------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 9 13:24:41 UTC 2020 - Sascha Grunert - Update to version 0.8.4: * add support for mips64le * Add missing cniVersion in README example * bump go-iptables module to v0.4.5 * iptables: add idempotent functions * portmap doesn't fail if chain doesn't exist * fix portmap port forward flakiness * Add Bruce Ma and Piotr Skarmuk as owners ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 11 14:53:55 UTC 2019 - sgrunert@suse.com - Update to version 0.8.3: * Enhancements: * static: prioritize the input sources for IPs (#400). * tuning: send gratuitous ARP in case of MAC address update (#403). * bandwidth: use uint64 for Bandwidth value (#389). * ptp: only override DNS conf if DNS settings provided (#388). * loopback: When prevResults are not supplied to loopback plugin, create results to return (#383). * loopback support CNI CHECK and result cache (#374). * Better input validation: * vlan: add MTU validation to loadNetConf (#405). * macvlan: add MTU validation to loadNetConf (#404). * bridge: check vlan id when loading net conf (#394). * Bugfixes: * bugfix: defer after err check, or it may panic (#391). * portmap: Fix dual-stack support (#379). * firewall: don't return error in DEL if prevResult is not found (#390). * bump up libcni back to v0.7.1 (#377). * Tests: * integration: fix ip address collision in integration tests (#409). * testutils: newNS() works in a rootless user namespace (#401). * Bump Go version (#386). * Cleanup netns after test suite (#375). * Docs: * contributing doc: revise test script name to run (#396). * contributing doc: describe cnitool installation (#397). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Aug 16 12:18:36 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Update plugins to v0.8.2 + New features: * Support "args" in static and tuning * Add Loopback DSR support, allow l2tunnel networks to be used with the l2bridge plugin * host-local: return error if same ADD request is seen twice * bandwidth: fix collisions * Support ips capability in static and mac capability in tuning * pkg/veth: Make host-side veth name configurable + Bug fixes: * Fix: failed to set bridge addr: could not add IP address to "cni0": file exists * host-device: revert name setting to make retries idempotent (#357). * Vendor update go-iptables. Vendor update go-iptables to obtain commit f1d0510cabcb710d5c5dd284096f81444b9d8d10 * Update go.mod & go.sub * Remove link Down/Up in MAC address change to prevent route flush (#364). * pkg/ip unit test: be agnostic of Linux version, on Linux 4.4 the syscall error message is "invalid argument" not "file exists" * bump containernetworking/cni to v0.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 6 12:36:17 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Updated plugins to v0.8.1: + Bugs: * bridge: fix ipMasq setup to use correct source address * fix compilation error on 386 * bandwidth: get bandwidth interface in host ns through container interface + Improvements: * Release: bump go to v1.12 * host-device: add pciBusID property - Drop patches merged upstream: + 0001_use_Go_facilities_to_get_a_socket.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 20 09:41:05 UTC 2019 - John Paul Adrian Glaubitz - Updated plugins to v0.8.0: + New plugins: * bandwidth - limit incoming and outgoing bandwidth * firewall - add containers to firewall rules * sbr - convert container routes to source-based routes * static - assign a fixed IP address * win-bridge, win-overlay: Windows plugins + Plugin features / changelog: * CHECK Support * macvlan: - Allow to configure empty ipam for macvlan - Make master config optional * bridge: - Add vlan tag to the bridge cni plugin - Allow the user to assign VLAN tag - L2 bridge Implementation. * dhcp: - Include Subnet Mask option parameter in DHCPREQUEST - Add systemd unit file to activate socket with systemd - Add container ifName to the dhcp clientID, making the clientID value * flannel: - Pass through runtimeConfig to delegate * host-local: - host-local: add ifname to file tracking IP address used * host-device: - Support the IPAM in the host-device - Handle empty netns in DEL for loopback and host-device * tuning: - adds 'ip link' command related feature into tuning + Bug fixes & minor changes * Correctly DEL on ipam failure for all plugins * Fix bug on ip revert if cmdAdd fails on macvlan and host-device * host-device: Ensure device is down before rename * Fix -hostprefix option * some DHCP servers expect to request for explicit router options * bridge: release IP in case of error * change source of ipmasq rule from ipn to ip + Build fixes: * test: add coveralls support * plugins: correctly output build version, cosmetic cleanups * Move Windows tests to Travis - from version v0.7.5: + This release takes a minor change to the portmap plugin: * Portmap: append, rather than prepend, entry rules + This fixes a potential issue where firewall rules may be bypassed by port mapping - Include patch to fix the build on i586: + 0001_use_Go_facilities_to_get_a_socket.patch - Use new build_linux.sh script instead of removed build.sh ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 25 10:44:20 UTC 2019 - Sascha Grunert - Updated plugins to v0.7.4: - Add host-device plugin, which simply moves a device from the host network namespace - Portmap now uses a more efficient rule structure - host-local can receive ranges as a RuntimeArgument - DHCP daemon can be containerized - DHCP now correctly parses routes - Various Windows build fixes - Waiting for DAD is skipped when possible - Bridge now uses a stable mac - Fix a regression where the interface's MAC address was no longer populated in the return type. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 12 15:53:32 UTC 2018 - alvaro.saurin@suse.com - Updated to a supported version of Go (due to security reasons) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 5 08:22:45 UTC 2018 - dcassany@suse.com - Refactor %license usage to a simpler form ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 4 13:40:36 UTC 2018 - dcassany@suse.com - Make use of %license macro ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 19 13:08:33 UTC 2017 - alvaro.saurin@suse.com - Require cni ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 18:15:00 UTC 2017 - alvaro.saurin@suse.com - Install docs in the cni-plugins dir ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 28 15:13:37 UTC 2017 - alvaro.saurin@suse.com - Initial version from CNI plugins v0.6.0