* General:
- reducing code by adding MAIN to the list of DOCFILES, by
generating the list of ENTITY files globally and by
- fixed critical error: a single tmp dir was used to generate
different EPUB books
- EPUB zip file is now generated from a file list extracted from
OEBPS/content.opf. This ensures that only files referenced
in the content.opf are packaged
- Added fix for bug in DocBook stylesheets which generates an
empty date entry in content.opf which causes a validation error
- Improved CSS handling:
- if no CSS file is specified on the command line or in the
DC-file, the _first_ one found in <STYLEDIR>/epub/ is
automatically used
- --css now requires a parameter - if you do not want any CSS
file to be used, specify "none": --css=none
- EPUBs now validate with epubcheck 3.0
- if using the DocBook standard layout for resources
it is no longer manfdatory to specify a CSS file on the
command line or in the DC-file. DAPS will automatically use the
_first_ *.css file in <STYLDIR>/ if none is specified
- if using a static dir for resources
you can now specify an alternative css file with --css or an
alternative static dir with --statdir
- this makes it possible to switch between stylsheets using the
two different resource directory approaches without having to
modify a DC-file
- the --css parameter now requires an argument. If you want to
use no stylesheet at all, specify --css=none
NOTE: This update requires to run the first HTML, HTML-Single
and JSP build after the update with the --clean switch in
order to create a clean result directory.
- if both variants (<STYLEDIR>/images and <STYLEDIR>/static
exist, the static directory is automatically used
- DC-files are delivered with a locdrop if --def-file is
- NO_TRANS_FILES was not correctly computed
- entity files were missing in packages
- entity files were missing in packages
- generating a uniquely named graphics tarball for each book
(when export-dir is set) instead of one that gets overwritten
with each build
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=122
* fixed errors in EPUB generation (wrong paths in content.opf)
EPUBs should now be viewable in all ePUB viewers
* fixed two errors in target locdrop: no proper image tarball was
generated and the notrans-tarball had a wrong path
* added a missing conditional requirement (on $IMG_DIRECTORIES)
for image building
* fixed errors when building dist-{html,htmlsingle,jsp}
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=116
* a perl script to automatically build documents and deploy them
to a remote machine via rsync
* completely rewrote the epub generating code
* no longer needs an external script (db2epub.ruby) for
epub-file generation - now everything is handled in
make itself
* added a --clean switch which clears the directory
before generating a new version
* completely rewrote the code for package-src
- new option --set-date allows to set a publication date
(default: current date)
* new options for package-html and package-pdf
--desktopfiles: generates an archive with desktopfiles for KDE3
--documentfiles: generates a documnet file for KDE4/GNOME2
--pagefiles: generates a page file for GNOME3
* completely rewrote online-docs
- now automatically generates epub, color-pdf and single-html archive
- new option --export-dir to specify a results directory
* completely rewrote locdrop
- new option --export-dir to specify a results directory
* no longer a stand-alone program
* use "daps -d DC-file spellcheck" to check single files
(--file option), complete documents (via DC-file) or
parts of a document (vi ROOTID)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=102
- target showvariable exited with an error if requested variable
was empty
- disabled Permalink generation for PDFs (this is an HTML-only
- images were not cerrectly references for target jsp
- the DEF file was not correctly packaged in target locdrop
- fixed webhelp target. Wildcards do not work in classpath
expression, resolved them with $(wildcard $(firstword())
- Warning message "DEF file is missing" was issued for targets
that do not have a --def-file option
- targets package-html and package-pdf failed with an error on
desktop files generation
- target remaininggraphics always returned an empty list
- SVG to SVG conversions generated useless error messages
* Stylesheets:
- removed obsolete stuff for @role=productname,
productnumber, or productnameref
- Quick Start Guide: Finished
- Updated README.upgrade_from_susedoc_4.x
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=96
* Important:
- in order to avoid confusion with short options for daps itself
(such as -d for --docconfig and --draft),
the subcommands only support long options now. The following
short options for subcommands are no longer supported:
-c (use --comments)
-d (use --draft)
-f (use --file)
-m (use --meta)
-n (use --name)
-p (use --pretty)
-r (use --remarks)
-s (use --show)
- the only short option that will remain is -h (help)
* Bugfixes:
- target warn-images did not work
- target missinggraphics did not show all missing images
- daps failed with a useless error message when $MAIN was not
well-formed. The fix produces a useful error message now
- --remarks option did not work with DocBook stylesheets
- paths specified on the command line or the config file had to
be absolute. The fix now allows to also specify relative paths
for all configurable directories and files
- COMMENTS_STR, DRAFT_STR and REMARK_STR were not correctly unset
when one of these modes was not set on the command line but
implied by another mode (e.g. --meta). The result was a wrong
- target webhelp-dir-name was missing
- draft.png was not shown in PDF/HTML draft builds when using the
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=93
* Bugfixes:
- Issuing hint on missing formatter scripts only when verbosity
is >= 1
- spec-file: Fixed typo on suse-xsl-stylesheet recommends
python-xml needs to be a general requirement
- fixed path to callouts and style images for FO
* Lots of minor documentation fixes/enhancements
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=88
* Bugfixes:
- fixed minor package building issues
- inkscape always returns 0, even in case of an error. Added
a workaround, so daps now exits when an image conversion with
inkscape fails
- --main option should work now
- Fixed errors on setting the fallback stylesheets
- comments and remarks did not show up in the docs when requested
(again ;-(( ) - this is fixed now
* much better error handling - daps will now exit when wrong paths
or a non existing ROOTID are entered in the user config file
or the DC file
* significant enhancements to the Documentation
(Reference & Quickstart)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=84
* Rebuild large parts to make DAPS distribution-independent.
