forked from pool/fzf
Commit Graph

47 Commits

Author SHA256 Message Date
OBS User smolsheep
faf232500a Accepting request 1125247 from home:uncomfyhalomacro
- Update to version 0.44.0:
  * experimental sixel support added in script
  * HTTP server can be configured to accept remote connections
  * Bug fixes

2023-11-12 14:35:38 +00:00
e1a6e2144d - Update to version 0.43.0 (examples are in full release notes on
  - (Experimental) Added support for Kitty image protocol in the
    preview window
  - (Experimental) --listen server can report program state in
    JSON format (GET /)
  - --listen server can be secured by setting $FZF_API_KEY
varienvironment able.
  - Added toggle-header action
  - Added mouse events for --bind
  - Added offset-up and offset-down actions
  - Shell extensions

2023-10-15 17:53:00 +00:00
OBS User smolsheep
2321cb9463 Accepting request 1093150 from home:smolsheep:upgrades
- Update to version 0.42.0:
  * Added new info style: --info=right
  * Added new info style: --info=inline-right
  * Added new border style thinblock which uses Symbols for Legacy
    Computing one eighth block elements
  * Removed fix-go-test.patch that is no longer needed.

2023-06-14 16:35:16 +00:00
OBS User smolsheep
2f650a482f Accepting request 1091831 from home:smolsheep:upgrades
- Update to version 0.41.1:
  * Fixed a bug where preview window is not updated when
    --disabled is set and a reload is triggered by change:reload
  * Added fix-go-test.patch to make test cases work on 0.41.1
- Update to version 0.41.0:
  * Added color name preview-border and preview-scrollbar
  * Added new border style block which uses block elements
  * --scrollbar can take two characters, one for the main window,
   the other for the preview window
  * Bug fixes and improvements
- require golang >= 1.19 instead of "="
- Update to version 0.40.0:
  - Added `zero` event that is triggered when there's no match
    # Reload the candidate list when there's no match
    echo $RANDOM | fzf --bind 'zero:reload(echo $RANDOM)+clear-query' --height 3
  - New actions
      - Added `track` action which makes fzf track the current item when the
        search result is updated. If the user manually moves the cursor, or the
        item is not in the updated search result, tracking is automatically
        disabled. Tracking is useful when you want to see the surrounding items
        by deleting the query string.
        # Narrow down the list with a query, point to a command,
        # and hit CTRL-T to see its surrounding commands.
        export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="
          --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window up:3:hidden:wrap
          --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-preview'
          --bind 'ctrl-t:track+clear-query'
          --bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo -n {2..} | pbcopy)+abort'
          --color header:italic
          --header 'Press CTRL-Y to copy command into clipboard'"
      - Added `change-header(...)`
      - Added `transform-header(...)`
      - Added `toggle-track` action
  - Fixed `--track` behavior when used with `--tac`
      - However, using `--track` with `--tac` is not recommended. The resulting
        behavior can be very confusing.
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to version 0.39.0:
  * Added 'one' event that is triggered when there's only one
  * Added --track option that makes fzf track the current selection
    when the result list is updated. This can be useful when
    browsing logs using fzf with sorting disabled.
  * If you use --listen option without a port number fzf will
    automatically allocate an available port and export it as
    $FZF_PORT environment variable.
  * A carriage return and a line feed character will be rendered as
    dim ␍ and ␊ respectively.
  * fzf will stop rendering a non-displayable characters as a
    space. This will likely cause less glitches in the preview
  * Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Update vendor tarball.
- All those completion scripts not requiring their respective
  shells is a bit ridiculous.
- Disable LTO
- Replace unused RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- Update to version 0.38.0:
  * New actions
    - become(...) - Replace the current fzf process with the specified command using execve(2) system call.
      See for more information.
        # Open selected files in Vim
        fzf --multi --bind 'enter:become(vim {+})'
        # Open the file in Vim and go to the line
        git grep --line-number . |
        fzf --delimiter : --nth 3.. --bind 'enter:become(vim {1} +{2})'
      >> this action is not supported on Windows
    - show-preview
    - hide-preview
  * Bug fixes
    - --preview-window 0,hidden should not execute the preview command until toggle-preview action is triggered
- Update to 0.37.0:
  - Added a way to customize the separator of inline info
    fzf --info 'inline: ╱ ' --prompt '╱ ' --color prompt:bright-yellow
  - New event
        focus - Triggered when the focus changes due to a vertical cursor
        movement or a search result update
        fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ]' --preview 'cat {}'
        # Any action bound to the event runs synchronously and thus can make the interface sluggish
        # e.g. lolcat isn't one of the fastest programs, and every cursor movement in
        #      fzf will be noticeably affected by its execution time
        fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ] | lolcat -f' --preview 'cat {}'
        # Beware not to introduce an infinite loop
        seq 10 | fzf --bind 'focus:up' --cycle
    - New actions
    - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.36.0:
  - Added --listen=HTTP_PORT option to start HTTP server. It allows external
    processes to send actions to perform via POST method.
    # Start HTTP server on port 6266
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Send actions to the server
    curl localhost:6266 -d 'reload(seq 100)+change-prompt(hundred> )'
  - Added draggable scrollbar to the main search window and the preview window
    # Hide scrollbar
    fzf --no-scrollbar
    # Customize scrollbar
    fzf --scrollbar ┆ --color scrollbar:blue
  - New event
        Added load event that is triggered when the input stream is complete
        and the initial processing of the list is complete.
        # Change the prompt to "loaded" when the input stream is complete
        (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --prompt 'Loading> ' --bind 'load:change-prompt:Loaded> '
        # You can use it instead of 'start' event without `--sync` if asynchronous
        # trigger is not an issue.
        (seq 10; sleep 1; seq 11 20) | fzf --bind 'load:last'
  - New actions
        Added pos(...) action to move the cursor to the numeric position
            first and last are equivalent to pos(1) and pos(-1) respectively
        # Put the cursor on the 10th item
        seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(10)'
        # Put the cursor on the 10th to last item
        seq 100 | fzf --sync --bind 'start:pos(-10)'
        Added reload-sync(...) action which replaces the current list only after
        the reload process is complete. This is useful when the command takes
        a while to produce the initial output and you don't want fzf to run against
        an empty list while the command is running.
        # You can still filter and select entries from the initial list for 3 seconds
        seq 100 | fzf --bind 'load:reload-sync(sleep 3; seq 1000)+unbind(load)'
        Added next-selected and prev-selected actions to move between selected
        # `next-selected` will move the pointer to the next selected item below the current line
        # `prev-selected` will move the pointer to the previous selected item above the current line
        seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected
        # Both actions respect --layout option
        seq 10 | fzf --multi --bind ctrl-n:next-selected,ctrl-p:prev-selected --layout reverse
        Added change-query(...) action that simply changes the query string to the
        given static string. This can be useful when used with --listen.
        curl localhost:6266 -d "change-query:$(date)"
        Added transform-prompt(...) action for transforming the prompt string
        using an external command
        # Press space to change the prompt string using an external command
        # (only the first line of the output is taken)
        fzf --bind 'space:reload(ls),load:transform-prompt(printf "%s> " "$(date)")'
        Added transform-query(...) action for transforming the query string using
        an external command
        # Press space to convert the query to uppercase letters
        fzf --bind 'space:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
        # Bind it to 'change' event for automatic conversion
        fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]" <<< {q})'
        # Can only type numbers
        fzf --bind 'change:transform-query(sed "s/[^0-9]//g" <<< {q})'
        put action can optionally take an argument string
        # a will put 'alpha' on the prompt, ctrl-b will put 'bravo'
        fzf --bind 'a:put+put(lpha),ctrl-b:put(bravo)'
    - Added color name preview-label for --preview-label
      (defaults to label for --border-label)
    - Better support for (Windows) terminals where
      each box-drawing character takes 2 columns. Set
      RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN environment variable to 1.
        On Vim, the variable will be automatically set if &ambiwidth is double
    - Behavior changes
        fzf will always execute the preview command if the command template
        contains {q} even when it's empty. If you prefer the old behavior,
        you'll have to check if {q} is empty in your command.
        # This will show // even when the query is empty
        : | fzf --preview 'echo /{q}/'
        # But if you don't want it,
        : | fzf --preview '[ -n {q} ] || exit; echo /{q}/'
        double-click will behave the same as enter unless otherwise specified,
        so you don't have to repeat the same action twice in --bind in most cases.
        # No need to bind 'double-click' to the same action
