# # spec file for package frink (Version 2.2.2) # # Copyright (c) 2005 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine # package are under the same license as the package itself. # # Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://www.suse.de/feedback/ # # norootforbuild Name: frink URL: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Programs/Frink Version: 2.2.2 Release: 55 Summary: Static Testing and Formatting for Tcl Programs Group: Development/Languages/Tcl License: BSD Source0: %name-%{version}p4.tar.bz2 Patch0: %name.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build %description Frink is a Tcl formatting and static check program. It can prettify your program, and minimize, obfuscate, or sanity check it. It can also do some rewriting. See /usr/share/doc/packages/frink/README and the output of "frink -h" for details. Authors: -------- Lindsay Marshall %prep %setup -q %patch0 %build autoreconf -i --force %configure make %install rm -rf %buildroot make DESTDIR="%buildroot" install %clean rm -rf %buildroot %files %defattr(-,root,root) %_prefix/bin/frink %doc AUTHORS README COPYRIGHT %changelog -n frink * Wed Jan 25 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires * Fri Apr 22 2005 - max@suse.de - Fixed compilation with gcc4. * Mon Jul 05 2004 - max@suse.de - New version: 2.2.2p4 * Fri Feb 06 2004 - max@suse.de - Added -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS. * Wed Nov 26 2003 - max@suse.de - New version: 2.2.2p3 * Fri Jun 07 2002 - max@suse.de - New package: frink-2.1.5 - A tool for static testing and formatting of Tcl programs.