2023-06-23 07:03:50 +00:00
Fri Jun 23 06:18:15 UTC 2023 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Update to version 5.0.20230201
+ improve compiler-warnings in configure-checks.
+ change library dependencies in rpm spec-file.
+ update license in test-packages.
+ relicense as MIT-X11
+ reduce shellcheck warnings in support-scripts
+ updated configure script to work around regression in GNU grep 3.8
+ updated configure macros from xterm and ncurses development
+ update config.guess, config.sub
+ fix cppcheck style-warnings.
+ improve makefile header-dependencies by accounting for all generated
headers (report/patch by Sergei Trofimovich).
+ updated configure macros from xterm and ncurses development:
+ build-fix for HP-UX curses, which provides only part of the ACS_xxx
definitions compatible with chtype's.
+ correct calls on SetViewSize in scroll.c, overlooked in 2005/04/24
(report by Brad Hines).
+ updated configure macros from xterm and ncurses development:
+ update config.guess, config.sub
+ updated configure script, for _Noreturn and exit_curses checks.
+ spelling fixes, per codespell.
+ updated configure script, for quoting/escaping fixes
+ update config.guess, config.sub
+ updated configure script, for compiler-warnings
+ update config.guess, config.sub
+ updated configure script, to work around ncurses 6.2 vs xcode's c99
"-W" option.
+ update config.guess, config.sub
+ fix issues found with check-manpage
+ updated configure macros, from xterm and ncurses development:
+ update config.guess, config.sub
2022-05-06 07:55:50 +00:00
Tue Apr 26 09:33:18 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@inai.de>
- Resolve rpmlint report "libcdk5.x86_64: E:
shlib-policy-name-error SONAME: libcdk.so.6.2.4, expected
package suffix: 6_2_4"
2021-05-06 15:07:01 +00:00
Mon May 3 18:24:40 UTC 2021 - Ferdinand Thiessen <rpm@fthiessen.de>
- Update to version 5.0.20210324
* Spelling fixes, per codespell
* Updated build system
2023-06-23 07:03:50 +00:00
Tue Mar 5 10:09:59 UTC 2019 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Update to version 5.0.20190303
+ deprecate installCDKLibrary rule by install.libs, which is used in
the newer shared-library macros.
+ conditionally-comment action lines for the part of install-rules
which conflict with the newer shared-library rules (report by Tom
2019-02-27 08:08:10 +00:00
Wed Feb 27 08:06:48 UTC 2019 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Remove debugging code from spec file
2019-02-26 10:02:34 +00:00
Tue Feb 26 07:35:33 UTC 2019 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Update to version 5.0.20190224
+ use HDR_ROOTNAME rather than PACKAGE in top-level makefile, to
simplify building cdk and cdkw packages with non-conflicting paths.
+ add "check" rule to top-level makefile, for testing Arch Linux
+ modify test-package for RPMs to work with SUSE and Mageia.
- Enable wide version of libcdk(w)
- Enable ABI soname of the shared libraries
+ Somehow strange ABI 6.2.4 but RELEASE version is still 5.0
2019-02-22 07:19:37 +00:00
Fri Feb 22 07:09:40 UTC 2019 - Dr. Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
- Update to version 5.0.20190220
* 2019/02/20
+ updated rpm spec-file, for test-builds.
+ added pkgsrc files, for test-builds.
+ updated FreeBSD port-files, for test-builds.
+ add getCdkTitle, which uses new display encoding "<#10>" for newline
in the example which demonstrates it, mentry_ex2 (prompted by
discussion with Stéphane Goujet).
+ fix similar memory leaks in setCDKRadioItems and setCDKSelectionItems
+ fix memory leak in setCDKScrollItems (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ make functionKey parameter to getchCDKObject optional
(suggested by Stéphane Goujet).
+ modify test-packages to adjust includes in cdk.h when using test
package for ncurses6 which would confuse test-package for cdk-perl.
+ change shlib-version in test-package to "abi", for better
compatibility with the test-package for cdk-perl.
+ add manpage for cdk5-config
+ documentation improvements (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ add check in drawCDKScrollCurrent() in case the list is not
initialized (report by Stéphane Goujet).
+ modify writeCharAttrib to replace the color in the target cell rather
than OR'ing it from the source-attribute (patch by Aarian P. Aleahmad)
+ add a null-pointer check in viewer.c's PatternNotFound() function
(report by "c").
+ improve macros/markup in manpages.
