------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 24 09:49:47 UTC 2022 - manfred.h@gmx.net - autocomplete files have been removed; obsolete bash-completion and zsh-completion sub-packages. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 24 09:26:33 UTC 2022 - manfred.h@gmx.net - Update to version 0.145.3: * Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-version from 1.4.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #183 * fix doc link error and style error by @yxxhero in #217 * fix(doc): add missing version field in the release template example by @lemeurherve in #228 * update readme about image repo and fix link error by @yxxhero in #224 * fix: use helm secrets view rather than helm secrets dec to decrypt by @philomory in #201 * add Go lint by @yxxhero in #169 * Include the working helmfile ver in the bug report by @mumoshu in #237 * update Readmd.md by @yxxhero in #236 * feat: bump chartify to v0.10.0 to support OCI registry for adhoc dependencies by @toVersus in #238 * on canary build, version should show "0.0.0-dev" by @itscaro in #162 * Add integration test for #238 with local docker registry as a OCI-based helm chart repo by @mumoshu in #239 * chore: clean up snapshot test by @toVersus in #241 * doc: getting start adds repositories configuration by @xiaomudk in #240 * Use cobra by @yxxhero in #234 * E2E helmfile-template testing with local chart repo server by @mumoshu in #245 * correct --help cli arg regression by @jouve in #252 * revert environment long option from --env to --environment by @jouve in #250 * test: Add unit tests for ChartExport by @xiaomudk in #256 * test: Add unit tests for ChartPull by @xiaomudk in #257 * fix: OCI Url and Version parse error by @xiaomudk in #258 * Implement readDirEntries method by @vasicvuk in #254 * remove selector override in cmd/apply by @jouve in #266 * update doccs/index.md about CLI ref by @yxxhero in #264 * fix: needs error with context that includes slash by @sergeief in #268 * Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.23.4 to 0.24.3 by @dependabot in #230 * Add flags about need for lint subcmd by @yxxhero in #273 * fix go.mod by @yxxhero in #275 * Refactor cobra flag default values for readability by @yxxhero in #274 * build(deps): bump go.uber.org/zap from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 by @dependabot in #280 * Add file existence check for remote values by @kuzaxak in #284 * Update ArchLinux installation instructions by @AnatolyRugalev in #282 * Fix Inclusion of Releases for Other Environments by @dackroyd in #276 * Cleanup pkg/config/config.go by @yxxhero in #287 * update golang lint by @yxxhero in #288 * Refactor 'images' workflow, include Ubuntu image to push by @pathob in #262 * build(deps): bump github.com/mattn/go-isatty from 0.0.14 to 0.0.16 by @dependabot in #293 * fix tag miss in docker build by @yxxhero in #294 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 26 07:50:07 UTC 2022 - manfred.h@gmx.net - Update to version 0.145.2: * The image publishing workflow should trigger on version tags by @mumoshu in #212 * Fix helmfile-deps issue that it is unable to find the chartify output by @yxxhero in #214 - Update to version 0.145.1: * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in #188 * fix bug.yaml by @yxxhero in #198 * test: use T.Setenv to set env vars in tests by @Juneezee in #189 * Fix/invalid path on windows by @philomory in #200 * fix within func issue by @yxxhero in #209 - Update to version 0.145.0: * Add an issue form for bug report by @mumoshu in #4 * remove ioutil usage in all project by @yxxhero in #5 * add unittest for formatters.go by @yxxhero in #9 * mv captureStdout as public func by @yxxhero in #13 * [test] update helm 3.8.0 to 3.8.1 by @itscaro in #16 * add unittest for load_opts.go by @yxxhero in #11 * bump go 1.18 & remove .circleci by @itscaro in #2 * update args_test.go unittest by @yxxhero in #17 * add unittest for RequiredEnv func by @yxxhero in #18 * Update badge to reflect Github Action status by @itscaro in #19 * [fix] unclosed file stream when creating temporary decrypted files by @itscaro in #20 * [fix] bump go 1.18 & optional TAG definition in makefile by @itscaro in #21 * Bump go-getter to 1.5.11 by @mumoshu in #25 * [Dockerfile] only use image alpine for compilation, add sops & age to pre-built image, remove helm v2 image by @itscaro in #28 * (fix) typo in state.go by @yxxhero in #32 * fix output-dir issue by @yxxhero in #31 * (fix) chartify process when chart path is absolute by @itscaro in #22 * Fix non-existent custom temp dir by @itscaro in #37 * Redact sensitive informations like password in chart