2024-02-04 21:08:32 +00:00
Sun Feb 4 21:06:20 UTC 2024 - Stefan Dirsch <sndirsch@suse.com>
- update to 1.4.7
* This release mainly focuses on code cleanup and improving
maintainability and making static analysis work better on this
code base. It also fixes a bug that could cause build failures
with gcc when the -ftracer option was used.
2022-12-31 13:03:20 +00:00
Sun Dec 18 12:55:15 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 1.4.6:
* configure: Use AC_SYS_LARGEFILE to enable large file support
* suppress four more warnings when 'warningLevel' is zero
* suppress the "Could not resolve" warning when 'warningLevel' is zero
* man page: remove out-of-date COPYRIGHT section
* Build xz tarballs instead of bzip2
* Fix "upercase" typo
2021-05-02 20:43:14 +00:00
Sat May 1 18:27:33 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir)
2020-11-05 09:52:08 +00:00
2021-03-17 10:37:59 +00:00
Wed Mar 17 10:33:45 UTC 2021 - Stefan Dirsch <sndirsch@suse.com>
- Update to version 1.4.5
* Remove trailing whitespaces
* gitlab CI: add basic build test
* Replace WARN[1-9], ERROR[1-9], etc. with their unnumbered version
* Downgrade the warning for missing symbols to info
* keycodes: downgrade the >255 keycode warning to an info
* keycodes: compress the high keycode warning
2020-11-05 09:52:08 +00:00
Thu Nov 5 09:49:03 UTC 2020 - Stefan Dirsch <sndirsch@suse.com>
- Update to version 1.4.4
* Fix spelling/wording issues
* Fix lockdevbtn to be XkbSA_LockDeviceBtn action
* For -R and after chdir, add the current directory to the path
* Don't pretend unresolved symbols are an error
2020-02-21 12:57:59 +00:00
Fri Feb 21 11:18:05 UTC 2020 - Stefan Dirsch <sndirsch@suse.com>
- Update to version 1.4.3
* Update configure.ac bug URL for gitlab migration
* configure: Remove unused AC_SUBST([REQUIRED_MODULES])
* pkgconfig: Remove unneeded Requires.private
* Suppress high-keycode warnings at the default warning level
* xkbcomp Fix missing support for "affect" and incorrect modifier
handling for ISOLock
* Don't compare with string literals
* Fix invalid error report on F_Accel field
* Error out if we have no default path
2018-06-08 10:52:38 +00:00
Fri Jun 8 10:40:35 UTC 2018 - sndirsch@suse.com
- Update to version 1.4.2
* Only one patch, fixing keymap compilation errors when the
keycodes maximum is set to a value above the permitted X11
maximum of 255. While we already ignored keys with codes
above 255, we still failed on the maximum=374; line that
xkeyboard-config 2.24 produces now.
2018-03-05 15:08:56 +00:00
Mon Mar 5 14:58:54 UTC 2018 - sndirsch@suse.com
- Update to version 1.4.1
* This release adds the path of the xkbcomp executable to the pkgconfig
data, allowing the X server to find the right binary regardless of
where its (the X servers) $prefix is pointed. Without this the X server
will guess that xkbcomp is configured for the same prefix; since the
default prefix is /usr/local, and your distribution certainly did not
install xkbcomp there, 'make check' and 'ninja dist' for the X server
build would fail because Xvfb would not start.
- supersedes U_xkbcomp_pkgconfig-add-bindir.patch
- refreshed xkbcomp.keyring; seems signing key changed, since this
time the package has been released by Adam Jackson (before: Daniel
Stone)? Hope I got this right ...
2017-11-21 13:38:24 +00:00
Mon Nov 20 22:42:36 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Add U_xkbcomp_pkgconfig-add-bindir.patch: pkgconfig: Add our
bindir to xkbcomp.pc.
2017-05-05 10:41:04 +00:00
Tue May 2 12:21:16 UTC 2017 - sndirsch@suse.com
- Update to version 1.4.0
* This xkbcomp release mostly contains a couple of bugfixes and
parser improvements. Notably, ignoring keycodes that X11 can
never support means that we can start using those keycodes,
which xkbcommon supports.
- refreshed xkbcomp.keyring; seems signing key changed, since this
time the package has been released by Daniel Stone (before: Peter
Hutterer)? Hope I got this right ...
2015-11-13 12:48:44 +00:00
Fri Nov 13 12:27:11 UTC 2015 - mpluskal@suse.com
- Use url for source
- Add gpg signature
- Make building more verbose
2015-11-10 13:08:58 +00:00
Tue Nov 10 13:07:25 UTC 2015 - sndirsch@suse.com
- Update to version 1.3.1
* Couple of minor fixes, the only user-visible change is that the
warning when a key type is shortened is now on a verbosity level
above the default verbosity. This effectively removes the warning
below for all users of the german keyboard layout (and others):
Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but <RALT> has 2 symbols
2014-12-15 16:24:33 +00:00
Sat Nov 29 21:50:44 UTC 2014 - tobias.johannes.klausmann@mni.thm.de
- Update to version 1.3.0:
+ Support for multiple keysyms per level (#25025).
+ Misc fixes and changes all over the place.
+ UNIXOS2 support was dropped.
2012-05-11 09:22:34 +00:00
Fri May 11 08:45:25 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Split the pkg-config file in a devel subpackage, instead of
removing it: it might be needed by some configure scripts.
- Remove xkbcomp-devel Provides from main subpackage now that we
have a proper devel subpackage.
2012-05-11 08:38:56 +00:00
Fri May 11 08:22:43 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com
- remove the pkgconfig file - it requires all devel packages and
nothing of that is needed to run xkbcomp
2012-05-08 11:51:55 +00:00
Thu Apr 26 18:40:02 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Version the Provides for xkbcomp-devel, as it can be useful.
2012-04-15 10:51:44 +00:00
Sat Apr 14 21:23:30 UTC 2012 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.2.4:
+ Delete redundant redeclarations of extern Atoms in symbols.c
+ Make sure to leave room for trailing nil byte in yyGetNumber
+ include resets group compatibility modifiers fdo#43091
+ Correct our zeroing out of the row in InitRowInfo
+ Add missing _X_NORETURN to uFatalError
+ Add .pc file for version export
+ Print version number on -version.
+ Build system fixes.
- Changes from version 1.2.3:
+ Interp: Allow explicit Any/NoSymbol mappings
+ Constify LookupKeysym input argument
- Changes from version 1.2.2:
+ Interp: Ignore NoSymbol definitions
+ Interp: Don't make modifier lookup failure fatal
+ Replace repeated checks for gcc with _X_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF from
+ xkbcomp: Stop possible overflow in yyGetnumber. fdo#31647
+ Inline the oiText macro in the only place it's used
+ Build system fixes.
- Changes from version 1.2.1:
+ Build system fixes.
- Add pkgconfig(xproto) BuildRequires: new dependency.
- Provide xkbcomp-devel from the main-package. This is a compiler,
and as such per definition a -devel tool. This helps to silence
a rpmlint warning, as we now also have a .pc file.
2012-04-14 09:34:43 +00:00
Fri Apr 13 08:46:08 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Split xkbcomp from xorg-x11. Initial version: 1.2.0.