------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 18 10:33:25 UTC 2016 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - update to 4.12.4 * Add instances for ExceptT: like ErrorT, but without an Error constraint. * Support containers * Support transformers 0.5 * Removed a number of spurious class constraints. * Support comonad 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 6 19:27:49 UTC 2015 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - update to 4.12.1 * Add instances of MonadCatch and MonadThrow from exceptions to FT, FreeT and IterT. * semigroupoids 5, profunctors 5, and bifunctors 5 support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Apr 26 17:48:04 UTC 2015 - mimi.vx@gmail.com - initial commit