forked from pool/elixir
Andrei Dziahel efc8581e83 Accepting request 669040 from home:gsantomaggio_suse:branches:devel:languages:erlang
-----------------------  --------------------------------------------
- Elixir 1.8.0
  * Elixir v1.8 comes with many improvements at the infrastructure level, improving compilation time, 
    speeding up common patterns, and adding features around introspection of the system.
    See full changelog at
  * Enhancements
    [EEx] Optimize the default template engine to compile and execute more efficiently
    [Calendar] Add Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase and a Calendar.UTCOnlyTimeZoneDatabase implementation
    [Calendar] Add callbacks day_of_year/3, quarter_of_year/3, year_of_era/1, and day_of_era/3
    [Code.Formatter] Preserve user's choice of new line after most operators
    [Date] Add Date.day_of_year/1, Date.quarter_of_year/1, Date.year_of_era/1, and Date.day_of_era/1
    [DateTime] Add DateTime.from_naive/3,, and DateTime.shift_zone/3
    [File] Allow :raw option in File.exists?/2, File.regular?/2, and File.dir?/2
    [File] Allow POSIX time as an integer in File.touch/2 and File.touch!/2
    [Inspect] Allow Inspect protocol to be derivable with the :only/:except options
    [Kernel] Do not propagate counters to variables in quote inside another quote
    [Kernel] Warn on ambiguous use of :: and | in typespecs
    [Kernel] Add :delegate_to @doc metadata tag when using defdelegate
    [Kernel] Improve compile-time building of ranges via the .. operator
    [Kernel] Compile charlist interpolation more efficiently
    [Kernel] Add floor/1 and ceil/1 guards
    [Kernel.SpecialForms] Add :reduce option to for comprehensions
    [List] Add List.myers_difference/3 and List.improper?/1
    [Macro] Add Macro.struct!/2 for proper struct resolution during compile time
    [Map] Optimize and merge nested maps put and merge operations
    [Range] Add Range.disjoint?/2
    [Record] Reduce memory allocation when updating multiple fields in a record
    [Registry] Allow associating a value on :via tuple
    [String] Add String.bag_distance/2
    [Task] Add $callers tracking to Task - this makes it easier to find which process spawned a task and use it for tracking ownership and monitoring
    [ExUnit] Add ExUnit.after_suite/1 callback
    [ExUnit.Assertions] Show last N messages (instead of first N) from mailbox on assert_receive fail
    [IEx.Helpers] Add port/1 and port/2
    [IEx.Server] Expose for custom IEx sessions with the ability to broker pry sessions
    [Mix] Add and to control dependency management per target
    [Mix.Project] Add :depth and :parents options to deps_paths/1
    [mix archive.install] Add a timeout when installing archives
    [mix compile] Include optional dependencies in :extra_applications
    [mix escript.install] Add a timeout when installing escripts
    [mix format] Warn when the same file may be formatted by multiple .formatter.exs
    [mix test] Allow setting the maximum number of failures via --max-failures
    [mix test] Print a message instead of raising on unmatched tests inside umbrella projects
  * Bug fixes
    [Calendar] Allow printing dates with more than 9999 years
    [Exception] Exclude deprecated functions in "did you mean?" hints
    [Float] Handle subnormal floats in Float.ratio/1
    [Kernel] Remove Guard test tuple_size(...) can never succeed Dialyzer warning on try
    [Kernel] Expand operands in size*unit bitstring modifier instead of expecting size and unit to be literal integers
    [Kernel] Do not deadlock on circular struct dependencies in typespecs
    [Kernel] Raise proper error message when passing flags to the Erlang compiler that Elixir cannot handle
    [Kernel] Do not leak variables in cond clauses with a single matching at compile-time clause
    [NaiveDateTime] Do not accept leap seconds in builder and parsing functions
    [String] Fix ZWJ handling in Unicode grapheme clusters
    [StringIO] Handle non-printable args in StringIO gracefully
    [IEx.Helpers] Use typespec info (instead of docs chunk) and properly format callbacks in b/1
    [Logger] Allow Logger backends to be dynamically removed when an application is shutting down
    [mix compile] Ensure changes in deps propagate to all umbrella children - this fix a long standing issue where updating a dependency would not recompile all projects accordingly, requiring a complete removal of _build
    [mix compile] Avoid time drift when checking and updating compiler manifest files
    [mix] Respect the :only option between umbrella siblings
    [mix compile.protocols] Reconsolidate protocols if local dependencies are stale
    [mix deps] Properly mark dependencies with different :system_env as diverged
    [mix new] Use --module value when setting up filenames

2019-01-28 11:39:22 +00:00
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