        fzf --bind 'enter:execute:less {}' # --bind 'double-click:execute:less {}'
        If the color for separator is not specified, it will default to the
        color for border. Same holds true for scrollbar. This is to reduce
        the number of configuration items required to achieve a consistent color
        If follow flag is specified in --preview-window option, fzf will
        automatically scroll to the bottom of the streaming preview output. But
        when the user manually scrolls the window, the following stops. With
        this version, fzf will resume following if the user scrolls the window
        to the bottom.
        Default border style on Windows is changed to sharp because some
        Windows terminals are not capable of displaying rounded border
        characters correctly.
    - Minor bug fixes and improvements
- update to 0.35.1:
  * Fixed a bug where fzf with `--tiebreak=chunk` crashes on inverse match
  * Fixed a bug where clicking above fzf would paste escape sequences
- Update to 0.35.0:
  * Added start event that is triggered only once when fzf finder
    starts. Since fzf consumes the input stream asynchronously,
    the input list is not available unless you use --sync.
    seq 100 | fzf --multi --sync --bind 'start:last+select-all+preview(echo welcome)'
  * Added --border-label and --border-label-pos for putting label
    on the border
    # ANSI color codes are supported
    # (with
    label=$(curl -s | lolcat -f)
    # Border label at the center
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    # Left-aligned (positive integer)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    --border-label-pos=3 --color=label:italic:black
    # Right-aligned (negative integer) on the bottom line (:bottom)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    --border-label-pos=-3:bottom --color=label:italic:black
  * Also added --preview-label and --preview-label-pos for the
    border of the preview window
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --border --preview-label=' Preview ' \
  * Info panel (match counter) will be followed by a horizontal separator
    by default
    - Use --no-separator or --separator='' to hide the separator
    - You can specify an arbitrary string that is repeated to form the
      horizontal separator. e.g. --separator=╸
    - The color of the separator can be customized via --color=separator:...
    - ANSI color codes are also supported
    fzf --separator=╸ --color=separator:green
    fzf --separator=$(lolcat -f -F 1.4 <<< ▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▂▁▁) --info=inline
  * Added --border=bold and --border=double along with
    --preview-window=border-bold and --preview-window=border-double
- Update to 0.34.0:
  - Added support for adaptive --height. If the --height value is prefixed
    with ~, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according
    to the input size.
    seq 1 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 10 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 100 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
      - There are a few limitations
        - Not compatible with percent top/bottom margin/padding
            # This is not allowed (top/bottom margin in percent value)
            fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 5%,10%
            # This is allowed (top/bottom margin in fixed value)
            fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 2,10%
         - fzf will not start until it can determine the right height for the input
            # fzf will open immediately
            (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height 50%
            # fzf will open after 2 seconds
            (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height ~50%
            (sleep 2; seq 1000) | fzf --height ~50%
  - Fixed tcell renderer used to render full-screen fzf on Windows
    --no-clear is deprecated. Use reload action instead.
- Update to 0.33.0:
  - Added --scheme=[default|path|history] option to choose scoring scheme
    - (Experimental)
    - We updated the scoring algorithm in 0.32.0, however we have learned that
      this new scheme (default) is not always giving the optimal result
    - path: Additional bonus point is only given to the the characters after
      path separator. You might want to choose this scheme if you have many
      files with spaces in their paths.
    - history: No additional bonus points are given so that we give more
      weight to the chronological ordering. This is equivalent to the scoring
      scheme before 0.32.0. This also sets --tiebreak=index.
  - ANSI color sequences with colon delimiters are now supported.
     printf "\e[38;5;208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
     printf "\e[38:5:208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
  - Support border-{up,down} as the synonyms for border-{top,bottom} in
  - Added support for ANSI strikethrough
     printf "\e[9mdeleted" | fzf --ansi
     fzf --color fg+:strikethrough
- Update to 0.32.0:
  - Updated the scoring algorithm
    - Different bonus points to different categories of word
      boundaries (listed higher to lower bonus point)
      - Word after whitespace characters or beginning of the string
      - Word after common delimiter characters (/,:;|)
      - Word after other non-word characters
      # foo/` is preferred over `` on `bar`
      fzf --query=bar --height=4 << EOF
  - Added a new tiebreak chunk
    - Favors the line with shorter matched chunk. A chunk is a
      set of consecutive non-whitespace characters.
    - Unlike the default length, this scheme works well with
      tabular input
        # length prefers item #1, because the whole line is shorter,
        # chunk prefers item #2, because the matched chunk ("foo") is shorter
        fzf --height=6 --header-lines=2 --tiebreak=chunk --reverse --query=fo << "EOF"
        N | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
        - | ------ | ------ | ------
        1 | hello  | foobar | baz
        2 | world  | foo    | bazbaz
     - If the input does not contain any spaces, chunk is
       equivalent to length. But we're not going to set it as the
       default because it is computationally more expensive.
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.31.0:
  - Added support for an alternative preview window layout that
    is activated when the size of the preview window is smaller
    than a certain threshold.
    # If the width of the preview window is smaller than 50 columns,
    # it will be displayed above the search window.
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window 'right,50%,border-left,<50(up,30%,border-bottom)'
    # Or you can just hide it like so
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window '<50(hidden)'
  - fzf now uses SGR mouse mode to properly support mouse on
    larger terminals
  - You can now use characters that do not satisfy
    unicode.IsGraphic constraint for --marker, --pointer, and
    --ellipsis. Allows Nerd Fonts and stuff.
    Use at your own risk.
  - Bug fixes and improvements
  - Shell extension
      kill completion now requires trigger sequence (**) for
- Supplement fzf-bash-completion against bash-completion, not bash.
- update to 0.30.0:
  * Fixed cursor flickering over the screen by hiding it during rendering
  * Added --ellipsis option. You can take advantage of it to make fzf
    effectively search non-visible parts of the item.
  * Added rebind action for restoring bindings after unbind
  * Switching between Ripgrep mode and fzf mode
  * Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.29.0:
  - Added `change-preview(...)` action to change the `--preview` command
      - cf. `preview(...)` is a one-off action that doesn't change the
        default preview command
  - Added `change-preview-window(...)` action
      - You can rotate through the different options separated by `|`
        fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window right:40% \
            --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(right,70%|down,40%,border-top|hidden|)'
  - Fixed rendering of the prompt line when overflow occurs with
- update to 0.28.0:
  * Added `--header-first` option to print header before the prompt line
  * Added `--scroll-off=LINES` option
  * Fixed bug where preview window is not updated on `reload`
  * fzf on Windows will also use `$SHELL` to execute external programs
- Update to 0.27.3:
  - Preview window is `hidden` by default when there are `preview` bindings but
    `--preview` command is not given
  - Fixed bug where `{n}` is not properly reset on `reload`
  - Fixed bug where spinner is not displayed on `reload`
  - Enhancements in tcell renderer for Windows (#2616)
  - Vim plugin
      - `sinklist` is added as a synonym to `sink*` so that it's
        easier to add a function to a spec dictionary
        let spec = { 'source': 'ls', 'options': ['--multi', '--preview', 'cat {}'] }
        function spec.sinklist(matches)
          echom string(a:matches)
        call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(spec))
  - Vim 7 compatibility
- Set FZF_VERSION and FZF_REVISION environment variables as well.
- Update to 0.27.2:
  - 16 base ANSI colors can be specified by their names
    fzf --color fg:3,fg+:11
    fzf --color fg:yellow,fg+:bright-yellow
  - Fix bug where --read0 not properly displaying long lines
- Update to 0.27.1:
  - Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher
    example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only
    filtering mode.
  - Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished
    " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it
    call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'}))
  - It is now possible to open popup window relative to the currrent window
    let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } }
- Update to 0.27.0:
  - More border options for `--preview-window`
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left --border horizontal
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-bottom
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-horizontal
  - Automatically set `/dev/tty` as STDIN on execute action
    # Redirect /dev/tty to suppress "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal"
    # ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {} < /dev/tty)"
    # "< /dev/tty" part is no longer needed
    ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {})"
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.26.0:
  - Added support for fixed header in preview window
    # Display top 3 lines as the fixed header
    fzf --preview 'bat --style=header,grid --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3'
    More advanced preview offset expression to better support the fixed header
    # Preview with bat, matching line in the middle of the window below
    # the fixed header of the top 3 lines
    #   ~3    Top 3 lines as the fixed header
    #   +{2}  Base scroll offset extracted from the second field
    #   +3    Extra offset to compensate for the 3-line header
    #   /2    Put in the middle of the preview area
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=full --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window '~3:+{2}+3/2'
  - Added select and deselect action for unconditionally selecting or
    deselecting a single item in --multi mode. Complements toggle action.
  - Sigificant performance improvement in ANSI code processing
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.25.1:
  - Added `close` action
    - Close preview window if open, abort fzf otherwise
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Text attributes set in --color are not reset when fzf sees another
  --color option for the same element. This allows you to put custom
  text attributes in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and still have those
  attributes even when you override the colors.
  # Default colors and attributes
  # Apply custom text attributes
  export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color fg+:italic,hl👎underline,hl+👎reverse:underline'
  # Different colors but you still have the attributes
  fzf --color hl:176,hl+:177
  # Write "regular" if you want to clear the attributes
  fzf --color hl:176:regular,hl+:177:regular
- Renamed --phony to --disabled
- You can dynamically enable and disable the search functionality using
  the new enable-search, disable-search, and toggle-search actions
- You can assign a different color to the query string for when search
  is disabled
  fzf --color query:#ffffff,disabled:#999999 --bind space:toggle-search
- Added last action to move the cursor to the last match
      The opposite action top is renamed to first, but top is still
      recognized as a synonym for backward compatibility
- Added preview-top and preview-bottom actions
- Extended support for alt key chords: alt with any case-sensitive
  single character
  fzf --bind alt-,:first,alt-.:last
- Generate tags for vim documentation
- Update to 24.4.4:
  - Added --preview-window option follow
    # Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom
    fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
      (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
  - Added change-prompt action
    fzf --prompt 'foo> ' --bind $'a:change-prompt:\x1b[31mbar> '
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Enable tests
- Update to 0.24.3:
  - Added --padding option:
    fzf --margin 5% --padding 5% --border --preview 'cat {}' \
    --color bg:#222222,preview-bg:#333333
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.24.1:
  - Real-time rendering of preview window
    # fzf can render preview window before the command completes
    fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
    # Preview window can process ANSI escape sequence (CSI 2 J) for clearing the display
    fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
  - To indicate if --multi mode is enabled, fzf will print the number of
    selected items even when no item is selected
    seq 100 | fzf
      # 100/100
    seq 100 | fzf --multi
      # 100/100 (0)
    seq 100 | fzf --multi 5
      # 100/100 (0/5)
  - Added --preview-window options for disabling flags
  - Support preview scroll offset relative to window height
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window +{2}-/2
  - Added --preview-window option for sharp edges (--preview-window
  - Added --preview-window option for cyclic scrolling (--preview-window
  - Reduced vertical padding around the preview window when
    --preview-window noborder is used
  - Added actions for preview window
  - Vim
    - Popup width and height can be given in absolute integer values
    - Added fzf#exec() function for getting the path of fzf executable
      It also downloads the latest binary if it's not available by
      running ./install --bin
- Update to 0.22.0
  - Added more options for --bind
  - Added preview window option for setting the initial scroll offset
  - Added support for ANSI colors in --prompt string
  - Smart match of accented characters
  - Vim plugin
- Add subpackage for fish completion.
- Update to 0.21.1
  - CTRL-R will remove duplicate commands
  - Supports tmux popup window (require tmux 3.2 or above) 
  - bug fixes
- Update to 0.21.0: 
  - --height option is now available on Windows as well (@kelleyma49)
  - Added --pointer and --marker options
  - Added --keep-right option that keeps the right end of the line visible when it's too long
  - Style changes
    - --border will now print border with rounded corners around the finder instead of printing horizontal lines above and below it. The previous style is available via --border=horizontal
    - Unicode spinner
  - More keys and actions for --bind
  - Added PowerShell script for downloading Windows binary
  - Vim plugin: Built-in floating windows support 
  - bash: Various improvements in key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C)
    - CTRL-R will start with the current command-line as the initial query
    - CTRL-R properly supports multi-line commands
  - Fuzzy completion API changed 
  - Bug fixes
- Update to 0.20.0:
  - Customizable preview window color (preview-fg and preview-bg
    for --color)
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' \
        --color 'fg:#bbccdd,fg+:#ddeeff,bg:#334455,preview-bg:#223344,border:#778899' \
        --border --height 20 --layout reverse --info inline
    Removed the immediate flicking of the screen on reload action.
    : | fzf --bind 'change:reload:seq {q}' --phony
    Added clear-query and clear-selection actions for --bind
  - It is now possible to split a composite bind action over
    multiple --bind expressions by prefixing the later ones with
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up+up'
    # Can be now written as
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up' --bind 'ctrl-a:+up'
    # This is useful when you need to write special
    # execute/reload form (i.e. `execute:...`)
    # to avoid parse errors and add more actions to the same key
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute:less {+f}' --bind 'ctrl-l:+deselect-all'
  - Fixed parse error of --bind expression where concatenated
    execute/reload action contains + character.
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute(less {+f})+deselect-all'
  - Fixed bugs of reload action
    - Not triggered when there's no match even when the command
      doesn't have any placeholder expressions
    - Screen not properly cleared when --header-lines not filled
      on reload
- Update to 0.19.0
  - Added --phony option which completely disables search functionality.
    Useful when you want to use fzf only as a selector interface. See below.
  - Added "reload" action for dynamically updating the input list without
    restarting fzf. See to
    learn more about it.
  - --multi now takes an optional integer argument which indicates the
    maximum number of items that can be selected
  - If a placeholder expression for --preview and execute action
    (and the new reload action) contains f flag, it is replaced to
    the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list.
    This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items
    and the length of the evaluated string may exceed ARG_MAX.
  - deselect-all no longer deselects unmatched items. It is now
    consistent with select-all and toggle-all in that it only affects
    matched items.
  - Due to the limitation of bash, fuzzy completion is enabled by
    default for a fixed set of commands. A helper function for easily
    setting up fuzzy completion for any command is now provided.
  - Info line style can be changed by --info=STYLE
  - Preview window border can be disabled by adding noborder to --preview-window.
  - When you transform the input with --with-nth, the trailing white spaces are removed.
  - ctrl-\, ctrl-], ctrl-^, and ctrl-/ can now be used with --bind
  - See for more details
- Remove pointless double extraction of tarball again.
- Update to 0.18.0:
  - 0.18.0
    - Added placeholder expression for zero-based item index: {n}
      and {+n} fzf --preview 'echo {n}: {}'
    - Added color option for the gutter: --color gutter:-1
    - Added --no-unicode option for drawing borders in
      non-Unicode, ASCII characters
      preview process fzf still overrides LINES and COLUMNS as
      before, but they may be reset by the default shell.
    - Bug fixes and improvements See
  - Update to 0.17.5:
    - Bug fixes and improvements See
    - Search query longer than the screen width is allowed (up to
      300 chars)
- Patch build-mode-pie.patch removed as it is unneeded
  (we don't use Makefile anymore).
- Add subpackage vim-fzf with the original vim plugin for fzf (there
  is also more extensive third party plugin on
- update to 0.17.4
  * Added --layout option with a new layout called reverse-list.
    --layout=reverse is a synonym for --reverse
    --layout=default is a synonym for --no-reverse
  * Preview window will be updated even when there is no match for
    the query if any of the placeholder expressions (e.g. {q}, {+})
    evaluates to a non-empty string.
  * More keys for binding: shift-{up,down}, alt-{up,down,left,
  * fzf can now start when /dev/tty is not available by making
    an educated guess.
  * bash/zsh completion improvements
  * install and uninstall scripts support generating files under
    XDG_CONFIG_HOME on --xdg flag.
- remove sed patch for non-excecutable fix (merged upstream)
- initial package

