* If one node in the comparison has children while the other one
has not, XMLUnit 1.5 will signal a CHILD_NODELIST_LEN GTH
difference and CHILD_NODE_NOT_FOUND differences for each child
node of the node that has children in addition to a
HAS_CHILD_NODES difference.
* xsi:type attributes now have their value interpreted as a QName and will
compare as identical if their namespace URI and local
names match even if they use different prefixes
* Try to match control Element with first unmatched test one instead of
* null XPath on missing node
* SAXParserFactory can be configured
* new Validator class to validate schema definitions
* Support for XML Namespaces in XPath processing
* Support for XML Schema validation using any JAXP compliant parser
- dropped xmlunit-java5-enum.patch, not needed
- dropped xmlunit-no-javac-target.patch, not needed
- put userguide to javadoc package
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Java:packages/xmlunit?expand=0&rev=14