Update nvidia driver to version 550.76 VUL-0: CVE-2024-0090,CVE-2024-0091,CVE-2024-0092: nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed: May 28 release Update nvidia driver to version 550.78 [NVIDIA, CUDA, open driver] No current NVIDIA Open Driver available for most CUDA nvidia-compute Versions [CUDA, NVIDIA Open Driver] CUDA installs the proprietary Driver by Default Update nvidia driver to version 550.100 Update nvidia driver to version 550.107.02 [zypper, supplements] On Installation Supplements don't appear to be ignored although --no-recommends set Update nvidia driver to latest 550.120 release Update nvidia driver to latest 550.127.05 release weird zypper replacement issue Update nvidia driver to latest 550.135 release sndirsch important security Security update for nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed This update for nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed fixes the following issues: - Make sure the correct FW package is installed on non-CUDA. - only obsolete 555 CUDA driver/firmware packages - For CUDA: update version to 565.57.01 - Add 'dummy' firmware package on SLE to work around update issues. On SLE, the firmware is installed directly from an NVIDIA-hosted repo. - Improve handling of conflicts between different flavors (gfx vs. CUDA) (bsc#1233332). - Update to 550.135 (bsc#1233673) - Update to 550.127.05 (bsc#1232057) * Fixed a bug which could cause applications using GBM to crash when running with nvidia-drm.modeset=0. - cuda-flavor provide also nvidia-open-driver-G06-kmp-$flavor = %version to workaround broken cuda-drivers - For CUDA update version to 560.35.03 - nv-prefer-signed-open-driver: * added specicic versions of cuda-drivers/cuda-drivers-xxx as preconditions for requiring specific version of nvidia-compute-G06 - nv-prefer-signed-open-driver: * no longer require a specific version of nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp, so it can select the correct open driver KMP matching the cuda-runtime version - cuda-flavor: * added nvidia-compute-G06 = %version to preconditions for requiring kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06, since nvidia-compute-utils-G06 does not have a version-specific requires on nvidia-compute-G06 - cuda-flavor: * require kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06 instead of kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06-cuda (which provides also kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06) * trigger removal of driver modules also on kernel-firmware-nvidia-gspx-G06 - no longer hard-require kernel firmware package, but install it automatically once nvidia-compute-utils-G06 gets installed - trigger removal of driver modules with non-existing or wrong firmware when (new) firmware gets installed - Update to 550.120 (bsc#1230779) * Fixed a bug that could cause kernel crashes upon attempting KMS operations through DRM when nvidia_drm was loaded with modeset=0. - CUDA build: removed entries from pci_ids-555.42.06 since this is doing more harm than benefit (bsc#1230368) - For CUDA (preamble file): * added: Provides: nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-cuda-kmp-$flavor = %version which is needed for 'zypper install <package> = <version>' * added: Provides/Conflicts: nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed-kmp-$flavor = %version useful for containers - reverted CUDA update version to 560.x.y due to changes in CUDA repository with CUDA 12.6/560.x.y drivers - For CUDA update version to 560.35.03 - Update to 550.107.02 (bsc#1229716) - For CUDA update version to 560.28.03 - Update to 550.100 (bsc#1227575) * Fixed a bug that caused OpenGL triple buffering to behave like double buffering. - To avoid issues with missing dependencies when no CUDA repo is present make the dependecy to nvidia-compute-G06 conditional. - CUDA is not available for Tumbleweed, exclude the build of the cuda flavor. - preamble: let the -cuda flavor KMP require the -cuda flavor firmware - Add a second flavor for building the kernel module versions used by CUDA. The kmp targetting CUDA contains '-cuda' in its name to track its versions separately from the graphics kmp. (bsc#1227417) - Provide the meta package nv-prefer-signed-open-driver to make sure the latest available SUSE-build open driver is installed - independent of the latest available open driver version in he CUDA repository. Rationale: The package cuda-runtime provides the link between CUDA and the kernel driver version through a Requires: cuda-drivers >= %version This implies that a CUDA version will run withany kernel driver version equal or higher than a base version. nvidia-compute-G06 provides the glue layer between CUDA and a specific version of he kernel driver both by providing a set of base libraries and by requiring a specific kernel version. 'cuda-drivers' (provided by nvidia-compute-utils-G06) requires an unversioned nvidia-compute-G06. With this, the resolver will install the latest available and applicable nvidia-compute-G06. nv-prefer-signed-open-driver then represents the latest available open driver version and restricts the nvidia-compute-G06 version to it. (bsc#1227419) - Security Update 550.90.07 (bsc#1223356) [CVE-2024-0090, CVE-2024-0091, CVE-2024-0092] - Update to 550.78 (bsc#1223454) - Update to 550.76 (bsc#1222972) - Update to 550.67 nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed nvidia-open-driver-G06-signed:cuda