2023-06-09 18:37:59 +00:00
90248d6341 Accepting request 1091756 from home:smolsheep:upgrades
- Update to version 0.41.1:
  * Fixed a bug where preview window is not updated when
    --disabled is set and a reload is triggered by change:reload
  * Added patch to make test cases work on 0.41.1
Previous request had a mistake in the specfile. This is fixed now. Apologies.

2023-06-09 18:22:17 +00:00
b79ab2b685 0.41.0
2023-05-26 18:43:01 +00:00
f90795fc1e - Update to version 0.40.0:
- Added `zero` event that is triggered when there's no match
    # Reload the candidate list when there's no match
    echo $RANDOM | fzf --bind 'zero:reload(echo $RANDOM)+clear-query' --height 3
  - New actions
      - Added `track` action which makes fzf track the current item when the
        search result is updated. If the user manually moves the cursor, or the
        item is not in the updated search result, tracking is automatically
        disabled. Tracking is useful when you want to see the surrounding items
        by deleting the query string.
        # Narrow down the list with a query, point to a command,
        # and hit CTRL-T to see its surrounding commands.
        export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="
          --preview 'echo {}' --preview-window up:3:hidden:wrap
          --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-preview'
          --bind 'ctrl-t:track+clear-query'
          --bind 'ctrl-y:execute-silent(echo -n {2..} | pbcopy)+abort'
          --color header:italic
          --header 'Press CTRL-Y to copy command into clipboard'"
      - Added `change-header(...)`
      - Added `transform-header(...)`
      - Added `toggle-track` action
  - Fixed `--track` behavior when used with `--tac`
      - However, using `--track` with `--tac` is not recommended. The resulting
        behavior can be very confusing.
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2023-04-30 21:46:48 +00:00
d9b41191ed Accepting request 1080214 from home:luc14n0:branches:utilities
Update to version 0.39.0 major upstream release.

