2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
# This script is used to generate all of the many hundreds of font
# subpackages for google-noto-fonts. It generates a subpackage
# description based on each font folder in the tarball.
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
# Packagers should not change google-noto-fonts.spec directly but
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
# instead alter this and google-noto-fonts.spec.in to achieve the
# desired result.
# This is so that future packagers can simply run this script and
# get an updated specfile with all of the new subpackages.
# This is a bash script because POSIX-shell does not define
# arrays and they are needed to list the many obsoletes and provides
# that various subpackages need.
# Make new seperate packages for arimo, cousine, and tinos
# https://vaneyckt.io/posts/safer_bash_scripts_with_set_euxo_pipefail/
set -euo pipefail
pkg_name = "google-noto-fonts"
2024-06-02 16:24:53 +00:00
font_dir = "notofonts.github.io-noto-monthly-release-24.6.1"
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
# Used to extract the tarball to generate the specfile.
# You can comment this out while testing out changes to the script,
# just remember to uncomment before commiting!
tar -x -f $font_dir .tar.gz
cp -f $pkg_name .spec.in $pkg_name .spec
ls $font_dir /fonts | sed -e 's:Noto::' -e 's:-.*\..tf::' -e 's:\..tf::' -e 's:\.ttc::' | sort -f | uniq | while read -r font; do
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
# DO NOT create font packages out of these folders.
if [ " $font " = = "LICENSE" ] || [ " $font " = = "SansTest" ] || [ " $font " = = "SerifTest" ] || [ " $font " = = "NaskhArabicUI" ] ; then
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
# Generate the noto-* part of the package name.
serif = $( echo " $font " | sed 's:\(Sans\|Serif\).*:\1:' )
script = $( echo " $font " | sed " s: $serif \(.*\):\1: " )
packagename = " noto- $serif "
if [ -n " $script " ] ; then
packagename = " $packagename - $script "
packagename = $( echo " $packagename " | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
if [ " $serif " = = "Sans" ] ; then
serif_dsc = "Sans Serif "
serif_dsc = "Serif "
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
## Deal with all of the obsoletes and provides created by various font
## renamings, mergers, and splits over the years.
# This block contains fonts which previously had an noto-*-ui-fonts subpackage
# but Google placed the UI fonts into the same folder as the noto-*-fonts folder
# so now they all belong to the same font.
if [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-thailooped" ] ; then
OBSOLETES = ( 'noto-loopedthai' 'noto-loopedthai-fonts' 'noto-loopedthai-ui' 'noto-loopedthai-ui-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-laolooped" ] ; then
OBSOLETES = ( 'noto-loopedlao' 'noto-loopedlao-fonts' 'noto-loopedlao-ui' 'noto-loopedlao-ui-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-naskharabic" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-arabic" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-bengali" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-devanagari" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-gujarati" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-gurmukhi" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-kannada" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-khmer" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-lao" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-malayalam" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-myanmar" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-oriya" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-sinhala" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-tamil" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-telugu" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-thai" ] ; then
OBSOLETES = ( " $packagename " " $packagename -fonts " " $packagename -ui " " $packagename -ui-fonts " )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-serif-nphmong" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-serif-nyiakengpuachuehmong' 'noto-serif-nyiakengpuachuehmong-fonts' )
# This block is for the rest of the fonts...
OBSOLETES = ( " $packagename " " $packagename -fonts " )
if [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-sans-display' 'noto-sans-display-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-serif-tibetan" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-sans-tibetan' 'noto-sans-tibetan-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-syriac" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-sans-syriacestrangela' 'noto-sans-syriacestrangela-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-mono" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-mono' 'noto-mono-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-arimo" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-cousine" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "noto-tinos" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( " google- $serif -fonts " )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-hebrew" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-sans-hebrewnew' 'noto-sans-hebrewnew-fonts' 'noto-sans-hebrewdroid' 'noto-sans-hebrewdroid-fonts' )
elif [ " $packagename " = = "noto-sans-tifinagh" ] ; then
OBSOLETES += ( 'noto-sans-tifinaghadrar' 'noto-sans-tifinaghadrar-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghagrawimazighen' 'noto-sans-tifinaghagrawimazighen-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghahaggar' 'noto-sans-tifinaghahaggar-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghair' 'noto-sans-tifinaghair-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghapt' 'noto-sans-tifinaghapt-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghazawagh' 'noto-sans-tifinaghazawagh-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghghat' 'noto-sans-tifinaghghat-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghhawad' 'noto-sans-tifinaghhawad-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghrhissaixa' 'noto-sans-tifinaghrhissaixa-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghsil' 'noto-sans-tifinaghsil-fonts' 'noto-sans-tifinaghtawellemmet' 'noto-sans-tifinaghtawellemmet-fonts' )
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
packagename = " google- $packagename -fonts "
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
# Create the correct package description for fonts with or without an
# Sans/Serif in their name.
if [ -n " $script " ] ; then
summary = $( echo " Noto $script ${ serif_dsc } Font " | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g' )
summary = $( echo " Noto $serif Font " | sed 's:\([a-z]\)\([A-Z]\):\1 \2:g' )
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
2024-04-01 01:28:06 +00:00
# This chunk of sed commands puts the subpackages into the specfile.
# Check out google-noto-fonts.spec.in to see where the placeholder @@
# are placed.
sed -i " s/@LIST_OF_SUBPACKAGES@/Requires: $packagename \n@LIST_OF_SUBPACKAGES@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%package -n $packagename \n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Summary: $summary \n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
for i in " ${ OBSOLETES [@] } " ; do
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Obsoletes: $i < %{version}\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Provides: $i = %{version}\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%reconfigure_fonts_prereq\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/%description -n $packagename \n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/Noto's design goal is to achieve visual harmonization (e.g., compatible\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/heights and stroke thicknesses) across languages. This package contains\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name .spec
if [ -n " $script " ] ; then
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ $script ${ serif_dsc } font, hinted.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ $serif font, hinted.\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/\n@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@/" $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/%reconfigure_fonts_scriptlets -n $packagename \n\n@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%files -n $packagename \n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/ " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%license LICENSE\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name .spec
sed -i "s/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/%dir %{_ttfontsdir}\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@/" $pkg_name .spec
# These are exceptions for font files being named differently.
if [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-naskharabic-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-bengali-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-devanagari-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-gujarati-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-gurmukhi-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-kannada-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-malayalam-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-sinhala-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-tamil-fonts" ] || [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-telugu-fonts" ] ; then
sed -i " s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto $serif $script -\*.?tf\n%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto $serif ${ script } UI-\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@: " $pkg_name .spec
elif [ " $packagename " = = "google-noto-sans-tifinagh-fonts" ] ; then
sed -i " s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto $serif $script \*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@: " $pkg_name .spec
sed -i " s:@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@:%{_ttfontsdir}/Noto $serif $script -\*.?tf\n@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@: " $pkg_name .spec
2024-01-06 11:39:19 +00:00
# Remove the @@ placeholders once we are done.
sed -i 's/@LIST_OF_SUBPACKAGES@//' $pkg_name .spec
sed -i 's/@SUBPACKAGE_HEADERS@//' $pkg_name .spec
sed -i 's/@SUBPACKAGE_SCRIPTLETS@//' $pkg_name .spec
sed -i 's/@SUBPACKAGE_FILELISTS@//' $pkg_name .spec