Fri Apr 10 07:34:20 UTC 2015 - fstrba@suse.com

- Enable the bz2 compression in freetype2
- Remove patch overflow.patch from freetype2.spec where it is not
- Run spec-cleaner on the spec file.

Sat Jan  3 22:58:50 UTC 2015 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.5.5
    - Handling of  uncompressed PCF files works again (bug
      introduced in version 2.5.4).
- Drop freetype2-2.5.3-fix-pcf.patch, merged upstream

Mon Dec  8 15:43:58 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.5.4
    - A variant of vulnerability CVE-2014-2240 was identified
      (cf.  http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?43661) and fixed
      in  the new CFF driver.  All users should upgrade.
    - The new auto-hinter code using HarfBuzz crashed for some
      invalid fonts.
    - Many fixes to better protect against malformed input.
    - Full auto-hinter support of the Devanagari script.
    - Experimental auto-hinter support of the Telugu script.
    - CFF stem darkening behaviour can now be controlled at
      build time using the eight macros
    - Some fields in the `FT_Bitmap'  structure have been changed
      from signed to unsigned type, which better reflects
      the actual usage. It is also an additional means to
      protect against malformed input. This change doesn't break
      the ABI; however, it might cause compiler warnings.
    - Improvements to  the auto-hinter's algorithm to recognize
      stems and local extrema.
    - Function `FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info' always returned an error
      even in case of success.
    - Version  2.5.1 introduced major bugs in the cjk part of
      the auto-hinter, which are now fixed.
    - The `FT_Sfnt_Tag' enumeration values have been changed to
      uppercase,  e.g.  `FT_SFNT_HEAD'. The lowercase variants
      are deprecated. This is for orthogonality with all other
      enumeration (and enumeration-like) values in FreeType.
    - `cmake' now supports builds of FreeType as an OS X framework
      and for iOS.
    - Improved project files for vc2010,
      introducing a property file
    - The documentation generator for the API reference has been
      updated to produce  better HTML code (with proper  CSS).
      At the same time, the documentation got a better structure.
    - The FT_LOAD_BITMAP_CROP flag is obsolete; it is not used
      by any driver.
    - The TrueType DELTAP[123] bytecode instructions now work in
      subpixel hinting mode as described in the ClearType
      whitepaper (i.e., for touched points in the
      non-subpixel direction).
    - Many small improvements to the internal arithmetic routines.
- Rebase don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library.patch,
  bugzilla-308961-cmex-workaround.patch, freetype2-subpixel.patch,
  freetype2-bitmap-foundry.patch and overflow.patch
- Add freetype2-2.5.3-fix-pcf.patch from upstream to resolve
  http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?43774, "Freetype 2.5.4 does not
  load ungzipped PCF fonts"

Thu Mar 13 03:14:26 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Improve don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library.patch: also handle
  Requires.private case (freetype does not include png headers)

Sun Mar  9 18:39:56 UTC 2014 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.5.3
    - A vulnerability was  identified and fixed in the  new CFF
      driver (cf. http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?41697;  it
      doesn't have a CVE number yet).  All users should upgrade.
    - More  bug  fixes related  to  correct  positioning of
      composite glyphs.
    - Many fixes to better protect against malformed input.
    - FreeType can now use the HarfBuzz library to greatly improve
      the auto-hinting of  fonts that  use OpenType features:
      Many glyphs that are part  of such features but don't have
      cmap entries are now handled  properly, for  example small
      caps or superscripts. Define the configuration  macro
      FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ to activate HarfBuzz support.
      You need HarfBuzz version 0.9.19 or newer. Note that HarfBuzz
      depends on  FreeType; this currently causes a chicken-and-egg
      problem  that can be  solved as follows  in case HarfBuzz
      is not yet installed on your system.
        1. Compile  and  install  FreeType without the configuration
        2. Compile and install HarfBuzz.
        3. Define  macro  FT_CONFIG_OPTION_USE_HARFBUZZ, then
           compile and install FreeType again.
      With FreeType's  `configure' script the procedure  boils
      down to configure, build, and install Freetype, then
      configure, compile, and  install  HarfBuzz,  then configure,
      compile,  and  install FreeType again (after executing
      `make distclean').
    - All  libraries FreeType  depends on  are now  checked
      using  the `pkg-config' configuration files  first,
      followed by alternative methods.
    - The  new  value  `auto'  for the  various  `--with-XXX'
      library options   (for   example   `--with-harfbuzz=auto')
      makes   the `configure' script automatically link to the
      libraries it finds. This is now the default.
    - In case FreeType's `configure' script  can't find a
      library, you can  pass environment  variables to  circumvent
      pkg-config,  and those variables  have been  harmonized as
      a consequence  of the changes mentioned above:
        LIBZ           -> removed; use LIBZ_CFLAGS and LIBZ_LIBS
        LIBBZ2         -> removed; use BZIP2_CFLAGS and BZIP2_LIBS
      `./configure --help' shows all available environment variables.
    - The `freetype-config'  script now understands
      option `--static' to emit static linking information.
- Due to buildsystem changes, rename and rebase
  don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library-in-freetype-co.patch to

Thu Dec 12 16:45:13 UTC 2013 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Added patches:
  * don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library-in-freetype-co.patch: it's
    private in pkgconfig file, and causes issues in downstream
- As per patch, remove libpng-devel Requires from devel package

