Accepting request 1192626 from home:bmwiedemann:branches:Base:System

Re-create java-cacerts with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set for reproducible builds (boo#1229003)

I'm open to alternative solutions towards reproducibility...

OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1192626
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Base:System/ca-certificates-mozilla?expand=0&rev=150
This commit is contained in:
Dirk Mueller 2024-08-31 09:31:58 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
commit 0fad44574f
12 changed files with 27553 additions and 0 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
## Default LFS
*.7z filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

_multibuild Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
Thu Aug 8 12:16:30 UTC 2024 - Bernhard Wiedemann <bwiedemann@suse.com>
- Re-create java-cacerts with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set
for reproducible builds (boo#1229003)
Tue Apr 11 14:05:12 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Also mark /usr/share/factory/var/lib/ca-certificates/ as writable
by the user during install: allow rpm to properly execute %clean
when completed.
Tue Aug 30 10:23:35 UTC 2022 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Create /var/lib/ca-certificates during build to ensure rpm gives
the %ghost'ed directory proper mode attributes.
Mon Oct 4 14:38:44 UTC 2021 - Ludwig Nussel <lnussel@suse.de>
- new package for minimal base containers (jsc#SLE-22162)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# spec file for package ca-certificates-mozilla-prebuilt
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
Name: ca-certificates-mozilla-prebuilt
Version: %(rpm -q --qf %{version} ca-certificates-mozilla)
Release: 0
Summary: Pre-built CA certificates for OpenSSL
License: MPL-2.0
Group: Productivity/Networking/Security
URL: https://www.mozilla.org
BuildRequires: ca-certificates-mozilla
BuildArch: noarch
Requires(post): /bin/cp
This package contains a static set of CA root certificates for
OpenSSL extracted from MozillaFirefox for use in containers. The
package pre-fills /var/lib/ca-certificates with a static set of
certificates if /var/lib/ca-certificates does not exist yet.
Therefore an upgrade of this package will NOT update the list of
root CA certificates in the system.
It it not possible to configure additional root CA certificates
using this package.
The package is only intended for use in containers that want to
avoid installing p11-kit.
For all other use cases please install the
"ca-certificates-mozilla" package.
%setup -qcT
cp /usr/share/licenses/ca-certificates-mozilla/COPYING .
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/ssl
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/var/lib/ca-certificates
ln -s /var/lib/ca-certificates/pem %{buildroot}/etc/ssl/certs
ln -s /var/lib/ca-certificates/ca-bundle.pem %{buildroot}/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/factory/var/lib
cp -a /var/lib/ca-certificates %{buildroot}/usr/share/factory/var/lib
chmod 755 $cadir
# re-create java-cacerts with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set for reproducible builds (boo#1229003)
trust extract --format=java-cacerts --purpose=server-auth --filter=ca-anchors --overwrite $cadir/java-cacerts
# need rpm needs to be able to delete the buildroot
chmod u+w %{buildroot}/usr/share/factory/var/lib/ca-certificates{,/*}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}
echo "C /var/lib/ca-certificates" > %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf
if [ -z "${TRANSACTIONAL_UPDATE}" ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles ]; then
/usr/bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create %{_tmpfilesdir}/ca-certificates-mozilla-prebuilt.conf || :
elif [ -x /bin/cp ] && [ ! -e /var/lib/ca-certificates ]; then
/bin/cp -as /usr/share/factory/var/lib/ca-certificates /var/lib || :
%license COPYING
%ghost %dir /var/lib/ca-certificates
%ghost %dir /var/lib/ca-certificates/pem
%ghost %dir /var/lib/ca-certificates/openssl
%ghost /var/lib/ca-certificates/java-cacerts
%ghost /var/lib/ca-certificates/ca-bundle.pem

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@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
Mozilla Public License
Version 2.0
1. Definitions
1.1. “Contributor”
means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
creation of, or owns Covered Software.
1.2. “Contributor Version”
means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
Contributor and that particular Contributors Contribution.
1.3. “Contribution”
means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
1.4. “Covered Software”
means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
1.5. “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”
a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of version
1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of a
Secondary License.
1.6. “Executable Form”
means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
1.7. “Larger Work”
means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a
separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
1.8. “License”
means this document.
1.9. “Licensable”
means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether at
the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the rights
conveyed by this License.
1.10. “Modifications”
means any of the following:
a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, deletion
from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
1.11. “Patent Claims” of a Contributor
means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, process,
and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such Contributor that
would be infringed, but for the grant of the License, by the making, using,
selling, offering for sale, having made, import, or transfer of either its
Contributions or its Contributor Version.
1.12. “Secondary License”
means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public License,
Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
1.13. “Source Code Form”
means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
1.14. “You” (or “Your”)
means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this License.
For legal entities, “You” includes any entity that controls, is controlled
by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this definition,
“control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction
or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (b)
ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or
beneficial ownership of such entity.
2. License Grants and Conditions
2.1. Grants
Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive
a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, modify,
display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its Contributions,
either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or as part of a Larger
Work; and
b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for sale,
have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its Contributions or its
Contributor Version.
2.2. Effective Date
The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution become
effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first distributes
such Contribution.
2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under this
License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the distribution
or licensing of Covered Software under this License. Notwithstanding
Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a Contributor:
a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third partys
modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
Version); or
c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of its
This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, or
logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with the notice
requirements in Section 3.4).
2.4. Subsequent Licenses
No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to distribute
the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this License (see
Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if permitted under the
terms of Section 3.3).
2.5. Representation
Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its Contributions are
its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to grant the rights to its
Contributions conveyed by this License.
2.6. Fair Use
This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under applicable
copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other equivalents.
2.7. Conditions
Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
Section 2.1.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. Distribution of Source Form
All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under the
terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source Code Form of
the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this License, and how they can
obtain a copy of this License. You may not attempt to alter or restrict the
recipients rights in the Source Code Form.
3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form, as
described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the Executable
Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by reasonable
means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost of distribution
to the recipient; and
b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this License, or
sublicense it under different terms, provided that the license for the
Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the recipients rights
in the Source Code Form under this License.
3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for the
Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered Software with
a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the Covered Software is
not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this License permits You to
additionally distribute such Covered Software under the terms of such Secondary
License(s), so that the recipient of the Larger Work may, at their option,
further distribute the Covered Software under the terms of either this License
or such Secondary License(s).
