forked from pool/alacritty

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# spec file for package alacritty
# Copyright (c) 2023 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Accepting request 951446 from home:jlkDE - Pin rustflags via specfile - Update to version 0.10.0 * feat: Option colors.transparent_background_colors to allow applying opacity to all background colors * feat: Support for running multiple windows from a single Alacritty instance (see docs/ * feat: Urgency support on Wayland via xdg_activation_v1 * refactor: ExpandSelection is now a configurable mouse binding action * refactor: Config option background_opacity, you should use window.opacity instead * refactor: Reload configuration files when their symbolic link is replaced * refactor: Strip trailing whitespaces when yanking from a block selection * refactor: Display area keeps history position when viewport is cleared * refactor: Commands spawn from the current directory of the foreground shell in Unix-like systems * refactor: Remove trailing newline from strings taken from hints or simple/semantic selections * refactor: Builtin font is now used for box drawing characters from U+2500 to U+259f * refactor: Logs now print the time since startup instead of the local time * fix: Line indicator obstructing vi mode cursor when scrolled into history * fix: Vi mode search starting in the line below the vi cursor * fix: Invisible cursor with matching foreground/background colors * fix: Crash when hovering over a match emptied by post-processing * fix: Crash when the vi cursor is on the scrollback and viewport clear is invoked * fix: Freeze when the vi cursor is on the scrollback and scrollback clear is invoked * fix: Vi cursor on topmost of the display moving downward when scrolled into history with active output * fix: Input lag on Wayland with Nvidia binary driver * fix: Crash when hovering the mouse over fullwidth characters * fix: Do not create logfile if the file already exists OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-02-04 22:50:32 +01:00
%global rustflags '-Clink-arg=-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now'
Name: alacritty
Version: 0.12.1
Release: 0
Summary: A GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
License: Apache-2.0
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
Source1: vendor.tar.xz
Source2: cargo_config
Accepting request 760004 from home:luke_nukem:branches:X11:terminals - Update to 0.4.0 * Clean up spec file * Minimum rust version is now >= 1.36 * Include the config example as documentation * Add _service file to enable easy updates of vendored sources * Include a README.suse-maint - Added: * Block selection mode when Control is held while starting a selection * Allow setting general window class on X11 using CLI or config (window.class.general) * Config option window.gtk_theme_variant to set GTK theme variant * Completions for --class and -t (short title) * Change the mouse cursor when hovering over the message bar and its close button * Support combined bold and italic text (with font.bold_italic to customize it) * Extra bindings for F13-F20 * Terminal escape bindings with combined modifiers * Bindings for ScrollToTop and ScrollToBottom actions * ReceiveChar key binding action to insert the key's text character * New CLI flag --hold for keeping Alacritty opened after its child process exits * Escape sequence to save and restore window title from stack * Alternate scroll escape sequence (CSI ? 1007 h / CSI ? 1007 l) * Print name of launch command if Alacritty failed to execute it * Live reload font settings from config * UTF-8 mouse mode escape sequence (CSI ? 1005 h / CSI ? 1005 l) * Escape for reading clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p / c> ; ? BEL) * Set selection clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p> ; <BASE64> BEL) - Changed: * Scroll lines out of the visible region instead of deleting them when clearing the screen - Fixed: * GUI programs launched by Alacritty starting in the background on X11 * Text Cursor position when scrolling * Performance issues while resizing Alacritty * First unfullscreen action ignored on window launched in fullscreen mode * The window is now filled with the background color before displaying * Cells sometimes not getting cleared correctly * X11 clipboard hanging when mime type is set * Debug ref tests are now written to disk regardless of shutdown method * Cursor color setting with escape sequence * Override default bindings with subset terminal mode match * On Linux, respect fontconfig's embeddedbitmap configuration option * Selecting trailing tab with semantic expansion * URL parser incorrectly handling Markdown URLs and angled brackets * Intermediate bytes of CSI sequences not checked * Wayland clipboard integration * Use text mouse cursor when mouse mode is temporarily disabled with shift * Wayland primary selection clipboard not storing text when selection is stopped outside of the window * Block URL highlight while a selection is active * Bindings for Alt + F1-F12 * Discard scrolling region escape with bottom above top * Opacity always applying to cells with their background color matching the teriminal background * Allow semicolons when setting titles using an OSC * Background always opaque on X11 * Skipping redraws on PTY update * Not redrawing while resizing on Windows/macOS * Decorations none launching an invisible window on Windows * Alacritty turning transparent when opening another window on macOS with chunkwm * Startup mode Maximized having no effect on Windows * Inserting Emojis using Super+. or compose sequences on Windows * Change mouse cursor depending on mode with Wayland * Hide mouse cursor when typing if the mouse.hide_when_typing option is set on Wayland * Glitches when DPI changes on Windows * Crash when resuming after suspension * Crash when trying to start on X11 with a Wayland compositor running * Crash with a virtual display connected on X11 * Use \ instead of \\ as path separators on Windows for logging config file location * Underline/strikeout drawn above visual bell * Terminal going transparent during visual bell * Selection not being cleared when sending chars through a binding * Mouse protocols/encodings not being mutually exclusive within themselves * Escape CSI Ps M deleting lines above cursor when at the bottom of the viewport * Cell reset not clearing underline, strikeout and foreground color * Escape CSI Ps c honored with a wrong Ps * Ignore ESC escapes with invalid intermediates * Blank lines after each line when pasting from GTK apps on Wayland - Removed: * Bindings for Super/Command + F1-F12 * Automatic config generation * Deprecated scrolling.faux_multiplier, the alternate scroll escape can now be used to disable it and scrolling.multiplier controls the number of scrolled lines OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-01-06 06:19:53 +01:00
Source3: README.suse-maint
BuildRequires: cargo-packaging
BuildRequires: cmake
BuildRequires: fdupes
BuildRequires: freetype-devel
BuildRequires: libxcb-devel
2021-08-09 14:41:42 +02:00
BuildRequires: libxkbcommon-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
BuildRequires: xclip
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fontconfig)
Alacritty is a terminal emulator written in Rust that leverages the GPU for
%package bash-completion
Summary: Bash Completion for %{name}
Requires: bash-completion
Supplements: (%{name} and bash)
BuildArch: noarch
%description bash-completion
The official bash completion script for alacritty. It includes support
for every argument that can currently be passed to alacritty.
%package fish-completion
Summary: Fish Completion for %{name}
Supplements: (%{name} and fish)
BuildArch: noarch
%description fish-completion
The official fish completion script for alacritty.
%package zsh-completion
Summary: ZSH Completion for %{name}
Supplements: (%{name} and zsh)
BuildArch: noarch
%description zsh-completion
The official zsh completion script for alacritty.
%autosetup -a1
mkdir .cargo
cp %{SOURCE2} .cargo/config
%ifarch aarch64 ppc64le riscv64
# Remove checksum of config.guess and config.sub since aarch64 and ppc64le modify them
sed -i 's#"expat/conftools/config.guess":"ebaffe1c6683ae2c3dcabb87825a83b892f00391514756f7640c4a3dcafbad4f",##g' ./vendor/expat-sys/.cargo-checksum.json
sed -i 's#"expat/conftools/config.sub":"523cb028db907d1fbbcecdcac6737f9e2eeba48fb639231dbc5ae69238f276c9",##g' ./vendor/expat-sys/.cargo-checksum.json
%ifarch riscv64
sed -i -e 's#"config.guess":"e0c1d7ef8ce964fb57c35e7704ae8661d7e4ca87d6a3c18950e503ae26b62319",##' -e 's#"config.sub":"f7e62c3cb15cd5bbc4e7f3617793b227481fc554d39697a9c322a266d20fb626",##' vendor/servo-fontconfig-sys/.cargo-checksum.json
Accepting request 951446 from home:jlkDE - Pin rustflags via specfile - Update to version 0.10.0 * feat: Option colors.transparent_background_colors to allow applying opacity to all background colors * feat: Support for running multiple windows from a single Alacritty instance (see docs/ * feat: Urgency support on Wayland via xdg_activation_v1 * refactor: ExpandSelection is now a configurable mouse binding action * refactor: Config option background_opacity, you should use window.opacity instead * refactor: Reload configuration files when their symbolic link is replaced * refactor: Strip trailing whitespaces when yanking from a block selection * refactor: Display area keeps history position when viewport is cleared * refactor: Commands spawn from the current directory of the foreground shell in Unix-like systems * refactor: Remove trailing newline from strings taken from hints or simple/semantic selections * refactor: Builtin font is now used for box drawing characters from U+2500 to U+259f * refactor: Logs now print the time since startup instead of the local time * fix: Line indicator obstructing vi mode cursor when scrolled into history * fix: Vi mode search starting in the line below the vi cursor * fix: Invisible cursor with matching foreground/background colors * fix: Crash when hovering over a match emptied by post-processing * fix: Crash when the vi cursor is on the scrollback and viewport clear is invoked * fix: Freeze when the vi cursor is on the scrollback and scrollback clear is invoked * fix: Vi cursor on topmost of the display moving downward when scrolled into history with active output * fix: Input lag on Wayland with Nvidia binary driver * fix: Crash when hovering the mouse over fullwidth characters * fix: Do not create logfile if the file already exists OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-02-04 22:50:32 +01:00
RUSTFLAGS=%{rustflags} %{cargo_build}
Accepting request 760004 from home:luke_nukem:branches:X11:terminals - Update to 0.4.0 * Clean up spec file * Minimum rust version is now >= 1.36 * Include the config example as documentation * Add _service file to enable easy updates of vendored sources * Include a README.suse-maint - Added: * Block selection mode when Control is held while starting a selection * Allow setting general window class on X11 using CLI or config (window.class.general) * Config option window.gtk_theme_variant to set GTK theme variant * Completions for --class and -t (short title) * Change the mouse cursor when hovering over the message bar and its close button * Support combined bold and italic text (with font.bold_italic to customize it) * Extra bindings for F13-F20 * Terminal escape bindings with combined modifiers * Bindings for ScrollToTop and ScrollToBottom actions * ReceiveChar key binding action to insert the key's text character * New CLI flag --hold for keeping Alacritty opened after its child process exits * Escape sequence to save and restore window title from stack * Alternate scroll escape sequence (CSI ? 1007 h / CSI ? 1007 l) * Print name of launch command if Alacritty failed to execute it * Live reload font settings from config * UTF-8 mouse mode escape sequence (CSI ? 1005 h / CSI ? 1005 l) * Escape for reading clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p / c> ; ? BEL) * Set selection clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p> ; <BASE64> BEL) - Changed: * Scroll lines out of the visible region instead of deleting them when clearing the screen - Fixed: * GUI programs launched by Alacritty starting in the background on X11 * Text Cursor position when scrolling * Performance issues while resizing Alacritty * First unfullscreen action ignored on window launched in fullscreen mode * The window is now filled with the background color before displaying * Cells sometimes not getting cleared correctly * X11 clipboard hanging when mime type is set * Debug ref tests are now written to disk regardless of shutdown method * Cursor color setting with escape sequence * Override default bindings with subset terminal mode match * On Linux, respect fontconfig's embeddedbitmap configuration option * Selecting trailing tab with semantic expansion * URL parser incorrectly handling Markdown URLs and angled brackets * Intermediate bytes of CSI sequences not checked * Wayland clipboard integration * Use text mouse cursor when mouse mode is temporarily disabled with shift * Wayland primary selection clipboard not storing text when selection is stopped outside of the window * Block URL highlight while a selection is active * Bindings for Alt + F1-F12 * Discard scrolling region escape with bottom above top * Opacity always applying to cells with their background color matching the teriminal background * Allow semicolons when setting titles using an OSC * Background always opaque on X11 * Skipping redraws on PTY update * Not redrawing while resizing on Windows/macOS * Decorations none launching an invisible window on Windows * Alacritty turning transparent when opening another window on macOS with chunkwm * Startup mode Maximized having no effect on Windows * Inserting Emojis using Super+. or compose sequences on Windows * Change mouse cursor depending on mode with Wayland * Hide mouse cursor when typing if the mouse.hide_when_typing option is set on Wayland * Glitches when DPI changes on Windows * Crash when resuming after suspension * Crash when trying to start on X11 with a Wayland compositor running * Crash with a virtual display connected on X11 * Use \ instead of \\ as path separators on Windows for logging config file location * Underline/strikeout drawn above visual bell * Terminal going transparent during visual bell * Selection not being cleared when sending chars through a binding * Mouse protocols/encodings not being mutually exclusive within themselves * Escape CSI Ps M deleting lines above cursor when at the bottom of the viewport * Cell reset not clearing underline, strikeout and foreground color * Escape CSI Ps c honored with a wrong Ps * Ignore ESC escapes with invalid intermediates * Blank lines after each line when pasting from GTK apps on Wayland - Removed: * Bindings for Super/Command + F1-F12 * Automatic config generation * Deprecated scrolling.faux_multiplier, the alternate scroll escape can now be used to disable it and scrolling.multiplier controls the number of scrolled lines OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-01-06 06:19:53 +01:00
mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_bindir}"
install -D -m 0755 target/release/alacritty %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/alacritty
# rm duplicate license and useless toml file
rm -fr %{buildroot}%{_datadir}
# install man page and completions
install -Dm 0644 extra/linux/Alacritty.desktop %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/Alacritty.desktop
Accepting request 760004 from home:luke_nukem:branches:X11:terminals - Update to 0.4.0 * Clean up spec file * Minimum rust version is now >= 1.36 * Include the config example as documentation * Add _service file to enable easy updates of vendored sources * Include a README.suse-maint - Added: * Block selection mode when Control is held while starting a selection * Allow setting general window class on X11 using CLI or config (window.class.general) * Config option window.gtk_theme_variant to set GTK theme variant * Completions for --class and -t (short title) * Change the mouse cursor when hovering over the message bar and its close button * Support combined bold and italic text (with font.bold_italic to customize it) * Extra bindings for F13-F20 * Terminal escape bindings with combined modifiers * Bindings for ScrollToTop and ScrollToBottom actions * ReceiveChar key binding action to insert the key's text character * New CLI flag --hold for keeping Alacritty opened after its child process exits * Escape sequence to save and restore window title from stack * Alternate scroll escape sequence (CSI ? 1007 h / CSI ? 1007 l) * Print name of launch command if Alacritty failed to execute it * Live reload font settings from config * UTF-8 mouse mode escape sequence (CSI ? 1005 h / CSI ? 1005 l) * Escape for reading clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p / c> ; ? BEL) * Set selection clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p> ; <BASE64> BEL) - Changed: * Scroll lines out of the visible region instead of deleting them when clearing the screen - Fixed: * GUI programs launched by Alacritty starting in the background on X11 * Text Cursor position when scrolling * Performance issues while resizing Alacritty * First unfullscreen action ignored on window launched in fullscreen mode * The window is now filled with the background color before displaying * Cells sometimes not getting cleared correctly * X11 clipboard hanging when mime type is set * Debug ref tests are now written to disk regardless of shutdown method * Cursor color setting with escape sequence * Override default bindings with subset terminal mode match * On Linux, respect fontconfig's embeddedbitmap configuration option * Selecting trailing tab with semantic expansion * URL parser incorrectly handling Markdown URLs and angled brackets * Intermediate bytes of CSI sequences not checked * Wayland clipboard integration * Use text mouse cursor when mouse mode is temporarily disabled with shift * Wayland primary selection clipboard not storing text when selection is stopped outside of the window * Block URL highlight while a selection is active * Bindings for Alt + F1-F12 * Discard scrolling region escape with bottom above top * Opacity always applying to cells with their background color matching the teriminal background * Allow semicolons when setting titles using an OSC * Background always opaque on X11 * Skipping redraws on PTY update * Not redrawing while resizing on Windows/macOS * Decorations none launching an invisible window on Windows * Alacritty turning transparent when opening another window on macOS with chunkwm * Startup mode Maximized having no effect on Windows * Inserting Emojis using Super+. or compose sequences on Windows * Change mouse cursor depending on mode with Wayland * Hide mouse cursor when typing if the mouse.hide_when_typing option is set on Wayland * Glitches when DPI changes on Windows * Crash when resuming after suspension * Crash when trying to start on X11 with a Wayland compositor running * Crash with a virtual display connected on X11 * Use \ instead of \\ as path separators on Windows for logging config file location * Underline/strikeout drawn above visual bell * Terminal going transparent during visual bell * Selection not being cleared when sending chars through a binding * Mouse protocols/encodings not being mutually exclusive within themselves * Escape CSI Ps M deleting lines above cursor when at the bottom of the viewport * Cell reset not clearing underline, strikeout and foreground color * Escape CSI Ps c honored with a wrong Ps * Ignore ESC escapes with invalid intermediates * Blank lines after each line when pasting from GTK apps on Wayland - Removed: * Bindings for Super/Command + F1-F12 * Automatic config generation * Deprecated scrolling.faux_multiplier, the alternate scroll escape can now be used to disable it and scrolling.multiplier controls the number of scrolled lines OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-01-06 06:19:53 +01:00
