# /etc/dhclient.conf -- dhclient configuration file
# See "man dhclient.conf" for further details

# Sometimes, a special configuration is required for
# e.g. Cable Modem providers (@Home -- TCI).
# For example, it may be required to send out a special
# dhcp-client-identifier or to override some settings.
# Uncomment and fill in the appropriate settings:
#send dhcp-client-identifier "c32423-a"
# or as hex octets
#send dhcp-client-identifier 1:0:a0:24:ab:fb:9c;
# Note, that hostname is usually send using -H option.
#send host-name "andare.fugue.com";
#supersede domain-name "fugue.com home.vix.com";
#prepend domain-name-servers;

# uncomment to request a specific lease time, otherwise
# the dhcp server will provide its default lease time:
#send dhcp-lease-time 3600;

# define classless static route option
option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;

# Request several well known/usefull dhcp options.
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers,
	interface-mtu, host-name, domain-name, domain-search,
	domain-name-servers, nis-domain, nis-servers,
	nds-context, nds-servers, nds-tree-name,
	netbios-name-servers, netbios-dd-server,
	netbios-node-type, netbios-scope, ntp-servers;

# We request above options, require only the IP configuration:
require subnet-mask;
# All another options (DNS, NTP, NIS, ...) are applied using
# netconfig(8) modules.

# To enforce the availability of the dns server list, set to:
#require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;

timeout 60;
retry 60;
reboot 10;
select-timeout 5;
initial-interval 2;