3.4. Notices
You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices (including
copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or limitations of
liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the Covered Software,
except that You may alter any license notices to the extent required to remedy
known factual inaccuracies.
3.5. Application of Additional Terms
You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, indemnity
or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered Software.
However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on behalf of any
Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any such warranty, support,
indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by You alone, and You hereby
agree to indemnify every Contributor for any liability incurred by such
Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability terms You
offer. You may include additional disclaimers of warranty and limitations of
liability specific to any jurisdiction.
4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute, judicial
order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of this License
to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the limitations and the code
they affect. Such description must be placed in a text file included with all
distributions of the Covered Software under this License. Except to the extent
prohibited by statute or regulation, such description must be sufficiently
detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
5. Termination
5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant, then
the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor are
reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor explicitly and
finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing basis, if such
Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after You have come back into compliance. Moreover, Your
grants from a particular Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such
Contributor notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this
is the first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after Your
receipt of the notice.
5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, counter-claims, and
cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version directly or indirectly
infringes any patent, then the rights granted to You by any and all
Contributors for the Covered Software under Section 2.1 of this License shall
5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
termination shall survive termination.
6. Disclaimer of Warranty
Covered Software is provided under this License on an “as is” basis, without
warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including,
without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free of defects,
merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk
as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. Should
any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You (not any Contributor)
assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair, or correction. This
disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of this License. No use of
any Covered Software is authorized under this License except under this
7. Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other
commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been informed of
the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall not apply
to liability for death or personal injury resulting from such partys
negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some
jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may not apply to You.
8. Litigation
Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts of a
jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of business and
such litigation shall be governed by laws of that jurisdiction, without
reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing in this Section shall
prevent a partys ability to bring cross-claims or counter-claims.
9. Miscellaneous
This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject matter
hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that the language of a
contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not be used to construe
this License against a Contributor.
10. Versions of the License
10.1. New Versions
Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section 10.3,
no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or publish new
versions of this License. Each version will be given a distinguishing version
10.2. Effect of New Versions
You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version of the
License under which You originally received the Covered Software, or under the
terms of any subsequent version published by the license steward.
10.3. Modified Versions
If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to create a
new license for such software, you may create and use a modified version of
this License if you rename the license and remove any references to the name of
the license steward (except to note that such modified license differs from
this License).
10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the notice
described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file, then
You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a relevant
directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a notice.
You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
Exhibit B - “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses” Notice
This Source Code Form is “Incompatible With Secondary Licenses”, as defined
by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
Mon Jul 8 15:19:02 UTC 2024 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.68 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1227525)
- Distrust: GLOBALTRUST 2020
Mon Feb 26 12:09:12 UTC 2024 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.66 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1220356)
- CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-01
- CommScope Public Trust ECC Root-02
- CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-01
- CommScope Public Trust RSA Root-02
- D-Trust SBR Root CA 1 2022
- D-Trust SBR Root CA 2 2022
- Telekom Security SMIME ECC Root 2021
- Telekom Security SMIME RSA Root 2023
- Telekom Security TLS ECC Root 2020
- Telekom Security TLS RSA Root 2023
- TrustAsia Global Root CA G3
- TrustAsia Global Root CA G4
- Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
- Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008
- Global Chambersign Root - 2008
- Security Communication Root CA
- Symantec Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G6
- Symantec Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G6
- TrustCor ECA-1
- TrustCor RootCert CA-1
- TrustCor RootCert CA-2
- VeriSign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
- VeriSign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
- remove-trustcor.patch: removed, now upstream
- do a versioned obsoletes of "openssl-certs".
Mon Feb 26 11:20:23 UTC 2024 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- use rpm 4.20 compatible patch syntax
Mon Feb 26 11:14:43 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
Wed Aug 16 12:59:31 UTC 2023 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- readd _multibuild
Mon Aug 14 10:43:08 UTC 2023 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.62 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1214248)
- Atos TrustedRoot Root CA ECC G2 2020
- Atos TrustedRoot Root CA ECC TLS 2021
- Atos TrustedRoot Root CA RSA G2 2020
- Atos TrustedRoot Root CA RSA TLS 2021
- BJCA Global Root CA1
- BJCA Global Root CA2
- LAWtrust Root CA2 (4096)
- Sectigo Public Email Protection Root E46
- Sectigo Public Email Protection Root R46
- Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root E46
- Sectigo Public Server Authentication Root R46
- SSL.com Client ECC Root CA 2022
- SSL.com Client RSA Root CA 2022
- SSL.com TLS ECC Root CA 2022
- SSL.com TLS RSA Root CA 2022
Removed CAs:
- Chambers of Commerce Root
- E-Tugra Certification Authority
- E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3
- E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3
- Hongkong Post Root CA 1
Thu May 4 14:34:19 UTC 2023 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- Add _multibuild to define 2nd spec file as additional flavor.
Eliminates the need for source package links in OBS.
Thu Dec 22 10:38:47 UTC 2022 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.60 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1206622)
Removed CAs:
- Global Chambersign Root
- Network Solutions Certificate Authority
- Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA
- SwissSign Platinum CA - G2
Added CAs:
- Security Communication ECC RootCA1
- Security Communication RootCA3
Changed trust:
- TrustCor certificates only trusted up to Nov 30 (bsc#1206212)
- Removed CAs (bsc#1206212) as most code does not handle "valid before nov 30 2022"
and it is not clear how many certs were issued for SSL middleware by TrustCor:
- TrustCor RootCert CA-1
- TrustCor RootCert CA-2
- TrustCor ECA-1
Patch: remove-trustcor.patch
Mon Aug 29 11:46:01 UTC 2022 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.56 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1202868)
- Certainly Root E1
- Certainly Root R1
- DigiCert SMIME ECC P384 Root G5
- DigiCert SMIME RSA4096 Root G5
- DigiCert TLS ECC P384 Root G5
- DigiCert TLS RSA4096 Root G5
- E-Tugra Global Root CA ECC v3
- E-Tugra Global Root CA RSA v3
- Hellenic Academic and Research Institutions RootCA 2011
Mon May 2 11:35:33 UTC 2022 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.54 state of Mozilla SSL root CAs (bsc#1199079)
- Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
- D-TRUST BR Root CA 1 2020
- D-TRUST EV Root CA 1 2020
- GlobalSign ECC Root CA R4
- GTS Root R1
- GTS Root R2
- GTS Root R3
- GTS Root R4
- HiPKI Root CA - G1
- ISRG Root X2
- Telia Root CA v2
- vTrus ECC Root CA
- vTrus Root CA
- Cybertrust Global Root
- DST Root CA X3
- DigiNotar PKIoverheid CA Organisatie - G2
- GlobalSign ECC Root CA R4
- GlobalSign Root CA R2
- GTS Root R1
- GTS Root R2
- GTS Root R3
- GTS Root R4
Sat Oct 2 07:33:52 UTC 2021 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- updated to 2.50 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1188006)
- Added CAs:
+ HARICA Client ECC Root CA 2021
+ HARICA Client RSA Root CA 2021
+ TunTrust Root CA
Fri Sep 24 13:56:30 UTC 2021 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- remove the DST_Root_CA_X3.pem trust, as it expires september 30th 2021.
