invalid. If you wish, enter a new one now." read -p "New MAC Address? (format 01:23:45:67:89:AB) " MAC [ -z "$MAC" ] && break done else HOSTNAME= IP= MASK= MAC= fi # # Make sure that the source VM is not running # xmid=`xm domid "$SOURCE" 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$xmid" ] && [ -z "${xmid//[[:digit:]]/}" ] then echo "domU $SOURCE is currently running on Xen, please shutdown before cloning." >&2 echo "The command \"xm shutdown $xmid -w\" will shutdown the domU" >&2 exit 1 fi # # Copy the Xen Config file # SOURCECONFIG="$XEN_CONFIGS$SOURCE" DESTCONFIG="$XEN_CONFIGS$DESTINATION" echo "Copying Configuration files" if ! cp -fv "$SOURCECONFIG" "$DESTCONFIG" then echo "The Config file $SOURCECONFIG could not be copied to $DESTCONFIG" >&2 exit 1 fi # # Edit newly copied configuration file # echo "Editing config file ($DESTCONFIG), correcting the new domU Name." if ! replace "$SOURCE" "$DESTINATION" "$DESTCONFIG" then echo "Unable to change the domU name in $DESTCONFIG from $SOURCE to $DESTINATION" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ $DUPLICATE -eq 0 ] then oldUUID=`grep "^uuid[ ]*=.*$" $DESTCONFIG` if [ x"${oldUUID}" = x ] then echo 'uuid="'`uuidgen`'"' >> $DESTCONFIG else sed -i -e 's,^uuid[ ]*=.*$,uuid="'`uuidgen`'",' $DESTCONFIG fi fi if [ $DUPLICATE -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$MAC" ] then # Get the vif line in the config file oldMAC=`grep "vif[ ]*=[ ]*" $DESTCONFIG` # extract everything between the square brackets oldMAC=${oldMAC#*[} oldMAC=${oldMAC%*]} # using the single quotes as delimiters, get the second field # (this script can only deal with one adapter!) oldMAC=`echo "$oldMAC" | cut -f2 -d\'` # remove the mac= from the beginning oldMAC=${oldMAC#mac=*} if ! replace "$oldMAC" "$MAC" "$DESTCONFIG" then echo "Unable to change the MAC address in $DESTCONFIG from ($oldMAC) to ($MAC)" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # # Create and Copy image directory # if [ $DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED = yes ] then SOURCEXEN="$XEN_BASE$SOURCE/" DESTXEN="$XEN_BASE$DESTINATION/" echo "Creating the new image directory $DESTXEN" if ! mkdir -pv --mode=755 "$DESTXEN" then echo "Unable to create the directory $DESTXEN" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Copying complete image. (This may take a few minutes!)" tar -C $SOURCEXEN -cSf - --exclude=lost+found `cd $SOURCEXEN; echo *` \ | tar -C $DESTXEN -xvBSpf - if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Unable to copy the images from $SOURCEXEN to $DESTXEN" >&2 exit 1 fi else # Deal with block devices if [ $DUPLICATE -eq 0 ] then echo "Editing config file ($DESTCONFIG), correcting the new domU root device name." if ! replace ":$BOOTIMAGE," ":$DOMU_ROOTDEV," "$DESTCONFIG" then echo "Unable to change the domU root device name in $DESTCONFIG from $BOOTIMAGE to $DOMU_ROOTDEV" >&2 exit 1 fi fi echo "Copying from source block device ($BOOTIMAGE) to the new target device ($DOMU_ROOTDEV)" echo "(This may take a few minutes!)" if ! dd if=$BOOTIMAGE of=$DOMU_ROOTDEV bs=4K then echo "Failed to copy from $BOOTIMAGE to $DOMU_ROOTDEV" >&2 exit 1 fi fi # # The rest of the script only applies if we are actually making changes within # the image # if [ $DUPLICATE -eq 0 ] then # # Create a temporary directory name # tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "Unable to create temporary directory $tmpdir." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ $DOMU_IS_FILE_BASED = yes ] then set -- $(echo $DESTXEN*) else set -- $(echo $DOMU_ROOTDEV) fi for DISKIMAGE do # Silently ignore any directories (lost+found comes to mind): [ -d $DISKIMAGE ] && continue # # Mount the newly copied image file # loopdev='' for dev in /dev/loop* do if [ ! -b "$dev" ] then continue fi status=$(losetup "$dev" 2>/dev/null) || status='' if [ ! "$status" ] then status=$(losetup $dev "$DISKIMAGE") if [ ! "$status" ] then kpartx -a $dev loopdev=$dev break fi fi done if [ ! "$loopdev" ] then echo "No loopback devices available." >&2 exit 1 fi echo -n "Trying to mount partition $PART of $DISKIMAGE ... " mapperdev=$(echo "$loopdev" | sed -e 's/dev\//dev\/mapper\//g')p$PART status=$(mount -o rw $mapperdev "$tmpdir") if [ "$status" ] then kpartx -d $loopdev losetup -d $loopdev continue fi echo "succeeded." pushd "$tmpdir" > /dev/null # # Find out if we are looking at SLE10 # SLE10= if [ -f etc/SuSE-release ] then OSVER=`cat etc/SuSE-release | sed -n 1p | awk -F'(' '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/ $//g'` if [ "$OSVER" == "openSUSE 10" -o \ "$OSVER" == "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10" -o \ "$OSVER" == "SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10" ] then SLE10=1 fi fi # # Change the Network Configuration in the mounted image file # if [ -n "$MAC" ] then if [ -d etc/sysconfig/network/ ] then echo "Changing the Network configuration in the newly copied image." pushd "etc/sysconfig/network/" > /dev/null # Find the ifcfg-ethMACADDRESS file in the # newly copied image ETH0=`ls | grep ifcfg-eth | cut -f1` if [ -z "$ETH0" ] then echo "Unable to find ethernet file in image file" 2>&1 cd /tmp; umount "$tmpdir"; rmdir "$tmpdir" kpartx -d $loopdev losetup -d $loopdev exit 1 fi if [ "$SLE10" ] then mv -f "$ETH0" ifcfg-eth-id-$MAC else sed -i -e "s,^LLADDR=.*$,LLADDR=\'$MAC\'," \ ifcfg-eth0 fi popd > /dev/null fi if [ -d etc/udev/rules.d/ ] then # The 30-net_persistent_names.rules or 70-persistent-net.rules # file controls which interface to use. # By removing the SUBSYSTEM== lines, we force # the system to recreate it. pushd "etc/udev/rules.d/" > /dev/null if [ "$SLE10" ] then sed -i -e "/SUBSYSTEM==/d" \ 30-net_persistent_names.rules else sed -i -e "/SUBSYSTEM==/d" \ 70-persistent-net.rules fi popd > /dev/null fi fi # # Change the IP Address in the mounted image file # if [ -n "$IP" ] then if [ -d etc/sysconfig/network/ ] then echo "Modify the IP Address of the new domU." pushd "etc/sysconfig/network/" > /dev/null if [ "$SLE10" ] then sed -i -e "s,^IPADDR=.*$,IPADDR=$IP," \ ifcfg-eth-id-$MAC else sed -i -e "s,^IPADDR=.*$,IPADDR=$IP/$MASK," \ ifcfg-eth0 fi popd > /dev/null fi fi # # Change the HOSTNAME and hosts files in the mounted image file # if [ -n "$HOSTNAME" ] then if [ -d "etc/" ] then echo "Changing HOSTNAME file to $HOSTNAME." pushd "etc/" > /dev/null # using the period as a delimiter, select the # first entry for the hostname oldHOSTNAME=`cut -f1 -d\. HOSTNAME` if ! replace "$oldHOSTNAME" "$HOSTNAME" "HOSTNAME" then echo "Unable to change the HOSTNAME from $oldHOSTNAME to $HOSTNAME" >&2 cd /tmp; umount "$tmpdir"; rmdir "$tmpdir" kpartx -d $loopdev losetup -d $loopdev exit 1 fi FQDN=`cat HOSTNAME` # Add entries for the new domU to /etc/hosts, # if it doesn't already include them: if ! egrep -q "[[:space:]]$FQDN[^[:alnum:]]" \ hosts then echo "Changing hosts file." echo -e "$IP\t$FQDN $HOSTNAME" >> hosts fi popd > /dev/null fi fi popd > /dev/null umount "$tmpdir" kpartx -d $loopdev losetup -d $loopdev done rmdir "$tmpdir" fi echo "Clone is complete. domU $DESTCONFIG is ready to start!" exit 0