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Mon Oct 5 18:08:11 UTC 2015 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- Updated to v0.1.1-117-g43ed784:
* https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/issues/376 was resolved
(Fail to build with Qt5.5 affecting arm & leap 42.1).
Thu May 21 15:45:53 UTC 2015 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- Updated to v0.1.1-52-g43ed784:
* https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/issues/333 was implemented.
- Fixed up zeal-no-date-and-time.diff a bit.
Sun May 17 09:31:15 UTC 2015 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- Updated to 0.1.1:
* Display a message box about in case old docset storage is found
* Follow a new versioning scheme. (#203)
* Added support for Dash protocols dash: and dash-plugin:
on Linux and Windows. (#247)
* Revamped settings dialogue with more intuitive options.
* Added a build option for portable mode ( qmake
CONFIG+=portable ). In this case settings are stored in
zeal.ini next to the Zeal executable, and docset storage path
defaults to docsets subdirectory. Changing docset storage
path via the settings dialogue has only temporary effect, and
it is not saved on application exit. It is still possible to
set a permanent custom path by manually editing zeal.ini .
* Zeal now relies on its own server for obtaining docset list,
rather than parsing Dash website.
* Now the docset list is cached for 24 hours,
but can be manually reloaded. (#287)
* Implemented version check function
( Help -> Check for Update... ). (#282)
* Improved display of docset download/unpack progress. (#252)
* Now the main window of the running Zeal instance is brought up
on attempt to start the app again. (#187)
* Provided MSI installer for Windows users. (#279)
* bugfixes, see more at https://github.com/zealdocs/zeal/releases
- Added %desktop_database_post(un) & %icon_theme_cache_post(un).
- Added zeal-no-date-and-time.diff vs. file-contains-current-date.
- Qt >= 5.2.0 became required so oS <= 13.1 became unsupported.
Thu Jan 8 20:24:24 UTC 2015 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- libQT5Sql5-sqlite has to be required, see more at
Sun Nov 23 19:09:17 UTC 2014 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- Updated to 20141123 git tag:
* no upstream changelog.
Sun Oct 5 13:49:10 UTC 2014 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- "I: Program returns random data in a function" were fixed.
Thu Sep 25 15:49:33 UTC 2014 - dap.darkness@gmail.com
- Initial build.