+ updated configure macros, from lynx and ncurses development:
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2018/03/06
+ update versioned-symbol list for reRegisterCDKObject (prompted by
Debian #892114, which adopted a different set of symbol versions
such as "5.0.20161120", cf: 2014/11/06).
+ updated configure macros, from lynx development: CF_CURSES_FUNCS,
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2017/12/09
+ updated ftp url in test-packages, etc.
+ updated configure macros CF_CC_ENV_FLAGS, CF_SHARED_OPTS
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2017/09/18
+ updated configure macros:
+ CF_ADD_CFLAGS improve formatting of generated lists using
+ CF_CC_ENV_FLAGS - two changes
a) revise the expression generating $cf_flags to actually work when
there is more than one option.
b) correct the parameter passed to CF_ADD_CFLAGS, which was the
whole list rather than the current parameter.
+ CF_CURSES_LIBS reorganize to handle the case where initscr is a
+ CF_NCURSES_CONFIG add check for term.h when using pkg-config
+ CF_NCURSES_VERSION use prototype for main
+ CF_SHARED_OPTS workaround for PGI compiler
+ CF_WITH_LIBTOOL use SIGQUIT(3) rather than SIGTRAP(5) in trap
commands. Fix a few places in configure/build scripts where
DESTDIR and rpath were combined.
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2016/12/10
+ improve formatting of manpages, using bullets
+ add -C and -R options to matrix_ex.c to exercise the col/row spacing
features of matrix widget.
+ modify matrix widget to highlight the current cell for the cases
when col/row spacing are greater than zero.
* 2016/12/04
+ cleanup change for color pairs in 2016/11/20
+ modify initCDKScreen() to simplify initialization of curses by
calling initscr() in this function after initializing the locale.
That fixes a problem using PuTTY with CDK when built using ncurses
(report by Marc Smith).
* 2016/11/20
+ fix warnings from cppcheck 1.76.1
+ updated configure macros:
+ CF_CC_ENV_FLAGS don't limit the check to -I, -U and -D options,
since the added options can include various compiler options before
and after preprocessor options.
+ CF_GNU_SOURCE recent glibc (Debian 2.23-4 for example) has
misordered ifdef/checks for new symbol _DEFAULT_SOURCE, producing
warning messages when only _GNU_SOURCE is defined. Add a followup
check to define _DEFAULT_SOURCE.
+ CF_LD_RPATH_OPT change FreeBSD to use -Wl,-rpath rather than -rpath
option. According to FreeBSD #178732, either works since FreeBSD
4.x; however scons does not accept anything except the -Wl,-rpath
+ CF_PROG_LINT add cpplint to programs to use; drop ad hoc tdlint and
+ CF_WITH_NCURSES_ETC add check for ncurses pthreads
+ CF_XOPEN_SOURCE add "uclinux" to list of Linux's and use
_GNU_SOURCE for cygwin headers, tested with cygwin 2.3, 2.5
+ CF__ADD_SHLIB_RULES improve scripting for ldconfig to avoid warning
messages if no permissions
+ update config.guess, config.sub
> patches by Aarian P. Aleahmad:
+ modify encodeAttribute() to allow up to 256 color pairs.
+ corrected assignment in scroller_SetPosition(), to show highlighted
+ improve the way attributes are applied to Mentry widgets.
+ improve Entry widget by using newwin rather than subwin, as well
as passing arguments to callback function.
* 2016/11/19
+ add reRegisterCDKObject()
* 2016/01/31
+ fix a few of the lintian errors in package/debian
+ fix some too-wide tables in manpages, which caused Debian lintian
+ take lower-limit's formatted length into account in slider, etc.,
(patch by Guido Meusch).
+ make similar repainting-fixes for radio.c and marquee.c
+ fix repainting of Scroll widget when it has no box-outline
(patch by Manuel Schmitz).
+ add highlight and callbackData members to CDKBUTTON, as well as
macros for setting/getting the highlight value. Use the highlight to
override the default A_REVERSE used in CDK button (patch by Aarian P.
+ fix two bugs in template.c (patch by Aarian P. Aleahmad):
+ in cleanCDKTemplate, fill all of the info string with nulls
+ in setCDKTemplateValue, call cleanCDKTemplate whether or not
the pointer for newValue passed by the caller was a null.
