kwk moderate recommended Recommended update for elemental-system-agent, elemental, systemd-presets-branding-Elemental, elemental-toolkit, elemental-agent, elemental-operator This update for elemental-system-agent, elemental, systemd-presets-branding-Elemental, elemental-toolkit, elemental-agent, elemental-operator fixes the following issues: elemental: - Update to version v2.1.2 * Fix grub2-x86_64-efi installation * Removing syslinux from base image * Workaround to remove any pre-existing Elemental initrd elemental-agent: - Update to version 0.5.0+git20240729.4482c01: * Fix rke2 cluster class (#80) * Fix rootfs layout (#76) * Exclude cloud-config-defaults feature (#75) * Use toolkit nightly builds (#74) * Align images to Elemental dev (#73) * Only use essential elemental services (#71) * Actualyze elemental init arguments and improve iso build setup (#70) * Fix missing mtools dependency (#68) * Unify root password * Prevent associating multiple ElementalHosts (#65) * Remove CodeQL github action workaround (#66) * upgrade elemental-toolkit to 2.1.0 version (#61) * tests: align Ginkgo version in the Makefile (#63) * Dockerfiles: ensure /usr/libexec is present on the image FS (#64) * minor/ print the command to write the my-config.yaml (#62) * Fix RKE2 ClusterClass and RKE2 default registration method (#60) * Remove unused Codecov config (#59) * Actualize RKE2 templates (#58) * Remove CodeCov action (#57) * Update codeql action (#56) * Display host phases (#51) * Bump CAPI version (#54) * Print test agent config by default (#55) * Deprecate release-action (#53) * Display association status (#49) * Add registration ready condition (#50) * Prevent kubelet and containerd from running in Recovery (#43) * Mitigate time sync issues on JWT validation (#41) * Improve kubeadm image (#39) - Update to version 0.5.0+git20240319.13ad570: * Update dependencies and fix CodeQL failure (#36) * Update to go 1.22 (#32) * Update k3s provider urls (#34) * Remove tumbleweed dracut patches (#33) * Refer to CONTROL_PLANE_ENDPOINT_HOST * Update metadata.yaml * Update quickstart (#30) * Remove uninitialized taint from nodes (#29) * Set providerid on nodes (#22) * Bump yip to v1.4.10 - Initial version 0.5.0 elemental-operator: - Update to version 1.6.4: * register: always register when called (#816) - Update to version 1.6.3: * Backport to v1.6.x (#796) * Enable PR workflow for v1.6 maintenance branch * Add toggle to automatically delete no longer in sync versions (#780) (#783) * [v1.6.x] Add managedosversion finalizer (#775 & #784) (#782) * Ensure re-sync is triggered * [v1.6.x][BACKPORT] operator: fix ManagedOSVersionChannel sync (#771) * Use YAML content for Elemental Agent config (#765) (#770) * Allow yip configs (#751) (#762) * Update deployment.yaml (#757) (#761) * Flag no longer in sync ManagedOSVersions (#750) (#752) * Let elemental-register digest system hardware data (#748) (#749) * register: don't send new Disks and Controllers data (#741) * Added the ability to create a node reset marker for unmanaged hosts (#731) (#737) - Update to version 1.6.2: * chart: add chart name and version to the operator deployment (#694) * Add Metadata CRD (#717) elemental-system-agent: - Update to version 0.3.7: * Add support for CATTLE_AGENT_VAR_DIR in suc plan * add the step for creating GH release, and fix typo in filename * Migrate from Drone to GitHub Action * Version bump for Alpine and Kubectl * Add support for CATTLE_AGENT_STRICT_VERIFY|STRICT_VERIFY environment variables to ensure kubeconfig CA data is valid (#171) elemental-toolkit: - Update to version 2.1.1: * [backport] Disable boot entry if efivars is read-only (#2059) (#2145) * [backport] CI refactor to v2.1.x branch (#2146) * Remove pre-existing Elemental initrds systemd-presets-branding-Elemental: - Include elemental-register.timer as service enabled by default elemental elemental-agent elemental-operator elemental-system-agent elemental-toolkit systemd-presets-branding-Elemental