#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id: elilo.pl,v 0.86 2013/10/25 14:22:33 rw Exp $ use strict; my $C = $0; $C =~ s{^.*/}{}; my $dbg = (exists( $ENV{"ELILO_DEBUG"})) ? $ENV{"ELILO_DEBUG"} : ""; my $Edition = q(@EDITION@); my $Arch = q(@ARCH@); my $LibD = q(@LIBDIR@); my $MPold = "$dbg/boot"; my $MPnew = "$dbg/boot/efi"; my $Dlibold = "$dbg$LibD/elilo"; my $Dlib = "$dbg$LibD/efi"; my $Fconf = "elilo.conf"; my $Flist = "elilo.list"; my %Flist = (); my $Sconf = "$dbg/etc/" . $Fconf; my $Xconf = "xen.cfg"; my $Gconf = "grub.cfg"; my @eBinaries = ("elilo.efi", "xen.efi", "shim.efi"); my ($elilo, $xen, $shim) = @eBinaries; my @sBinaries = ($shim, "grub.efi", "MokManager.efi"); # hardcoded for now! my $Reserved = qr{(efi-mountpoint|vendor-directory|elilo-origin|precious| (?:y|e)bm-label|static-description|secure-boot| SB-(?:fallback|direct2xen|))}ox; my %Sconf = (); my %Econf = (); my @Econf = (); my %Xconf = (); my %Xsonf = (); my @Xconf = (); my @Gconf = (); my %Labels = (); my @Labels = (); my @Files = (); my $keep = -1; my $test = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $warn = 0; my $optional = 1; my $MP = ""; # Mount-Point for EFI/FAT partition my $VD = "SuSE"; # vendor-specific directory in $MP/efi my $D = ""; # will be $MP.$VD my $EFIarch = ""; my $Disclaimer = <= $_[0] ); } sub Warn ($) { print STDERR "$C: Warning: $_[0]"; $warn ++; } sub Panic ($$) { print STDERR "$C: $_[1]"; exit( $_[0]) if ( $_[0] ); $warn ++; print STDERR "...trying to proceed anyway!\n"; } sub System($@) { my( $fatal, @C) = @_; my $cmd = $C[0]; foreach my $c ( @C[1..$#C] ) { if ( $c =~ /[\s\\]/ ) { $cmd .= " '$c'"; } else { $cmd .= " $c"; } } Info( 1, "> $cmd\n"); return 0 if ( $test ); system @C; if ($? == -1) { Panic( $fatal, "$C[0]: failed to execute: $!\n"); } elsif ($? & 127) { Panic( $fatal, sprintf( "$C[0]: died with signal %d, %s coredump\n", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without')); } elsif ( $? >> 8 != 0 ) { Panic( $fatal, "$C[0]: failed\n"); } } sub Rename($$$) { my( $loglvl, $oldname, $newname) = @_; Info( $loglvl, "> mv $oldname $newname\n"); if ( -e $newname ) { Info( $loglvl+1, ">> unlink( $newname)\n"); unlink( "$newname") unless ($test); } Info( $loglvl+1, ">> rename( $oldname, $newname)\n"); rename( $oldname, $newname) unless ($test); # fixme: add failure-detection and handling? } sub Write($$$$@) { my( $loglvl, $msg, $mode, $file, @lines) = @_; my $tmp = ($mode ne ">>"); my $out = ($tmp) ? "$file.tmp" : "$file"; my $mstr = ($tmp) ? "create" : "append"; my $fh; Info( $loglvl, $msg); if ( $test && $verbose >= $loglvl + 1 ) { Info( $loglvl, " STDOUT\n"); open( $fh, ">&STDOUT"); } elsif ( $test ) { Info( $loglvl, " nowhere\n"); open( $fh, ">> /dev/null"); } elsif ( ! open( $fh, "$mode $out") ) { Warn( "$out: failed to $mstr: $!\n"); return 1; } elsif ( $verbose > $loglvl ) { Info( $loglvl, " '$out'\n"); } else { Info( $loglvl, " '$file'\n"); } print( $fh @lines) || Panic( 1, "$out: failed to write: $!\n"); close( $fh); if ( ! $test && $mode ne ">>" ) { Rename( $loglvl+1, $out, $file); } } sub Merge($$) { my( $target, $source) = @_; my $in; my @l = (); Info( 2, "### check file list of previous installs:"); if ( ! open( $in, "< $source") ) { Warn( "could not open < '$source': $!\n"); return 1; } while ( <$in> ) { chomp; next if (m{/} || exists( $Flist{$_})); push @l, "$_\n"; } close( $in); if ( $#l < 0) { Info( 2, " none!\n"); } else { my $n = $#l + 1; Info( 2, " $n missing\n"); Write( 2, "### appending to", ">>", $target, @l); } } sub Install($$$$) { my( $f, $o, $s, $d) = @_; my @C = ( "install", $o, $s, $d); if ( $o eq "-p" ) { @C = ( "cp", "--preserve=timestamps", $s, $d); } System( $f, @C); } my $labelc = 0; sub mkLabel($$) { my( $label, $namespace) = @_; if (exists( $Labels{$namespace}{$label})) { my $t = 1; my $l = $label; while ( exists $Labels{$namespace}{$l} ) { $l = sprintf "%s.