Mon Jul 5 12:16:33 UTC 2021 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- updated to 2.50 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1188006)
Added CAs:
* ANF Secure Server Root CA
* Certum EC-384 CA
* Certum Trusted Root CA
* GlobalSign Root E46
* GlobalSign Root R46
* GlobalSign Secure Mail Root E45
* GlobalSign Secure Mail Root R45
Removed CAs:
* GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
* QuoVadis Root Certification Authority
* Sonera Class2 CA
* Trustis FPS Root CA
* VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
Sun Jul 4 09:14:00 UTC 2021 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- fix mozila typo in installed files
Tue Feb 9 13:11:37 UTC 2021 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.46 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1181994)
- Added new root CAs:
- NAVER Global Root Certification Authority
- Removed old root CA:
- GeoTrust Global CA
- GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
- GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
- GeoTrust Universal CA
- GeoTrust Universal CA 2
- thawte Primary Root CA
- thawte Primary Root CA - G2
- thawte Primary Root CA - G3
- VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
- VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
Mon Oct 19 09:09:39 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- Updated to 2.44 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1177864)
- Removed CAs:
- EE Certification Centre Root CA
- Taiwan GRCA
- Added CAs:
- Trustwave Global Certification Authority
- Trustwave Global ECC P256 Certification Authority
- Trustwave Global ECC P384 Certification Authority
Wed Jul 29 13:06:19 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- update to 2.42 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1174673)
Removed CAs:
- AddTrust External CA Root
- AddTrust Class 1 CA Root
- LuxTrust Global Root 2
- Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2
- Symantec Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
- Symantec Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
- VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
Added CAs:
- certSIGN Root CA G2
- e-Szigno Root CA 2017
- Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017
- Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017
Thu Mar 26 11:38:06 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- also run update-ca-certificates in %posttrans
Tue Jan 14 07:07:51 UTC 2020 - Marcus Meissner <meissner@suse.com>
- update to 2.40 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1160160)
- removed:
- Certplus Class 2 Primary CA
- Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2
- CN=Swisscom Root CA 2
- UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email
- added:
- Entrust Root Certification Authority - G4
Wed Dec 18 10:53:59 UTC 2019 - Ludwig Nussel <lnussel@suse.de>
- make sure p11-kit with patches is installed on SLE (boo#1154871)
Tue Nov 12 09:58:01 UTC 2019 - Ludwig Nussel <lnussel@suse.de>
- export correct p11kit trust attributes so Firefox detects built in
certificates (boo#1154871). Courtesy of Fedora.
Sun Aug 4 14:17:45 UTC 2019 - Andreas Stieger <andreas.stieger@gmx.de>
- update to 2.34 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1144169)
- Removed CAs:
- Certinomis - Root CA
- includes added root CAs from the 2.32 version:
- emSign ECC Root CA - C3 (email and server auth)
- emSign ECC Root CA - G3 (email and server auth)
- emSign Root CA - C1 (email and server auth)
- emSign Root CA - G1 (email and server auth)
- Hongkong Post Root CA 3 (server auth)
Thu Jan 17 06:17:05 UTC 2019 - meissner@suse.com
- updated to 2.30 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store. (bsc#1121446)
- Removed CAs:
- AC Raiz Certicamara S.A.
- Certplus Root CA G1
- Certplus Root CA G2
- OpenTrust Root CA G1
- OpenTrust Root CA G2
- OpenTrust Root CA G3
- Visa eCommerce Root
- Added Root CAs:
- Certigna Root CA (email and server auth)
- GTS Root R1 (server auth)
- GTS Root R2 (server auth)
- GTS Root R3 (server auth)
- GTS Root R4 (server auth)
- OISTE WISeKey Global Root GC CA (email and server auth)
- UCA Extended Validation Root (server auth)
- UCA Global G2 Root (email and server auth)
Thu Aug 16 08:42:38 UTC 2018 - meissner@suse.com
- updated to 2.26 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store. (bsc#1104780)
- removed server auth
- Certplus Root CA G1
- Certplus Root CA G2
- OpenTrust Root CA G1
- OpenTrust Root CA G2
- OpenTrust Root CA G3
- remove CA
- ComSign CA
- added new CA
- GlobalSign
Fri Jul 6 14:40:58 UTC 2018 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 2.24 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store. (bsc#1100415)
- Removed CAs:
* S-TRUST_Universal_Root_CA:
* TC_TrustCenter_Class_3_CA_II:
* TÜRKTRUST_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sağlayıcısı_H5:
Tue Mar 20 13:12:37 CET 2018 - kukuk@suse.de
- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318]
Thu Jan 25 09:43:25 UTC 2018 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 2.22 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store (bsc#1071152,
bsc#1071390, bsc#1010996)
- Removed CAs:
* AddTrust Public CA Root
* AddTrust Qualified CA Root
* ApplicationCA - Japanese Government
* CA Disig Root R1
* CA WoSign ECC Root
* Certification Authority of WoSign G2
* Certinomis - Autorité Racine
* China Internet Network Information Center EV Certificates Root
* Comodo Secure Certificate Services
* Comodo Trusted Certificate Services
* ComSign Secured CA
* GeoTrust Global CA 2
* StartCom Certification Authority
* StartCom Certification Authority
* StartCom Certification Authority G2
* Swisscom Root CA 1
* TÜBİTAK UEKAE Kök Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı - Sürüm 3
* TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı
* TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı H6
* UTN USERFirst Hardware Root CA
* UTN USERFirst Object Root CA
* VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G2
* WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority
* Certification Authority of WoSign
* WoSign China
- Added CAs:
* D-TRUST Root CA 3 2013
* SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority ECC
* SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority RSA R2
* SSL.com Root Certification Authority ECC
* SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA
* TrustCor RootCert CA-1
* TrustCor RootCert CA-2
* TUBITAK Kamu SM SSL Kok Sertifikasi - Surum 1
Wed Oct 25 12:40:36 UTC 2017 - jmatejek@suse.com
- convert processing script to Python 3
- ensure a stable conversion of UTF8 hex-encoded certificate names
- ensure a stable ordering of trust/distrust bits in headers
Tue Jan 24 12:46:29 UTC 2017 - meissner@suse.com
- updated to 2.11 state of the Mozilla NSS Certificate store.