Wed Dec 11 07:13:14 UTC 2013 - arvidjaar@gmail.com

- freetype2 pkgconfig now includes -lpng16; make sure freetype2-devel
  Requires libpng-devel

Tue Dec 10 03:04:59 UTC 2013 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.5.2
  * Fixed bug  that made  FreeType crash  on some  popular (but  not
    fully conformant) fonts like `ahronbd.ttf'
  * Another round of improvements to correct positioning and hinting
    of composite glyphs in TrueType fonts
  * Fixed bug introduced in version  2.5.1: handling embedded
    bitmap strikes of  TrueType fonts, caused garbage display
    under some circumstances
  * Fixed `ftgrid' demo program compilation in non-development
- Droped fix-compile-in-non-debug.patch, included in this release

Wed Nov 27 19:31:42 UTC 2013 - hrvoje.senjan@gmail.com

- Update to version 2.5.1
  * For  some WinFNT  files,  the last  glyph  wasn't displayed  but
    incorrectly marked as invalid.
  * The vertical size of glyphs was  incorrectly set after a call to
    `FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden', resulting in clipped glyphs.
  * Many fields of the `PCLT' table in SFNT based fonts (if accessed
    with `FT_Get_Sfnt_Table') were computed incorrectly.
  * In TrueType fonts,  hinting of composite glyphs  could sometimes
    deliver  incorrect positions  of  components or  even  distorted
  * WOFF font format support has been added.
  * The auto-hinter now supports Hebrew.  Greek and Cyrillic support
    has been improved.
  * Support for the forthcoming `OS/2'  SFNT table version 5, as can
    be found e.g. in the `Sitka' font family for Windows 8.1.
  * The header  file layout  has been changed.   After installation,
    all files are now located in `<prefix>/include/freetype2'.
    Applications  that  use   (a)  `freetype-config'  or  FreeType's
    `pkg-config' file to get the include directory for the compiler,
    and (b) the documented way for header inclusion like
        #include <ft2build.h> or #include FT_FREETYPE_H
    don't need any change to the source code.
  * The stem  darkening feature  of the  new CFF  engine can  now be
    fine-tuned with the new `darkening-parameters' property.
  * `ftgrid' has been updated to toggle various engines with the `H'
    key, similar to `ftview' and `ftdiff'.
  * The functionality of `ttdebug' has been greatly enhanced.
   . It now displays twilight, storage, and control value data; key
  * Better support of ARMv7 and x86_64 processors.
  * Apple's `sbix' color bitmap format is now supported.
  * Improved   auto-hinter  rendering   for  many   TrueType  fonts,
    especially in the range 20-40ppem.
  * A  new face  flag  `FT_FACE_FLAG_COLOR' has  been  added (to  be
    accessed with the macro `FT_HAS_COLOR').
  * `FT_Gzip_Uncompress'   (modeled    after   zlib's   `uncompress'
    function)  has been  added; this  is a  by-product of  the newly
    added WOFF support.
  * Support for  a build with  `cmake' has been contributed  by John
    Cary <cary@txcorp.com>.
  * Support for x64  builds with Visual C++ has  been contributed by
    Kenneth Miller <kennethadammiller@yahoo.com>
  * Manual pages for most demo programs have been added.
  * The GETINFO bytecode instruction for TrueType fonts was buggy if
    used to retrieve subpixel hinting information.  It was necessary
    to set  selector bit 6  to get  results for selector  bits 7-10,
    which is wrong.
  * Improved computation  of emulated vertical metrics  for TrueType
  * Fixed horizontal start-up position of vertical phantom points in
    TrueType bytecode.
- Rebase freetype2-subpixel.patch to current release
- Added fix-compile-in-non-debug.patch, fixes release build of ftdemos
- Added overflow.patch for resolving post-build-check detected error:
  I: Statement is overflowing a buffer

Wed Jul  3 08:31:13 UTC 2013 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version
  * The cache manager function `FTC_Manager_Reset'  didn't flush the
  * Behdad Esfahbod  (on behalf  of Google) contributed  support for
    color embedded bitmaps (eg. color emoji).
  * The  old FreeType  CFF engine  is now  disabled by  default.
  * All code related to macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_INTERNALS
    has been removed.
  * The  property API  (`FT_Property_Get' and  `FT_Property_Set') is
    now declared as stable.
  * Another round of TrueType subpixel hinting fixes.
  * 64bit compilation of the new CFF engine was buggy.
  * Some fixes to improve robustness in memory-tight situations.
- Add dependency on libpng-devel for color emoji support.
- Drop freetype-new-cff-engine.patch, upstream now.

Sun Jun  9 03:58:33 UTC 2013 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org

- Library and tools must be compiled with large file
  support in 32 bit archs just like the rest of system.

Fri May 10 18:05:44 UTC 2013 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.12
  * A new CFF rendering engine from Adobe
  * The  macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_OLD_INTERNALS  is no  longer set  by
- freetype-new-cff-engine.patch: Enable the new CFF engine by default.
- Drop freetype2-no_rpath.patch, not needed.

Fri Jan 11 17:12:01 UTC 2013 - jw@suse.com

- Rediffed patches.
- CVE-2012-5668.patch, CVE-2012-5669.patch, CVE-2012-5670.patch nothing to do.