2023-04-19 10:55:33 +00:00
1cfdd23c96 - All those completion scripts not requiring their respective
shells is a bit ridiculous.

2023-04-13 06:05:01 +00:00
cffc16882f Accepting request 1066389 from home:uncomfyhalomacro:branches:utilities
- Disable LTO
- Replace unused RPM_OPT_FLAGS
- Update to version 0.38.0:
  * New actions
    - become(...) - Replace the current fzf process with the specified command using execve(2) system call.
      See for more information.
        # Open selected files in Vim
        fzf --multi --bind 'enter:become(vim {+})'
        # Open the file in Vim and go to the line
        git grep --line-number . |
        fzf --delimiter : --nth 3.. --bind 'enter:become(vim {1} +{2})'
      >> this action is not supported on Windows
    - show-preview
    - hide-preview
  * Bug fixes
    - --preview-window 0,hidden should not execute the preview command until toggle-preview action is triggered

2023-02-17 16:58:21 +00:00
199acd4649 - Update to 0.37.0:
- Added a way to customize the separator of inline info
    fzf --info 'inline: ╱ ' --prompt '╱ ' --color prompt:bright-yellow
  - New event
        focus - Triggered when the focus changes due to a vertical cursor
        movement or a search result update
        fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ]' --preview 'cat {}'
        # Any action bound to the event runs synchronously and thus can make the interface sluggish
        # e.g. lolcat isn't one of the fastest programs, and every cursor movement in
        #      fzf will be noticeably affected by its execution time
        fzf --bind 'focus:transform-preview-label:echo [ {} ] | lolcat -f' --preview 'cat {}'
        # Beware not to introduce an infinite loop
        seq 10 | fzf --bind 'focus:up' --cycle
    - New actions
    - Bug fixes and improvements
- Update to 0.36.0:
  - Added --listen=HTTP_PORT option to start HTTP server. It allows external
    processes to send actions to perform via POST method.
    # Start HTTP server on port 6266
    fzf --listen 6266
    # Send actions to the server
    curl localhost:6266 -d 'reload(seq 100)+change-prompt(hundred> )'
  - Added draggable scrollbar to the main search window and the preview window
    # Hide scrollbar
    fzf --no-scrollbar
    # Customize scrollbar

2023-02-06 11:10:01 +00:00
2d4ca76af5 Accepting request 1043648 from home:dirkmueller:Factory
- update to 0.35.1:
  * Fixed a bug where fzf with `--tiebreak=chunk` crashes on inverse match
  * Fixed a bug where clicking above fzf would paste escape sequences