install -Dm 0644 extra/logo/alacritty-simple.svg %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/pixmaps/Alacritty.svg
Accepting request 1041273 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:X11:terminals - Update to version 0.11.0: * Packaging - Minimum Rust version has been bumped to 1.57.0 - Renamed io.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml to org.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml - Renamed io.alacritty to org.alacritty for * Fixed - Creating the IPC socket failing if WAYLAND_DISPLAY contains an absolute path - Crash when resetting the terminal while in vi mode - font.glyph_offset not live reloading - Failure when running on 10-bit color system - The colors being slightly different when using srgb displays on macOS - Vi cursor blinking not reset when navigating in search - Scrolling and middle-clicking modifying the primary selection - Bottom gap for certain builtin box drawing characters - Incorrect built-in glyphs for U+2567 and U+2568 - Character mappings in the DEC special graphics character set (line drawing) - Window flickering on resize on Wayland - Unnecessary config reload when using /dev/null as a config file - Windows Open Alacritty Here on root of drive displaying error - On macOS, font.use_thin_strokes did not work since Big Sur - On macOS, trying to load a disabled font would crash - On macOS, Alacritty sessions did not appear in the list of tty sessions for w and who - Cursor not hiding on GNOME Wayland - Font having different scale factor after monitor powering off/on on X11 - Viewport not updating after opening a new tabbed window on macOS - Terminal not exiting sometimes after closing all windows on macOS - CPU usage spikes due to mouse movements for unfocused windows on X11/Windows - First window on macOS not tabbed with system prefer tabs setting - Window being treaten as focused by default on Wayland * Removed - font.use_thin_strokes config field; to use thin strokes on macOS, set - AppleFontSmoothing to 0 with $ defaults write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0 - Add _constraints file. 8GB of RAM to build alacritty OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-12-14 11:03:29 +01:00
install -Dm 0644 extra/linux/org.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml \
install -Dm 0644 extra/%{name}.man %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1
install -Dm 0644 extra/completions/%{name}.bash %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name}
install -Dm 0644 extra/completions/%{name}.fish %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/%{name}.fish
install -Dm 0644 extra/completions/_%{name} %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_%{name}
# install desktop file
%suse_update_desktop_file Alacritty
%fdupes %{buildroot}
Accepting request 760004 from home:luke_nukem:branches:X11:terminals - Update to 0.4.0 * Clean up spec file * Minimum rust version is now >= 1.36 * Include the config example as documentation * Add _service file to enable easy updates of vendored sources * Include a README.suse-maint - Added: * Block selection mode when Control is held while starting a selection * Allow setting general window class on X11 using CLI or config (window.class.general) * Config option window.gtk_theme_variant to set GTK theme variant * Completions for --class and -t (short title) * Change the mouse cursor when hovering over the message bar and its close button * Support combined bold and italic text (with font.bold_italic to customize it) * Extra bindings for F13-F20 * Terminal escape bindings with combined modifiers * Bindings for ScrollToTop and ScrollToBottom actions * ReceiveChar key binding action to insert the key's text character * New CLI flag --hold for keeping Alacritty opened after its child process exits * Escape sequence to save and restore window title from stack * Alternate scroll escape sequence (CSI ? 1007 h / CSI ? 1007 l) * Print name of launch command if Alacritty failed to execute it * Live reload font settings from config * UTF-8 mouse mode escape sequence (CSI ? 1005 h / CSI ? 