2012-07-04 06:55:01 +00:00
# directories
%_fontsdir %{_usr}/share/fonts
%_ttfontsdir %{_fontsdir}/truetype
2012-07-09 10:32:07 +00:00
%_miscfontsdir %{_fontsdir}/misc
2012-07-09 11:26:45 +00:00
%_fontsconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/fonts
%_fontsconfddir %{_fontsconfdir}/conf.d
%_fontsconfavaildir %{_fontsconfdir}/conv.avail
2012-07-04 06:55:01 +00:00
# package build macros
%reconfigure_fonts_prereq \
Requires(pre): perl aaa_base \
# macro: reconfigure_fonts
# font setup for suse
# options:
# -c (the fonts are CJK fonts, also do setup which is only needed
# for CJK)
%reconfigure_fonts(c) \
if test -x /usr/sbin/fonts-config ; then \
/usr/sbin/fonts-config --verbose \
fi \
%{-c: \
if test -x /usr/sbin/acroread-cidfont-config ; then \
/usr/sbin/acroread-cidfont-config \
fi \
if test -x /usr/sbin/ghostscript-cjk-config ; then \
/usr/sbin/ghostscript-cjk-config \
fi} \
# macro: reconfigure_fonts_post
# now alias to reconfigure_fonts, this can change in the future
# options:
# -c (the fonts are CJK fonts, also do setup which is only needed
# for CJK)
%reconfigure_fonts_post(c) \
if [ $1 -ne 2 ]; then \
%reconfigure_fonts c \
fi \
# macro: reconfigure_fonts_postun
# now alias to reconfigure_fonts, this can change in the future
# options:
# -c (the fonts are CJK fonts, also do setup which is only needed
# for CJK)
%reconfigure_fonts_postun(c) \
%reconfigure_fonts c \
# macro: reconfigure_fonts_post
# do nothing for now, this can change in the future
# options:
# -c (the fonts are CJK fonts, also do setup which is only needed
# for CJK)
%reconfigure_fonts_posttrans(c) \
# macro: reconfigure_fonts_scriptles
# groups %post, %postun and %posttrans of font packages
# options:
# -c (the fonts are CJK fonts, also do setup which is only needed
# for CJK)
# -n <name> (name of subpackage; when ommited, also no -n parameter
# is passed to %post, %postun and %posttrans)
%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets(c,n:) \
%post %{-n:-n %{-n*}} \
%reconfigure_fonts_post c \
%postun %{-n:-n %{-n*}} \
%reconfigure_fonts_postun c \
%posttrans %{-n:-n %{-n*}} \
%reconfigure_fonts_posttrans c \