url by @dol in #34 * Fix helmfile deps not to remove entries for charts that are being chartified by @mumoshu in #23 * feat: Auto-detect term for coloring helm-diff output by @mumoshu in #24 * (test) update helm to 3.8.2 by @itscaro in #39 * add unittest for constants.go by @yxxhero in #44 * remove gotest deps by @yxxhero in #45 * Update README.md by @mumoshu in #46 * fix go lint warn by @yxxhero in #48 * feat: Add openssh-client to images by @itscaro in #53 * (feat) update helm to v3.8.2 in container images by @itscaro in #55 * Create dependabot.yml by @itscaro in #54 * add unittest for Exec by @yxxhero in #52 * Add unittest for newExecutionID by @yxxhero in #62 * add unittest for ValidateConfig by @yxxhero in #67 * add unittest for context.go by @yxxhero in #68 * remove temp_rand and use k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/rand by @yxxhero in #69 * add unittest for error.go in pkg/app by @yxxhero in #71 * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 by @dependabot in #56 * Bump github.com/go-test/deep from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 by @dependabot in #60 * Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in #59 * Bump github.com/google/go-cmp from 0.5.7 to 0.5.8 by @dependabot in #93 * Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-version from 1.2.1 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in #94 * update doc for template func by @yxxhero in #74 * [#80] README, update release tag url by @yjqg6666 in #81 * chore: bump variantdev/vals to support remote secret tfstateremote by @carnei-ro in #76 * [feat] add execEnvs by @yxxhero in #95 * Bump go.uber.org/zap from 1.19.0 to 1.21.0 by @dependabot in #87 * fix old URLs in docs and fix Dockerfile by @itscaro in #84 * Bump github.com/urfave/cli from 1.22.5 to 1.22.9 by @dependabot in #96 * Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-getter from 1.5.11 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #103 * rename execEnvs to envExec by @yxxhero in #97 * Rename module to github.com/helmfile/helmfile by @austince in #101 * build image on tag by @itscaro in #40 * Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-getter from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #106 * update envExec docs by @yxxhero in #104 * add helm 3.9 to tests by @itscaro in #85 * fix intergration test for argo-cd form master to main branch by @yxxhero in #118 * feat: allow --validate on sync command by @chubchubsancho in #88 * remove unused comments by @yxxhero in #112 * Update sops version on dockerfile by @rodrigodc07 in #123 * Update Helm diff plugin to version 3.5.0 in Dockerfile by @philippeckel in #122 * Bump github.com/imdario/mergo from 0.3.12 to 0.3.13 by @dependabot in #114 * add e2e tmpl test by @yxxhero in #99 * reconstruct main function by @yxxhero in #83 * little code optimize by @yxxhero in #130 * Adds feature to fetch release values and secret values from remote by @dol in #47 * introduce DISABLE_INSECURE_FEATURES to disable insecure executions by @itscaro in #1 * chore(state): Append Api Versions flags to helm-diff by @semoac in #107 * fix ci issue by @yxxhero in #131 * Add yxxhero as a maintainer by @mumoshu in #132 * Enhance the bug report form by @mumoshu in #134 * Create SECURITY.md by @mumoshu in #135 * Minor documentation fixes by @stoned in #138 * Move repos subcommand to a dedicated source file by @yxxhero in #137 * Add proposals about two breaking changes before we cut Helmfile 1.0 by @mumoshu in #136 * Fix deprecated chart in Getting Started by @ogugu9 in #140 * proposal: Drop --args in Helmfile 1.0 by @mumoshu in #144 * Move diff charts template subcommand to a dedicated source file by @yxxhero in #139 * Bump module Go version to 1.18 by @mumoshu in #150 * Release automation and release build testing by @mumoshu in #151 * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.1 to 1.7.2 by @dependabot in #141 * Bump github.com/variantdev/vals from 0.16.2 to 0.17.1 by @dependabot in #152 * move all subcommand to sigle file by @yxxhero in #153 * Bump github.com/variantdev/vals from 0.17.1 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #158 * Bump github.com/hashicorp/go-getter from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 by @dependabot in #159 * feat(dockerfile): update helm to 3.9.0 by @Jasstkn in #163 * docker build test on ci by @yxxhero in #164 * Make a few helmfile sub-commands consistently support needs-related flags by @mumoshu in #78 * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 by @dependabot in #172 * fix ci test error by @yxxhero in #167 * update Readme.md by @yxxhero in #170 * Fix typo