forked from pool/daps

5 Commits

Author SHA256 Message Date
Frank Sundermeyer
40660d309a Version DAPS 2.0~beta1:
- First beta for a new major release
  Output targets:
  * the number of subcommands has been significantly reduced, see
    "daps --commands", "daps help" and "daps help <SUBCOMMAND>" for
    more information
    - "html-single" has been replaced by "html --single"
    - "jsp" has been replaced with "html --jsp"
    - "color-pdf" has been replaced by "pdf" (now produces color PDFS)
    - "pdf" has been replaced by "pdf --grayscale --cropmarks"
    - "projectfiles" and "projectgraphics" have been replaced with
      "list-srcfiles" (see daps help "list-srcfiles" for more options)
    - all dist-* commands have been removed
    - when calling deprecated targets, an error message hinting at a
      valid alternative (is existing) is shown
  * subcommand bigfile now generates a bigfile for the given rootid
    (rather than for the complate set); target bigfile-reduced has been
  * subbcommands package-pdf and package-html now have switches
    --dcoumentfiles, --desktopfiles and --pagefiles which generate
    the resource files for GNOME and KDE
  * new subcommands
    - "clean-package" removes all generated package data for the given
      DC-file. Generated images and profiled sources will _not_ be
    - "dapsenv" shows a list of the most important make variables
      and their values
    - "images" generates images only for a given rootid. Intended for
      debugging purposes
    - "package-src" (creates a tarball with profiled XML sources and
      images); switch --set-date allows to specify a build date (default
      date is "now")
  * ePUB generation has been completely rewritten (pure make solution,
    no longer uses the ruby script from upstream); generated ePUBs
    now validate with epubcheck3.
    - added support for .mobi (Amzon Kindle format). Requires calibre.
      (ticket #98)
  * replaced support for HTML4 with support for HTML5 (--html5)
    xhtml remains the default, html4 is no longer supported
  * to nullify a CSS-file definition for HTML or EPUB (HTML_CSS or
    EPUB_CSS) from the DC-file, specify "--css none" 
  * now supports XSLT processor saxon6 (in addition to xsltproc),
    specify with --xsltprocessor (default: xsltproc)  
  * improved verbosity handling:
    - if output is not a terminal (e.g. pipe) only prints the
      resulting filename (-v0)
    - default verbosity shows a result message plus filename (-v1)
    - -v2 shows additional messages
    - -v3 shows the complete make output from make -j1 (commands are
      executed successively, not parallel)
    - --debug shows the complete make output from make -j1+x
      (commands are executed parallel; this also shows in the debug
  * added support for JPG images (ticket #101)
  * added support for a "static/" directory in STYLEROOT containing
    css, js and images taht are reference in the CSS and the
    stylesheets for HTML
  * New general switch --commands shows all available subcommands
  * if the XML sources are not well-formed, a meaningful error
    message is shown
  * xsltparameters have to be submitted as --param PARAM=VALUE or
    --stringparam PARAM=VALUE (the "=" is mandatory, used to be
    a "space2 with DAPS 1.x)
  * output formats are only re-generated when the source files
    (xml, entity files or images) have changed. To force a rebuild
    run DAPS with --force or run a suitable clean command 
  * added switches --author and --productname switches to daps-init
  Config file changes:
  * New config file variables:
    COVERT_OPS_JPG:    command-line options for "convert" for converting
                       jpg images to grayscale
    FOP_STACKSIZE:     set stacksize for fop (ticket #82)
    META, META_STR:    permanently run html and PDF builds with
    STATIC_DIR:        custom static directory
    XML_USER_CATALOGS: add custom catalogs to XML_CATALOG_FILES
                       (ticket #99)
    XSLTPROCESSOR:     Use the specified XSLT processor
                       (saxon6 or xsltproc)
  Code changes:
  * big makefile ( has been split into several small files
    - easier to maintain
    - improved performance by only loading makefiles that are needed
      for the given subcommand
  * added a comprehensive test suite to ensure better quality when
  * no longer requires Bash 4--Bash 3 is sufficient
  * Quickstart has been updated to cover DAPS 2.0
  * Update of User Guide is WIP
  * new Tutorial "How to Write an Article with DocBook and DAPS" 
  Numerous bugfixes and improvements, among them:
  * #64 Split Makefiles
  * #66 daps: DC Files and Platform Dependant Paths
  * #73 Create PDFs for target locdrop if --def-file is specified
  * #82 Add config parameter for FOP (XEP?) stacksize
  * #85 Set a fixed <date/> date with package-src target
  * #98 Adjust EPUB Stylesheet to Suppot Kindle
  * #99 Support User Definied Catalogs by Setting XML_CATALOG_FILES...
  * #101 DAPS should support JPEG as a source file format
  * #103 Exit target package-source when there are missing images
  * #105 DAPS's sub-commands are somewhat inconsistent
  * #106 Enable overwriting xsltproc params
  * #108 Support FOP 1.1
  * #115 --css/HTML_CSS parameter is completely ignored if styleroot...
  * #116 Move font requirements from daps specfile to ...
  * #126 Add --show switch to checklink
  * #127 productinfo sometimes fails and is slow
  * #129 Get rid of native xsltproc calls
  * #136 daps Ignores Language in Document for Spell Checking
  * #138 DAPS makes it easier to create black/white PDFs than ...
  * #139 When trying to create a PDF file with malformed XSLT files...
  * #142 Saxon seems to have problems with NovDoc documents
  * #146 EPUB CRITICAL Error: No manual specific tmp dir
  * #147 EPUB validation error on callouts
  * #148 --meta only works when profiling
  * #159 Fatal Error in ePUB stylesheets
  * #163 JSP Stylesheets fail with saxon6
  * #165 FOP config file is unnecessary
  * #166 Reduce Logging Output of Apache's FOP
  * #171 Remove unnecessary "eval" statements in the DAPS code
  * #192 Create filenames in a single place
  * #196 EPUB does not build with saxon
  Known Issues:
  * the webhelp code hasn't been touched at all; webhelp will most
    likely not work

