------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 4 20:45:06 UTC 2010 - sshaw@decriptor.com - Update to version 0.3.3: + Add return values to some functions that were missing them. + Make DeviceEventListener notifiers reentrant so that an application can query the desktop object while processing a device event. + Fix for fdo#28300: fails to link with pedantic linkers. + Fix crash if GetChildAtIndex is called with an invalid index. + Make sure that disconnecting applications send their root path in the remove applications signal. This was causing applications to not be removed from the desktop properly. + Set an application's Id when registering it. + Disabled relocation by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 31 01:23:13 CEST 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.8: + Quit if at-spi-dbus is disabled + Call g_type_init() ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 2 00:38:02 CET 2010 - ro@suse.de - fix warning: no return statement in function returning non-void in registry.c to fix build ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 21 17:24:28 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.7: + Completely re-work the protocol definitions. + Make the desktop object and deviceeventcontroller introspectable. + Add the XML files to the distribution. + Modify the interface name from org.freedesktop.atspi to org.a11y.atspi. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 12 15:05:12 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.6: + Fix interface name + Tweak the at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop file to add @bindir@ and X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase + Do not run at-spi-dbus-bus at initialization phase + Make the registry implement the accessible interface and add + Fix marshalling issues with the desktop Component, Accessible + Fix wrong bus name being sent whan children are removed. + Update Cache interface in the spec, and rename from Tree + Return the address of the registry from the socket/Embed method + Return Parent as a variant + Fix mouse click events. They were not being sent with their application. + Move the application argument to the end of the event structure + Remove the bus from the build/install for now + Remove the bus makefile from configure to fix distcheck errors. - Do not apply at-spi2-core-dbus-path.patch anymore, but keep it: the part that is patched is temporarily removed from the tarballs, but it will come back later. - For the same reason, comment out call to suse_update_desktop_file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 15 01:54:22 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.5: + For the full list of changes, see http://git.gnome.org/cgit/at-spi2-core/log/?id=AT_SPI2_CORE_0_1_5 + Remove GDK dependency from registry daemon + Fix build errors + Fix mouse:button events - Change gtk2-devel BuildRequires to glib2-devel and xorg-x11-devel. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 22 17:12:38 CET 2009 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.4: + For the full list of changes, see http://git.gnome.org/cgit/at-spi2-core/log/?id=AT_SPI2_CORE_0_1_4 + Use the new 'Accessibility' bus if the bus address is available on the X property AT_SPI_BUS. + Add command line option to enable interaction with the gnome session manager. + Add the configure file for the (non-secure) accessibility bus. + Use datarootdir for placing XML files so that the are in a shared directory not under the name of this module but 'at-spi2'. + Make sure the d-bus bus configuration is included in the distribution. + Add a configure variable for the location of the dbus-daemon in the at-spi-dbus-bus script. - Pass --with-dbus-daemondir to configure. - Add at-spi2-core-dbus-path.patch to use the right path for a dbus helper. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 2 17:17:48 CET 2009 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.1.3: + For a list of changes, see http://git.gnome.org/cgit/at-spi2-core/log/?id=AT_SPI2_CORE_0_1_3 - Pass libexecdir/at-spi2 for libexecdir to configure. - Remove devel package: there's no library anymore for this package. - Obsolete devel package, without providing it (that would be wrong). Add a rpmlintrc file to make rpmlint happy for this. - Remove conflict with at-spi: the files are now different and will not clash. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 14 15:36:23 UTC 2009 - sshaw@decriptor.com - Update to version 0.1.1: + Replace use of dbind_emit_signal with direct libdbus call in application cache update. fdo#23029 + Fix problem with signature assignment and iter initialization in dbind signal sending. + Modify the incorrect use of dbind_emit_signal_va. Check for NULL args in dbind_marshall_any. fdo#23027 + Remove *.pc files from source tarballs. + Remove python check from configure.ac. Python is not needed for at-spi2-core. + Link DRoute against D-Bus GLib. - Remove python BuildRequires. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 14 04:25:03 CEST 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Clean up packaging a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 13 15:33:02 UTC 2009 - sshaw@decriptor.com - Initial packaging of at-spi2-core (0.1.0)