- removed CAs:
- Buypass_Class_2_CA_1:2.1.1.crt
- EBG_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Sağlayıcısı:
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
- Equifax_Secure_CA:
- Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_1:2.1.4.crt
- Equifax_Secure_Global_eBusiness_CA:2.1.1.crt
- IGC_A:
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
- Juur-SK:
codeSigning serverAuth
- Root_CA_Generalitat_Valenciana:
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
- RSA_Security_2048_v3:
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
- Sonera_Class_1_Root_CA:2.1.36.crt
- S-TRUST_Authentication_and_Encryption_Root_CA_2005_PN:
- Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority:
- Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2:
- Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority:
- added CAs:
+ Amazon_Root_CA_1:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Amazon_Root_CA_2:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Amazon_Root_CA_3:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Amazon_Root_CA_4:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Certplus_Root_CA_G1:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Certplus_Root_CA_G2:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_ECC_RootCA_2015:2.1.0.crt
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_RootCA_2015:2.1.0.crt
emailProtection serverAuth
+ ISRG_Root_X1: (bsc#1010996)
+ LuxTrust_Global_Root_2:
+ OpenTrust_Root_CA_G1:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ OpenTrust_Root_CA_G2:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ OpenTrust_Root_CA_G3:
emailProtection serverAuth
+ Symantec_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4:
+ Symantec_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G6:
+ Symantec_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G4:
+ Symantec_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G6:
- diff-from-upstream-2.7.patch: removed as we should be able to do
intermediate root chains now with openssl 1.0.2 and also gnutls 3.5
is able to do so.
Wed Apr 6 11:21:32 UTC 2016 - meissner@suse.com
- diff-from-upstream-2.7.patch: restore some important legacy
CAs, otherwise Pidgin fails to talk to Google Talk for instance.
Thu Mar 31 13:07:40 UTC 2016 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 2.7 (bsc#973042).
- diff-from-upstream-2.2.patch: removed as openssl 1.0.2 can do
immediate root CAs.
- Removed server trust from:
AC Raíz Certicámara S.A.
ComSign Secured CA
NetLock Uzleti (Class B) Tanusitvanykiado
NetLock Business (Class B) Root
NetLock Expressz (Class C) Tanusitvanykiado
TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA II
TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 1
TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 2
Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1
Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority G3
- enable server trust
Actalis Authentication Root CA
- Deleted CAs:
A Trust nQual 03
Buypass Class 3 CA 1
CA Disig
Digital Signature Trust Co Global CA 1
Digital Signature Trust Co Global CA 3
E Guven Kok Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Saglayicisi
NetLock Expressz (Class C) Tanusitvanykiado
NetLock Kozjegyzoi (Class A) Tanusitvanykiado
NetLock Minositett Kozjegyzoi (Class QA) Tanusitvanykiado
NetLock Uzleti (Class B) Tanusitvanykiado
Staat der Nederlanden Root CA
TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II
TC TrustCenter Universal CA I
TDC Internet Root CA
Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
- New added CAs:
CA WoSign ECC Root
Certification Authority of WoSign
Certification Authority of WoSign G2
Certinomis - Root CA
Certum Trusted Network CA 2
COMODO RSA Certification Authority
DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
DigiCert Global Root G2
DigiCert Global Root G3
DigiCert Trusted Root G4
Entrust Root Certification Authority - EC1
Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2
IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1
IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1
OISTE WISeKey Global Root GB CA
QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
Staat der Nederlanden EV Root CA
Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3
S-TRUST Universal Root CA
TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı H5
TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sağlayıcısı H6
USERTrust ECC Certification Authority
USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
Wed Jan 14 09:40:00 UTC 2015 - meissner@suse.com
- diff-from-upstream-2.2.patch:
Temporary reenable some root ca trusts, as openssl/gnutls
have trouble using intermediates as root CA.
- GTE CyberTrust Global Root
- Thawte Server CA
- Thawte Premium Server CA
- ValiCert Class 1 VA
- ValiCert Class 2 VA
- RSA Root Certificate 1
- Entrust.net Secure Server CA
- America Online Root Certification Authority 1
- America Online Root Certification Authority 2
Mon Jan 12 16:45:23 UTC 2015 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 2.2 (bnc#888534)
- The following CAs were removed:
+ America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_1
+ America_Online_Root_Certification_Authority_2
+ GTE_CyberTrust_Global_Root
+ Thawte_Premium_Server_CA
+ Thawte_Server_CA
- The following CAs were added:
+ COMODO_RSA_Certification_Authority
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
+ GlobalSign_ECC_Root_CA_-_R4
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
+ GlobalSign_ECC_Root_CA_-_R5
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
+ USERTrust_ECC_Certification_Authority
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
+ USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority
codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth
+ VeriSign-C3SSA-G2-temporary-intermediate-after-1024bit-removal
- The following CAs were changed:
+ Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_1
remote code signing and https trust, leave email trust
+ Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_-_G2
only trust emailProtection
Tue Aug 26 13:30:12 UTC 2014 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 2.1 (bnc#888534)
- The following 1024-bit CA certificates were removed
- Entrust.net Secure Server Certification Authority
- ValiCert Class 1 Policy Validation Authority
- ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority
- ValiCert Class 3 Policy Validation Authority
- TDC Internet Root CA
- The following CA certificates were added:
- Certification Authority of WoSign
- CA 沃通根证书
- DigiCert Assured ID Root G2
- DigiCert Assured ID Root G3
- DigiCert Global Root G2
- DigiCert Global Root G3
- DigiCert Trusted Root G4
- QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3
- QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3
- QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3
- The Trust Bits were changed for the following CA certificates
- Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
- Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
- Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
- VeriSign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
- AC Raíz Certicámara S.A.