in README by @kobtea in #177 * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.3 to 1.7.4 by @dependabot in #176 * Update alpine base image to 3.16 by @jduepmeier in #179 * Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.4 to 1.7.5 by @dependabot in #180 * add unittest for text_renderer.go by @yxxhero in #168 * Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in #175 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 8 09:11:11 UTC 2022 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.144.0: * Update README.md by @qb-abdul in #2105 * Add .StateValues as alias of .Values in EnvironmentTemplateData by @itscaro in #2056 * Add template function isFile by @itscaro in #2045 * Enhance support for kube-version and api-versions by @mumoshu in #2121 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 19 08:54:38 UTC 2022 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.143.1: * Add --skip-tests to helmfile template command by @drivelikebrazil in #2057 * Fix context of the ReadDir templating function by @nlueb in #2058 * Fix readdir regression while merging by @mumoshu in #2061 * feat: Add --suppress option for diff and apply commands by @sjentzsch in #2077 * enable get() to be used with alias $.StateValues by @itscaro in #2081 * Use os.UserCacheDir()/helmfile to store downloaded artifacts instead of relative .helmfile directory by @itscaro in #2022 * Fix various golangci-lint errors by @Sajfer in #2059 * add integration tests for helm v3.8.0 by @itscaro in #2085 * Update USERS.md by @yohanb in #2089 * Allow more characters in label selectors by @Sajfer in #2064 * Make release template to work on needs by @mumoshu in #2099 * Stop panic when deduplicating releases by @Sajfer in #2067 * Bump chartify to v0.9.2 by @mumoshu in #2102 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 23 09:04:01 UTC 2022 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.143.0: * (HEAD, tag: v0.143.0) Fix panic on normalizing path containing .. (#2042) * add cleanup to write-values & lint to harmonise this flag (#2021) * Correct enabled property in helmfile list (#1921) * Add readDir as a templating function (#1934) * Set postsync and cleanup error (#2009) * Bump sprig library to v3.2.1 (#1880) * Allow users other than root to use helm plugins (#1766) * Added example ArgoCD + helmfile deployment (#1882) * Update README.md * Bump helm-diff to version 3.3.1 (#2041) * feat: Option to pass kubeVersion to helm template (#2002) * support apple silicon builds (#2032) * Bumped go-getter to v1.5.9 (#1982) * Fix capitalization of disableOpenAPIValidation config in README (#2003) * bump to go 1.17.3 with alpine 3.13 (#2024) * upgrade vals allowing for the use of the AzureRM terraform backend (#2029) * Add support for --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag on helm repo add command (#1990) * feat: Add go-getter support to load base helmfiles (#1998) * Do fail on a possible typo in needs entries (#2026) * Fix typo in README (#2006) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 9 19:13:29 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.142.0: * Add support for transitive dependencies (needs). by @pjotre86 in #1983 * Add documentation for needs parameterization. by @pjotre86 in #1987 * Process feedback for pr 1983 by @pjotre86 in #1992 * Make .Environment values available in .gotmpl files. by @pjotre86 in #2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 16 08:16:35 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.141.0: * 9a0ce53 (HEAD, tag: v0.141.0) Support Helm 3.7.0's reworked OCI support (#1970) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 17 06:57:31 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.140.1: * 787e6c8 (HEAD, tag: v0.140.1) ubuntu docker based image for helmfile (#1863) * 724b4b3 readme: fix wrong paths for environments on conf example (#1885) * 2792ef7 bug: write-values deletes provided --values files. (#1905) * f57b510 Fix json patches and strategic patches to do work when there was only one resource in the targeted chart/directory (#1962) * 7845ccc Stop integration test for Helm 2.17.0 (#1961) * e1cabc8 Add support for --validate on chartify (#1960) * 0f91f2c Add IKEA to users. (#1925) * 8594944 Update writing-helmfile.md (#1937) * ae438c8 Add more examples for remote env value files (#1938) * ad2f8e8 Add debian docker image, drop helm2, upgrade packages. (#1956) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 16 17:01:43 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.140.0: The following two changes were not included in the last snapshot release: * ccd81de (HEAD, tag: v0.140.0) Set longer