%d", $label, $t++; } Warn( "duplicate label '$label', replaced with '$l' in $namespace\n"); $label = $l; } $Labels{$namespace}{$label} = ++$labelc; push @Labels, "$namespace $label"; Info(4,"L($namespace)= ".join(", ",sort(keys(%{$Labels{$namespace}})))."\n"); return $label; } my $sections = 0; sub section2Econf($$%) { my( $in, $lnr, %current) = @_; if ( $current{xencfg} && ! $current{precious} ) { Info( 3, "=== Econf: skipping $current{label} for $Fconf.\n"); return( 0 ); } if ( exists( $current{label}) ) { my $l = mkLabel( $current{label}, "Econf"); if ( $l ne $current{label} ) { $current{Econf}[$current{label_loc}] = $current{label_pre} . $l ."\n"; } Info( 2, sprintf "=== %2d. Econf: $l\n", ++$sections); $Econf{$l}{options} = (exists( $current{append}) ? $current{append} : (exists( $Sconf{append}) ? $Sconf{append} : "")); $Econf{$l}{kernel} = $current{image}; $Econf{$l}{ramdisk} = (exists( $current{initrd}) ? $current{initrd} : ""); $Econf{$l}{root} = (exists( $current{root}) ? $current{root} : (exists( $Sconf{root}) ? $Sconf{root} : "")); $Econf{$l}{description} = (exists( $current{description}) ? $current{description} : $l); if ( exists($Sconf{default}) && $current{label} eq $Sconf{default} ) { $Sconf{grubdefault} = $Econf{$l}{description}; } } foreach my $l ( @{$current{Econf}} ) { push @Econf, $l; } return( 0 ); } my $Xsections = 0; sub section2Xconf($$%) { my( $in, $lnr, %current) = @_; my( $label, $image, $initrd, $append, $root, $vmm, $vmmopts, $desc); if ( ! $current{xencfg} ) { Info( 3, "=== Xconf: skipping ". (exists( $current{label}) ? $current{label} : "section") ." for $Xconf.\n"); return( 0 ); } if ( ! exists( $current{image}) ) { Warn( "$in: $lnr: no image: incomplete section skipped\n"); return( 1 ); } if ( ! exists( $current{image}) || ! exists( $current{label}) ) { Warn( "$in: $lnr: incomplete section skipped\n"); return( 1 ); } $label = mkLabel( $current{label}, "Xconf"); $image = $current{image}; $initrd = (exists( $current{initrd}) ? $current{initrd} : (exists( $Sconf{initrd}) ? $Sconf{initrd} : "")); $append = (exists( $current{append}) ? $current{append} : (exists( $Sconf{append}) ? $Sconf{append} : "")); $vmmopts = (exists( $current{vmmopts}) ? $current{vmmopts} : (exists( $Sconf{vmmopts}) ? $Sconf{vmmopts} : "")); $root = (exists( $current{root}) ? $current{root} : (exists( $Sconf{root}) ? $Sconf{root} : "")); $root = ($root ? " root=$root " : " "); $vmm = (exists( $current{VMM}) ? $current{VMM} : (exists( $Sconf{vmm}) ? $Sconf{vmm} : "")); if ( exists( $current{description}) ) { $desc = $current{description}; } else { my $vers = $image; $vers =~ s{^[^-]+-}{}; $desc = "$label ($vers)"; } if ( ! $vmm ) { Warn( "$in: $lnr: no vmm?!\n"); return( 1 ); } if ( exists( $current{vmm}) ) { Info( 1, "$in: $lnr: legacy vmm ($current{vmm}) skipped for $Xconf.\n"); return( 0 ); } Info( 2, sprintf "=== %2d. Xconf: $label\n", ++$sections); $Xconf{$label}{vmm} = $vmm; $Xconf{$label}{options} = $vmmopts; $Xconf{$label}{kernel} = $image; $Xconf{$label}{append} = $root . $append; $Xconf{$label}{ramdisk} = $initrd if ( $initrd); $Xconf{$label}{description} = $desc; if ( exists($Sconf{default}) && $current{label} eq $Sconf{default} ) { $Xconf{$label}{cfg} = $Xconf; $Sconf{grubdefault} = $desc; } elsif ( $Sconf{xencfg} != 2 && $Xsections == 0 ) { $Xconf{$label}{cfg} = $Xconf; ++$Xsections; } else { $Xconf{$label}{cfg} = "xen". ++$Xsections .".cfg"; } return( 0 ); } sub Parse($$) { my( $in, $verbosity) = @_; my $ov = $verbose; $verbose = ($verbosity < 0 ) ? $ov : $verbosity; $Sconf{xencfg} = 0; open( IN, "< $in") || Panic(1, "$in: failed to open: $!\n"); Info( 1, "## parsing '$in'...\n"); Info( 3, "### pick up global settings...\n"); while ( ) { chomp; s{^##YaST - boot_efilabel =}{ybm-label=}; if ( m/^$Reserved\s*(?:\=\s*(?|"([^"]+)"|([^"].*?)))?\s*$/xo ) { $Sconf{$1} = (defined($2)) ? $2 : "true"; } elsif ( m/^(append|root|timeout)\s*=\s*(?