Thu Dec 20 13:56:36 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.11
  * Some vulnerabilities in the  BDF implementation have been fixed.
  * Support for OpenType collections (OTC) has been added.
  * Pure CFF fonts within an SFNT wrapper are now supported.
  * Minor rendering improvements to the auto-hinter.
  * `FT_GlyphSlot_Oblique' now uses a shear angle of 12°.
- Modify freetype2-subpixel.patch for new subpixel hinting option.
- Drop fix-build.patch: no longer needed

Sun Jun 17 10:34:24 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.10
  * Incremental glyph loading as needed by ghostscript was broken.
  * A new  function `FT_Outline_EmboldenXY'
  * The glyph  spacing computation  in `FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden'  (and
    similar code in `ftview') has been improved.
  * Minor  improvements to  the TrueType  bytecode  interpreter  and
    glyph loader, the auto-hinter, and the B/W rasterizer.

Wed May  9 19:46:11 UTC 2012 - crrodriguez@opensuse.org

- USe -std=gnu99 in all targets not only on ARM

Fri Mar 30 13:11:32 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com

- Unbreak SLE builds

Thu Mar  8 21:18:48 UTC 2012 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.9
  * Fixes CVE-2012-1126, CVE-2012-1127, CVE-2012-1128, CVE-2012-1129,
    CVE-2012-1130, CVE-2012-1131, CVE-2012-1132, CVE-2012-1133,
    CVE-2012-1134, CVE-2012-1135, CVE-2012-1136, CVE-2012-1137,
    CVE-2012-1138, CVE-2012-1139, CVE-2012-1140, CVE-2012-1141,
    CVE-2012-1142, CVE-2012-1143, CVE-2012-1144
  * The `ENCODING -1 <n>' format of BDF fonts is now supported.
  * For BDF fonts,  support for the whole Unicode encoding range has
    been added.
  * Better TTF support for x_ppem != y_ppem.
  * `FT_Get_Advances' sometimes returned bogus values.

Tue Feb 14 11:17:33 UTC 2012 - cfarrell@suse.com

- license update: SUSE-Freetype or GPL-2.0+
  Use SUSE- proprietary prefix until upstream spdx.org accepts Freetype as
  official license

Tue Feb 14 09:21:58 UTC 2012 - saschpe@suse.de

- Ran spec-cleaner
- Add devel-static provides to devel package (shared library policy)

Thu Dec 22 12:39:23 CET 2011 - tiwai@suse.de

- provide libfreetype.la for older distros; otherwise it breaks
  too many package builds in M17N repo
- fix build on FACTORY by owning aclocal dir

Tue Nov 15 08:24:00 UTC 2011 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.8
  * Some vulnerabilities in handling CID-keyed PostScript fonts have
    been fixed; see CVE-2011-3439
  * Chris Liddell contributed a new API, `FT_Get_PS_Font_Value',  to
    retrieve most of the dictionary keys in Type 1 fonts.

Tue Oct 18 12:11:46 UTC 2011 - idonmez@suse.com

- Update to version 2.4.7
  * Some  vulnerabilities in handling Type 1 fonts  have been fixed;
    see CVE-2011-3256.
  * FreeType  now properly  handles ZapfDingbats  glyph names  while
    constructing a Unicode character map (for fonts which don't have

Fri Jul 29 07:41:28 UTC 2011 - idonmez@novell.com

- Update to version 2.4.6
  * For TrueType based fonts, the ascender and descender values were
    incorrect sometimes  (off by a pixel if the ppem value was not a
    multiple of 5).   Depending on the use you might now  experience
    a different  layout; the  change should  result in  better, more
    consistent line spacing.
  * Fix CVE-2011-0226  which causes a  vulnerability while  handling
    Type 1 fonts.
  * BDF fonts  containing  glyphs with negative values  for ENCODING
    were  incorrectly  rejected.  This  bug has  been introduced  in
    FreeType version 2.2.0.
  * The behaviour of FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_BEVEL has been corrected.
  * A new  line join style,  FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_FIXED,  has
    been introduced to support PostScript and PDF miter joins.
  * FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER_VARIABLE  has been introduced  as an
  * Various stroking glitches has been fixed
  * SFNT bitmap fonts which contain an outline glyph for `.notdef'
    only no longer set the FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE flag.
- Drop bnc704612_othersubr.diff, applied upstream

Fri Jul 22 13:41:02 CEST 2011 - ke@suse.de

- added bnc704612_othersubr.diff, CVE-2011-0226, bnc#704612.

Thu Jul  7 13:16:05 UTC 2011 - idonmez@novell.com

- Clean spec file
- Disable static libraries
- Drop unneeded use_unix.diff
- Disable newly introduced bzip2 support, it seems to create
  problems with subpixel rendering

Sat Jun 25 08:37:55 UTC 2011 - idonmez@novell.com

- Update to version 2.4.5
    * A rendering regression  for second-order Bézier curves  has been
      fixed, introduced in 2.4.3.
    * If autohinting  is not  explicitly disabled,  FreeType now  uses
      the autohinter if  a TrueType based font doesn't  contain native
    * The load flag FT_LOAD_IGNORE_GLOBAL_ADVANCE_WIDTH  has been made
      redundant and  is simply ignored;  this means that FreeType  now
      ignores the global advance width value in TrueType fonts.
    * `FT_Sfnt_Table_Info' can now return the number of SFNT tables of
       a font.
    * Support for PCF files compressed with bzip2 has been contributed
      by Joel  Klinghed.  To  make this  work, the  OS must  provide a
      bzip2 library.
    * Again some fixes to better handle broken fonts.
    * Some improvements to the B/W rasterizer.
    * Fixes to the cache module to improve robustness.
    * Just  Fill Bugs contributed (experimental) code to compute  blue
      zones for CJK Ideographs, improving the alignment of  horizontal
      stems at the top or bottom edges.
- Dropped the following patches:
    * bnc628213_1797.diff (fixed upstream)
    * bnc641580_CVE-2010-3311.diff (fixed upstream)
    * ft2-stream-compat.diff (only needed for SLE8->SLE9 update)
- Add libbz2-devel to BuildRequires to enable bzip2 support

