Accepting request 489639 from home:adamm:branches:devel:libraries:c_c++
- New upstream version 1.64.0
+ process - new library providing cross platform methods to
- create child processes
- setup stream for child processes
- sync and async communication streams with children
- sync and async wait
- process termination
+ geometry library had some breaking changes,
- ublas_transformer is renamed to matrix_transformer
- explicit modifier is added to constructors of rtree
index::dynamic_* parameters
- strategy::area::huiller replaced by strategy::area::spherical
+ context library updates
- deprecated API:execution-context
- fixed bad assembly for fcontext on ppc64/sysv/elf
+ Updated libraries: any, atomic, config, container, context,
conversion, core, coroutine2, fiber, hash, interprocess,
intrusive, lexicalcast, math, multi-index containers,
multiprecision, predef, program options, regex, smart pointers,
test ,typeindex, typetraits, unordered, variant
+ for details, see
- Build PyNumpy module
+ add build requires on python-numpy
- test_lowcase.patch: upstreamed
- refreshed patches: boost-strict_aliasing.patch, gcc_path.patch,
- mpi_upstream.patch: pending upstream fixes to OpenMPI build
- python_library_name.patch: we are building python versions in
different stagings so drop library renames.
2017-04-21 12:48:16 +00:00
Python module needs to be built without these extra renames.
MPI module needs to reference correct python
~Index: boost_1_64_0/libs/mpi/build/Jamfile.v2
~--- boost_1_64_0.orig/libs/mpi/build/Jamfile.v2
~+++ boost_1_64_0/libs/mpi/build/Jamfile.v2
~@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ libraries += boost_mpi ;
~ lib boost_mpi_python
~ : # Sources
~ python/serialize.cpp
~+ /user-config//boost_python_alias
~ : # Requirements
~ <library>boost_mpi
~ <library>/mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ]
~- <library>/boost/python//boost_python
~ <link>shared:<define>BOOST_MPI_DYN_LINK=1
~ <link>shared:<define>BOOST_MPI_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1
~ <link>shared:<define>BOOST_PYTHON_DYN_LINK=1
~@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ libraries += boost_mpi ;
~ python/skeleton_and_content.cpp
~ python/status.cpp
~ python/py_timer.cpp
~+ /user-config//boost_python_alias
~ : # Requirements
~- <library>/boost/python//boost_python
~ <library>boost_mpi_python
~ <library>boost_mpi
~ <library>/mpi//mpi [ mpi.extra-requirements ]
Accepting request 629938 from home:adamm:boost_test
- Update to version 1.68.0
New libraries:
* YAP: An expression template library for C++14 and later
Breaking changes since 1.67.0:
* uuid: sha1 detail namespace header redirection for backwards
compatibility was removed
* signals: Boost.Signals will be removed in the next release.
Boost.Signals was deprecated in version 1.54.0.
Transition to Boost.Signals2 now to avoid disruption.
Updated libraries: Beast, Context, Coroutine2, Fiber, Fusion,
Geometry, GIL, Graph, Lexical Cast, Log, Math,
Multi-index containers, Optional, Predef, Program Options,
Python, Rational, System, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex and Uuid.
For complete list of changes, see
- refreshed patches: boost-no_type_punning.patch,
- dropped: python_numpy_retfunc.patch - no longer needed
2018-08-17 13:44:12 +00:00
Index: boost_1_68_0/libs/python/Jamfile
Accepting request 489639 from home:adamm:branches:devel:libraries:c_c++
- New upstream version 1.64.0
+ process - new library providing cross platform methods to
- create child processes
- setup stream for child processes
- sync and async communication streams with children
- sync and async wait
- process termination
+ geometry library had some breaking changes,
- ublas_transformer is renamed to matrix_transformer
- explicit modifier is added to constructors of rtree
index::dynamic_* parameters
- strategy::area::huiller replaced by strategy::area::spherical
+ context library updates
- deprecated API:execution-context
- fixed bad assembly for fcontext on ppc64/sysv/elf
+ Updated libraries: any, atomic, config, container, context,
conversion, core, coroutine2, fiber, hash, interprocess,
intrusive, lexicalcast, math, multi-index containers,
multiprecision, predef, program options, regex, smart pointers,
test ,typeindex, typetraits, unordered, variant
+ for details, see
- Build PyNumpy module
+ add build requires on python-numpy
- test_lowcase.patch: upstreamed
- refreshed patches: boost-strict_aliasing.patch, gcc_path.patch,
- mpi_upstream.patch: pending upstream fixes to OpenMPI build
- python_library_name.patch: we are building python versions in
different stagings so drop library renames.
