Jiří Suchomel 24a9cbd82f 2,7d1
< Thu Nov 19 08:09:43 CET 2009 - jsuchome@suse.cz
< - fix HTML list in proposal (bnc#544981)
< - 2.19.0
< -------------------------------------------------------------------

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/YaST:Head/yast2-users?expand=0&rev=26
2009-11-19 07:33:40 +00:00

86 lines
2.6 KiB

# spec file for package yast2-users (Version 2.19.0)
# norootforbuild
Name: yast2-users
Version: 2.19.0
Release: 0
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Source0: yast2-users-2.19.0.tar.bz2
prefix: /usr
Group: System/YaST
License: GPL v2 or later
BuildRequires: cracklib-devel doxygen gcc-c++ perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-XML-Writer update-desktop-files yast2 yast2-devtools yast2-ldap-client yast2-perl-bindings yast2-security yast2-testsuite yast2-core-devel
Requires: yast2-country yast2-pam yast2-security cracklib perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-X500-DN perl-gettext
Obsoletes: yast2-config-users y2c_users yast2-trans-users y2t_users yast2-trans-inst-user yast2-trans-users y2t_inst-user
Provides: yast2-config-users y2c_users yast2-trans-users y2t_users yast2-trans-inst-user yast2-trans-users y2t_inst-user
# y2usernote, y2useritem
Requires: yast2-perl-bindings >= 2.18.0
# this forces using yast2-ldap with orrect LDAP object names (fate#303596)
Requires: yast2-ldap-client >= 2.17.1
# String::RemoveShortcut
Requires: yast2 >= 2.18.0
Summary: YaST2 - User and Group Configuration
This package provides GUI for maintenance of linux users and groups.
%setup -n yast2-users-2.19.0
%{prefix}/bin/y2tool y2autoconf
%{prefix}/bin/y2tool y2automake
autoreconf --force --install
%{?suse_update_config:%{suse_update_config -f}}
./configure --libdir=%{_libdir} --prefix=%{prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir}
# V=1: verbose build in case we used AM_SILENT_RULES(yes)
# so that RPM_OPT_FLAGS check works
make %{?jobs:-j%jobs} V=1
make install DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
[ -e "%{prefix}/share/YaST2/data/devtools/NO_MAKE_CHECK" ] || Y2DIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/YaST2" make check DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
for f in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix}/share/applications/YaST2/ -name "*.desktop"` ; do
%suse_update_desktop_file -d ycc_${d%.desktop} ${d%.desktop}
rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
%dir /usr/share/YaST2/include/users
%dir /usr/share/YaST2/modules/YaPI
%doc %{prefix}/share/doc/packages/yast2-users