|"([^"]+)"|([^"].*?))\s*$/xo ) { $Sconf{$1} = $2; } elsif ( m/^(default|prompt|relocatable)\s*(?:\=\s*(.+))?\s*$/xo ) { $Sconf{$1} = (defined($2)) ? $2 : "true"; } elsif ( m/^(vmm)\s*\=\s*(?|"([^"]+)"|([^"].*?))\s*$/xo ) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); next unless (defined( $v)); $Sconf{$k} = $v; if ( $v =~ m/^(\S+.efi)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ ) { $Sconf{vmm} = $1; $Sconf{vmmopts} = (defined( $2) ? $2 : ""); $Sconf{xencfg} = 1; } else { Info( 1, "$C: $in: $.: ignoring non-efi based VMM. ($Sconf{vmm})\n"); } } elsif ( m/^image\s*=/ ) { last; } else { next; } Info( 3, ">>> $1 = '$Sconf{$1}'\n"); } my( $c, %f, $opt); my $default_label = ""; my $default_loc; my $image = ""; my %current = (); my %fp = (); Info( 3, "### start over...\n"); seek( IN, 0, 0); $. = 0; while ( ) { $opt = $optional; if ( m/^\s*$Reserved\s*(?:\=\s*(.+))?\s*$/xo ) { $current{$1} = (defined($2)) ? $2 : "true"; next; } if ( m{^\s*(?:image|initrd|vmm)\s*=\s*} ) { my $orig = $_; chomp; s{(vmm\s*=\s*)"([^"]+)"\s*(#.*)?$}{$1$2}; s{^(\s*(image|initrd|vmm)\s*=\s*)(/\S+/)?([^/\s]+)\s*(.*?)\s*$}{$1$4}; my( $k, $p, $f, $o) = ($2, $3, $4, $5); #Info( 8, ">>> $.: k=$k p=$p f=$f\n"); $_ .= "\n"; if ( $k eq "image" ) { # new "image=" => finish up the previous one... $c += section2Econf( $in, $., %current); $c += section2Xconf( $in, $., %current) if (exists( $current{image})); %current = (); } if ( $k eq "vmm" && $f =~ m/\.efi$/ ) { $k = "VMM"; $p = $Dlib . "/" unless (defined( $p)); $p =~ s{^$dbg}{}o if ($dbg); $current{vmmopts} = $o; $current{xencfg} = $Sconf{xencfg} = 1; $opt = 0; # 'xen.efi' is *never* optional! } elsif ( defined( $o) && $o ) { Warn( "$in: $.: ignoring trailing garbage...\n"); } if ( ! defined( $p) ) { $p = "/boot/"; } if ( ! defined( $f) ) { Warn( "$in: $.: invalid file-specification\n" . ">> $orig"); $c++; } elsif ( exists( $f{$f}) ) { if ( "$p$f" eq $fp{$f} ) { Info( 4, ">>> $.: copy only once (previous: line $f{$f})\n" . ">> $orig"); } else { Warn( "$in: $.: ambigous target '$f' (previous: $f{$f}: $fp{$f})\n" . ">> $orig" . "=> first wins\n"); } $current{$k} = $f; $current{"path2$k"} = $fp{$f}; } else { my $fp = "$dbg$p$f"; if ( -r $fp ) { $current{$k} = $f; $current{"path2$k"} = $fp; push @Files, $fp; $fp{$f} = $p . $f; $f{$f} = $.; } elsif ( $opt ) { Info( 0, "$C: Info: $in: $.: missing optional '$p$f' skipped\n"); } else { Warn( "$in: $.: missing '$p$f' skipped\n"); } } next if ( $k eq "VMM" ); # omit efi-based "vmm" lines from elilo.conf! } elsif ( exists( $current{image}) && m{^(\s*description\s*=\s*)(?|"([^"]+)"|([^"].*?))\s*$}xo ) { my( $p, $d) = ($1, $2); my $image = $current{path2image}; my $t = ""; my $od = $d; $d .= " (%G)" if ( $d =~ m{^(Linux|Failsafe)$} ); if ( $d =~ m{\%L} ) { if ( -l $image ) { ($t = readlink( $image)) =~ s{^vmlinuz-}{}; } else { #($t = $image) =~ s{^.*vmlinux-}{}; $t = "no symlink"; } Info( 3, ">>> $.: \%L => '$t'\n"); $d =~ s{\%L}{$t}; } elsif ( $d =~ m{\%G} ) { my $cmd = "/sbin/get_kernel_version"; if ( -x $cmd ) { chomp( $t = qx{$cmd $image}); } else { $t = ""; } $d =~ s{\%G}{$t}; Info( 3, ">>> $.: \%G => '$t'\n"); } if ( $Sconf{'static-description'} ) { $d = $od; } else { $_ = $p . q{"} . $d . q{"} . "\n"; } $current{description} = $d; } elsif (m{^\s*(append|root)\s*=\s*(?|"([^"]+)"|([^"].*?))\s*$}xo ) { my( $k, $v) = ($1, $2); Info( 0, "$C: $in: $.: duplicate option (last wins)\n") if (exists( $current{$k})); $current{$k} = $v; } elsif (m{^(\s*label\s*=\s*)(\S+)}) { my ($pre, $label) = ($1, $2); $current{label_pre} = $pre; $current{label} = $label; $current{label_loc} = $#{$current{Econf}} + 1; } elsif (m{^\s*default\s*=\s*(\S+)}) { $default_label = $1; $default_loc = $#{$current{Econf}} + 1; } elsif (m{^\s*read-only\s*$}) { $_ = "#read-only # Deprecated!" . " (Add comment in '$Sconf' to overrule.)" . "\n"; Info( 2, " $in: $.: deprecated 'read-only' ignored.