- NetLock Uzleti (Class B) Tanusitvanykiado
- NetLock Expressz (Class C) Tanusitvanykiado
- certdata-temporary-1024.patch: restore some certificates removed
from NSS as these are still used for some major sites.
openssl is not as clever as NSS in selecting the new ones in the
chain correctly.
Wed Jun 18 15:05:23 UTC 2014 - meissner@suse.com
- do not provide openssl-certs, just obsolete it.
Tue Jun 10 12:52:29 UTC 2014 - meissner@suse.com
- in sle11 we bumped openssl-certs version to match the NSS version,
so provide/obsolete the current version.
Wed Jun 4 08:21:33 UTC 2014 - lnussel@suse.de
- updated certificates to revision 1.97 (bnc#881241)
new: "Atos TrustedRoot 2011" (codeSigning emailProtection serverAuth)
new: "Tugra Certification Authority" (codeSigning serverAuth)
removed: "Firmaprofesional Root CA"
removed: "TDC OCES Root CA"
new: "TeliaSonera Root CA v1" (emailProtection serverAuth)
new: "T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2" (emailProtection serverAuth)
Fri Feb 21 16:18:35 UTC 2014 - meissner@suse.com
- updated certificates to revision 1.96 (bnc#865080)
new: ACCVRAIZ1.pem (Spain) (all trusts)
new: SG_TRUST_SERVICES_RACINE.pem (Singapore) (email signing only)
new: TWCA_Global_Root_CA.pem (Taiwanese) (all trusts)
removed: Wells_Fargo_Root_CA.pem
Mon Dec 9 16:01:29 UTC 2013 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 1.95
Distrust a sub-ca that issued google.com certificates.
"Distrusted AC DG Tresor SSL" (bnc#854367)
Mon Dec 9 09:56:32 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- fix handling of certificates with same name (bnc#854163)
Tue Oct 29 13:52:16 UTC 2013 - meissner@suse.com
- Updated to 1.94
* new: CA_Disig_Root_R1:
server auth, code signing, email signing
* new: CA_Disig_Root_R2:
server auth, code signing, email signing
* new: China_Internet_Network_Information_Center_EV_Certificates_Root:
server auth
* changed: Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_1:
removed code signing and server auth abilities
* changed: Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_3:
removed code signing and server auth abilities
* new: D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_2009:
server auth
* new: D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_EV_2009:
server auth
* removed: Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA:
* new: Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA:
I think the missing flags were adjusted.
* removed: Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2:
* new: PSCProcert:2.1.11.crt
server auth, code signing, email signing
* new: Swisscom_Root_CA_2:
server auth, code signing, email signing
* new: Swisscom_Root_EV_CA_2:
server auth, code signing
* changed: TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_III:
removed all abilities
* new: TURKTRUST_Certificate_Services_Provider_Root_2007:2.1.1.crt
server auth, code signing
* changed: TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority:2.1.1.crt
added code signing ability
- removed temporary Entrust.net_Premium_2048_Secure_Server_CA.p11-kit override.
Mon Aug 19 13:07:07 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- update Entrust root attributes to new format used by p11-kit
Wed Jul 24 15:05:31 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- remove superfluous double quotes from certificate names
Wed Jul 24 14:21:18 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- add fake basic contraints to Entrust root so p11-kit export the cert
- add nssckbi.h that matches certdata.txt; make sure package has the
correct version number which is currently 1.93. No actual content
change in certdata.txt compared to 1.85, it's just that the
versioning scheme changed.
Thu Jun 27 16:03:05 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- use certdata2pem.py from Fedora to extract all certs
Fri Jun 21 12:59:53 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- use correct 'anchors' subdirectory
Wed Jun 19 09:30:00 UTC 2013 - lnussel@suse.de
- new location of CA certificate anchors is
Thu Jan 3 19:16:01 UTC 2013 - idonmez@suse.com
- update certificates to revision 1.87 (bnc#796628)
* new "EE Certification Centre Root CA"
* new "T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 3"
* revoke mis-issued intermediate CAs from TURKTRUST
Wed Oct 10 14:50:00 UTC 2012 - meissner@suse.com
- updated certificates to revision 1.85 (bnc#783509)
* new "Actalis Authentication Root CA"
* new "Trustis FPS Root CA"
* new "StartCom Certification Authority"
* new "StartCom Certification Authority G2"
* new "Buypass Class 2 Root CA"
* new "Buypass Class 3 Root CA"
* updated: "Sonera Class2 CA": remove code-signing
* updated: "thawte Primary Root CA": added code-signing
* updated: "Trustis_FPS_Root_CA.pem": added code-signing
* updated: VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5":
added code-signing, email-protection
Thu May 3 12:13:20 UTC 2012 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.83 (bnc#760503)
* new: EC_ACC.pem
* new: Hellenic_Academic_and_Research_Institutions_RootCA_2011.pem
* new: Security_Communication_RootCA2.pem
* removed: TC_TrustCenter_Germany_Class_2_CA.pem
* removed: TC_TrustCenter_Germany_Class_3_CA.pem
* removed: Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.1.pem
* removed: Verisign_Class_2_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.pem
* removed: Verisign_Class_4_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority_G2.pem
- license change to MPL-2.0
Fri Jan 13 08:52:29 UTC 2012 - cfarrell@suse.com
- license update: MPL-1.1 or GPL-2.0+ or LGPL-2.1+
SPDX format and correct GPL and LGPL tags to include or later
Thu Jan 12 11:30:31 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com
- change license to be in spdx.org format
Sat Sep 17 21:58:34 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
Wed Aug 31 09:02:10 UTC 2011 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.76
* new: Go_Daddy_Root_Certificate_Authority_G2.pem
* new: Starfield_Root_Certificate_Authority_G2.pem
* new: Starfield_Services_Root_Certificate_Authority_G2.pem
* new: AffirmTrust_Commercial.pem
* new: AffirmTrust_Networking.pem
* new: AffirmTrust_Premium.pem
* new: AffirmTrust_Premium_ECC.pem
* new: Certum_Trusted_Network_CA.pem
* new: Certinomis_Autorit_Racine.pem
* new: Root_CA_Generalitat_Valenciana.pem
* new: A_Trust_nQual_03.pem
* new: TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority.pem
