forked from pool/at-spi2-core

332 lines
13 KiB

Tue Apr 26 15:49:28 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 2.0.1:
+ Fix a memory leak when sending events.
+ bgo#648059: get_application should return something
+ bgo#648013: Honor aclocal flags.
+ bgo#648014: Add intltoolize to
+ bgo#648130: event host_application should return NULL for the
+ Added atspi_accessible_get_id to retrieve the id of an
+ Remove doc about non-existent ATSPI_KEYSET_ALL_KEYS.
Tue Apr 5 16:35:56 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 2.0.0:
+ bgo#646403: Use correct signature in at-spi2-registryd for
+ Remove a Makefile reference to dbus-glib.
- Remove BuildRequires on pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1).
Mon Mar 28 14:52:27 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 1.91.93:
+ clear AT_SPI_BUS property on launcher exit, so that early login
processes from a new session don't pick up the stale address.
+ remove dbus-glib includes as they are no longer needed.
- Drop patch clear-x-property.patch: fixed upstream
Thu Mar 24 17:41:23 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 1.91.92:
+ Fixed atspi_table_get_column_header and
+ Removed dbus-glib dependency; libatspi now includes a copy of
dbus-gmain.c modified to fix a crash (fdo#35115). Session
management code has been ported to gdbus.
+ Fixed a crash when deregistering a keystroke listener.
+ Reworked accessibility bus management (bgo#644851).
+ Fixed a possible sign issue with state sets.
- Changes from version 1.91.91:
+ Changed device event IPC to use uint32 for hw_code and
modifiers, to be more consistent with the rest of the API.
+ GetNSelections has an out parameter, not an in.
+ bgo#643384: atspi_register_keystroke_listener() should take a
bitmask, not AtspiKeyListenerSyncType.
+ Avoid setting enum values to 0x80000000, to prevent a pygi
+ bgo#643454: Kill the accessibility bus daemon with the GNOME
+ bgo#643110: Do not allow all users to connect to the
accessibility bus.
- Replace devel build requires with their pkgconfig() counterparts:
dbus-1-glib-devel => dbus-1 and dbus-glib-1.
- Add clear-x-property.patch: clear X property for accessibility
bus, ensuring gdm bus doesn't leak to user session.
Tue Feb 22 15:11:00 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 1.91.90:
+ bgo#641164: Fixed several build errors.
+ Fixed some memory leaks and possible crashes.
+ Fixed atspi_selection_get_selected_child and
+ Fixed wrong introspection information in some places.
+ bgo#641869: Removed the --enable-relocate option.
+ Avoid returning uninitialized data on error for some methods.
+ Use the GSettings rather than GConf key to test that
accessibility is enabled.
+ Change some enums from 16-bit to 32-bit to match spec.
- Changes from version 1.91.6:
+ Build fixes
+ Added a method to check whether an object implements the
Hyperlink interface.
+ Fixed a crash in atspi_image_get_image_description.
+ Fixed atspi_editable_text_set_text_contents.
+ More error-handling fixes.
+ Fixed a crash in atspi_event_listener_register_from-callback.
+ Method calls now time out after 1 second.
+ Added setters for component extents/size/position.
+ Added atspi-accessible_set_cache_mask.
+ Updated translations.
- Changes from version 1.91.5:
+ Fixed several memory leaks.
+ Fixed some text methods, methods that return points or
rectangles, image locale and description,
atspi-accessible_get_description, and some table methods.
+ Added a trailing colon for focus events.
+ Set the error parameter for dbus errors rather than
displaying a warning.
+ Fixed the keystroke listener deregister method.
+ The cache is now updated before raising an event, not after,
so that event handlers that query for cached values will see
the updated data.
+ The registry daemon now returns an error when a caller
requests a property that the desktop does not support.
+ Added disposal of objects, and fixed several associated bugs.
+ Added i18n.
+ Fixed mouse events.
+ Libatspi's documentation is now compiled with gtk-doc.
+ Fixed building from a separate build directory.
- Changes from version 1.91.4:
+ Use peer-to-peer connections when available.
+ Fix uninitialized variable in get_index_in_parent.
+ Add timeout, and support inspecting our own app.
+ Add get_interfaces, and fetch interface and state set over the
wire if needed.
+ Avoid adding data for an accessible twice if it is referenced
prior to an AddAccessible signal being received.
+ Fix copying of any_data for an event.
+ at-spi-registryd returns ChildCount as a variant, per the DBus
+ Hypertext, hyperlink, and table fixes.
+ Several cache-related fixes.
+ Change some error return values to match AT-SPI-CORBA behavior.
+ Some attribute-related fixes.
+ Renamed 'text' to 'content' in AtspiTextRange to match original
- Changes from version 1.91.3:
+ Added a C-based AT-side binding (libatspi) which can be used in
conjunction with GObject introspection to generate bindings for
other languages.
- Changes from version 1.91.2:
+ The desktop object now returns ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME rather than
- Changes from version 1.91.0:
+ --disable-relocate is the default again.
- Create new subpackages libatspi0 and at-sp2-core-dbus-devel
- Add intltool BuildRequires.
- Do not call ldconfig in %post/%postun of main package since there
is no library there.
- Add support for source service checkout, with %BUILD_FROM_VCS:
+ Add call to ./
Thu Nov 18 10:21:07 CET 2010 -
- Update to version 0.4.1:
+ Have the desktop object return ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME.