\n"); } elsif (m{^\s*relocatable\s*$} && $Arch =~ m{86}) { $_ = "#relocatable # Unsupported on this architecture!\n" . "# (May be forced by adding a comment in '$Sconf'.)\n"; Info( 2, " $in: $.: unsupported 'relocatable' ignored.\n"); } push @{$current{Econf}}, $_; } if ( exists( $current{image})) { $c += section2Econf( $in, $., %current); $c += section2Xconf( $in, $., %current); } if ($default_label ne "" && exists( $Labels{Xconf}{$default_label})) { $Sconf{xencfg} = 2; $Econf[$default_loc] = "#" . $Econf[$default_loc]; Info( 1, ">>> default label '$default_label' points to a XEN section\n"); } elsif ($default_label ne "" && !exists $Labels{Econf}{$default_label}) { $Econf[$default_loc] = "#" . $Econf[$default_loc]; Info( 1, ">>> default label '$default_label' undefined in $Fconf\n"); } elsif ($default_label eq "" && $Labels[0] =~ m{^Xconf }) { $Sconf{xencfg} = 2; Info( 1, ">>> first section (implicit default) points to a XEN section\n"); } close( IN); $Sconf{'__warn-count'} = $c; Info( 2, "## end of parsing $in\n") unless $test; $verbose = $ov; } sub addList($) { my( $f) = @_; $f =~ s{^.*/([^/]+)$}{$1}; print( LIST "$f\n") if ( fileno( LIST) ); $Flist{$f} = $_[0]; } sub Output($$@) { my( $dir, $file, @lines) = @_; my $out = "$dir/$file"; if ( (! $test || $verbose > 3) && $file ne $Gconf ) { unshift @lines, $Disclaimer; } Write( 1, "## writing '$file' to", ">", $out, @lines); addList( $out); } my %GconfFSuuid = (); sub canonicalize($$) { my( $base, $rel) = @_; return( $rel ) unless( defined( $rel) ); Info( 9, "canonicalize($base, $rel): "); $base = "" if ($rel =~ m{^/}); $base =~ s{/[^/]+$}{}; while ( $rel =~ s{^(\.\.?)/}{} ) { $base =~ s{/[^/]+$}{} if ( $1 eq ".." ); } $rel =~ s{^/}{}; Info( 9, "'$base/$rel'\n"); return ( "$base/$rel" ); } sub readLink($) { my( $lnk) = @_; my $tgt = readlink( $lnk); Info( 9, "readLink($lnk): ".(defined($tgt) ? $tgt : "(--undef--)")."\n"); $tgt = canonicalize( $lnk, $tgt); Info( 8, "readLink($lnk): ".(defined($tgt) ? $tgt : "(--undef--)")."\n") unless ($verbose > 8); return( $tgt ); } sub GconfProbeFSuuid($) { my( $dev) = @_; my $udir = "/dev/disk/by-uuid"; my $ldir = "/dev/disk/by-label"; my $uuid = ""; my $tgt = ""; Info( 5, "GconfProbeFSuuid($dev): \n"); if ( ! -b $dev ) { if ( $dev =~ m{^UUID=([0-9A-Fa-f-]+)$} ) { return ( (-b "$udir/$1") ? $1 : "" ); } elsif ( $dev =~ m{^LABEL=([0-9A-Fa-f-]+)$} ) { $dev = readLink( "$ldir/$1"); return ( "" ) unless ( defined( $dev) ); } } while ( -l $dev ) { $_ = readLink( $dev); return ( "" ) unless ( defined( $_) ); Info( 5, " $dev => $_\n"); $dev = $_; } Info( 5, " looking for: $dev\n"); if ( opendir( my $fh, $udir) ) { while ( ($_ = readdir( $fh)) ) { $_ = "$udir/$_"; next unless ( -l $_ ); $tgt = readLink( $_); next unless (defined( $tgt) ); Info( 5, " looking at: $_ => $tgt\n"); next unless ( $dev eq $tgt ); s{^$udir/}{}; $uuid = $_; Info( 5, " found: $uuid!\n"); last; } closedir( $fh); } return ( $uuid ); } sub GconfFSuuid($) { my( $spec) = @_; return ( "" ) unless ( $Sconf{SB} ); return ( $GconfFSuuid{$spec} ) if ( exists( $GconfFSuuid{$spec}) ); my $uuid = ""; my $cmd = "/usr/sbin/grub2-probe"; if ( -x $cmd ) { my $dop = (-b $spec) ? "--device" : ""; chomp( $uuid = qx{$cmd --target=fs_uuid $dop "$spec"}); } else { $uuid = GconfProbeFSuuid( $spec); } if ( ! defined( $uuid) || ! $uuid ) { Panic( 3, "couldn't determine fs_uuid -- skip SecureBoot/grub2 config!\n"); $Sconf{SB} = ""; } $GconfFSuuid{$spec} = $uuid; return ( $uuid ); } sub Gconf() { my @parts = ("pre", "Econf", "Xconf", "post"); my @keys = ("label", "kernel", "ramdisk", "options", "description", "rootfsuuid", "bootfsuuid", "disknr", "partnr", "vmm", "cfg"); my %S = (); my $re = join( '|', @parts); my $current = ""; my $lines = ""; my %Gconf; $re = qr{^\>\>grub\.($re|.