no_output_timeout for release * 46b17e2 feat: pass-credentials to repo (#1899) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 23 07:48:29 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.140.0: * d8247e6 (HEAD, tag: v0.140.0) Update writing-helmfile.md: fix typos (#1892) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jun 11 14:44:22 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.139.9: * c623730 (HEAD, tag: v0.139.9) Bump golang.org/x/crypto (#1877) - v0.139.8: * 72e7160 (HEAD, tag: v0.139.8) Fix chartify regression of missing chart dependencies (#1869) * 0d4adfe Document hooks events expressions (#1870) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 25 06:43:31 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.139.7: * 1a109f7 (HEAD, tag: v0.139.7) Fix chartify inability to disable chart dependency (#1861) * 97bab23 Fix --skip-cleanup to work with chartify (#1860) * c881544 Update README.md * 92ba347 Add --skip-diff-on-install to helmfile diff (#1841) - v0.139.6: * f502a0a (HEAD, tag: v0.139.6) fix: Do not fail on deps when chart is fetched by go-getter (#1852) - v0.139.5: * 7724160 (HEAD, tag: v0.139.5) Fix Helmfile swallowing secrets decryption errors (#1849) - v0.139.4: * f38958d (HEAD, tag: v0.139.4) Fix cache path issue on Windows (#1846) - v0.139.3: * 212e6ac (HEAD, tag: v0.139.3) Fix helmfile-lint not to stop on fisrt error (#1836) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun May 9 08:43:27 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.139.2 This release fixes a breaking change introduced in v0.139.0. * efa404e (HEAD, tag: v0.139.2) Make --skip-needs=true the default option (#1835) - v0.139.1 This release include the fix for a regression introduced in v0.139.0, and additional fix for kubecontext usage in templates and --output-dir, and also the newer aws-sdk-go for AWS SSO support. You should always use v0.139.1 rather than v0.139.0. * 794ab9f (HEAD, tag: v0.139.1) Fix lint and status not to fail with selector and needs (#1834) * 48bd5c0 Update go.sum for successful build * e39a0b3 bump Go to 1.16.3 and cover helm 3.5.4 (#1825) * 5895410 fix kubeContext does not globally defaulting its value (#1829) * cb7fa6b Bump vals to 0.14.0 (#1832) * 44fb68b Use the incubator chart repo instead of chartcenter (#1833) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 7 08:23:11 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.139.0 This release includes a lot of bug fixes for forceNamespace, jsonPatches, strategicMergePatches, needs, kustomize integration, chartify, and the use of kubeContext in templates. If you use any of these features, upgrading to 1.139.x is highly recommended. This is a minor version bump because we had a bug fix that resulted in breaking some existing behavior. See #1831. CAUTION: Your pipeline may start failing due to a fixed bug. See #1831 and add --skip-needs to your helmfile command if you'd like to opt-in to preserve the existing behaviour. * ded0f10 (HEAD, tag: v0.139.0) Fix filepath handling on Windows (#1754) * 08db073 Fix broken selector and DAG calculation logic after --{include,skip}-needs addition with correct Release IDs (#1823) * de8644a Fix --selector results to correctly deduplicate releases (#1822) * f28ad5a Fix defaulting and overriding kubeContext (#1814) * 77ee239 Lock helm plugin versions in Dockerfile (#1821) * d9e1575 Add documentation about re-using the environment state from parent in sub-helmfile (#1808) * dabd7ad Fix repo sync to work on repos duplicated between helm v2 and v3 (#1816) * 204f78c Fix --set and --set-file flags are not passed to chartify (#1803) * 59b91a4 Fix adhoc dependencies not working with remote chart (#1802) * 5a3bd7d Fix destory, delete, and test to work with chartify on local chart with dependencies that are not yet downloaded (#1801) * ce6a621 Bump chartify to 0.8.3 to fix it not to break when two or more releases sharing the same chart and the namespace, but kubeContext (#1799) * 20f6c68 Fix code format * 3367822 feat: Move chartify logs to Debug (#1794) * 8702639 fix: spec.KubeContext does not fallback to HelmDefaults.KubeContext (#1789) * 41cbc25 fix: can't evaluate field KubeContext in type state.releaseTemplateDataRelease (#1797) * 83189db Enable helmfile-diff to pass the output format to helm-diff (#1784) * 28ade19 Bump chartify to 0.8.2 (#1793) * 378ae4a Fix typo (#1788) * 30e0356 Bump chartify to 0.8.1 (#1787) * eabda4c Fix delete on release of uninstalling status (#1786) * 5617b59 Add test for helmfile-destroy with selector (#1785) * 5d43b30 Add --{include,skip}-needs to various helmfile commands (#1772) * d6db4b5 Added The Hyve