forked from pool/grafana
- Update to version 10.3.3: Bugfixes: * Elasticsearch: Fix creating of legend so it is backward compatible with frontend produced frames * ShareModal: Fixes url sync issue that caused issue with save drawer - Update to version 10.3.2: * (unreleased) - Update to version 10.3.1: * Upstream build changes only, no functional changes - Update to version 10.3.0: Features and enhancements * Alerting: Guided legacy alerting upgrade dry-run. * Explore: Preserve time range when creating a dashboard panel from Explore. * Explore: Init with mixed DS if there's no root DS in the URL and queries have multiple datasources. * QueryEditor: Display error even if error field is empty. * K8s: Enable api-server by default. * Parca: Add standalone building configuration. * Auth: Hide forgot password if grafana auth is disabled. * Plugins: Add uninstall requested message for cloud plugins. * Loki: Open log context in new tab. * Alerting: Allow linking to library panels. * Loki: Drop all errors in volume requests. * Loki Logs volume: Added a query splitting loading indicator to the Logs Volume graph. * Plugins: Disable add new data source for incomplete install. * RBAC: Render team, service account and user list when a user OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
The tarball is generated via the OBS source service, but Grafana needs to ship the compiled frontend assets as well, which have to be built by running yarn inside the source tree (see This can't be done at build time on OBS, because it involves downloading and installing packages from the internet, so instead we have a Makefile which does the following: - Runs `osc service disabledrun` to get the latest source tarball - Unpacks the tarball to a temporary directory - Runs `yarn install --pure-lockfile && yarn build` - Adds the generated "vendor" and "public" content to the tarball, then compresses it with xz. - The tarball can then be used by OBS to build an RPM. In order for this to work you need to have npm >= 14 and yarn installed. # zypper in npm14 # zypper in obs-service-download_files obs-service-go_modules \ obs-service-obs_scm # npm install -g yarn Then, to package a new release of Grafana, run `make` then `osc ci` and you should be good. If you have a patch for the Javascript frontend to apply you need to do the following: - Create the patch and add it with `osc add <PATCH>` to the repo - Open the Makefile - Add after the `cd $$basename && \` the patch with: `patch -p1 < ../../000x-<NAME>.patch && \` - Do NOT add the patch to the Specfile. - Then use the process of building Grafana as described above. Please direct any questions to Tim Serong <> If Tim is not available you may also contact Enno Gotthold <>