*)\<\<}ox; while ( ) { if ( m{^__(END)__} || ($current && m{$re}o) ) { Info( 9, "<<$current\n$lines>>$current => $_"); $S{$current} = $lines; $lines = ""; last if ( $1 eq "END" ); } if ( m{$re}o ) { $current = $1; next; } $lines .= $_; } $lines = $S{pre}; foreach my $k ( "timeout" ) { my $val = (exists( $Sconf{$k})) ? $Sconf{$k} : "80"; $val /= 10; $lines =~ s{\<$k\>}{$val}gm; } foreach my $k ( "grubdefault" ) { if (exists( $Sconf{$k})) { $lines =~ s{\<$k\>}{$Sconf{$k}}gm; } else { $lines =~ s{^set default='\<$k\>'$}{}gm; } } push @Gconf, $lines; Info( 8, "<>pre\n"); foreach my $l ( @Labels ) { my ($ns, $lbl) = ($l =~ m{^(\S+) (.+)$}); %Gconf = (); Info( 8, "ns=$ns lbl=$lbl\n"); if ( $ns eq "Econf" ) { foreach my $k ( "kernel", "ramdisk", "options", "description") { $Gconf{$k} = $Econf{$lbl}{$k} if (exists( $Econf{$lbl}{$k})); } $Gconf{rootfsuuid} = GconfFSuuid( $Econf{$lbl}{root}); #TODO: $Gconf{bootfsuuid} = GconfFSuuid( "/boot"); } elsif ( $ns eq "Xconf" ) { foreach my $k ( "vmm", "kernel", "cfg", "description") { $Gconf{$k} = $Xconf{$lbl}{$k} if (exists( $Xconf{$lbl}{$k})); } $Gconf{cfg} = $Xconf unless ( exists($Gconf{cfg}) ); } else { next; } $lines = $S{$ns}; $Gconf{label} = $lbl; foreach my $k ( @keys ) { my $val = (exists( $Gconf{$k})) ? $Gconf{$k} : "{{$k}}"; $lines =~ s{\<$k\>}{$val}gm; } push @Gconf, $lines; Info( 8, "<<$lbl\n$lines>>$lbl\n"); } $lines = $S{post}; push @Gconf, $lines; Info( 8, "<>post\n"); } sub Xconf() { my $l = "global"; my $k = "default"; my %Xlabels = %{$Labels{Xconf}}; my @Xgc = (); push @Xgc, "[$l]\n"; push @Xconf, "[$l]\n"; push @Xconf, "#" if (exists( $Sconf{$k}) && ! exists( $Xconf{$Sconf{$k}}{kernel})); push @Xconf, "$k=$Sconf{$k}\n" if (exists( $Sconf{$k})); foreach my $k ( ("time-out", "gfx-mode") ) { push @Xgc, "$k=$Sconf{$k}\n" if (exists( $Sconf{$k})); push @Xconf, "$k=$Sconf{$k}\n" if (exists( $Sconf{$k})); } push @Xgc, "\n"; push @Xconf, "\n"; foreach my $l ( sort { $Xlabels{$a} <=> $Xlabels{$b} } keys %Xlabels ) { next unless (exists( $Xconf{$l}{kernel})); my @Xlc = (); push @Xlc, "[$l]\n"; if ( exists($Xconf{$l}{append}) ) { $Xconf{$l}{kernel} .= " " . $Xconf{$l}{append}; } foreach my $k ( sort( keys( %{ $Xconf{$l} })) ) { next if ( $k =~ m{^(?:append|description|vmm|cfg)$} ); push @Xlc, "$k=$Xconf{$l}{$k}\n"; } push @Xconf, @Xlc; push @Xconf, "\n"; if ( $Xconf{$l}{cfg} ne $Xconf ) { my $cfg = $Xconf{$l}{cfg}; unshift @Xlc, @Xgc; @{$Xsonf{$cfg}} = @Xlc; } } } sub Transfer ($$) { my( $in, $dir) = @_; my $c = $Sconf{'__warn-count'}; Gconf() if ( $Sconf{SB} ); Warn( "no complete section for $Xconf!\n") if ( $Sconf{xencfg} && ! exists( $Labels{Xconf}) ); Xconf() if ( exists( $Labels{Xconf}) ); foreach ( @Files ) { if ( ! -r $_ ) { Warn( "$_: not found\n"); $c++; } } if ( $c ) { Panic( 2, "$in: broken references\n"); } Output( $dir, $Fconf, @Econf); # create xen.cfg if ( $Sconf{xencfg} ) { Output( $dir, $Xconf, @Xconf); foreach my $x ( keys( %Xsonf) ) { Output( $dir, $x, @{$Xsonf{$x}}); } } # create grub.cfg Output( $dir, $Gconf, @Gconf) if ( $Sconf{SB} ); $Sconf{'__warn-count'} = $c; } # remove old files (legacy!) sub Purge($) { my( $d) = @_; if ( -r "$d/$Flist" ) { Info( 6, "## skip pattern-based removal of files from '$d'\n"); return 0; } if ( $keep > 0) { Info( 1, "## skip pattern-based removal of old files from '$d'\n"); return 0; } Info( 1, "## remove old files from '$d' by pattern\n"); my @F = glob( "$d/*"); foreach my $f ( @F ) { next if ( $f !~ m{.*/(((vm|)linu(x|z)|initrd)(|[-.]\S+)|xen.cfg)$} ); Info( 1, "> rm $f\n"); unlink( $f) unless ($test); } } # remove old files (list-based!) sub Obsolete($$) { my( $d, $init) = @_; my $fh; my $F = "$d/$Flist"; my $Fn = "$F.new"; my $verb = "refresh"; if ( $init ) { $verb = "establish new"; # skip to end... } elsif ( $keep > 0 && -r $F ) { Info( 1, "## skip list-based removal of obsolete files from '$d'\n"); Merge( $Fn, $F); } elsif ( ! -r $F ) { Info( 2, "## no list-based removal of obsolete files during migration\n"); } else { my @obs = (); if ( ! open( $fh, "< $F") ) { Warn( "could not open '$F' for reading: $!