Mon Feb 28 16:36:35 UTC 2011 - jw@novell.com

- bnc#647375: CVE-2010-3855.diff already fixed upstream.
- bnc#647375: CVE-2010-3814.diff already fixed upstream.

Tue Dec  7 17:53:52 UTC 2010 - jw@novell.com

- several old patches got lost, reapplying:
  * added bnc641580_CVE-2010-3311.diff for bnc#641580
  * bnc633943_CVE-2010-3054 nothing to do.
  * bnc633938_CVE-2010-3053 nothing to do.

Mon Dec  6 01:34:41 UTC 2010 - cristian.rodriguez@opensuse.org

- exclude *.a *.la files from -devel package

Sat Dec  4 20:27:14 UTC 2010 - pascal.bleser@opensuse.org

- Updated to version 2.4.4:
  * [truetype] better multi-threading support
  * [truetype] identify the tricky fonts by cvt/fpgm/prep checksums; some Latin TrueType fonts are still expected to be unhinted
  * [type1] fix matrix normalization
  * [type1] improve guard against malformed data
  * [ftsmooth] improve rendering
  * [ftraster] fix rendering

Fri Oct 29 16:19:41 UTC 2010 - fisiu@opensuse.org

- Updated to version 2.4.3:
  + Fix rendering of certain cubic, S-shaped arcs. This regression
    has been introduced in version 2.4.0.
  + Handling of broken fonts has been further improved.

Thu Aug 12 09:43:18 UTC 2010 - jw@novell.com

- bnc#628213: added bnc628213_1797.diff
- bnc#629447: CVE-2010-2805..8 are already fixed in upstream 2.4.2
- bnc#619562: CVE-2010-2497,2498,2499,2500,2519,2520 dito.

Mon Aug  9 12:48:18 CEST 2010 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 2.4.2:
  Another serious bug in the CFF font module has been found,
  together with more exploitable vulnerabilities in the T42 font

Tue Jul 20 17:50:44 CEST 2010 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 2.4.1:
  * major version up
  * bytecode interpreter is enabled as default in the upstream
  * doc-reference is redundant, removed

Fri Jun  4 11:09:21 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com

- reenable bitmap foundaries (bnc#596559)

Sat Apr 24 09:20:43 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com

- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides

Tue Apr  6 20:12:54 UTC 2010 - aj@suse.de

- Adjust baselibs.conf for changes

Tue Apr  6 05:23:04 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com

- fix obsoletes/provides

Mon Apr  5 18:52:29 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com

- leave freetype2 behind and only go with shared library package

Sun Apr  4 08:14:19 UTC 2010 - aj@suse.de

- Fix baselibs.conf for renamed libs

Wed Mar 31 14:45:27 UTC 2010 - coolo@novell.com

- update to version 2.3.12:
  brings considerable improvements for b/w rasterizing of hinted
  TrueType fonts at small sizes, see NEWS for more details
- fixed build without sysvinit in the build system
- disable no longer compiling patch that should be upstream or dead
- split out shared library policy package
- remove old patches

Mon Dec 14 20:12:43 CET 2009 - jengelh@medozas.de

- add baselibs.conf as a source

Fri Nov  6 11:26:27 CET 2009 - tiwai@suse.de

- make -std=gnu99 cfalgs to be ARM-specific

Tue Nov  3 19:13:01 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com

- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0

Sun Aug  2 20:06:24 UTC 2009 - jansimon.moeller@opensuse.org

- ARM build needs -std=gnu99 in CFLAGS

Mon Jul 27 15:01:04 CEST 2009 - tiwai@suse.de

- updated to version 2.3.8:
  * see URLs below
- updated to version 2.3.9:
  * see URLs below
- fix builds with older distros

Tue Jul  7 10:28:53 CEST 2009 - meissner@novell.com

- require zlib-devel-<targettype> from freetype2-devel-<targettype>

Thu Apr 16 18:08:31 CEST 2009 - nadvornik@suse.cz

- fixed integer overflows [bnc#485889] CVE-2009-0946

Mon Mar  9 16:48:46 CET 2009 - crrodriguez@suse.de

- freetype2 has subpixel rendering enabled [bnc#478407]

Wed Dec 10 12:34:56 CET 2008 - olh@suse.de

- use Obsoletes: -XXbit only for ppc64 to help solver during distupgrade

Wed Nov 05 16:58:22 CET 2008 - mfabian@suse.de

- bnc#441638: use fix from upstream CVS to fix the return value
  of FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Type (and make it work as documented).
  Thanks to Werner Lemberg for fixing and Krzysztof Kotlenga for
  reporting the issue.