2013-12-11 09:05:58 +00:00
Frank Sundermeyer
c69acb18c9 Version 1.1.5 (Bugfix release)
* fixed errors in EPUB generation (wrong paths in content.opf)
   EPUBs should now be viewable in all ePUB viewers
 * fixed two errors in target locdrop: no proper image tarball was
   generated and the notrans-tarball had a wrong path 
 * added a missing conditional requirement (on $IMG_DIRECTORIES)
   for image building
 * fixed errors when building dist-{html,htmlsingle,jsp}

2013-03-22 14:11:08 +00:00
Frank Sundermeyer
c23bccfb66 Version 1.0beta2:
* Bugfix:
  Finally found the correct solution for adding/removing catalog
  entries in the spec file
* Enhancement: webhelp suppport

2012-03-15 10:17:42 +00:00
Frank Sundermeyer
fc2e98f6b1 Version 1.0beta1:
* Rebuild large parts to make DAPS distribution-independent.
  - rewrote Makefile for automake/autoconf
    => configure; make; make install is now supported
  - thorough cross-distribution testing is still needed, basic tests
    have been run on RedHat, Debian and Ubuntu
* removal of custom stylesheets
  DAPS no longer uses the SUSE stylesheets as a default. It even no
  longer contains the SUSE stylesheets - they are now available as a
  separate package (suse-xsl-stylesheets in Documentation:Tools).
  - By default DAPS uses the generic DocBook stylesheets now
  - Custom stylesheets such as the SUSE stylesheets can be used by
    specifying up to four parameters on the command line/the config
    * Styleroot:
      Directory containing the custom stylesheets. Must have the same
      directory structure as the original DocBook stylesheet root
      directory. Does _not_ need to contain stylesheets for all output
      formats. If stylesheets are not found, DAPS will automatically
      fall back to the DocBook stylesheets.
      - Variable: STYLEROOT
      - Parameter: --styleroot
      - Value: absolute path to directory
    * Fallback styleroot
      Custom fallback styleroot. If DAPS cannot find styles for the
      given output format, it will automatically fall back to the
      DocBook stylesheets. This config option will add a custom
      fallback directory with higher priority. The DocBook stylesheets
      will remain as a last resort, however.
      - Variable: FALLBACK_STYLEROOT

2012-03-08 11:17:04 +00:00
Thomas Schraitle
44f94625a2 Added daps-fetch-source in spec file, fixed sr#99551
2012-01-10 09:26:10 +00:00