\n"); } while ( <$fh> ) { chomp; next if (m{/} || exists( $Flist{$_})); push @obs, $_; } close( $fh); Info( 1, "## remove obsolete files based on '$F'\n") if ( $#obs >= 0 ); foreach ( @obs ) { Info( 1, "> rm $d/$_\n"); unlink( "$d/$_") unless ($test); } } Info( 2, "## $verb file-list in '$d'\n"); Rename( 2, $Fn, $F); } sub InstallFPSWA($) { my ( $d) = @_; my $Dfpswa = $Dlib; $d .= "/efi/Intel Firmware"; $Dfpswa = $Dlibold unless ( -r "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi" ); return 0 unless ( -r "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi" ); my $head = "## fpswa: Floating Point Software Assist\n"; if ( -d $d && -r "$d/fpswa.efi" ) { # check, if we need to update and failing that do nothing?! my $c = "$Dfpswa/fpswa-cmp-version"; if ( -x $c ) { my $chk = qx{$c "$d/fpswa.efi" "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi"}; if ( $chk =~ /older/ ) { Info( 1, $head . "## Update '$d/fpswa.efi'.\n"); Info( 2, "## $chk"); Install( 0, "-p", "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi", $d); } else { Info( 1, $head . "## Do NOT update '$d/fpswa.efi'.\n"); Info( 2, "## $chk"); } } else { use File::Compare; if ( compare( "$d/fpswa.efi", "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi") == 0 ) { Info( 2, $head . "## Already installed.\n"); } else { Info( 1, $head . "## Unable to compare versions.\n" . "## Installation skipped!\n"); } } } else { Info( 1, $head . "## Install 'fpswa.efi' to '$d'.\n"); System( 0, "mkdir", $d) unless ( -d $d ); Install( 0, "-p", "$Dfpswa/fpswa.efi", $d); } } sub isMounted($) { my ( $d) = @_; my @D = stat( $d); my @P = stat( $d . "/.."); return( $D[0] != $P[0] ); } sub MP($) { my ( $d) = @_; my @I = ("/etc/fstab", "/proc/mounts", "/etc/mtab"); Info( 3, "### MP($d):"); foreach my $f ( @I ) { open( IN, "< $f") || next; while ( ) { chomp; next if ( m{^#} ); my @F = split; if ( $F[1] eq $d ) { Info( 3, " found in '$f' line $. => true\n"); close( IN); return( $F[0]); } } close( IN); } Info( 3, " not found in [" . join( ", ", @I) . "] => false\n"); return( 0); } sub backslash($) { my( $p) = @_; $p =~ s{\/}{\\}g; return ( $p ); } sub ebc($$$$$) { my( $label, $dev, $part, $path, $extra) = @_; my @C = ("efibootmgr", "-v", "-cL", $label, "-d", "$dev", "-p", $part, "-l", backslash($path)); my @out; if ( $extra ) { #push @C, "--unicode", $extra; push @C, "-u", $extra; } my $cmd = $C[0]; foreach my $c ( @C[1..$#C] ) { if ( $c =~ /[\s\\]/ ) { $cmd .= " '$c'"; } else { $cmd .= " $c"; } } Info( 1, "> $cmd\n"); return (undef()) if ( $test ); open( EBM, "-|", @C) ; while () { print if ($verbose > 1); chomp; push @out, $_; } close( EBM); return( @out ); } sub ebr($) { my( $num) = @_; my @C = ("efibootmgr", "-q", "-B", "-b" , sprintf( "%x", $num)); $C[1] = "-v" if ( $verbose > 2 ); System( 0, @C); } sub hwpEqual($$) { my( $s1, $s2) = @_; my $hex = qr{[0-9a-f]+}i; my $hexi = qr{[0-9a-f-]+}i; my @S1 = ($s1 =~ m{HD\(($hex),($hex),($hex),($hexi)\)}o); my @S2 = ($s2 =~ m{HD\(($hex),($hex),($hex),($hexi)\)}o); Info( 5, sprintf( "'%s' - '%s'\n", $S1[3], $S2[3])); return( $s1 eq $s2 ); } sub ebm($$$$$); sub ebm($$$$$) { my( $label, $dev, $part, $path, $extra) = @_; my @out; my $entry; if ( ! -r "$MP$path" ) { #Warn( "refusing to create EBM for non-existant binary ($MP$path).\n"); Warn( "refusing to create EBM for non-existant binary.\n"); return unless ( $test ); Info( 1, "#"); } @out = ebc( $label, $dev, $part, $path, $extra); return if ( $test ); $entry = pop @out; Panic( 2, "Unexpected failure of 'efibootmgr' (see elilo(8)). Giving up!\n") unless (defined( $entry)); Panic( 2, "Unexpected output from 'efibootmgr':\n '$entry'\n") if ($entry !~ m{^Boot([0-9A-F]{4})[\* ] (.*?)\s+((?:HD|ACPI).+)File(.