------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 20 22:10:01 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 5.2.0 * This release contains a number of fixes and improvements, and one new feature, which is a method for `IsSelfDualSemigroup` and related functionality for semigroups satisfying `CanUseFroidurePin`. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 19 01:16:28 UTC 2022 - Jan Engelhardt - Update to release 5.1.0 * The package now features a compiled C/C++ module which interfaces with the libsemigroups C++ library to allow high-speed computations for congruences and certain categories of semigroup. There are also several new types of semigroup and a variety of new methods which can be used with them. * The kernel module has been simplified signficantly, to make it easier to incorporate future changes in libsemigroups[], and some superfluous functionality was withdrawn. * The backwards incompatible changes in this release relate to matrices over the integers or over a finite field. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 20 13:48:02 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.8.0 * Added `ApsisMonoid`, `CrossedApsisMonoid`, `ModularPartitionMonoid`, `PlanarModularPartitionMonoid`, `PlanarPartitionMonoid`, `PlanarUniformBlockBijectionMonoid`, `SingularApsisMonoid`, `SingularCrossedApsisMonoid`, `SingularModularPartitionMonoid`, `SingularPlanarModularPartitionMonoid`, `SingularPlanarPartitionMonoid`, `SingularPlanarUniformBlockBijectionMonoid`, `SingularUniformBlockBijectionMonoid`, `UniformBlockBijectionMonoid` ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jun 8 20:02:45 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.4 * This is a minor release to fix some manual examples, to correct the package url in the `PackageInfo.g` file, and to fix some issues with semigroups of bipartitions. It was formerly possible to create semigroups of bipartitions where the generators had different degrees, but the created semigroups were invalid; this is fixed in version 2.7.3. * Require GAP 4.8.3 since the function `IsZeroSimpleSemigroup` entered an infinite loop for some examples of semigroups of partial permutations. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 12 19:49:13 UTC 2016 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.7.2 * `IsomorphismReesZeroMatrixSemigroup` is introduced, and it is no longer possible to apply `IsomorphismReesMatrixSemigroup` to a 0-simple semigroup. * The meaning of `IsMonoidAsSemigroup` was changed to be consistent with the meaning of `IsGroupAsSemigroup`. In earlier versions, `IsMonoidAsSemigroup` was `false` for semigroups in the category `IsMonoid`. * `IsInverseSemigroup` sometimes returned true for semigroups which were not inverse ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 22 11:24:21 UTC 2015 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.2 * New: the functions SmallestElementSemigroup, LargestElementSemigroup, and GeneratorsSmallest. * Some minor corrections were made to the methods for creating the ideals of some semigroups in standard examples semigroups, such as SingularTransformationSemigroup. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 12 13:35:58 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 2.1.1 * extensive new features for computing with elements and subsemigroups of the partition monoid. * support for ideals of transformation, partial permutation, and bipartition semigroups, and subsemigroups of Rees 0-matrix semigroups. * The new operations IsomorphismSemigroups, IsIsomorphicSemigroup, and SmallestMultiplicationTable. * The new operation MaximalSubsemigroups, which returns the maximal subsemigroups of an arbitrary semigroup. * The new operation Normalizer for computing a subgroup of a permutation group consisting of those permutations that stabilise, under conjugation, a transformation, partial perm, or bipartition semigroup. * The new operation CharacterTableOfInverseSemigroup for finding the character table of an inverse semigroup of partial permutations. * Methods for defining and manipulating the congruences of a Rees 0-matrix semigroup. * The operation EndomorphismsPartition that returns the monoid of endomorphisms preserving a partition. This monoid is defined using the minimum possible number of generators. * A lot more, see the detailed changelog in the package. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 4 17:44:38 UTC 2014 - jengelh@inai.de - Update to new upstream release 1.4 * Package rename from citrus to semigroup. The package has been completely overhauled, the performance has been improved, and the code has been generalized so that in the future the same code can be used to compute with other types of semigroups. * This release includes several new methods for inverse semigroups of partial permutations and for free inverse semigroup. Most notably among the new methods for inverse semigroups of partial permutations are: "SmallerDegreePartialPermRepresentation" and "VagnerPrestonRepresentation" for changing the representation of an inverse semigroup of partial permutations. * The methods in Semigroups have been extended to apply to arbitrary subsemigroups of regular Rees 0-matrix semigroups over groups; * A new method for MaximalSubsemigroups of Rees matrix semigroup has been implemented; * The function Read/WriteSemigroups have been renamed Read/WriteGenerators and their performance has been improved. It is now possible to use WriteGenerators to write to a gzipped file. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 10 13:47:02 UTC 2013 - jengelh@inai.de - Split citrus (version 0.9999) off the gap RPM package