2022-12-18 21:27:52 +00:00
0a41ca9248 Accepting request 1035310 from home:jcronenberg:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.35.0:
  * Added start event that is triggered only once when fzf finder
    starts. Since fzf consumes the input stream asynchronously,
    the input list is not available unless you use --sync.
    seq 100 | fzf --multi --sync --bind 'start:last+select-all+preview(echo welcome)'
  * Added --border-label and --border-label-pos for putting label
    on the border
    # ANSI color codes are supported
    # (with
    label=$(curl -s | lolcat -f)
    # Border label at the center
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    # Left-aligned (positive integer)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    --border-label-pos=3 --color=label:italic:black
    # Right-aligned (negative integer) on the bottom line (:bottom)
    fzf --height=10 --border --border-label="╢ $label ╟" \
    --border-label-pos=-3:bottom --color=label:italic:black
  * Also added --preview-label and --preview-label-pos for the
    border of the preview window
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --border --preview-label=' Preview ' \
  * Info panel (match counter) will be followed by a horizontal separator
    by default
    - Use --no-separator or --separator='' to hide the separator
    - You can specify an arbitrary string that is repeated to form the
      horizontal separator. e.g. --separator=╸
    - The color of the separator can be customized via --color=separator:...
    - ANSI color codes are also supported
    fzf --separator=╸ --color=separator:green
    fzf --separator=$(lolcat -f -F 1.4 <<< ▁▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▂▁▁) --info=inline
  * Added --border=bold and --border=double along with
    --preview-window=border-bold and --preview-window=border-double

2022-11-12 14:04:03 +00:00
101964df22 - Update to 0.34.0:
- Added support for adaptive --height. If the --height value is prefixed
    with ~, fzf will automatically determine the height in the range according
    to the input size.
    seq 1 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 10 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
    seq 100 | fzf --height ~70% --border --padding 1 --margin 1
      - There are a few limitations
        - Not compatible with percent top/bottom margin/padding
            # This is not allowed (top/bottom margin in percent value)
            fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 5%,10%
            # This is allowed (top/bottom margin in fixed value)
            fzf --height ~50% --border --margin 2,10%
         - fzf will not start until it can determine the right height for the input
            # fzf will open immediately
            (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height 50%
            # fzf will open after 2 seconds
            (sleep 2; seq 10) | fzf --height ~50%
            (sleep 2; seq 1000) | fzf --height ~50%
  - Fixed tcell renderer used to render full-screen fzf on Windows
    --no-clear is deprecated. Use reload action instead.

2022-09-28 23:01:14 +00:00
1c833ad317 Accepting request 1001296 from home:jcronenberg
- Update to 0.33.0:
  - Added --scheme=[default|path|history] option to choose scoring scheme
    - (Experimental)
    - We updated the scoring algorithm in 0.32.0, however we have learned that
      this new scheme (default) is not always giving the optimal result
    - path: Additional bonus point is only given to the the characters after
      path separator. You might want to choose this scheme if you have many
      files with spaces in their paths.
    - history: No additional bonus points are given so that we give more
      weight to the chronological ordering. This is equivalent to the scoring
      scheme before 0.32.0. This also sets --tiebreak=index.
  - ANSI color sequences with colon delimiters are now supported.
     printf "\e[38;5;208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
     printf "\e[38:5:208mOption 1\e[m\nOption 2" | fzf --ansi
  - Support border-{up,down} as the synonyms for border-{top,bottom} in
  - Added support for ANSI strikethrough
     printf "\e[9mdeleted" | fzf --ansi
     fzf --color fg+:strikethrough

2022-09-11 11:20:08 +00:00
755ba727c8 Accepting request 992624 from home:mcepl:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.32.0:
  - Updated the scoring algorithm
    - Different bonus points to different categories of word
      boundaries (listed higher to lower bonus point)
      - Word after whitespace characters or beginning of the string
      - Word after common delimiter characters (/,:;|)
      - Word after other non-word characters
      # foo/` is preferred over `` on `bar`
      fzf --query=bar --height=4 << EOF
  - Added a new tiebreak chunk
    - Favors the line with shorter matched chunk. A chunk is a
      set of consecutive non-whitespace characters.
    - Unlike the default length, this scheme works well with
      tabular input
        # length prefers item #1, because the whole line is shorter,
        # chunk prefers item #2, because the matched chunk ("foo") is shorter
        fzf --height=6 --header-lines=2 --tiebreak=chunk --reverse --query=fo << "EOF"
        N | Field1 | Field2 | Field3
        - | ------ | ------ | ------
        1 | hello  | foobar | baz
        2 | world  | foo    | bazbaz
     - If the input does not contain any spaces, chunk is
       equivalent to length. But we're not going to set it as the
       default because it is computationally more expensive.
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2022-08-06 15:21:15 +00:00
6533958ef7 Accepting request 990592 from home:mcepl:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.31.0:
  - Added support for an alternative preview window layout that
    is activated when the size of the preview window is smaller
    than a certain threshold.
    # If the width of the preview window is smaller than 50 columns,
    # it will be displayed above the search window.
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window 'right,50%,border-left,<50(up,30%,border-bottom)'
    # Or you can just hide it like so
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window '<50(hidden)'
  - fzf now uses SGR mouse mode to properly support mouse on
    larger terminals
  - You can now use characters that do not satisfy
    unicode.IsGraphic constraint for --marker, --pointer, and
    --ellipsis. Allows Nerd Fonts and stuff.
    Use at your own risk.
  - Bug fixes and improvements
  - Shell extension
      kill completion now requires trigger sequence (**) for

2022-07-22 12:26:03 +00:00
899c91a744 Accepting request 984456 from home:dimstar:Factory
- Supplement fzf-bash-completion against bash-completion, not bash.

