## Path: 	Network/DHCP/DHCP server
## Description: DHCPv4 server settings
## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# Interface(s) for the DHCPv4 server to listen on.
# A special keyword is ANY, it will cause dhcpd to autodetect available
# interfaces.
# Examples: DHCPD_INTERFACE="eth0 eth1 eth2"

## Path: 	Network/DHCP/DHCP server
## Description: DHCPv6 server settings
## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# Interface(s) for the DHCPv6 server to listen on.
# A special keyword is ANY, it will cause dhcpd to autodetect available
# interfaces.
# Examples: DHCPD6_INTERFACE="eth0 eth1 eth2"
#           DHCPD6_INTERFACE="ANY"

## Type:        list(yes,no,auto,)
## Default:     
## Description: Restart dhcpv4 server when interface goes up (again)
# When the dhcp server is listening on a virtual interface, e.g. bridge,
# bonding or vlan, and this interface gets deleted and recreated during
# a network restart, dhcpd will stop answering requests on this interface
# and needs a restart as well.
# Begining with SLE-10 SP3, we install an if-up.d post script (see ifup(8)
# and also ifservices(5)), enabled in auto mode by default. This variable
# can be used to force or avoid the dhcp server restart:
#   no:   do not restart dhcpd
#  yes:   force a dhcp server restart
# auto:   (default) restart for virtual interfaces (bond,bridge,vlan) when
#         all interfaces used in DHCPD_INTERFACE variable are up as well.
# Except of this global setting, the variable can be specified per interface
# in the interface configurations (/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$name).

## Type:        list(yes,no,auto,)
## Default:     
## Description: Restart dhcpv6 server when interface goes up (again)
# When the dhcp server is listening on a virtual interface, e.g. bridge,
# bonding or vlan, and this interface gets deleted and recreated during
# a network restart, dhcpd will stop answering requests on this interface
# and needs a restart as well.
# Begining with SLE-10 SP3, we install an if-up.d post script (see ifup(8)
# and also ifservices(5)), enabled in auto mode by default. This variable
# can be used to force or avoid the dhcp server restart:
#   no:   do not restart dhcpd
#  yes:   force a dhcp server restart
# auto:   (default) restart for virtual interfaces (bond,bridge,vlan) when
#         all interfaces used in DHCPD_INTERFACE variable are up as well.
# Except of this global setting, the variable can be specified per interface
# in the interface configurations (/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-$name).

## Type:	yesno
## Default:	yes
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# Shall the DHCP server dhcpd run in a chroot jail (/var/lib/dhcp)?
# Each time you start dhcpd with the init script, /etc/dhcpd.conf will 
# be copied to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/.
# Some files that are important for hostname to IP address resolution
# (/etc/{gai.conf,nsswitch.conf,resolv.conf,host.conf,hosts,localtime},
# /lib/lib{resolv.so.*,libnss_*.so.*,libpthread.so.0,libdl.so.2}) will
# also be copied to the chroot jail by the init script when you start
# it (less than 1MB altogether).
# The pid file will be in /var/lib/dhcp/var/run/dhcpd.pid. 

## Type:	yesno
## Default:	yes
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# Shall the DHCP server dhcpd run in a chroot jail (/var/lib/dhcp)?
# Each time you start dhcpd with the init script, /etc/dhcpd.conf will 
# be copied to /var/lib/dhcp/etc/.
# Some files that are important for hostname to IP address resolution
# (/etc/{gai.conf,nsswitch.conf,resolv.conf,host.conf,hosts,localtime},
# /lib/lib{resolv.so.*,libnss_*.so.*,libpthread.so.0,libdl.so.2}) will
# also be copied to the chroot jail by the init script when you start
# it (less than 1MB altogether).
# The pid file will be in /var/lib/dhcp/var/run/dhcpd.pid. 

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# Since version 3, dhcpd.conf can contain include statements. 
# If you enter the names of any include files here, _all_ conf
# files will be copied to $chroot/etc/, when dhcpd is started in the 
# chroot jail. (/etc/dhcpd.conf is always copied.)
# For your convenience, you can also specify entire directories, like 
# "/etc/dhcpd.conf.d".
# Example: "/etc/dhcpd.conf.shared /etc/dhcpd.conf.bootp-clients"

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# Since version 3, dhcpd.conf can contain include statements. 
# If you enter the names of any include files here, _all_ conf
# files will be copied to $chroot/etc/, when dhcpd is started in the 
# chroot jail. (/etc/dhcpd.conf is always copied.)
# For your convenience, you can also specify entire directories, like 
# "/etc/dhcpd.conf.d".
# Example: "/etc/dhcpd.conf.shared /etc/dhcpd.conf.bootp-clients"

## Type:	string
## Default:	"dhcpd"
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# Leave empty or enter "root" to let dhcpd run as root. 
# Enter "dhcpd" to run dhcpd as user 'dhcpd'.

## Type:	string
## Default:	"dhcpd"
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# Leave empty or enter "root" to let dhcpd run as root. 
# Enter "dhcpd" to run dhcpd as user 'dhcpd'.

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# Other arguments that you want dhcpd to be started with
# (e.g. "-p 1234" for a non-standard port to listen on)

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# Other arguments that you want dhcpd to be started with
# (e.g. "-p 1234" for a non-standard port to listen on)

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd
# You may specify another dhcpd binary to be run. 
# The full path needs to be specified.
# If empty, the default applies. 

## Type:	string
## Default:	""
## ServiceRestart: dhcpd6
# You may specify another dhcpd binary to be run. 
# The full path needs to be specified.
# If empty, the default applies. 