* removed: DigiNotar_Root_CA.pem (bnc#714931)
Mon Jan 31 13:43:23 UTC 2011 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.70
* new: AddTrust_Qualified_Certificates_Root.pem
* new: Autoridad_de_Certificacion_Firmaprofesional_CIF_A62634068.pem
* new: Chambers_of_Commerce_Root_2008.pem
* new: Global_Chambersign_Root_2008.pem
* new: Izenpe_com.pem
* new: TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_III.pem
Mon Sep 27 14:27:52 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.65
* new: E_Guven_Kok_Elektronik_Sertifika_Hizmet_Saglayicisi.pem
* new: GlobalSign_Root_CA_R3.pem
* new: Microsec_e_Szigno_Root_CA_2009.pem
* new: Verisign_Class_1_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.1.pem
* new: Verisign_Class_3_Public_Primary_Certification_Authority.1.pem
Fri May 21 12:30:01 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.64
* removed "RSA Security 1024 V3" certificate
Thu Apr 8 09:24:37 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- require ca-certificates also for postun
Thu Apr 1 12:14:11 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- don't output trusted certs by default as it's not supported by
gnutls yet and pidgin scans /etc/ssl/certs
Thu Apr 1 11:39:01 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.62
Fri Mar 26 15:27:34 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- extract trustbits as comment as Fedora does
- convert to trusted certificates in spec file instead
Thu Mar 25 08:16:56 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- rename to ca-certificates-mozilla
- output trusted certificates
- use utf8 in file names
Tue Feb 2 16:27:35 UTC 2010 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certificates to revision 1.57
- add script to compare with previous certificates
Wed Sep 30 13:17:45 UTC 2009 - lnussel@suse.de
- update certifiates to cvs revision 1.56
- exclude certficates that are not trusted for identifying web sites
Tue Dec 2 11:29:03 CET 2008 - cfarrell@suse.de
- Add openssl-certs.COPYING to fix bnc#441356
Thu Oct 9 17:49:57 CEST 2008 - lnussel@suse.de
- use certificates from MozillaFirefox
Wed Jul 9 15:15:38 CEST 2008 - mkoenig@suse.de
- split out the CA root certificates from the openssl certs
subpackage into a package of its own.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# spec file for package ca-certificates-mozilla
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
# ensure p11-kit has the required features on SLE for
# https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1154871
%if 0%{?suse_version} == 1500
%if 0%{?is_opensuse}
# Leap 15.1
%define p11_kit_min 0.23.2-lp151.4.3.1
# 15GA
%define p11_kit_min 0.23.2-4.5.2
%if 0%{?suse_version} == 1315 && 0%{?sle_version} > 120300
# 12SP3
%define p11_kit_min 0.20.7-3.3.1
%define certdir %{trustdir_static}
Name: ca-certificates-mozilla
# Version number is NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION in this file:
# http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
Version: 2.68
Release: 0
Summary: CA certificates for OpenSSL
License: MPL-2.0
Group: Productivity/Networking/Security
URL: https://www.mozilla.org
# IMPORTANT: procedure to update certificates:
# - Check the log of the cert file:
# http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/log/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# - download the new certdata.txt
# wget -O certdata.txt "http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt"
# - run compareoldnew to show fingerprints of new and changed certificates
# - check the bugs referenced in hg log and compare the checksum
# to output of compareoldnew
# - Watch out that blacklisted or untrusted certificates are not
# accidentally included!
Source: https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/raw-file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
Source1: https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/nss/raw-file/default/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
#Source10: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ca-certificates/raw/master/f/certdata2pem.py
Source10: certdata2pem.py
Source11: %{name}.COPYING
Source12: compareoldnew
BuildRequires: ca-certificates
BuildRequires: openssl
BuildRequires: p11-kit-devel
BuildRequires: python3-base
# for update-ca-certificates
Requires(post): ca-certificates
# replaces this package from SLE11 times
Obsoletes: openssl-certs < %version
BuildArch: noarch
%if %{defined p11_kit_min}
Conflicts: p11-kit-tools < %p11_kit_min
This package contains some CA root certificates for OpenSSL extracted
from MozillaFirefox
%setup -qcT
mkdir certs
cp %{SOURCE0} certs
install -m 644 %{SOURCE11} COPYING
ver=`sed -ne '/NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION /s/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/p' < "%{SOURCE1}"`
if [ "%{version}" != "$ver" ]; then
echo "*** Version number mismatch: spec file should be version $ver"
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
cd certs
python3 %{SOURCE10}
cd ..
cat <<-EOF
# This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate
# Authorities. It was generated from the Mozilla root CA list.
# These certificates and trust/distrust attributes use the file format accepted
# by the p11-kit-trust module.
# Source: nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt
# Source: nss/lib/ckfw/builtins/nssckbi.h
# Generated from:
awk '$2 = "NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION" {print "# " $2 " " $3}';
echo '#';
ls -1 certs/*.tmp-p11-kit | sort | xargs cat
) > %{name}.trust.p11-kit
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{trustdir_static}
install -m 644 %{name}.trust.p11-kit "%{buildroot}/%{trustdir_static}/%{name}.trust.p11-kit"
update-ca-certificates || true
update-ca-certificates || true
update-ca-certificates || true
%license COPYING

certdata.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

certdata2pem.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
# vim:set et sw=4:
# certdata2pem.py - splits certdata.txt into multiple files
# Copyright (C) 2009 Philipp Kern <pkern@debian.org>
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kai Engert <kaie@redhat.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
import base64
import os.path
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import subprocess
objects = []
def printable_serial(obj):
return ".".join([str(x) for x in obj['CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER']])
