zypper invoked as non-root no more warns about outdated repositories [Build 20241114] Zypper fails to install package coming straight from remote URL Refine encoding of an URL's query part mlandres moderate recommended Recommended update for libzypp This update for libzypp fixes the following issues: Version.35.15 (35) - Url query part: `=` is a safe char in value (bsc#1234304) - RpmDb: Recognize rpmdb.sqlite as database file (#593) - The 20MB download limit must not apply to non-metadata files like package URLs provided via the CLI (bsc#1233393). - BuildCache: Don't try to retrieve missing raw metadata if no permission to write the cache (bsc#1225451) - RepoManager: throw RepoNoPermissionException if the user has no permission to update(write) the caches (bsc#1225451) libzypp