  * Bug fixes and improvements

2022-06-22 12:33:46 +00:00
5d8bda2858 Accepting request 984249 from home:dirkmueller:Factory
- update to 0.30.0:
  * Fixed cursor flickering over the screen by hiding it during rendering
  * Added --ellipsis option. You can take advantage of it to make fzf
    effectively search non-visible parts of the item.
  * Added rebind action for restoring bindings after unbind
  * Switching between Ripgrep mode and fzf mode
  * Bug fixes and improvements

2022-06-21 20:45:03 +00:00
c58ff87b88 Accepting request 942380 from home:mcepl:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.29.0:
  - Added `change-preview(...)` action to change the `--preview` command
      - cf. `preview(...)` is a one-off action that doesn't change the
        default preview command
  - Added `change-preview-window(...)` action
      - You can rotate through the different options separated by `|`
        fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window right:40% \
            --bind 'ctrl-/:change-preview-window(right,70%|down,40%,border-top|hidden|)'
  - Fixed rendering of the prompt line when overflow occurs with

2021-12-24 23:05:52 +00:00
6c890d2b68 Accepting request 931280 from home:dirkmueller:Factory
- update to 0.28.0:
  * Added `--header-first` option to print header before the prompt line
  * Added `--scroll-off=LINES` option
  * Fixed bug where preview window is not updated on `reload`
  * fzf on Windows will also use `$SHELL` to execute external programs

2021-11-16 12:11:11 +00:00
9fd325c9b3 - Set FZF_VERSION and FZF_REVISION environment variables as well.
2021-10-15 16:43:10 +00:00
1e3f5d3c63 - Update to 0.27.3:
- Preview window is `hidden` by default when there are `preview` bindings but
    `--preview` command is not given
  - Fixed bug where `{n}` is not properly reset on `reload`
  - Fixed bug where spinner is not displayed on `reload`
  - Enhancements in tcell renderer for Windows (#2616)
  - Vim plugin
      - `sinklist` is added as a synonym to `sink*` so that it's
        easier to add a function to a spec dictionary
        let spec = { 'source': 'ls', 'options': ['--multi', '--preview', 'cat {}'] }
        function spec.sinklist(matches)
          echom string(a:matches)
        call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(spec))
  - Vim 7 compatibility

2021-10-15 16:26:05 +00:00
af0c171f94 - Update to 0.27.2:
- 16 base ANSI colors can be specified by their names
    fzf --color fg:3,fg+:11
    fzf --color fg:yellow,fg+:bright-yellow
  - Fix bug where --read0 not properly displaying long lines

2021-06-01 08:42:27 +00:00
0b04fe445e - Update to 0.27.1:
- Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher
    example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only
    filtering mode.
  - Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished
    " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it
    call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'}))
  - It is now possible to open popup window relative to the currrent window
    let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } }

2021-05-22 08:37:07 +00:00
023f082029 Accepting request 883839 from home:polslinux:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.27.0:
  - More border options for `--preview-window`
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left --border horizontal
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-bottom
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-horizontal
  - Automatically set `/dev/tty` as STDIN on execute action
    # Redirect /dev/tty to suppress "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal"
    # ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {} < /dev/tty)"
    # "< /dev/tty" part is no longer needed
    ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {})"
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2021-04-08 18:02:05 +00:00
c241939203 - Update to 0.26.0:
- Added support for fixed header in preview window
    # Display top 3 lines as the fixed header
    fzf --preview 'bat --style=header,grid --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3'
    More advanced preview offset expression to better support the fixed header
    # Preview with bat, matching line in the middle of the window below
    # the fixed header of the top 3 lines
    #   ~3    Top 3 lines as the fixed header
    #   +{2}  Base scroll offset extracted from the second field
    #   +3    Extra offset to compensate for the 3-line header
    #   /2    Put in the middle of the preview area
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=full --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window '~3:+{2}+3/2'
  - Added select and deselect action for unconditionally selecting or
    deselecting a single item in --multi mode. Complements toggle action.
  - Sigificant performance improvement in ANSI code processing
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2021-03-13 11:19:18 +00:00
a0d7fb21aa - Update to 0.25.1:
- Added `close` action
    - Close preview window if open, abort fzf otherwise
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2021-02-03 16:35:01 +00:00
12d4465bc8 - Text attributes set in --color are not reset when fzf sees another
--color option for the same element. This allows you to put custom
  text attributes in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and still have those
  attributes even when you override the colors.
  # Default colors and attributes
  # Apply custom text attributes
  export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color fg+:italic,hl👎underline,hl+👎reverse:underline'
  # Different colors but you still have the attributes
  fzf --color hl:176,hl+:177
  # Write "regular" if you want to clear the attributes
  fzf --color hl:176:regular,hl+:177:regular
- Renamed --phony to --disabled
- You can dynamically enable and disable the search functionality using
  the new enable-search, disable-search, and toggle-search actions
- You can assign a different color to the query string for when search
  is disabled
  fzf --color query:#ffffff,disabled:#999999 --bind space:toggle-search
- Added last action to move the cursor to the last match
      The opposite action top is renamed to first, but top is still
      recognized as a synonym for backward compatibility
- Added preview-top and preview-bottom actions
- Extended support for alt key chords: alt with any case-sensitive
  single character
  fzf --bind alt-,:first,alt-.:last

- Generate tags for vim documentation

2021-01-03 07:32:21 +00:00
116e71e624 Revert previous commit
2020-12-18 22:34:33 +00:00
d179512291 - Generate tags for vim documentation
2020-12-18 22:23:52 +00:00
17784c9367 - Update to 24.4.4:
- Added --preview-window option follow
    # Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom
    fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
      (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
  - Added change-prompt action
    fzf --prompt 'foo> ' --bind $'a:change-prompt:\x1b[31mbar> '
  - Bug fixes and improvements
- Enable tests

2020-12-13 20:16:31 +00:00
c3bb317027 - Update to 0.24.3:
- Added --padding option:
    fzf --margin 5% --padding 5% --border --preview 'cat {}' \
    --color bg:#222222,preview-bg:#333333
  - Bug fixes and improvements

2020-12-04 10:30:46 +00:00
6114d87ad5 - Update to 0.24.1:
- Real-time rendering of preview window
    # fzf can render preview window before the command completes
    fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done'
    # Preview window can process ANSI escape sequence (CSI 2 J) for clearing the display
    fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do
      (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J"
      echo "$i"
      sleep 0.01
  - To indicate if --multi mode is enabled, fzf will print the number of
    selected items even when no item is selected
    seq 100 | fzf
      # 100/100
    seq 100 | fzf --multi
      # 100/100 (0)
    seq 100 | fzf --multi 5
      # 100/100 (0/5)
  - Added --preview-window options for disabling flags
  - Support preview scroll offset relative to window height
    git grep --line-number '' |
      fzf --delimiter : \
          --preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \
          --preview-window +{2}-/2
  - Added --preview-window option for sharp edges (--preview-window

2020-10-24 22:11:30 +00:00
cc4f694b3c Accepting request 824146 from home:polslinux:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.22.0
  - Added more options for --bind
  - Added preview window option for setting the initial scroll offset
  - Added support for ANSI colors in --prompt string
  - Smart match of accented characters
  - Vim plugin

2020-08-03 15:05:21 +00:00
c935024d98 Accepting request 824075 from home:fcrozat:branches:utilities
- Add subpackage for fish completion.