Tue Sep 28 01:52:30 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.4.0:
+ Version bump to stable 0.4.0, without any change.
Tue Sep 14 08:43:10 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.3.92:
+ Do not start accessibility bus if at-spi-corba is enabled.
Tue Aug 31 08:57:06 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.3.91:
+ Enabled the accessibility bus, so apps should be accessible,
for instance, if an application becomes setuid root.
+ Several build fixes.
+ Default to --enable-relocate for now.
- Drop at-spi2-core-dbus-path.patch: this is not needed anymore
since the path to the dbus daemon is not in the config file
- Uncomment call to %suse_update_desktop_file for
Tue Aug 17 10:56:59 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.3.90:
+ fdo#29427: Registering for mouse:abs now works.
+ Add methods/signals to allow an application to track the events
that are being listened to to avoid unnecessarily emitting
Fri Aug 6 13:47:21 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.3.4:
+ Added GetChildren to the spec.
Fri Jun 4 20:45:06 UTC 2010 -
- Update to version 0.3.3:
+ Add return values to some functions that were missing them.
+ Make DeviceEventListener notifiers reentrant so that an
application can query the desktop object while processing a
device event.
+ Fix for fdo#28300: fails to link with pedantic linkers.
+ Fix crash if GetChildAtIndex is called with an invalid index.
- Changes from version 0.3.2:
+ Make sure that disconnecting applications send their root path
in the remove applications signal. This was causing
applications to not be removed from the desktop properly.
- Changes from version 0.3.1:
+ Set an application's Id when registering it.
+ Disabled relocation by default.
- Drop at-spi2-core-non_void.patch: fixed upstream.
- This fixes a crash in firefox when at-spi2 is used, see
Wed Mar 31 01:23:13 CEST 2010 -
- Update to version 0.1.8:
+ Quit if at-spi-dbus is disabled
+ Call g_type_init()
Tue Mar 2 00:38:02 CET 2010 -
- fix warning: no return statement in function returning non-void
in registry.c to fix build
Sun Feb 21 17:24:28 CET 2010 -
- Update to version 0.1.7:
+ Completely re-work the protocol definitions.
+ Make the desktop object and deviceeventcontroller
+ Add the XML files to the distribution.
+ Modify the interface name from org.freedesktop.atspi to
Fri Feb 12 15:05:12 CET 2010 -
- Update to version 0.1.6:
+ Fix interface name
+ Tweak the at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop file to add @bindir@ and
+ Do not run at-spi-dbus-bus at initialization phase
+ Make the registry implement the accessible interface and add
+ Fix marshalling issues with the desktop Component, Accessible
+ Fix wrong bus name being sent whan children are removed.
+ Update Cache interface in the spec, and rename from Tree
+ Return the address of the registry from the socket/Embed method
+ Return Parent as a variant
+ Fix mouse click events. They were not being sent with their
+ Move the application argument to the end of the event structure
+ Remove the bus from the build/install for now
+ Remove the bus makefile from configure to fix distcheck errors.
- Do not apply at-spi2-core-dbus-path.patch anymore, but keep it:
the part that is patched is temporarily removed from the
tarballs, but it will come back later.
- For the same reason, comment out call to
Fri Jan 15 01:54:22 CET 2010 -
- Update to version 0.1.5:
+ For the full list of changes, see
+ Remove GDK dependency from registry daemon
+ Fix build errors
+ Fix mouse:button events
- Change gtk2-devel BuildRequires to glib2-devel and
Tue Dec 22 17:12:38 CET 2009 -
- Update to version 0.1.4:
+ For the full list of changes, see
+ Use the new 'Accessibility' bus if the bus address is available
on the X property AT_SPI_BUS.
+ Add command line option to enable interaction with the gnome
session manager.
+ Add the configure file for the (non-secure) accessibility bus.
+ Use datarootdir for placing XML files so that the are in a
shared directory not under the name of this module but
+ Make sure the d-bus bus configuration is included in the
+ Add a configure variable for the location of the dbus-daemon in
the at-spi-dbus-bus script.
- Pass --with-dbus-daemondir to configure.
- Add at-spi2-core-dbus-path.patch to use the right path for a dbus
Wed Dec 2 17:17:48 CET 2009 -
- Update to version 0.1.3:
+ For a list of changes, see
- Pass libexecdir/at-spi2 for libexecdir to configure.
- Remove devel package: there's no library anymore for this
- Obsolete devel package, without providing it (that would be
wrong). Add a rpmlintrc file to make rpmlint happy for this.
- Remove conflict with at-spi: the files are now different and will
not clash.
Fri Aug 14 15:36:23 UTC 2009 -
- Update to version 0.1.1:
+ Replace use of dbind_emit_signal with direct libdbus call in
application cache update. fdo#23029
+ Fix problem with signature assignment and iter initialization
in dbind signal sending.
+ Modify the incorrect use of dbind_emit_signal_va. Check for
NULL args in dbind_marshall_any. fdo#23027
+ Remove *.pc files from source tarballs.
+ Remove python check from Python is not needed for
+ Link DRoute against D-Bus GLib.
- Remove python BuildRequires.
Fri Aug 14 04:25:03 CEST 2009 -
- Clean up packaging a bit.
Thu Aug 13 15:33:02 UTC 2009 -
- Initial packaging of at-spi2-core (0.1.0)