to USERS.md (#1779) * 368dd13 Fix destroy not reversing the order of releases (#1777) * ae942c5 Fix --skip-crds not working with chartify (#1774) * a111e89 Add --skip-crds to helmfile sync and helmfile apply (#1771) * 589b26a Fix some hook log not honoring log level (#1769) * 1d7608f Fix helmfile repos to not fail with forceNamespace * efad266 Add documentation about adhoc chart dependencies * 81b04fc Add support for adhoc dependency to local chart * 74cd2bc Enable helmfile-deps to limit helm-dep-up by selector (#1764) * 2ff06a8 Fix chartify to take --include-crds into account (#1761) * d703e17 Fix chartify not to fail on a chart with dependencies (#1759) * 3bfcc1e Add support for kustomize v4 (#1758) * c65bdff Respect release filter in lint and status (#1672) * f614e8b feat: Helmfile renders *.yaml.gotmpl in a K8s manifests/kustomization directory (#1745) * 85accf7 Add helm-secrets-encrypted values template file (#1701) * a161796 feat: Allow overriding chart via flag (#1751) * 261367e Add kubectl hooks for applying file(s) or kustomize (#1736) * 5cd0afc Add documentation about helmfile-fetch and StateValues alias (#1746) * 1748cbf Add .StateValues as alias of .Values in releaseTemplateDataRelease (#1744) * 200cae2 feat: --show-secrets on diff and apply commands (#1749) * b1b7831 feat: make --kube-context override helmDefaults (#1673) * 53c6d2f Add helmfile-fetch command to downloading and generating charts (#1734) * faa7496 Fix helmfile-template not writing to stdout (#1737) * 28cf300 Add support for kubeContext in environments (#1675) * e9d1c85 feat: change to helmfile template so it respects logging levels (#1691) * aafe74a Fix/secrets ordering (#1726) * db9d31a test: fix DecryptSecret output * 4a9d753 feat: make integration/vagrant * 4efaa65 test: return all tests * 59f4043 fix: fixed secrets decryption failed issue * d04cd1b test: fix "Ensure helmfile fails when no helm-secrets is installed" test * 781c4e9 test: fix "Ensure helmfile fails when no helm-secrets is installed" test * 0c9934c test: ensure bash -eo pipefail (as in circleci) * 2983f5c test: fix vault provisioning code * 7610d8d test: add secrets integration tests * 5cd853b test: add vault and sops for integration secret testing * f1c0787 ci: simplify integration tests ci code for helm2 * d1a2435 ci: simplify integration tests ci code * 45b8eb6 test: fix helm2 integration tests * 17a969c ci: verify new integration tests * 4f02196 test: reusable integration test * 85f19b6 fix: gitignore *.lock * 42138d8 test: vagrant for integration tests * 2ef09d4 test: sync HELM_VERSION and KUSTOMIZE_VERSION for tests * 9b2a770 feat(Dockerfile): pin helm-secrets version * 6085730 fix(Makefile): static-linux mod * 94a8658 feat(Dockerfile): bump helm version * 2618cfb Enable --wait-for-jobs flag introduced in helm 3.5 (#1715) * fcf9a72 Improve error message on deps resolution error (#1727) * 5ce755e Add chart & version to list cmd output (#1731) * b7d6639 (fix) remove usage of charts.yaml in error message (#1732) * 9575995 Add William Hill to USERS.md (#1735) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 9 16:01:14 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.138.7 * 8ed8a9e (HEAD, tag: v0.138.7) allow to access oci repos without auth (#1711) * 14a83e7 Update reference for helm-secrets to latest maintained fork (#1676) * bf9f36b refactor: simplify pull channel from #1706 (#1707) * 3215eaf panic with clear message (#1709) * 927bd30 Update README.md to show current CLI Output (#1712) - v0.138.6 * 247ae91 (HEAD, tag: v0.138.6) Disable darwin/386 build to avoid release failure - v0.138.5 * 97f0e59: Update README.md (#1677) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 13 11:28:22 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.138.4 * f24b61f (HEAD, tag: v0.138.4) Fix error on concurrent go-getter on same URL (#1669) - v0.138.3 * 257c1f6 (HEAD, tag: v0.138.3) Fix OCI support (#1667) * 4e1ecb5 Bump variantdev/vals to 0.13.0 (#1666) - v0.138.2 * ad5fba5 (HEAD, tag: v0.138.2) Bump Helm to v3.5.0. (#1656) * 0ad62b5 docs: update helm command name (#1635) * 8487970 fix: dont sent RegistryLogin password via args (#1662) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jan 30 09:58:45 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.138.1: fix: fixed up OCI repos so they support paths and URLs that differ fr… * 8212b63 (HEAD, tag: v0.138.1) fix: fixed up OCI repos so they support paths and URLs that differ from chart names contained there (#1661) - v0.138.0: feat: added in oci repository flag and added helm methods to pull and… * 2a71640 (HEAD, tag: v0.138.0) feat: added in oci repository flag