--- client/dhclient.8
+++ client/dhclient.8	2008/09/08 15:19:13
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
 .I port
+.B -H hostname
 .B -d
@@ -172,6 +175,11 @@
 transmit on, the client will also use a different destination port -
 one less than the specified port.
+.B -H
+flag may be used to specify a client hostname that should be sent to
+the DHCP server.
 The DHCP client normally transmits any protocol messages it sends
 before acquiring an IP address to,, the IP limited
 broadcast address.   For debugging purposes, it may be useful to have
--- client/dhclient.c
+++ client/dhclient.c	2008/09/08 15:17:50
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ int main (argc, argv, envp)
 	int no_dhclient_db = 0;
 	int no_dhclient_pid = 0;
 	int no_dhclient_script = 0;
+	char *dhclient_hostname = NULL;
 	char *s;
         /* Make sure that file descriptors 0 (stdin), 1, (stdout), and
@@ -189,6 +190,15 @@ int main (argc, argv, envp)
 			if (++i == argc)
 				usage ();
 			relay = argv [i];
+		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-H")) {
+			if (++i == argc || !argv[i] || *(argv[i]) == '\0')
+				usage ();
+			if (strlen (argv[i]) > HOST_NAME_MAX) {
+				log_error("-H option host-name string \"%s\" is too long:"
+				          "maximum length is %d characters",  argv[i], HOST_NAME_MAX);
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			dhclient_hostname = argv [i];
 		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-nw")) {
 			nowait = 1;
 		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-n")) {
@@ -345,6 +355,32 @@ int main (argc, argv, envp)
 	/* Parse the dhclient.conf file. */
 	read_client_conf ();
+	/* If the user specified a hostname, send it here and now */
+	if ((dhclient_hostname != NULL) && (*dhclient_hostname != '\0') ) {
+		struct parse *cfile = NULL;
+		char buf[HOST_NAME_MAX + 40];
+		int len;
+		snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "send host-name \"%s\";", dhclient_hostname);
+		len = strlen(buf);
+		status = new_parse (&cfile, -1, buf, len, "host-name option", 0);
+		if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
+			log_fatal ("Cannot parse send host-name statement!");
+		for (;;) {
+			const char *val = NULL;
+			int token;
+			token = peek_token (&val, (unsigned *)0, cfile);
+			if (token == END_OF_FILE)
+				break;
+			parse_client_statement (cfile, NULL, &top_level_config);
+		}
+		end_parse (&cfile);
+	}
 	/* Parse the lease database. */
 	read_client_leases ();
@@ -483,9 +519,9 @@ static void usage ()
 	log_info (arr);
 	log_info (url);
-	log_error ("Usage: dhclient [-1dqrx] [-nw] [-p <port>] %s",
+	log_error ("Usage: dhclient [-1dqrx] [-nw] [-H <hostname>] [-p <port>] %s",
 		   "[-s server]");
-	log_error ("                [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file]%s",
+	log_error ("                [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file] %s",
 		   "[-pf pid-file] [-e VAR=val]");
 	log_fatal ("                [-sf script-file] [interface]");