2020-08-03 08:09:36 +00:00
8646436977 Accepting request 791704 from home:polslinux:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.21.1
  - CTRL-R will remove duplicate commands
  - Supports tmux popup window (require tmux 3.2 or above) 
  - bug fixes

2020-04-06 17:10:20 +00:00
eb8b2a2ab4 Accepting request 784648 from home:polslinux:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.21.0: 
  - --height option is now available on Windows as well (@kelleyma49)
  - Added --pointer and --marker options
  - Added --keep-right option that keeps the right end of the line visible when it's too long
  - Style changes
    - --border will now print border with rounded corners around the finder instead of printing horizontal lines above and below it. The previous style is available via --border=horizontal
    - Unicode spinner
  - More keys and actions for --bind
  - Added PowerShell script for downloading Windows binary
  - Vim plugin: Built-in floating windows support 
  - bash: Various improvements in key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C)
    - CTRL-R will start with the current command-line as the initial query
    - CTRL-R properly supports multi-line commands
  - Fuzzy completion API changed 
  - Bug fixes

2020-03-14 00:25:41 +00:00
18d89eaf9d Accepting request 760825 from home:mcepl:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.20.0:
  - Customizable preview window color (preview-fg and preview-bg
    for --color)
    fzf --preview 'cat {}' \
        --color 'fg:#bbccdd,fg+:#ddeeff,bg:#334455,preview-bg:#223344,border:#778899' \
        --border --height 20 --layout reverse --info inline
    Removed the immediate flicking of the screen on reload action.
    : | fzf --bind 'change:reload:seq {q}' --phony
    Added clear-query and clear-selection actions for --bind
  - It is now possible to split a composite bind action over
    multiple --bind expressions by prefixing the later ones with
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up+up'
    # Can be now written as
    fzf --bind 'ctrl-a:up' --bind 'ctrl-a:+up'
    # This is useful when you need to write special
    # execute/reload form (i.e. `execute:...`)
    # to avoid parse errors and add more actions to the same key
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute:less {+f}' --bind 'ctrl-l:+deselect-all'
  - Fixed parse error of --bind expression where concatenated
    execute/reload action contains + character.
    fzf --multi --bind 'ctrl-l:select-all+execute(less {+f})+deselect-all'
  - Fixed bugs of reload action
    - Not triggered when there's no match even when the command
      doesn't have any placeholder expressions
    - Screen not properly cleared when --header-lines not filled
      on reload

2020-01-06 05:20:09 +00:00
3bc52c7f22 Accepting request 749132 from home:namtrac:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.19.0
  - Added --phony option which completely disables search functionality.
    Useful when you want to use fzf only as a selector interface. See below.
  - Added "reload" action for dynamically updating the input list without
    restarting fzf. See to
    learn more about it.
  - --multi now takes an optional integer argument which indicates the
    maximum number of items that can be selected
  - If a placeholder expression for --preview and execute action
    (and the new reload action) contains f flag, it is replaced to
    the path of a temporary file that holds the evaluated list.
    This is useful when you multi-select a large number of items
    and the length of the evaluated string may exceed ARG_MAX.
  - deselect-all no longer deselects unmatched items. It is now
    consistent with select-all and toggle-all in that it only affects
    matched items.
  - Due to the limitation of bash, fuzzy completion is enabled by
    default for a fixed set of commands. A helper function for easily
    setting up fuzzy completion for any command is now provided.
  - Info line style can be changed by --info=STYLE
  - Preview window border can be disabled by adding noborder to --preview-window.
  - When you transform the input with --with-nth, the trailing white spaces are removed.
  - ctrl-\, ctrl-], ctrl-^, and ctrl-/ can now be used with --bind
  - See for more details

2019-11-19 18:47:59 +00:00
b501b820c3 Accepting request 696382 from home:jengelh:branches:utilities
- Remove pointless double extraction of tarball again.

2019-04-20 17:57:23 +00:00
cdfedbbc1b Fix changes
2019-04-19 05:40:49 +00:00
7996f46a83 Accepting request 695845 from home:mcepl:branches:utilities
- Update to 0.18.0:
  - 0.18.0
    - Added placeholder expression for zero-based item index: {n}
      and {+n} fzf --preview 'echo {n}: {}'
    - Added color option for the gutter: --color gutter:-1
    - Added --no-unicode option for drawing borders in
      non-Unicode, ASCII characters
      preview process fzf still overrides LINES and COLUMNS as
      before, but they may be reset by the default shell.
    - Bug fixes and improvements See
  - Update to 0.17.5:
    - Bug fixes and improvements See
    - Search query longer than the screen width is allowed (up to
      300 chars)

2019-04-19 01:56:36 +00:00
dde3722f91 Accepting request 660238 from home:mcepl
- Add subpackage vim-fzf with the original vim plugin for fzf (there
  is also more extensive third party plugin on

2018-12-21 17:48:41 +00:00
619bab8a8e remove sed
2018-06-11 03:04:45 +00:00
273ab0a440 0.17.4
2018-06-11 03:04:00 +00:00
Ismail Dönmez
19f04346ef Accepting request 595805 from home:avindra
- initial package

2018-04-12 11:49:15 +00:00