Thu Oct 30 12:34:56 CET 2008 - olh@suse.de

- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293)

Mon Aug 18 16:38:09 CEST 2008 - mfabian@suse.de

- fix uninitialized pointer "FT_STREAM stream" in function
  FT_Open_Face() which made fontforge crash while trying to apply
  a workaround to the sazanami-fonts because fontforge called
  FT_Open_Face() with 0 for the FT_Library argument and
  then freetype crashed in FT_Stream_Free().

Wed Jul 23 12:20:30 CEST 2008 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.3.7. Extract from the docs/CHANGES file:
  • If the library was compiled on an i386 platform using gcc, and
    compiler option -O3 was given, `FT_MulFix' sometimes returned
    incorrect results which could have caused problems with
    `FT_Request_Metrics' and `FT_Select_Metrics', returning an
    incorrect descender size.
  • Pure CFFs without subfonts were scaled incorrectly if the font
    matrix was non-standard.  This bug has been introduced in
    version 2.3.6.
  • The `style_name' field in the `FT_FaceRec' structure often
    contained a wrong value for Type 1 fonts.  This misbehaviour
    has been introduced in version 2.3.6 while trying to fix
    another problem.  [Note, however, that this value is
    informative only since the used algorithm to extract it is
    very simplistic.]
  • Two new macros, FT_OUTLINE_SMART_DROPOUTS and
    FT_OUTLINE_EXCLUDE_STUBS, have been introduced.  Together with
    FT_OUTLINE_IGNORE_DROPOUTS (which was ignored previously) it is
    now possible to control the dropout mode of the `raster' module
    (for B&W rasterization), using the `flags' field in the
    `FT_Outline' structure.
  • The TrueType bytecode interpreter now passes the dropout mode to
    the B&W rasterizer.  This greatly increases the output for small
    ppem values of many fonts like `pala.ttf'.
  • A bunch of potential security problems have been found.  All
    users should update.
  • Microsoft Unicode cmaps in TrueType fonts are now always
    preferred over Apple cmaps.  This is not a bug per se, but there
    exist some buggy fonts created for MS which have broken Apple
    cmaps.  This affects only the automatic selection of FreeType;
    it's always possible to manually select an Apple Unicode cmap if
  • Many bug fixes to the TrueType bytecode interpreter.
  • Improved Mac support.
  • Subsetted CID-keyed CFFs are now supported correctly.
  • CID-keyed CFFs with subfonts which are scaled in a non-standard
    way are now handled correctly.
  • A call to FT_Open_Face with `face_index' < 0 crashed FreeType if
    the font was a Windows (bitmap) FNT/FON.
  • The new function `FT_Get_CID_Registry_Ordering_Supplement' gives
    access to those fields in a CID-keyed font.  The code has been
    contributed by Derek Clegg.
  • George Williams contributed code to validate the new `MATH'
    OpenType table (within the `otvalid' module).  The `ftvalid'
    demo program has been extended accordingly.
  • An API for cmap 14 support (for Unicode Variant Selectors, UVS)
    has been contributed by George Williams.
  • A new face flag FT_FACE_FLAG_CID_KEYED has been added, together
    with a macro FT_IS_CID_KEYED which evaluates to 1 if the font is
  • Build support for symbian has been contributed.
  • Better WGL4 glyph name support, contributed by Sergey Tolstov.
  • Debugging output of the various FT_TRACEX macros is now sent to
  • The `ftview' demo program now provides artificial slanting too.
  • The `ftvalid' demo program has a new option `-f' to select the
    font index.
- remove patch for bnc#399169 (came from upstream).

Fri Jun 13 11:50:06 CEST 2008 - mfabian@suse.de

- bnc#399169: fix multiple vulnerabilities.

Mon Apr 14 18:34:54 CEST 2008 - schwab@suse.de

- Make sure config.guess and config.sub exist.

Thu Apr 10 12:54:45 CEST 2008 - ro@suse.de

- added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages
  for multilib support

Thu Oct 18 15:45:04 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #334565: avoid crash in xpdf caused by a bug in the
  workaround patch for bug #308961
  (fixed by Peng Wu <pwu@novell.com>).

Mon Oct 08 11:43:58 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #308961: improve workaround patch for the broken
  underlining in the CMEX fonts
  (again by Peng Wu <pwu@novell.com>).

Tue Oct 02 16:38:08 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #308961: add workaround for broken underlining
  when using the CMEX fonts (by Peng Wu <pwu@novell.com>).

Tue Jul 03 16:19:11 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.3.5. Extract from the doc/CHANGES file:
  • Some subglyphs in TrueType fonts were handled incorrectly due
   to a missing graphics state reinitialization.
  • Large .Z files  (as distributed with some X11  packages)
    weren't handled correctly, making FreeType increase the heap
    stack in an endless loop.
  • A large number of bugs have been fixed to avoid crashes and
    endless loops with invalid fonts.
  • The two new cache functions  `FTC_ImageCache_LookupScaler' and
    `FTC_SBit_Cache_LookupScaler' have been added to allow lookup of
    glyphs using an  `FTC_Scaler' object;  this makes it possible to
    use fractional pixel sizes in the cache.  The demo programs have
    been updated accordingly to use this feature.
  • A new API  `FT_Get_CMap_Format' has been added to  get the
    cmap format  of a  TrueType font.   This  is useful  in handling
    PDF files. The code has been contributed by Derek Clegg.
  • The  auto-hinter now  produces better output by default for
    non-Latin scripts like Indic.  This was done by using the CJK
    hinting module as the default instead of the Latin one. Thanks
    to Rahul Bhalerao for this suggestion.
  • A new API `FT_Face_CheckTrueTypePatents' has been added to find
    out whether a given TrueType font uses patented bytecode
    instructions.  The `ft2demos' bundle contains a new program
    called `ftpatchk' which demonstrates its usage.
  • A new API `FT_Face_SetUnpatentedHinting' has been added to
    enable or disable the unpatented hinter.
  • Support for Windows FON files in PE format has been contributed
    by Dmitry Timoshkov.

