------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 23 19:01:04 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update to version 2.2.2 (no summary of changes documented by upstream) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 2 17:08:49 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update to version 2.2.1 + Faster multiplication of small matrices + Faster trans() + Faster handling of submatrices by norm() + Added economical singular value decomposition: svd_thin() + Added circ_toeplitz() + Added .is_colvec() & .is_rowvec() + Fixes for handling of complex numbers by cov(), cor(), running_stat_vec ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jul 16 20:39:49 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update to version 2.0.2 + Various bug fixes - Changes from version 2.0.0 + Faster multiplication of tiny matrices + Faster compound expressions containing submatrices + Faster inverse of symmetric positive definite matrices + Faster element access for fixed size matrices + Added handling of arbitrarily sized empty matrices (eg. 5x0) + Added loading & saving of matrices as CSV text files + Added .count() member function to running_stat and running_stat_vec + Added syl(), strans(), symmatu()/symmatl() + Added submatrices of submatrices + det(), inv() and solve() can be forced to use more precise algorithms for tiny matrices + htrans() has been deprecated; use trans() instead + API change: trans() now takes the complex conjugate when transposing a complex matrix + API change: .is_vec() now outputs true for empty vectors (eg. 0x1) + API change: forms of chol(), eig_sym(), eig_gen(), inv(), lu(), pinv(), princomp(), qr(), solve(), svd(), syl() that do not return a bool indicating success now throw std::runtime_error exceptions when failures are detected + API change: princomp_cov() has been removed; eig_sym() in conjunction with cov() can be used instead + API change: set_log_stream() & get_log_stream() have been replaced by set_stream_err1() & get_stream_err1() + Rename shared library package to libarmadillo2; obsoletes libarmadillo1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 18 12:08:06 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update to version 1.2.0 + Added ability to use Blas & Lapack libraries with capitalised function names + Reduction of pedantic compiler warnings ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 1 22:51:28 CEST 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Update to version 1.1.92: + Bugfix in function cor() + Automatic installation now requires CMake >= 2.6 - Add licenses to libarmadillo package ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 23 16:32:17 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Spec file cleanup ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 23 02:00:39 UTC 2011 - badshah400@gmail.com - Initial package (following spec file from fedora)