# # generate animations for inclusion with HTML help documents # set term webp animate delay 50 size 300,300 set output './html/figure_spinning_d20.webp' unset border; unset tics; unset key; set view equal xyz set margins 0,0,0,0 set pm3d border linecolor "black" do for [ang=1:360:2] { set view 60, ang, 1.7 splot 'icosahedron.dat' with polygons fc "gold" } unset output # This figure is already in the repository as a static illustration # # set term pngcairo size 300,300 # set output './html/figure_static_d20.png' # replot # unset output reset # # Convex hull used to mask a pm3d surface # (webp because the svg version is 10x larger) # set term webp font "Calisto MT,12" noanimate size 600,400 set output './html/figure_mask.webp' set view map set palette rgb 33,13,10 set xrange [-30:25] set yrange [-30:25] set dgrid3d 100,100 gauss 5 set pm3d explicit unset key unset tics unset colorbox unset border set table $HULL plot 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2 convexhull with lines title "Convex hull" unset table set multiplot layout 1,2 spacing 0.0 margins 0.05,0.95,0.0,0.85 set title "Cluster of points\n defining the mask region" splot 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:3 with pm3d, \ 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:(0) nogrid with points pt 7 ps .5 lc "black" set pm3d interp 3,3 set title "pm3d surface masked by\nconvex hull of the cluster" splot $HULL using 1:2:(0) with mask, \ 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:3 mask with pm3d unset multiplot # same thing as a png image for fallback if browser does not support webp set term png font "Calisto MT,12" size 600,400 set output './html/figure_mask.png' set multiplot layout 1,2 spacing 0.0 margins 0.05,0.95,0.0,0.85 set title "Cluster of points\n defining the mask region" splot 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:3 with pm3d, \ 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:(0) nogrid with points pt 7 ps .5 lc "black" set pm3d interp 3,3 set title "pm3d surface masked by\nconvex hull of the cluster" splot $HULL using 1:2:(0) with mask, \ 'mask_pm3d.dat' using 1:2:3 mask with pm3d unset multiplot reset