Mon Jun 04 14:58:01 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

-  Bugzilla #275072: (from upstream CVS):
   Check for negative number of points in contours. Problem
   reported by Victor Stinner <victor.stinner@haypocalc.com>.

Tue May 22 16:47:15 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- fix last patch to avoid crashes when loader->exec == NULL.
  (caused crashes in xpdf, kpdf, acroread for me for many
  .pdf files).

Mon May 21 17:16:35 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #273714: ('¼', '½', and  '¾' in "Albany AMT" are
  rendered very badly): apply fix from upstream CVS, thanks
  to Werner LEMBERG.

Tue Apr 10 16:42:14 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.3.4. Extract from the doc/CHANGES file:
  • A serious bug in the handling of bitmap fonts (and bitmap
    strikes of outline fonts) has been introduced in 2.3.3.
  • Remove a serious regression in the TrueType bytecode
    interpreter that was introduced in version 2.3.2.  Note that
    this does not disable the improvements introduced to the
    interpreter in version 2.3.2, only some ill cases that occurred
    with certain fonts (though a few popular ones).
  • The auto-hinter now ignores single-point contours for
    computing blue zones.  This bug created `wavy' baselines when
    rendering text with various fonts that use these contours to
    model mark-attach points (these are points that are never
    rasterized and are placed outside of the glyph's real
  • The `rsb_delta' and `lsb_delta' glyph slot fields are now set
    to 0 for mono-spaced fonts.  Otherwise code that uses them
    would essentially ruin the fixed-advance property.
  • Fix CVE-2007-1351 which can cause an integer overflow while
    parsing BDF fonts, leading to a potentially exploitable heap
    overflow condition.
  • FreeType returned incorrect kerning information from TrueType
    fonts when the bytecode interpreter was enabled.  This
    happened due to a typo introduced in version 2.3.0.
  • Negative kerning values from PFM files are now reported
    correctly (they were read as 16-bit unsigned values from the
  • Fixed a small memory leak when `FT_Init_FreeType' failed for
    some reason.
  • The Postscript hinter placed and sized very thin and ghost
    stems incorrectly.
  • The TrueType bytecode interpreter has been fixed to get rid
    of most of the rare differences seen in comparison to the
    Windows font loader.
  • A new demo program `ftdiff' has been added to compare
    TrueType hinting, FreeType's auto hinting, and rendering
    without hinting in three columns.
  • The auto-hinter now better deals with serifs and corner cases
    (e.g., glyph '9' in Arial at 9pt, 96dpi).  It also improves
    spacing adjustments and doesn't change widths for non-spacing

Mon Apr  2 17:05:58 CEST 2007 - rguenther@suse.de

- add zlib-devel BuildRequires

Wed Mar 28 19:36:32 CEST 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #258335: fix buffer overflow in handling of bdf fonts.

Mon Feb 05 16:03:56 CET 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.3.1.
  • The TrueType interpreter sometimes returned incorrect
    horizontal metrics due to a bug in the handling of the SHZ
  • A typo  in  a  security  check  introduced  after
    version 2.2.1 prevented FreeType to render some glyphs in CFF

Sun Jan 21 14:25:09 CET 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.3.0 (from rc1 to final release)

Fri Jan 12 20:54:24 CET 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to (= 2.3.0rc1).
  • bugzilla #231417 fixed, see ChangeLog:
     2007-01-10  David Turner  <david at freetype.org>
     * src/pshinter/pshalgo.c (psh_glyph_compute_inflections):
     fixed a typo which created an endless loop with some malformed
     font files

Wed Jan 10 12:00:19 CET 2007 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to
- remove bugzilla-216793-local-variable-used-before-set.patch,
  (included upstream).

Wed Nov 22 19:03:37 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #222693: disable bugzilla-159166-reduce-embolden-distance.patch

Thu Nov 09 16:02:31 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #216793: "local variable used before set"

Tue Nov 07 13:30:08 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #217388: fix advance handling in FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden()

Fri Oct 27 17:25:35 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #158573: update to

Fri Oct 20 12:31:40 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- disable the recent fixes of the byte code interpreter because
  if breaks the rendering of "Luxi Mono"
  (/usr/share/fonts/truetype/luximr.ttf) See also:

Fri Oct 13 12:12:42 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to
  • fixes bugzilla #207959.
  • autohinter improved

Fri Aug 04 10:27:18 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #196931: add zlib-devel to Requires of freetype2-devel.

Mon Jul 10 10:41:02 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #190902: add patch from upstream CVS to handle
  bad PCF files.

