synopsis: Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation
description: {
A practical incremental and one-pass, pure API to
the [SHA-256 cryptographic hash algorithm]( according
to [FIPS 180-4](
with performance close to the fastest implementations available in other languages.
The core SHA-256 algorithm is implemented in C and is thus expected
to be as fast as the standard [sha256sum(1) tool](;
for instance, on an /Intel Core i7-3770/ at 3.40GHz this implementation can
compute a SHA-256 hash over 230 MiB of data in under one second.
(If, instead, you require a pure Haskell implementation and performance is secondary, please refer to the [SHA package](
conforming to [RFC6234](, [RFC4231](, [RFC5869](, et al..
=== Relationship to the @cryptohash@ package and its API
This package has been originally a fork of @cryptohash-0.11.7@ because the @cryptohash@
package had been deprecated and so this package continues to satisfy the need for a
lightweight package providing the SHA-256 hash algorithm without any dependencies on packages
other than @base@ and @bytestring@. The API exposed by @cryptohash-sha256-0.11.*@'s
"Crypto.Hash.SHA256" module is guaranteed to remain a compatible superset of the API provided
by the @cryptohash-0.11.7@'s module of the same name.
Consequently, this package is designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for @cryptohash-0.11.7@'s
"Crypto.Hash.SHA256" module, though with
a [clearly smaller footprint by almost 3 orders of magnitude](
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
copyright: Vincent Hanquez, Herbert Valerio Riedel