#!/bin/bash # use right java version #JAVA_HOME=/etc/alternatives/jre_11 # set jar-entry-class MAIN_CLASS="org.dbgl.gui.Launcher" # source the jpackage helpers and set environment VERBOSE=1 . /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions set_javacmd check_java_env set_jvm_dirs # If the memory run short it can help to use set_options # Xms set the initial and minimum Java heap size, Xmx set the maximum Java heap size # default: Xms (25% of the amount of free physical memory in the system, up to 16 MB and at least 8 MB) # default: Xmx (32bit: 50% of available physical memory up to 1 GB, 64bit: 50% of available physical memory up to 32 GB) set_options "-Xms256M" "-Xmx1G" "-Ddbgl.data.userhome=true" CLASSPATH=`build-classpath dbgl` run "$@"