Mon Jun 26 19:10:38 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #188210: move development documents of into -devel

Tue Jun 20 18:04:29 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.2.1:
  + remove bugzilla-97202-fix-x-crash.patch
  + remove bugzilla-157441-autofit-cjk-cvs.patch
    (was from upstream CVS).
  + remove bugzilla-158156-memory-leak.patch
    (was from upstream CVS).
  + remove bugzilla-158573-fix-orientation-detection.patch
    (included upstream).
  + remove bugzilla-133086-enable-kerning.patch
    (was from upstream).
  + remove bugzilla-154928-integer-overflows.patch
    (was from upstream).
  + remove bugzilla-159304-fix-ftview-glyph-index.patch
    (fixed upstream).
  + remove enable_ft_optimize_memory.patch (is already enabled by
    default now).
  + adapt bugzilla-159166-reduce-embolden-distance.patch a little
    bit to achieve the same boldness effect as with the last

Thu Jun 01 13:02:51 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #154928: fix several integer overflows.

Mon Apr 24 17:27:36 CEST 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #133086: enable kerning, see

Tue Mar 21 14:04:18 CET 2006 - dmueller@suse.de

- build parallel

Mon Mar 20 04:39:02 CET 2006 - zsu@suse.de

- Bugzilla #158573: fix corrupt embolden glyphs issue for CJK fonts.
- Bugzilla #159166: reduce embolden strength to get better rendering

Wed Mar 15 16:02:12 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #157441:  remove 0x0100-0xFFFF from CJK Unicode range,
  as it might cause side effects for non-CJK scripts.

Wed Mar 15 13:12:47 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #158156: fix a memory leak (by Zhe Su <zsu@novell.com>).

Tue Mar 14 18:16:30 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #157441: instead of Takashi's patches, use a patch
  from upstream CVS which renders slightly better.

Tue Mar 14 14:38:57 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #157441: FZSongTi.ttf contains a lot more (CJK)-glyphs
  than most other fonts, therefore we have to expand the cjk range
  in Takashi Iwai's "ft2-autofit-02-cjk.diff" to render these
  glyphs correctly as well.
- Bugzilla #157441: don't apply ft2-autofit-03-latin-baseline.diff
  as it has some side effects.

Wed Jan 25 21:30:13 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de

- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Mon Jan 09 16:11:04 CET 2006 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #105626: add patches by Takashi IWAI <tiwai@suse.de>
  to improve the autohinting (mainly for CJK fonts).

Wed Jul 20 10:45:55 CEST 2005 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #97202: apply workaround to avoid crashing the Xserver.
  I need to disable FT_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY again to apply that

Tue Jul 19 16:05:32 CEST 2005 - mfabian@suse.de

- enable the byte code interpreter again.

Tue Jul 12 14:13:56 CEST 2005 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.10.
  + fixes serious bug introduced in 2.1.8 which caused many
    distortions for TrueType fonts
  + amount of heap memory used is drastically reduced
  For more details see /usr/share/doc/packages/freetype2/CHANGES.
- disable freetype-autohint-cjkfonts.patch for the moment, the
  auto-hinter has been replaced with a new module called the
  'auto-fitter' which is "prepared better to support non-latin1
  scripts in next releases". Currently the rendering quality of
  CJK fonts seems to have suffered though compared to 2.1.9
  with the freetype-autohint-cjkfonts.patch.

Mon Jul  4 16:45:33 CEST 2005 - meissner@suse.de

- Use system zlib.

Wed Aug 25 12:00:10 CEST 2004 - kukuk@suse.de

- Avoid /bin/sh as PreRequires

Tue Jul  6 18:31:00 CEST 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.9.

Mon May 10 15:45:26 CEST 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.8.
  remove the bdf-pcf fixes for bitmap font metric issues which
  were backported from CVS, they are included in this release

Fri Apr 16 11:14:05 CEST 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bugzilla #38205:
  add patch from http://www.kde.gr.jp/~akito/patch/freetype2/2.1.7
  to improve the hinting results (mainly for CJK fonts).

Wed Mar 24 01:14:22 CET 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- Add ft2-stream-compat.diff for binary compatibility when
  upgrading from SLES8 to SLES9.
  The FT_Stream functions have been renamed and although these
  functions were declared for internal use only by the freetype
  developers, they have been used in Qt (and possibly elsewhere).
  Therefore, 3rd party which linked statically against Qt might
  not work after upgrading from SLES8 to SLES9.
  Fix this problem with a patch by Kurt Garloff <garloff@suse.de>
  which defines appropriate weak symbols.

Tue Mar 16 11:32:40 CET 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- fix Bugzilla# 36143: backport fixes for bitmap font metric issues
  from CVS to fix  crashes when using bitmap fonts caused by the
  new libXft-2.1.5 from the X.org tree.

Mon Jan 12 09:45:24 CET 2004 - adrian@suse.de

- add %defattr and %run_ldconfig

Fri Jan  9 14:57:15 CET 2004 - mfabian@suse.de

- add "-fno-strict-aliasing" compile option to prevent crashes
  for example in ftdump and mkfontscale.

Tue Dec 16 15:17:28 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.7.
- remove freetype2-type1.patch (included upstream)
- add documentation.

Thu Oct  9 00:26:48 CEST 2003 - schwab@suse.de

- Fix invalid free.

Fri Sep 26 15:41:21 CEST 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.5.
- remove freetype-bdf-pcf-drivr.patch, freetype2-bitmap-style.patch
  (included upstream).
- remove gzip-eof.patch.

Mon Sep  1 12:05:01 CEST 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- add gzip-eof.patch to fix the problem that some gzipped bitmap
  fonts could not be opened by freetype2.
  See also:
  and followups.