+ updated configure macros:
for OS/2
+ CF_XOPEN_CURSES, improve check, making it define NCURSES_WIDECHAR
if we happen to be building on a platform (such as OSX) where we do
+ CF_WITH_VERSIONED_SYMS, avoid ncurses build error on ppc64
architecture the nm tool is reporting _is_missing in Data section
for ppc64 (by comparison ppc64le is reporting it in Text section)
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2015/09/28
+ build ".deb" test-package with ncurses6, using versioned symbols.
+ updated configure macros:
+ modifications from ncurses/xterm to allow alternate to /bin/sh for
configure-shell, while dropping support for non-POSIX shell such
as Solaris.
+ updated/integrated changes for versioned symbols from ncurses6.
+ CF_DISABLE_LIBTOOL_VERSION when using -version-info (the native
libtool mode), get the ABI_VERSION value from $VERSION (which comes
+ CF_ADD_INCDIR fix an infinite loop when the include-directory to be
added does not exist (Debian #786436)
+ CF_WITH_NCURSES_ETC add --with-screen option
+ CF_SUBDIR_PATH change this to a loop, adding /usr/pkg (NetBSD) and
/opt/local (Mac OSX)
+ update config.guess, config.sub
* 2015/01/03
+ modify cdk-config.in to work with systems where libdir is /usr/lib64
(patch by Peter Hyman).
+ corrected example for cdk_display.3 manpage (patch by Loïc
work in non-POSIX locales (report by Mart Stöör).
2015-11-02 13:04:12 +00:00
Sun Nov 1 16:25:10 UTC 2015 - p.drouand@gmail.com
- Update to version 5.0.20150928
* build ".deb" test-package with ncurses6, using versioned symbols.
* modifications from ncurses/xterm to allow alternate to /bin/sh for
configure-shell, while dropping support for non-POSIX shell such
as Solaris.
* updated/integrated changes for versioned symbols from ncurses6.
* CF_DISABLE_LIBTOOL_VERSION when using -version-info (the native
libtool mode), get the ABI_VERSION value from $VERSION (which comes
* CF_ADD_INCDIR fix an infinite loop when the include-directory to be
added does not exist (bdo#786436)
* CF_WITH_NCURSES_ETC add --with-screen option
* CF_SUBDIR_PATH change this to a loop, adding /usr/pkg (NetBSD) and
/opt/local (Mac OSX)
* update config.guess, config.sub
2014-12-29 09:09:26 +00:00
Mon Dec 29 09:09:14 UTC 2014 - meissner@suse.com
- fixed url, added .asc and keyring
2014-12-29 08:56:17 +00:00
Thu Dec 25 16:52:21 UTC 2014 - p.drouand@gmail.com
- Update to version 5.0.20141106
+ Too many things to list; please read the changelog file
- Cleanup specfile
- Split out cdk library to a lib subpackage
- Update Url and source download Url
- Remove obsolete cdk-4.9.13.dif
2011-09-20 13:35:46 +00:00
2011-10-02 15:39:20 +00:00
Fri Sep 30 20:07:47 UTC 2011 - coolo@suse.com
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
2011-09-20 13:35:46 +00:00
Sat Sep 17 22:41:38 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
Fri Feb 19 11:55:27 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com
- fix compilation with gcc 4.5
2009-08-31 19:37:30 +00:00
Sun Aug 30 20:02:21 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com
- use %patch for Patch
2009-03-25 21:47:09 +00:00
Sun Mar 8 16:26:52 CET 2009 - crrodriguez@suse.de
- remove static libraries
2007-03-29 09:49:57 +00:00
Thu Mar 29 11:19:12 CEST 2007 - meissner@suse.de
- added ncurses-devel
2007-01-15 23:06:42 +00:00
Wed Jan 25 21:34:53 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires
Tue Nov 23 16:31:09 CET 2004 - werner@suse.de
- Add cdk to required packages for cdk-devel (bug #48405)
- Update to cdk 4.9.13
Sat Jan 10 21:50:01 CET 2004 - adrian@suse.de
- add %defattr and %run_ldconfig
Wed Jan 8 13:19:52 CET 2003 - werner@suse.de
- cdk-devel requires ncurses-devel (bug# 20065)
Tue Apr 30 17:00:15 CEST 2002 - sf@suse.de
- changed paths to %{_libdir}
Mon Apr 8 23:50:24 CEST 2002 - ro@suse.de
- call autoreconf
Wed Nov 14 12:25:14 CET 2001 - werner@suse.de
- New package cdk (Curses Development Kit) which provides an
easy interface for programmers to (n)curses. Is used e.g.
by curses based programs like ntuxzap from DVB driver package.