and added helm methods to pull and export charts (#1629) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 13 14:36:41 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.137.0: docs: fix typo (#1645) * 33880da (HEAD, tag: v0.137.0) docs: fix typo (#1645) * 87fcd83 Fix typo "verion" (#1641) * 600721c docs(readme): fix typo (#1633) * f7a1d09 Bump variantdev/vals to 0.12.0 (#1644) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 3 09:57:17 UTC 2021 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.136.0 * e5d982e (HEAD, tag: v0.136.0) Fix "No valid platforms to build for" build error on release * c815d01 Bump helm versions in Dockerfile to deal with stable and incubator repositories change * 9569d73 Bump helm versions in CI to deal with stable and incubator repositories change * dd5bc46 Include kustomize binary in helm3-based Docker image (#1626) * fc3567d Adding documentation for PR #6819 (#1623) * 9b64d65 feat: Stabilize helmfile-diff output (#1622) * 54eb73b Use ghodss/yaml for yaml marshaling & unmarshaling in template (#1556) * 4c0987a Don't append --tiller-namespace flag when running helm3 (#1594) * 0637973 fix: allow helmfiles to be corrected marshalled to YAML so they can be manipulated by other programs (#1604) * 3690bde Add documentation on how to use the docker image (#1607) * b92ff2b Fix selector syntax example (#1614) * afe82f6 chore: suppress empty values on serializing several helmfile values (#1616) * 1c7b872 Stabilize helmfile-diff output (#1619) * 28e7ebb fix: support arm64 images (#1612) * 1ef9b29 Improve handling of releases being newly installed by helmfile-apply (#1618) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 23 10:17:01 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - Add bash and zsh completion sub-packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Nov 19 09:42:48 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.135.0: Add support for Kustomize Transformers (#1592) * b910591 (HEAD, tag: v0.135.0) Add support for Kustomize Transformers (#1592) * d807510 Enable shell completion (#1559) * 4e48521 Fix the logic of helmfile deps and add tests. (#1588) * b0e0429 Fix incorrect help text of some CLI options. (#1587) * f877de7 Fix openSUSE repo URL. (#1584) * 655d593 Mention about helmBinary in readme (#1590) - v0.134.1: Fix `helmfile template --include-crds` not to break with `chartify` (… * f6bf885 (HEAD, tag: v0.134.1) Fix helmfile template --include-crds not to break with chartify (#1583) * 2857382 fix: support arm binaries (#1580) * 972667f Mention openSUSE packages for helmfile (#1581) * 3c88145 Update readme stable/incubator URLs (#1582) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 10 15:32:53 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.134.0: Bump dependencies (#1573) * 709913b (HEAD, tag: v0.134.0) Bump dependencies (#1573) * 88884b6 feat: helmfile template --skip-cleanup (#1570) * 5a15b65 feat: Add helmfile apply --skip-cleanup (#1571) * 3899680 feat: Add helmfile test --logs (#1569) - v0.133.0: feat: Add `helmfile template --include-crds` (#1568) * 6b86408 (HEAD, tag: v0.133.0) feat: Add helmfile template --include-crds (#1568) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Nov 8 15:39:12 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.132.3: Fix redundant helm-dep-build and prepare hook regression (#1566) * bdbaa00 (HEAD, tag: v0.132.3) Fix redundant helm-dep-build and prepare hook regression (#1566) - v0.132.2: Fix `helmfile --selector x=y template` with `needs` (#1564) * 87e86dc (HEAD, tag: v0.132.2) Fix helmfile --selector x=y template with needs (#1564) * 995b201 mention Arch Linux support (#1549) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 27 17:35:00 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.132.1: Disable dependency update while running helm-x/chartify in more cases… * 0663831 (HEAD, tag: v0.132.1) Disable dependency update while running helm-x/chartify in more cases (#1548) * afb2653 fix: printing error to stdout together with templated resources (#1550) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 22 08:50:25 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.132.0: Minor README improvement (#1543) * 9ec4a85 (HEAD, tag: v0.132.0) Minor README improvement (#1543) * 4d86879 Improve capitalization and formats of README.md. (#1545) * 1aca099 feat: Upgrade to kubectl version supported by latest stable release and upgrade helm3 to 3.3.4 (#1498) * f5d0988 Retain the option helm repo add --force-update when Helm is v3.3.4 or above. (#1546) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 18 08:55:59 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.131.0: Bump chartify to 0.4.4 (#1540) * 080080f (HEAD, tag: v0.131.0) Bump chartify to 0.4.4 (#1540) * cd4afc3 Remove duplicated logs from helm.exec. (#1538) * 8f86697 Support for azure acr helm repositories (#1526) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Oct 18 08:48:12 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.130.3: Bump vals (#1537) * 563fce4 (HEAD, tag: v0.130.3) Bump vals (#1537) * b287101 Update USERS.md (#1535) - v0.130.2: Fix concurrent-map-iteration-and-write errors while running release h… * ab9fb2c (HEAD, tag: v0.130.2) Fix concurrent-map-iteration-and-write errors while running release hooks (#1534) * c170b5a Minor tweaks for helmfile write-values (#1533) * d9286ed Fix intermittent failures while building deps on local chart (#1532) * 3018e82 Fix multiple --set in --args messed up in helmfile template (#1529) * 34acf14 Bump chartify to v0.4.3 (#1528) * 5d8eba9 Append --force-update for specific helm versions. (#1494) * b284b7b chore: add SettleMint to the USERS list (#1516) * b293ac1 Fix typo (#1523) * 8d9d635 Clarify namespace prefix in needs (#1500) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 6 07:19:24 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.130.1: Fix: forceNamespace needs shouldRun is true (#1510) * 954673d (HEAD, tag: v0.130.1) Fix: forceNamespace needs shouldRun is true (#1510) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 29 10:41:39 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.130.0: Add support for ChartCenter (#1492) * 942b9a6 (HEAD, tag: v0.130.0) Add support for ChartCenter (#1492) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 21 10:57:27 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.129.4: Enable `helmfile test` testing only enabled and selected releases (#1… * b176408 (HEAD, tag: v0.129.4) Enable helmfile test testing only enabled and selected releases (#1486) * ff81b2f Enable release hook template to access .Values (#1485) * 8db03f9 Drop duplicated entry in extra functions list from readme (#1490) * 988c218 Support the latest Helm (>=v3.3.2) and bump the Helm version in Docker image. (#1488) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Sep 15 10:41:16 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.129.3: Treat selector with multiple conditions an AND (#1478) * 028bcc5 (HEAD, tag: v0.129.3) Treat selector with multiple conditions an AND (#1478) - v0.129.2: Bump vals (#1475) * 5dd65e8 (HEAD, tag: v0.129.2) Bump vals (#1475) - v0.129.1: Add tailormed to users (#1467) * 134d5be (HEAD, tag: v0.129.1) Add tailormed to users (#1467) * 87d04f0 Append KubeContext to temporary directory path (#1471) * 2d7c8e7 Update README.md (#1472) - v0.129.0: Add experimental write-values command for writing values files only (… * 0fad9f0 (HEAD, tag: v0.129.0) Add experimental write-values command for writing values files only (#1469) - v0.128.2: Re-add Release.Namespace in release values.yaml templates (#1466) * 832dcf4 (HEAD, tag: v0.128.2) Re-add Release.Namespace in release values.yaml templates (#1466) * 1d2c8b8 Adding hellofresh as a helmfile user (#1465) - v0.128.1: Fix `index out of range [1] with length 1` error on env2map (#1463) * 0482ba3 (HEAD, tag: v0.128.1) Fix index out of range [1] with length 1 error on env2map (#1463) - v0.128.0: Bump sprig to v3.1.0 and mergo 3.11 (#1456) * 9d2c0d4 (HEAD, tag: v0.128.0) Bump sprig to v3.1.0 and mergo 3.11 (#1456) - v0.127.0: Bump sprig to v3 (#1452) * efd26f2 (HEAD, tag: v0.127.0) Bump sprig to v3 (#1452) - v0.126.2: Fix wrong deletion order (#1451) * 5f1698d (HEAD, tag: v0.126.2) Fix wrong deletion order (#1451) * 2ecf578 Revise GitOps doc a bit - v0.126.1: Fix test flake for `commonLabels` (#1449) * 3e6542e (HEAD, tag: v0.126.1) Fix test flake for commonLabels (#1449) * d3daea3 Fix panic on hook since v0.126.0 (#1448) * 19d7942 Add experimental "forceNamespace" in helmfile.yaml (#1444) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 31 12:30:56 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.126.0: Fix build error after `helmfile build --embed-values` addition * cd0ecc5 (HEAD, tag: v0.126.0) Fix build error after helmfile build --embed-values addition * dc6c59d Print command output in line (#1354) * 0fc0869 feat: helmfile build --embed-values to embed release values and secrets into the output (#1436) * 5ca7ce1 feat: common labels for all releases in a helmfile (#1415) * 6b4b76e HELMFILE_ENVIRONMENT variable (#1425) * 7b11ce8 feat: Allow .Release.Name to be used in gotmpl values templates (#1424) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 31 12:20:16 