1005 l) * Escape for reading clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p / c> ; ? BEL) * Set selection clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p> ; <BASE64> BEL) - Changed: * Scroll lines out of the visible region instead of deleting them when clearing the screen - Fixed: * GUI programs launched by Alacritty starting in the background on X11 * Text Cursor position when scrolling * Performance issues while resizing Alacritty * First unfullscreen action ignored on window launched in fullscreen mode * The window is now filled with the background color before displaying * Cells sometimes not getting cleared correctly * X11 clipboard hanging when mime type is set * Debug ref tests are now written to disk regardless of shutdown method * Cursor color setting with escape sequence * Override default bindings with subset terminal mode match * On Linux, respect fontconfig's embeddedbitmap configuration option * Selecting trailing tab with semantic expansion * URL parser incorrectly handling Markdown URLs and angled brackets * Intermediate bytes of CSI sequences not checked * Wayland clipboard integration * Use text mouse cursor when mouse mode is temporarily disabled with shift * Wayland primary selection clipboard not storing text when selection is stopped outside of the window * Block URL highlight while a selection is active * Bindings for Alt + F1-F12 * Discard scrolling region escape with bottom above top * Opacity always applying to cells with their background color matching the teriminal background * Allow semicolons when setting titles using an OSC * Background always opaque on X11 * Skipping redraws on PTY update * Not redrawing while resizing on Windows/macOS * Decorations none launching an invisible window on Windows * Alacritty turning transparent when opening another window on macOS with chunkwm * Startup mode Maximized having no effect on Windows * Inserting Emojis using Super+. or compose sequences on Windows * Change mouse cursor depending on mode with Wayland * Hide mouse cursor when typing if the mouse.hide_when_typing option is set on Wayland * Glitches when DPI changes on Windows * Crash when resuming after suspension * Crash when trying to start on X11 with a Wayland compositor running * Crash with a virtual display connected on X11 * Use \ instead of \\ as path separators on Windows for logging config file location * Underline/strikeout drawn above visual bell * Terminal going transparent during visual bell * Selection not being cleared when sending chars through a binding * Mouse protocols/encodings not being mutually exclusive within themselves * Escape CSI Ps M deleting lines above cursor when at the bottom of the viewport * Cell reset not clearing underline, strikeout and foreground color * Escape CSI Ps c honored with a wrong Ps * Ignore ESC escapes with invalid intermediates * Blank lines after each line when pasting from GTK apps on Wayland - Removed: * Bindings for Super/Command + F1-F12 * Automatic config generation * Deprecated scrolling.faux_multiplier, the alternate scroll escape can now be used to disable it and scrolling.multiplier controls the number of scrolled lines OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-01-06 06:19:53 +01:00
%doc alacritty.yml
Accepting request 760004 from home:luke_nukem:branches:X11:terminals - Update to 0.4.0 * Clean up spec file * Minimum rust version is now >= 1.36 * Include the config example as documentation * Add _service file to enable easy updates of vendored sources * Include a README.suse-maint - Added: * Block selection mode when Control is held while starting a selection * Allow setting general window class on X11 using CLI or config (window.class.general) * Config option window.gtk_theme_variant to set GTK theme variant * Completions for --class and -t (short title) * Change the mouse cursor when hovering over the message bar and its close button * Support combined bold and italic text (with font.bold_italic to customize it) * Extra bindings for F13-F20 * Terminal escape bindings with combined modifiers * Bindings for ScrollToTop and ScrollToBottom actions * ReceiveChar key binding action to insert the key's text character * New CLI flag --hold for keeping Alacritty opened after its child process exits * Escape sequence to save and restore window title from stack * Alternate scroll escape sequence (CSI ? 1007 h / CSI ? 1007 l) * Print name of launch command if Alacritty failed to execute it * Live reload font settings from config * UTF-8 mouse mode escape sequence (CSI ? 1005 h / CSI ? 