+)$}i); my ( $num, $lbl, $hwp, $file) = (hex($1), $2, $3, $4); Info( 1, sprintf( "# num=%d (0x%04X) hwp=%s\n", $num, $num, $hwp)); foreach my $e ( @out) { $e =~ m{^Boot([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})[\* ] (.*?)\s+((?:HD|ACPI).+)File(.+)$} || next; next unless ( hwpEqual( $hwp, $3) ); if ( $file eq $4 ) { my $c = hex($1); # This effort below to elliminate holes in the boot enry list voids # the attempt to order EBM entries by simply calling '--refresh-EBM'. # The full solution would require adding an interface to 'efibootmgr -o', # which is unfortunately not feasable this late in the release cycle. # if ( $lbl eq $2 ) { # # delete label with higher number # my $n = ($num < $c) ? $c : $num; # ebr( $n); # $num = $c; # } else { # # delete old/invalid label # ebr( $c); # if ( $num > $c ) { # # now we have a hole! # ebr( $num); # ebm( $label, $dev, $part, $path, $extra); # return; # } # } # delete old/invalid labels *irrespective* of holes ebr( $c); } } } sub Refresh($$) { my ( $device, $dir) = @_; my ($dev, $part, $path, $label, $ret); my $shim_opts = ""; #$sBinaries[1]; # device & partition if ( $device =~ m{^(.*)-part(\d+)$} ) { $dev = $1; $part = $2; } elsif ( $device =~ m{^(.*)_part(\d+)$} ) { # /dev/mapper/... should not be used $dev = $1; $part = $2; } elsif ( $device =~ m{^(.*/c\d+d\d+)p(\d+)$} ) { $dev = $1; $part = $2; } elsif ( $device =~ m{^(/dev/\D+)(\d+)$} ) { $dev = $1; $part = $2; } else { Panic( 2, "parse error on EFI partition $device.\n"); } Info( 4, "#### dev=$dev, part=$part\n"); # path $path = "/efi/$VD/"; Info( 4, "#### path=$path\n"); # label if ( exists( $Sconf{'ebm-label'}) ) { $label = $Sconf{'ebm-label'}; } elsif ( exists( $Sconf{'ybm-label'}) ) { $label = $Sconf{'ybm-label'}; } else { $label = "SUSE Linux Enterprise"; } Info( 4, "#### label=$label\n"); if ( ! $Sconf{SB} || exists($Sconf{'SB-fallback'}) ) { my $lbl = $label . ($Sconf{'SB'} ? " (fallback)" : ""); $ret = ebm( "XEN ".$lbl, $dev, $part, $path . $xen, "") if ( $Sconf{xencfg} == 1 ); $ret = ebm( $lbl, $dev, $part, $path . $elilo, ""); $ret = ebm( "XEN ".$lbl, $dev, $part, $path . $xen, "") if ( $Sconf{xencfg} == 2 ); } if ( $Sconf{SB} ) { $ret = ebm( "XEN ".$label, $dev, $part, $path . $shim, " $xen") if ( $Sconf{xencfg} == 1 && exists( $Sconf{'SB-direct2xen'}) ); $ret = ebm( $label, $dev, $part, $path . $shim, $shim_opts); $ret = ebm( "XEN ".$label, $dev, $part, $path . $shim, " $xen") if ( $Sconf{xencfg} == 2 && exists( $Sconf{'SB-direct2xen'}) ); } } sub CheckSB() { my $fh; my $sev = "/sys/firmware/efi/vars"; my $sbd = "$sev/SecureBoot-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c/data"; my $comment = ""; $Sconf{SB} = ""; $Sconf{'secure-boot'} = "auto" unless ( exists( $Sconf{'secure-boot'}) ); if ( $Sconf{'secure-boot'} =~ m{^(off|false)$} ) { $comment = " (forced off)"; } elsif ( $Sconf{'secure-boot'} =~ m{^(on|true|try)$} ) { $Sconf{SB} = "forced on"; } elsif ( ! -r "$sbd" ) { $comment = " (not supported)"; } elsif ( ! open( $fh, "< $sbd") ) { Warn( "$sbd: open: $!\n"); $Sconf{SB} = "try"; $comment = " (failed to open)"; } else { my $val = <$fh>; if ( ! defined( $val) ) { Warn( "$sbd: read: $!\n"); $Sconf{SB} = "try"; $comment = " (failed to read)"; } elsif ( unpack( "c", $val) == 0 ) { $comment = " (supported but inactive)" } else { $Sconf{SB} = "auto"; $comment = sprintf( " (data=%d)", unpack( "c", $val)) if ($verbose > 2); } } Info( 2, "## SecureBoot: '$Sconf{SB}'$comment\n"); } my %Opt = (); { use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; $Getopt::Long::debug = 0; $Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; $Getopt::Long::bundling = 1; $Getopt::Long::passthrough = 0; pod2usage(2) unless ( GetOptions( \%Opt, 'help|h', 'man|m', 'version|V', 'verbose|v+', 'test|t', 'keep|k', 'purge|K', "refresh-EBM") && ( ! $Opt{'purge'} || ! $Opt{'keep'} ) && ! $Opt{'help'} ); Version() if ( $Opt{'version'} ); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if ( $Opt{'man'} ); pod2usage(1) if ( $Opt{'help'} ); $test = 1 if ( $Opt{'test'} ); $keep = 0 if ( $Opt{'purge'} ); $keep = 1 if ( $Opt{'keep'} ); $verbose += $Opt{'verbose'} if ( $Opt{'verbose'} ); } # run-time init if ( $Arch =~ m{ARCH} ) { chomp( $Arch = qx{uname -m}); Info( 3, "### Arch: '$Arch'\n"); } if ( ! $EFIarch ) { $EFIarch = ( $Arch eq "x86_64" ) ? "x64" : ( $Arch =~ m{86} ) ? "ia32" : $Arch; Info( 3, "### EFIarch: '$EFIarch'\n"); } if ( $Dlib =~ m{LIBDIR} ) { $Dlib = "$dbg/usr/lib" . (($Arch eq "x86_64") ? "64/" : "/"); $Dlibold = $Dlib . "elilo"; $Dlib = $Dlib . "efi"; $Dlib = $Dlibold if (! -r "$Dlib/elilo.efi" && -r "$Dlibold/elilo.efi"); Info( 3, "### Dlib: '$Dlib'\n"); } # try to read variables from $Sconf Parse( $Sconf, ($Opt{'refresh-EBM'}&&!$Opt{test}) ? 0 : -1); # check for Secure Boot CheckSB(); # check environment if ( exists( $Sconf{"efi-mountpoint"}) ) { $MP = $dbg . $Sconf{"efi-mountpoint"}; Panic( 2, "EFI partition specification in $Sconf invalid.\n") unless ( -d $MP ); # or is it "$MP/efi"? } elsif ( -d $MPnew . "/efi/" . $VD || MP($MPnew) ) { $MP = $MPnew; } elsif ( -d $MPold . "/efi/" . $VD ) { $MP = $MPold; } else { Info( 1, "## Neither new ($MPnew/efi/$VD) nor old ($MPold/efi/$VD)?\n"); Panic( 2, "EFI partition not found.\n"); } Info( 3, "### Mountpoint: '$MP'\n"); if ( exists( $Sconf{"vendor-directory"}) ) { $VD = $Sconf{"vendor-directory"}; Info( 1, "## To apply changes of '$VD' run 'elilo --refresh-EBM'!\n") unless ( $VD =~ m{^(SuSE|boot)$}i || $Opt{'refresh-EBM'} ); } if ( exists( $Sconf{"precious"}) && $keep < 0 ) { $keep = 1; } if ( ! isMounted( $MP) ) { Panic( 2, "EFI partition (". MP( $MP) .") not mounted at $MP.\n"); } $D = $MP . "/efi/" . $VD; Info( 2, "## Output directory: '$D'\n"); System( 2, "mkdir", "-p", $D) unless ( -d $D ); if ( $Opt{'refresh-EBM'} ) { Refresh( MP( $MP), $D); exit 0; } if ( -r $Sconf ) { my $initializing = ( ! -r "$D/elilo.efi" && ! -r "$D/$Fconf" ); if ( ! $test ) { open( LIST, "> $D/$Flist.new") || Warn( "cannot open '$D/$Flist.new' for writing: $!\n"); } # extract kernels, etc. and write fixed .conf Transfer( $Sconf, $D); # remove old files (legacy!) Purge( $D) unless ($initializing); # copy stuff Info( 1, "## copy files to '$D'\n"); @sBinaries = () unless ( $Sconf{SB} ); foreach ( reverse( $elilo, @sBinaries) ) { unshift @Files, "$Dlib/$_"; } foreach ( @Files ) { Install( 0, "-p", $_, $D); addList( $_); } if ( $VD =~ m{^boot$}i ) { my $b = ( $Sconf{SB} ) ? $shim : $elilo; $b = $xen if ($Sconf{xencfg} == 2 && (!$Sconf{SB} || exists( $Sconf{'SB-direct2xen'}))); Install( 0, "-p", "$Dlib/$b", "$D/boot$EFIarch.efi"); addList( "boot$EFIarch.efi"); } close( LIST); # remove old files (list-based!) Obsolete( $D, $initializing); # take care of FPSWA InstallFPSWA( $MP); } elsif ( $MP eq $MPold && -r "$D/$Fconf" ) { # assume old setup with only '/vmlinuz' and '/initrd' Install( 2, "-p", "$Dlib/elilo.efi", $D); InstallFPSWA( $MP); } elsif ( $MP eq $MPold ) { Panic( 2, "$D/$Fconf: not found\n"); } elsif ( ! -e $Sconf ) { Panic( 2, "$Sconf: not found\n"); } else { Panic( 2, "$Sconf: not readable\n"); } if ( $warn > 0 ) { Panic( 1, sprintf("%d warning%s encountered.\n", $warn, ($warn==1)?"":"s")); } exit( 0); __DATA__ >>grub.pre<< # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE # # It is automatically generated by /sbin/elilo using # settings from /etc/elilo.conf (and maybe /etc/default/grub) # ### BEGIN 00 simplified header ### if [ x"${feature_menuentry_id}" = xy ]; then menuentry_id_option="--id" else menuentry_id_option="" fi if [ x${boot_once} = xtrue ]; then set timeout=0 elif sleep --interruptible 0 ; then set timeout= fi set efibootdir=$prefix set default='' ### END 00 simplified header ### ### BEGIN 10 elilo ### >>grub.Econf-full<< # TODO: track down "disknr" and "partnr" menuentry '