# Dirty file parser.
in_data, in_multiline, in_obj = False, False, False
field, ftype, value, binval, obj = None, None, None, bytearray(), dict()
for line in open('certdata.txt', 'r'):
# Ignore the file header.
if not in_data:
if line.startswith('BEGINDATA'):
in_data = True
# Ignore comment lines.
if line.startswith('#'):
# Empty lines are significant if we are inside an object.
if in_obj and len(line.strip()) == 0:
obj = dict()
in_obj = False
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
if in_multiline:
if not line.startswith('END'):
if ftype == 'MULTILINE_OCTAL':
line = line.strip()
for i in re.finditer(r'\\([0-3][0-7][0-7])', line):
integ = int(i.group(1), 8)
binval.extend((integ).to_bytes(1, sys.byteorder))
obj[field] = binval
value += line
obj[field] = value
in_multiline = False
if line.startswith('CKA_CLASS'):
in_obj = True
line_parts = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
if len(line_parts) > 2:
field, ftype = line_parts[0:2]
value = ' '.join(line_parts[2:])
elif len(line_parts) == 2:
field, ftype = line_parts
value = None
raise NotImplementedError('line_parts < 2 not supported.\n' + line)
if ftype == 'MULTILINE_OCTAL':
in_multiline = True
value = ""
binval = bytearray()
obj[field] = value
if len(list(obj.items())) > 0:
# Build up trust database.
trustmap = dict()
for obj in objects:
if obj['CKA_CLASS'] != 'CKO_NSS_TRUST':
key = obj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(obj)
trustmap[key] = obj
print(" added trust", key)
# Build up cert database.
certmap = dict()
for obj in objects:
key = obj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(obj)
certmap[key] = obj
print(" added cert", key)
def obj_to_filename(obj):
label = obj['CKA_LABEL'][1:-1]
label = label.replace('/', '_')\
.replace(' ', '_')\
.replace('(', '=')\
.replace(')', '=')\
.replace(',', '_')
labelbytes = bytearray()
i = 0
imax = len(label)
while i < imax:
if i < imax-3 and label[i] == '\\' and label[i+1] == 'x':
i += 4
i = i+1
label = labelbytes.decode('utf-8')
serial = printable_serial(obj)
return label + ":" + serial
def write_cert_ext_to_file(f, oid, value, public_key):
f.write("label: ");
f.write("class: x-certificate-extension\n");
f.write("object-id: " + oid + "\n")
f.write("value: \"" + value + "\"\n")
f.write("modifiable: false\n");
trust_types = {
"CKA_TRUST_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE": "digital-signature",
"CKA_TRUST_NON_REPUDIATION": "non-repudiation",
"CKA_TRUST_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT": "key-encipherment",
"CKA_TRUST_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT": "data-encipherment",
"CKA_TRUST_KEY_AGREEMENT": "key-agreement",
"CKA_TRUST_KEY_CERT_SIGN": "cert-sign",
"CKA_TRUST_CRL_SIGN": "crl-sign",
"CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "server-auth",
"CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH": "client-auth",
"CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "code-signing",
"CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "email-protection",
"CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_END_SYSTEM": "ipsec-end-system",
"CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_TUNNEL": "ipsec-tunnel",
"CKA_TRUST_IPSEC_USER": "ipsec-user",
"CKA_TRUST_TIME_STAMPING": "time-stamping",
"CKA_TRUST_STEP_UP_APPROVED": "step-up-approved",
legacy_trust_types = {
legacy_to_real_trust_types = {
openssl_trust = {
"CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH": "serverAuth",
"CKA_TRUST_CLIENT_AUTH": "clientAuth",
"CKA_TRUST_CODE_SIGNING": "codeSigning",
"CKA_TRUST_EMAIL_PROTECTION": "emailProtection",
cert_distrust_types = {
"CKA_NSS_SERVER_DISTRUST_AFTER": "nss-server-distrust-after",
"CKA_NSS_EMAIL_DISTRUST_AFTER": "nss-email-distrust-after",
for tobj in objects:
if tobj['CKA_CLASS'] == 'CKO_NSS_TRUST':
key = tobj['CKA_LABEL'] + printable_serial(tobj)
print("producing trust for " + key)
trustbits = []
distrustbits = []
openssl_trustflags = []
openssl_distrustflags = []
legacy_trustbits = []
legacy_openssl_trustflags = []
for t in list(trust_types.keys()):
if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR':
if t in openssl_trust:
if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED':
if t in openssl_trust:
for t in list(legacy_trust_types.keys()):
if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_TRUSTED_DELEGATOR':
real_t = legacy_to_real_trust_types[t]
if real_t in openssl_trust:
if t in tobj and tobj[t] == 'CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED':
raise NotImplementedError('legacy distrust not supported.\n' + line)
fname = obj_to_filename(tobj)
obj = certmap[key]
obj = None
# optional debug code, that dumps the parsed input to files
#fulldump = "dump-" + fname
#dumpf = open(fulldump, 'w')
is_legacy = 0
is_legacy = 1
if obj == None:
raise NotImplementedError('found legacy trust without certificate.\n' + line)
legacy_fname = "legacy-default/" + fname + ".crt"
f = open(legacy_fname, 'w')
f.write("# alias=%s\n"%tobj['CKA_LABEL'])
f.write("# trust=" + " ".join(legacy_trustbits) + "\n")
if legacy_openssl_trustflags:
f.write("# openssl-trust=" + " ".join(legacy_openssl_trustflags) + "\n")
f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE'])
temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64)
f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
legacy_fname = "legacy-disable/" + fname + ".crt"
f = open(legacy_fname, 'w')
f.write("# alias=%s\n"%tobj['CKA_LABEL'])
f.write("# trust=" + " ".join(trustbits) + "\n")
if openssl_trustflags:
f.write("# openssl-trust=" + " ".join(openssl_trustflags) + "\n")
f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
f.write("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE']), 64)))
f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
# don't produce p11-kit output for legacy certificates
pk = ''
cert_comment = ''
if obj != None:
# must extract the public key from the cert, let's use openssl
cert_fname = "cert-" + fname
fc = open(cert_fname, 'w')
fc.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE'])
temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64)
fc.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
pk_fname = "pubkey-" + fname
