* uptick: 0.9.6 (#1288)
* deps: bump dependencies as of 2023-08-26 (#1287)
* deps: pin serde to 1.0.188 (#1286)
* docs: update changelog dates
* ci: pin musl to 1.71.0 for now when building releases (#1282)
* other: appease clippy after Rust 1.72.0 (#1281)
* uptick: 0.9.5 (#1280)
* deps: bump windows to 0.51.1 (#1279)
* deps: bump dependencies as of 2023-08-18 (#1277)
* deps: pin serde to <=1.0.171 (#1278)
* deps: pin sysinfo to 0.29.8 (#1273)
* deps: bump deps as of 2023-08-08 (#1272)
- Update to 0.9.6:
* #1286: Pin serde to 1.0.188 to help with potential cargo install
issues. Note this version should be fine and not pull in binaries.
- Update to 0.9.5:
* #1278: Pin serde to 1.0.171.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=39
Bug Fixes:
* #1186: Fix for temperature sensor data gathering on Linux immediately halting if any method failed.
* #1191: Fix ntfs3 mounts not being counted as a physical drive type.
* #1195: Fix battery health being incorrectly reported on M1 macOS.
* #1188: Don't fail fast with temperature sensor name generation on Linux.
* #1172: Support human times for time_delta and default_time_value.
* #1187: Use better names for duplicate temp sensors on Linux.
* #1188: Also check /sys/devices/platform/coretemp.* for temp sensors on Linux.
* #1199: bottom should build on aarch64-linux-android with features disabled.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=33
- Update to 0.9.0:
Bug Fixes:
* #1021: Fix selected text background colour being wrong if only
the foreground colour was set.
* #1037: Fix is_list_ignored accepting all results if set to false
* #1064: Disk name/mount filter now doesn't always show all
entries if one filter wasn't set.
* #1064: macOS disk I/O is potentially working now.
* #597: Resolve RUSTSEC-2021-0119 by removing heim.
* #1016: Add support for displaying process usernames on Windows
* #1022: Support three-character hex colour strings for styling.
* #1024: Support FreeBSD temperature sensors based on hw.temperature.
* #1063: Add buffer and cache memory tracking.
* #1106: Add current battery charging state.
* #1115: Add customizable process columns to config file.
* #801: Add optional process time column and querying.
* #1025: Officially support M1 macOS.
* #1035: Migrate away from heim for CPU information.
* #1036: Migrate away from heim for memory information; bottom
will now try to use MemAvailable on Linux to determine used memory.
* #1041: Migrate away from heim for network information.
* #1064: Migrate away from heim for storage information.
* #812: Fully remove heim from bottom.
* #1075: Update how drives are named in Windows.
* #1106: Rename battery consumption field to rate.
* #1008: Fix clap 3 deprecation warnings.
* #1044: Re-enable ZFS feature.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1086037
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=29
- Update to version 0.8.0:
* Bug Fixes
+ Update help menu for disk and temperature widgets with
sorting support.
+ Fix time graph labels not being styled.
* Features
+ Split usage into both usage percentage and usage value.
* Changes
+ Hide battery duration section if the value is unknown. Also
update shortened text.
+ Automatically hide the battery widget if no batteries are
found but --battery is enabled.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1060446
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=27
- Update to version 0.6.4
* Small update to fix a bug and being slightly clearer on the
network legend unit.
- Update to version 0.6.3
* Small release with some bug fixes and a change in how we
calculate Linux memory usage.
- Update to version 0.6.2
* Add F9 key as an alternative process kill key.
Bug Fixes
* Fixes two bugs causing the battery widget colours and mouse
events to be broken.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/927379
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=15
- Update to version 0.6.1
* Fine-grained kill signals - bottom defaulted to kill -15, but
now, on Unix-based systems, you can directly choose which kill
signal you want.
* You can disable this feature if you want with the
--disable_advanced_kill flag or config option, which will
instead revert to the older style with just two options.
* Scroll position indicator using --show_table_scroll_position.
* Added Nord colour schemes. This can be enabled either in the
config file or command line with color=nord or color=nord-light.
* Add Ctrl-w and Ctrl-h shortcuts in search in order to delete a
word or a character respectively.
* Added mouse support for sorting process columns:
* Added users as a column in the process widget.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/892926
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/utilities/bottom?expand=0&rev=13