Tue Aug  4 13:01:47 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com

- By default relink hardlinks too, should fix bnc#940296

Mon Aug  3 19:26:55 UTC 2015 - tchvatal@suse.com

- Update to upstream git repo on github
- Refresh patches:
  * fdupes-makefile.patch
  * 0008-speedup-the-file-compare.patch
  * 0010-add-permissions-mode.patch
  * 0011-add-an-option-to-sort-duplicate-files-by-name.patch
  * 50_bts284274_hardlinkreplace.dpatch
- Upstreamed patch:
  * 0004-Large-file-support-for-2GB-files-bts447601.patch
- Remove whitespace from fdupes.macros file
- Cleanup with spec-cleaner
  - Obey rpm-opt-flags
  - run test phase

Sun Dec 21 19:58:41 UTC 2014 - bwiedemann@suse.com

- add -L (--linkhard) option
  add 50_bts284274_hardlinkreplace.dpatch

Tue Apr 29 16:08:34 UTC 2014 - stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de

- sort the output of fdupes by filename to make it deterministic
  for parallel builds
  * 0011-add-an-option-to-sort-duplicate-files-by-name.patch

Tue Oct 16 11:44:08 UTC 2012 - mvyskocil@suse.com

- update to 1.5.0-PR2
  * new "--summarize" option
  * new  "--recurse:" selective recursion option
  * new "--noprompt" option for totally automated deletion of
  duplicate files.
  * sorts duplicates (old to new) for consistent order when
  listing or deleteing duplicate files.
  * tests for early matching of files, which should help speed up
  the matching process when large files are involved.
  * warns whenever a file cannot be deleted.
  * bugfixes (proper file closing, zero-length files, ...)
- drop the fdupes-sort-output.diff (upstream uses mtime based)
- rename and rebase fdupes-speedup.patch to 0008-speedup-the-compare.patch
- rename and rebase fdupes-endianness.patch to
- add -p/--permissions switch so files with different permissions or uid/gid
  are not considered as duplicates (bnc#784670)
  * this mode is a default one for fdupes macro
- imported several fixes from Debian
  * 0001-restore-pristine-code.patch - some common code fixes, partly obsoletes
    speedup patch
  * manual page fixes
  * 0004-Large-file-support-for-2GB-files-bts447601.patch - large file support

Sun Mar 25 22:13:12 UTC 2012 - behrisch@users.sf.net

- added "which" requirement for red hat distros

Mon Feb 13 10:46:03 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com

- patch license to follow spdx.org standard

Wed Oct  5 15:14:32 UTC 2011 - uli@suse.com

- cross-build workaround: fake gcc script to work around build
  system not honoring CC

Sun Sep 18 17:17:12 UTC 2011 - jengelh@medozas.de

- Apply packaging guidelines (remove redundant/obsolete
  tags/sections from specfile, etc.)

Mon Feb 15 15:43:34 UTC 2010 - mvyskocil@suse.cz

- fix bnc#406825: speedup fdupes
  * fdupes-speedup.patch fixes some performance gaps in code
  * fdupes-endianness.patch speedups the built in md5 on little endian machines

Wed Aug 26 12:53:54 CEST 2009 - mls@suse.de

- make patch0 usage consistent

Thu Jan 15 17:05:36 CET 2009 - coolo@suse.de

- sort the output of fdupes to make it deterministic

Thu Sep  6 18:41:37 CEST 2007 - mls@suse.de

- do not hardlink empty files in %fdupes macro

Wed Sep  5 15:44:52 CEST 2007 - nadvornik@suse.cz

- support filenames with spaces in %fdupes macro [#307727]

Tue May 15 22:53:03 CEST 2007 - coolo@suse.de

- add an RPM macro to make use of it in spec files

Thu Nov 16 13:16:07 CET 2006 - dmueller@suse.de

- Initial package (1.40)