Tue Aug 26 23:29:14 CEST 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- add freetype2-bitmap-style.patch: check the bdf properties
  WEIGHT_NAME and SLANT case insensitively. Without that,
  these properties are not correctly recognized when the fonts
  specify them in lower case.

Tue Apr  8 16:12:08 CEST 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.4

Fri Apr  4 12:04:35 CEST 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.4rc2
- freetype2-gzip-header.patch is obsolete -> removed

Fri Mar  7 21:58:14 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bug #24755: further improvement: add " Wide" to the family name
  for fonts which have an average width >= point size, i.e. fonts
  which have glyphs which are at least square (or maybe even
  wider). This makes fonts which contain only double width
  characters (for example the "misc-fixed" 18x18ja.bdf) clearly
  distinct from single width fonts of the same family and
  avoids that they get accidentally selected via freetype2/Xft2.

Fri Mar  7 16:06:11 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- Bug #24775: partly fixed by a patch to freetype which returns
  "FOUNDRY FAMILY_NAME" as the family_name for bitmap fonts.
  Without that change, all bitmap fonts which have "Fixed"
  in FAMILY_NAME also had the same family_name "Fixed" via
  freetype/Xft2 and it was not possible to distinguish between
  them, therefore the selection of "Fixed" bitmap fonts produced
  quite surprising results. After this change, the fonts show
  up for example as "Misc Fixed", "Etl Fixed", etc. via
  freetype2/Xft2, which makes it easy to select the right one.

Mon Mar  3 12:52:02 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- fix for the bug that caused FreeType to loop endlessly when
  trying to read certain compressed gzip files. The following test
  could be used to reveal the bug:
  touch 0123456789 ; gzip 0123456789 ; ftdump 0123456789.gz
  (from upstream CVS)

Fri Feb 14 16:07:55 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- freetype-bdf-pcf-drivr.patch: use FT_UShort instead of FT_Short
  for the glyph number of bitmap fonts. The GNU Unicode font
  has 34725 glyphs and because of the usage of signed short
  all glyphs with an index above 2^15 couldn't be displayed.
  Thanks to Gerd Knorr <kraxel@suse.de>.

Thu Jan 30 15:52:36 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- disable freetype2-bc.patch, see

Wed Jan 29 16:29:08 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- add freetype2-bc.patch

Mon Jan 13 18:26:39 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- split out ft2demos into extra package to avoid adding
  x-devel-packages to '# neededforbuild' (XFree86 needs freetype2,
  this would be a loop in the requirements)
- add doc files and license texts.

Fri Jan 10 18:34:13 CET 2003 - mfabian@suse.de

- fix checking of .gz header (fixes Bug #22712, i.e. fixes
  the problem that freetype2 couldn't open .pcf.gz files which
  contain the original file name or extra fields)
- add programs from ft2demos-2.1.3.

Thu Nov 21 11:53:13 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.3.

Tue Nov  5 16:42:42 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- add /usr/share/aclocal/* to filelist
  (thanks to <adrian@suse.de> for noticing the omission)

Thu Oct 24 15:37:31 CEST 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.1.2. From the release notes:
  That's probably the first release of FreeType in the 2.1.x
  development branch that can safely replace 2.0.9 on any

Sat Aug 10 01:16:09 CEST 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- freetype2-devel package should require freetype2 package

Tue Apr  2 14:40:33 CEST 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- upgrade to 2.0.9 (considerably improved rendering of Type1 fonts)

Wed Mar  6 21:14:00 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- use the byte code interpreter

Mon Feb 11 15:12:44 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- upgrade to 2.0.8
- remove freetype-config.patch (included upstream)

Tue Feb  5 18:27:36 CET 2002 - adrian@suse.de

- enable debug informations to debug a sig11 in inst-sys

Tue Feb  5 11:14:03 CET 2002 - pmladek@suse.cz

- fixed missing 'fi' in freetype-config

Mon Feb  4 14:45:54 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- update to 2.0.7
- remove freetype-2.0.6-gsf-segv.patch (included in 2.0.7 already)

Tue Jan 29 11:06:30 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- add freetype-2.0.6-gsf-segv.patch from upstream CVS to prevent
  SEGV caused by gsf files.

Tue Jan 22 21:32:16 CET 2002 - mfabian@suse.de

- use %{_libdir} instead of /usr/lib

Wed Jan 16 16:28:04 CET 2002 - adrian@suse.de

- updated to 2.0.6
  * important fixes which causes crashes with pfb fonts
  * improved rendering

Fri Nov  9 07:15:45 CET 2001 - mfabian@suse.de

- updated to 2.0.5

Sat Jul 21 20:10:44 MEST 2001 - egger@suse.de

- Updated to version 2.0.4.

Wed Jun  6 21:13:15 MEST 2001 - egger@suse.de

- Fix filelist.

Mon Jun  4 16:00:04 MEST 2001 - egger@suse.de

- Updated to version 2.0.3.

Mon Mar 26 15:50:03 CEST 2001 - ro@suse.de

- fix build-rooting

Thu Dec 14 15:59:32 CET 2000 - kukuk@suse.de

- split devel package

Mon Dec 11 23:48:52 MET 2000 - egger@suse.de

- Updated to version 2.0.1.

Fri Nov 10 21:40:54 MET 2000 - egger@suse.de

- Initial SuSE package.