2017-04-21 12:48:16 +00:00
Accepting request 629938 from home:adamm:boost_test
- Update to version 1.68.0
New libraries:
* YAP: An expression template library for C++14 and later
Breaking changes since 1.67.0:
* uuid: sha1 detail namespace header redirection for backwards
compatibility was removed
* signals: Boost.Signals will be removed in the next release.
Boost.Signals was deprecated in version 1.54.0.
Transition to Boost.Signals2 now to avoid disruption.
Updated libraries: Beast, Context, Coroutine2, Fiber, Fusion,
Geometry, GIL, Graph, Lexical Cast, Log, Math,
Multi-index containers, Optional, Predef, Program Options,
Python, Rational, System, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex and Uuid.
For complete list of changes, see
- refreshed patches: boost-no_type_punning.patch,
- dropped: python_numpy_retfunc.patch - no longer needed
2018-08-17 13:44:12 +00:00
--- boost_1_68_0.orig/libs/python/Jamfile
+++ boost_1_68_0/libs/python/Jamfile
Accepting request 597342 from home:adamm:boost_test
- Update to version 1.67.0
New libraries:
* Contract: Contract programming for C++. All contract
programming features are supported: Subcontracting, class
invariants, postconditions (with old and return values),
preconditions, customizable actions on assertion failure (e.g.,
terminate or throw), optional compilation and checking of
assertions, etc, from Lorenzo Caminiti.
* HOF: Higher-order functions for C++, from Paul Fultz II.
Breaking changes in updated libraries:
* atomic: Breaking change: Changed the result of the
(op)_and_test operations added in Boost 1.66 to the opposite -
the functions now return true if the operation result is
non-zero. This is consistent with other test methods in
Boost.Atomic and the C++ standard library. Users can define
code to emit warnings on every use of the changed functions.
This way users can locate the code that needs to be updated.
* multiprecission: When converting a multiprecision integer to a
narrower type, if the value is too large (or negative) to fit
in the smaller type, then the result is either the maximum (or
minimum) value of the target type. This was always the intended
behaviour, but was somewhat haphazardly enforced before. If you
really do want just the low order N bits of a value, then you
will need to mask these out prior to the case, for example:
static_cast<unsigned>(~static_cast<unsigned>(0) & my_value).
Note that technically (to avoid undefined behaviour) you should
do the same thing with built in integer types too.
* spirit: Removed `with_context`
utility: <boost/utility.hpp> header no longer includes
boost::next and boost::prior as they have been moved to the
iterator module. Instead include <boost/next_prior.hpp>. Other
uses of <boost/utility.hpp> are discouraged, it's better to use
the header for the specific functionality instead.
* uuid: random_generator is no longer copyable
Libraries that were updated: Asio, Atomic, Beast, ContainerHash,
Context, Core, Coroutine2, DateTime, DLL, Fiber, Filesystem,
Fusion, Locale, Log, Math, Multi-index Containers,
Multiprecission, Optional, Phoenix, PolyCollection, Python,
Spirit, Stacktrace, Test, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Utility,
Unordered, Units, Uuid, and Variant. For complete list of
changes, see,
- refreshed patches:
* boost-strict_aliasing.patch
* boost-aarch64-flags.patch
- python_library_name.patch: adapted to not append version number
to library names, like new boost is doing.
- disable python2 builds by default
- use regular Requires for libboost_header dependency
2018-04-17 07:57:19 +00:00
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ local rule split-version ( version )
# For example, Boost.Python built for Python 2.7 uses the suffix "27"
rule version-suffix ( version )
- local major-minor = [ split-version $(version) ] ;
- local suffix = $(major-minor:J="") ;
- return $(suffix) ;
+ # local major-minor = [ split-version $(version) ] ;
+ # local suffix = $(major-minor:J="") ;
+ # return $(suffix) ;
+ return "" ;