1005 l) * Escape for reading clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p / c> ; ? BEL) * Set selection clipboard (OSC 52 ; <s / p> ; <BASE64> BEL) - Changed: * Scroll lines out of the visible region instead of deleting them when clearing the screen - Fixed: * GUI programs launched by Alacritty starting in the background on X11 * Text Cursor position when scrolling * Performance issues while resizing Alacritty * First unfullscreen action ignored on window launched in fullscreen mode * The window is now filled with the background color before displaying * Cells sometimes not getting cleared correctly * X11 clipboard hanging when mime type is set * Debug ref tests are now written to disk regardless of shutdown method * Cursor color setting with escape sequence * Override default bindings with subset terminal mode match * On Linux, respect fontconfig's embeddedbitmap configuration option * Selecting trailing tab with semantic expansion * URL parser incorrectly handling Markdown URLs and angled brackets * Intermediate bytes of CSI sequences not checked * Wayland clipboard integration * Use text mouse cursor when mouse mode is temporarily disabled with shift * Wayland primary selection clipboard not storing text when selection is stopped outside of the window * Block URL highlight while a selection is active * Bindings for Alt + F1-F12 * Discard scrolling region escape with bottom above top * Opacity always applying to cells with their background color matching the teriminal background * Allow semicolons when setting titles using an OSC * Background always opaque on X11 * Skipping redraws on PTY update * Not redrawing while resizing on Windows/macOS * Decorations none launching an invisible window on Windows * Alacritty turning transparent when opening another window on macOS with chunkwm * Startup mode Maximized having no effect on Windows * Inserting Emojis using Super+. or compose sequences on Windows * Change mouse cursor depending on mode with Wayland * Hide mouse cursor when typing if the mouse.hide_when_typing option is set on Wayland * Glitches when DPI changes on Windows * Crash when resuming after suspension * Crash when trying to start on X11 with a Wayland compositor running * Crash with a virtual display connected on X11 * Use \ instead of \\ as path separators on Windows for logging config file location * Underline/strikeout drawn above visual bell * Terminal going transparent during visual bell * Selection not being cleared when sending chars through a binding * Mouse protocols/encodings not being mutually exclusive within themselves * Escape CSI Ps M deleting lines above cursor when at the bottom of the viewport * Cell reset not clearing underline, strikeout and foreground color * Escape CSI Ps c honored with a wrong Ps * Ignore ESC escapes with invalid intermediates * Blank lines after each line when pasting from GTK apps on Wayland - Removed: * Bindings for Super/Command + F1-F12 * Automatic config generation * Deprecated scrolling.faux_multiplier, the alternate scroll escape can now be used to disable it and scrolling.multiplier controls the number of scrolled lines OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2020-01-06 06:19:53 +01:00
Accepting request 1041273 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:X11:terminals - Update to version 0.11.0: * Packaging - Minimum Rust version has been bumped to 1.57.0 - Renamed io.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml to org.alacritty.Alacritty.appdata.xml - Renamed io.alacritty to org.alacritty for * Fixed - Creating the IPC socket failing if WAYLAND_DISPLAY contains an absolute path - Crash when resetting the terminal while in vi mode - font.glyph_offset not live reloading - Failure when running on 10-bit color system - The colors being slightly different when using srgb displays on macOS - Vi cursor blinking not reset when navigating in search - Scrolling and middle-clicking modifying the primary selection - Bottom gap for certain builtin box drawing characters - Incorrect built-in glyphs for U+2567 and U+2568 - Character mappings in the DEC special graphics character set (line drawing) - Window flickering on resize on Wayland - Unnecessary config reload when using /dev/null as a config file - Windows Open Alacritty Here on root of drive displaying error - On macOS, font.use_thin_strokes did not work since Big Sur - On macOS, trying to load a disabled font would crash - On macOS, Alacritty sessions did not appear in the list of tty sessions for w and who - Cursor not hiding on GNOME Wayland - Font having different scale factor after monitor powering off/on on X11 - Viewport not updating after opening a new tabbed window on macOS - Terminal not exiting sometimes after closing all windows on macOS - CPU usage spikes due to mouse movements for unfocused windows on X11/Windows - First window on macOS not tabbed with system prefer tabs setting - Window being treaten as focused by default on Wayland * Removed - font.use_thin_strokes config field; to use thin strokes on macOS, set - AppleFontSmoothing to 0 with $ defaults write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 0 - Add _constraints file. 8GB of RAM to build alacritty OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
2022-12-14 11:03:29 +01:00
%files bash-completion
%files fish-completion
%files zsh-completion