fpkout = open(pk_fname, "w")
dump_pk_command = ["openssl", "x509", "-in", cert_fname, "-noout", "-pubkey"]
subprocess.call(dump_pk_command, stdout=fpkout)
with open (pk_fname, "r") as myfile:
# obtain certificate information suitable as a comment
comment_fname = "comment-" + fname
fcout = open(comment_fname, "w")
comment_command = ["openssl", "x509", "-in", cert_fname, "-noout", "-text"]
subprocess.call(comment_command, stdout=fcout)
sed_command = ["sed", "--in-place", "s/^/#/", comment_fname]
with open (comment_fname, "r", errors = 'replace') as myfile:
fname += ".tmp-p11-kit"
f = open(fname, 'w')
if obj != None:
is_distrusted = False
has_server_trust = False
has_email_trust = False
has_code_trust = False
is_distrusted = True
has_server_trust = True
is_distrusted = True
has_email_trust = True
is_distrusted = True
has_code_trust = True
if is_distrusted:
trust_ext_oid = ""
trust_ext_value = "0.%06%0a%2b%06%01%04%01%99w%06%0a%01%04 0%1e%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03"
write_cert_ext_to_file(f, trust_ext_oid, trust_ext_value, pk)
trust_ext_oid = ""
if has_server_trust:
if has_email_trust:
if has_code_trust:
# server + email + code
trust_ext_value = "0%2a%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04 0%1e%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03"
# server + email
trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01"
if has_code_trust:
# server + code
trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03"
# server
trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%01"
if has_email_trust:
if has_code_trust:
# email + code
trust_ext_value = "0 %06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%160%14%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03"
# email
trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%04"
if has_code_trust:
# code
trust_ext_value = "0%16%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0c0%0a%06%08%2b%06%01%05%05%07%03%03"
# none
trust_ext_value = "0%18%06%03U%1d%25%01%01%ff%04%0e0%0c%06%0a%2b%06%01%04%01%99w%06%0a%10"
# no for neutral certificates
if (is_distrusted or has_server_trust or has_email_trust or has_code_trust):
write_cert_ext_to_file(f, trust_ext_oid, trust_ext_value, pk)
pk = ''
f.write("label: ");
if is_distrusted:
f.write("x-distrusted: true\n")
elif has_server_trust or has_email_trust or has_code_trust:
f.write("trusted: true\n")
f.write("trusted: false\n")
# requires p11-kit >= 0.23.4
f.write("nss-mozilla-ca-policy: true\n")
f.write("modifiable: false\n");
# requires p11-kit >= 0.23.19
for t in list(cert_distrust_types.keys()):
if t in obj:
value = obj[t]
if value == 'CK_FALSE':
value = bytearray(1)
f.write(cert_distrust_types[t] + ": \"")
f.write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n")
temp_encoded_b64 = base64.b64encode(obj['CKA_VALUE'])
temp_wrapped = textwrap.wrap(temp_encoded_b64.decode(), 64)
f.write("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n")
f.write("label: ");
f.write("class: certificate\n")
f.write("certificate-type: x-509\n")
f.write("modifiable: false\n");
f.write("issuer: \"");
f.write("serial-number: \"");
f.write("x-distrusted: true\n")
print(" -> written as '%s', trust = %s, openssl-trust = %s, distrust = %s, openssl-distrust = %s" % (fname, trustbits, openssl_trustflags, distrustbits, openssl_distrustflags))

compareoldnew Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# print fingerprints of new or changed certificates
set -e
rm -rf new{,.files} old{,.files}
openssl x509 -in "$1" -noout -subject -fingerprint -nameopt multiline,utf8,-esc_msb \
| sed -ne 's/ *commonName *= / CN=/p; s/.*Fingerprint=/ sha1=/p'
sed -ne '/^# \(openssl\|distrust\|alias\)/s/^#/ /p' < "$1"
trap cleanup EXIT
mkdir old new
cd old
echo old...
ln -s ../.osc/certdata.txt
python3 ../certdata2pem.py > stdout 2> stderr
ls -1 cert-* | sort > ../old.files
cd ..
cd new
echo new...
ln -s ../certdata.txt
python3 ../certdata2pem.py > stdout 2> stderr
ls -1 cert-* | sort > ../new.files
cd ..
echo '----------------------------'
while read line; do
IFS='#' eval set -- \$line
if [ -n "$old" ]; then
echo "- $old"
showcert old/$old
elif [ -n "$new" ]; then
echo "+ $new"
showcert new/$new
elif ! cmp "old/$common" "new/$common"; then
echo "~ $common"
showcert old/$common
showcert new/$common
diff -u old/$common new/$common || true
done < <(comm --output-delimiter='#' old.files new.files)

nssckbi.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef NSSCKBI_H
#define NSSCKBI_H
* NSS BUILTINS Version numbers.
* These are the version numbers for the builtins module packaged with
* this release on NSS. To determine the version numbers of the builtin
* module you are using, use the appropriate PKCS #11 calls.
* These version numbers detail changes to the PKCS #11 interface. They map
* to the PKCS #11 spec versions.
/* These version numbers detail the changes
* to the list of trusted certificates.
* The NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR macro needs to be bumped
* whenever we change the list of trusted certificates.
* Please use the following rules when increasing the version number:
* - starting with version 2.14, NSS_BUILTINS_LIBRARY_VERSION_MINOR
* must always be an EVEN number (e.g. 16, 18, 20 etc.)
* - whenever possible, if older branches require a modification to the
* list, these changes should be made on the main line of development (trunk),
* and the older branches should update to the most recent list.
* - ODD minor version numbers are reserved to indicate a snapshot that has
* deviated from the main line of development, e.g. if it was necessary
* to modify the list on a stable branch.
* Once the version has been changed to an odd number (e.g. 2.13) on a branch,
* it should remain unchanged on that branch, even if further changes are
* made on that branch.
* whether we may use its full range (0-255) or only 0-99 because
* of the comment in the CK_VERSION type definition.
* It's recommend to switch back to 0 after having reached version 98/99.
/* These version numbers detail the semantic changes to the ckfw engine. */
/* These version numbers detail the semantic changes to ckbi itself
* (new PKCS #11 objects), etc. */
#endif /* NSSCKBI_H */