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.125.9: Merge pull request #1442 from roboll/fix-duplicate-with-kubectx-per-r… * c575587 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.9) Merge pull request #1442 from roboll/fix-duplicate-with-kubectx-per-release * f2dfa7c Fix kubeContext not taken into account for release uniqueness * 41cd1fe Fix race while running helm dep build on local chart (#1439) * 94e01b7 Bump chartify to 0.4.2 (#1437) * 85e7798 Update to the latest version of helm-diff plugin (#1430) * b42e847 Fix race while running helm dep build on local chart - v0.125.8: Fix regression in helmfile deps (#1431) * 14e2b9e (HEAD, tag: v0.125.8) Fix regression in helmfile deps (#1431) * 90a4122 fix: panic when using helm v3.3 (#1427) (#1428) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 17 15:38:34 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.125.7: Fix regression installing raw K8s manifests (#1417) * a9aa7af (HEAD, tag: v0.125.7) Fix regression installing raw K8s manifests (#1417) * 738409e Fix regression for helmfile template with helm v2 since v0.125.4 (#1416) - v0.125.6: Revert filtering on repositories to be updated (#1412) * ec87a39 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.6) Revert filtering on repositories to be updated (#1412) * ab1c118 Bump chartify to v0.4.0 (#1409) * c8c444d Add test case (#1410) - v0.125.5: Fix chart fetched by go-getter not to fail due to missing dependencies * 9a03d79 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.5) Fix chart fetched by go-getter not to fail due to missing dependencies (#1408) - v0.125.4: Fix race on/sometimes missing postsync and cleanup hooks (#1407) * 0ef7e65 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.4) Fix race on/sometimes missing postsync and cleanup hooks (#1407) * 61b61d3 Fix helmfile template with Helm 3 ignoring chart version (#1406) * 2710cb3 Fix go-getter URL in chart to actually work (#1405) * 4d7fcd8 doc: ArgoCD integration (#1402) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 6 07:37:04 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.125.3: Fix various issues in chart preparation (#1400) * b85243a (HEAD, tag: v0.125.3) Fix various issues in chart preparation (#1400) * 53c3fe9 Add support for selector on helmfile template (#1399) - v0.125.2 * 2ce57ba (HEAD, tag: v0.125.2) Handle --disable-openapi-validation parameter in helm upgrade (#1396) * cc9b7f3 Fix regression on template failing due to duplicate fetch target (#1395) - v0.125.1: Fix `helmfile lint` failure when `installed: false` (#1391) * 85a2024 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.1) Fix helmfile lint failure when installed: false (#1391) * 8757308 Fix false-positive duplicate release with kubeContext (#1390) * 4fb47a8 Add version sub-command (#1389) * 9cffef5 Update documentation to mention Renovate integration (#1387) * b485793 Fix lint to not fail for duplicate release names across ns (#1388) * 1e260e4 Fix and enhancement to repository update (#1383) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 24 12:50:14 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - v0.125.0: Add pre/postuninstall hooks (#1375) * ee8ea50 (HEAD, tag: v0.125.0) Add pre/postuninstall hooks (#1375) * b5830a3 Add ability to use go-getter for fetching remote manifests directory as chart (#1374) - v0.124.0: Add disableValidation and disableOpenAPIValidation per release (#1373) * 4fde6e1 (HEAD, tag: v0.124.0) Add disableValidation and disableOpenAPIValidation per release (#1373) * a5e790c Add Jenkins OSS to the list of users (#1372) * 1e956ae Fix list failure when patches are used (#1371) - v0.123.0: Bump variantdev/vals for better Variant KV v2 support (#1367) * 1671b8b (HEAD, tag: v0.123.0) Bump variantdev/vals for better Variant KV v2 support (#1367) - v0.122.2: Bump chartify to 0.3.11 (#1366) * 608ba19 (HEAD, tag: v0.122.2) Bump chartify to 0.3.11 (#1366) * daf7d3b fix the issue in the documentation (#1364) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 17 12:29:09 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - Install program using "make install" to ensure it knows its version number. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 17 12:04:13 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - Add _service* files to automate source and vendor tarball retrieval ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 17 10:59:22 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - Replace hard-coded version numbers with %{version} ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 17 09:20:51 UTC 2020 - Manfred Hollstein - Initial revision of v0.121 from gitlab.