- rewrote Makefile for automake/autoconf
=> configure; make; make install is now supported
- thorough cross-distribution testing is still needed, basic tests
have been run on RedHat, Debian and Ubuntu
* removal of custom stylesheets
DAPS no longer uses the SUSE stylesheets as a default. It even no
longer contains the SUSE stylesheets - they are now available as a
separate package (suse-xsl-stylesheets in Documentation:Tools).
- By default DAPS uses the generic DocBook stylesheets now
- Custom stylesheets such as the SUSE stylesheets can be used by
specifying up to four parameters on the command line/the config
* Styleroot:
Directory containing the custom stylesheets. Must have the same
directory structure as the original DocBook stylesheet root
directory. Does _not_ need to contain stylesheets for all output
formats. If stylesheets are not found, DAPS will automatically
fall back to the DocBook stylesheets.
- Variable: STYLEROOT
- Parameter: --styleroot
- Value: absolute path to directory
* Fallback styleroot
Custom fallback styleroot. If DAPS cannot find styles for the
given output format, it will automatically fall back to the
DocBook stylesheets. This config option will add a custom
fallback directory with higher priority. The DocBook stylesheets
will remain as a last resort, however.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=79
* fixed misspelled variablename in fo generating target
* remarks in HTML and PDF builds were only shown when comments
were turned on, too. This had been fixed earlier but the fix
seems to have been reverted by mistake. Re-enabled the fix in
the inline.xslt stxlesheets for fo and html
- -r/--remarls now implies draft mode
- -m/--meta now implies draft mode but does not imply remarks
- new switch -m/--meta for pdf builds (adds same functionality as
for the html builds)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=68
* bnc#573835: pdf-color: title in PDF properties too general
* bnc#703483: FOP: No Hyphenation?
* bnc#706452: FOP: Too much Whitespace Behind <ulink> and <filename>
* bnc#711526: Layout: sect3 can not be distinguished from a sect4
* bnc#719848: daps stylesheets: Make metadata for PDF draft mode optional
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=60
- new option "--static" for html builds copies images and css files
rather than linking them (which is the default)
- document-files-html / document-files-pdf / desktop-files now only
generate the desktop files rather than creating tarballs
* tarballs are generated with dist-document-files-html, dist-...
* document-files-dir-name, desktop-files-dir-name show the
directory names for the generated desktop files
- new file names for PDFs:
color: ($BOOK|$ROOTID)_$LANG.pdf
print: ($BOOK|$ROOTID)-print_$LANG.pdf
- new option --def-file=DEFFILE for target package-src. If specified
also adds all ENV files referenced in the DEF-file to the tarball
- new option --def-file=DEFFILE for target locdrop adds the DEF-file
to the notrans tarball
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=52
* checkbot is a recommendation for SLE
* require python-xml for < 1120
* replace make_install macro with a literal make install call,
since 11.1/SLE 11 do not have the macro
- use the tar option --transform instead of --xform in order to be
compatible with older tar versions
- Bugfix Makefile: global option -d has been replaced with --debug
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=51
* Verbosity none: only display on line with result (default)
* Verbosity 1 (-v, --verbose=1): print the most important target results
* Verbosity 2 (-vv --verbose=2): print all commands called by make
* Default verbosity level can be overwritten in ~/.daps/config via
- General option -d is no longer supported to avoid confusion with
subcommand option -d (draft mode) - use --debug instead
- Replaced target clean-book with clean-results
- Updated BUGS and TODO
- Stylesheets:
* fixed bnc#573835 (PDF metadata)
- Bugfix: BUILD_DIR is now set in the makefiles
- Packaging:
* added script that generates the source tarball via
svn export
* added %{ext_man} to spec file
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Documentation:Tools/daps?expand=0&rev=46