openSUSE/SUSE specific Settings =============================== openSUSE and SUSE have a small difference with upstream default. This means the SUID root binaries distributed by singularty are executable only by users belonging to the group 'apptainer'. Otherwise, users will get an error message like this one: FATAL: while executing /usr/lib/apptainer/bin/starter-suid: permission denied To add a user to the group apptainer, execute (as root): # usermod -a -G apptainer Create Singularity Images from openSUSE/SLE =========================================== To create openSUSE/SLE apptainer images from scratch a number of bootdef variables need to be specified: 1. Create a bootdef file (for instance 'sle.def'), add BootStrap: zypper 2. Set the OS version: OSVersion: 15.0 The version number corresponds to the Leap version or the SLE version and service pack level: . Example: SLE-12 SP4 would be 12.4. The inital release of a major version corresponds to 0. 3. For openSUSE the following additional variables need to be specified: * MirrorURL: URL to the installation repository. Check 'man 8 zypper' for supported formats * UpdateURL: (optional) URI of the update repository 4. For SLE, all required settings are obtained from SCC. The following variables are recognized: * Product: The product code: The following forms may be used: / // : SLES, SLE-HPC (SLE-12), SLE_HPC (SLE-15), SLED : optional, if ommitted, the value of OSVersion will be used. The variable %{OSVERSION} is recognized and replaced by OSVersion. : The architecture to use. Defaults to 'uname -m'. * User: The email a subscription is registed with SCC. * Regcode: The SCC registration code provided with the subscription. * ProductPGP: The PGP key used to sign the repositories. Each line must be terminated with \n. Long lines may be broken using the continuation character '\'. See below. Note: this is not required when an installer repository is provided with MirrorURL. Beginning with version 15, the URI to the installer image needs to be provided as well: * MirrorURL: Repository containing the SLE Installer (see also above). Since SLE-15 consists of modules, a list of modules to be used should to be specified as well: * Modules: Specify the modules in a comma separated list without spaces. Example: SLEModules: sle-module-basesystem,sle-module-server-applications,sle-module-web-scripting,sle-module-hpc Examples ======== Example defintions for SLE12-SP5 and SLE15-SP3 are in the same directory as README.SUSE ProductPGP ========== SLEpgp: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n\ Version: rpm-4.11.2 (NSS-3)\n\ \n\ mQENBFEKlmsBCADbpZZbbSC5Zi+HxCR/ynYsVxU5JNNiSSZabN5GMgc9Z0hxeXxp\n\ YWvFoE/4n0+IXIsp83iKvxf06Eu8je/DXp0lMqDZu7WiT3XXAlkOPSNV4akHTDoY\n\ 91SJaZCpgUJ7K1QXOPABNbREsAMN1a7rxBowjNjBUyiTJ2YuvQRLtGdK1kExsVma\n\ hieh/QxpoDyYd5w/aky3z23erCoEd+OPfAqEHd5tQIa6LOosa63BSCEl3milJ7J9\n\ vDmoGPAoS6ui7S2R5X4/+PLN8Mm2kOBrFjhmL93LX0mrGCMxsNsKgP6zabYKQEb8\n\ L028SXvl7EGoA+Vw5Vd3wIGbM73PfbgNrXjfABEBAAG0KFN1U0UgUGFja2FnZSBT\n\ aWduaW5nIEtleSA8YnVpbGRAc3VzZS5kZT6JATwEEwECACYCGwMGCwkIBwMCBBUC\n\ CAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAUCWEfrHwUJDsIitAAKCRBwr56BOdt8gpqUB/wPSSS5BcDu\n\ Oi4n02cj4Hdt7WITKBjjo0lG1fXG1ppx1wOST+s8FertMVFY53TW6FGjcYtwVOIq\n\ rsMYiV6kf1NxUV/jcAy7VmC5EZnO0R/D3sT4Oh5hsLtERauZolK5BZmd0S51Qa8e\n\ TxZ5mX9PL2i3s/ShETc30drf83ugc7B4yZPNQWXNDPgGcC+hEeC5qw48RzHYIpUt\n\ RzHmefR5Z3ioTUbDlzy+SGP2uA7mhR4Lfk/df5fYxWfCoKlyGjtrvA65cB+Pksyn\n\ xrAeBuB+vBM+KnDrxW2Sn4AbWkzH//dfz9OJDJu4UM91hb7qxM0OkrXHQV3iNqzg\n\ MDEhky/9NqMy\n\ =GdP5\n\ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----