2024-05-28 07:07:46 +00:00
Tue May 28 04:39:09 UTC 2024 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.8.1:
* bugfix: lp#2066161 "Raw amount" check menu is not saved
* bugfix: lp#2065955 scheduled transactions not automatically
posted before weekend
* bugfix: lp#2065929 saved filter does not show txn with remind
* bugfix: lp#2065781 balance not updated after edit a transaction
in ledger
* bugfix: lp#2065770 display bug of next date column in template
* bugfix: lp#2065758 incorrect window title for credit card type
* bugfix: lp#2065740 scheduled transactions are broken for
"Next Payout"
* bugfix: lp#2065628 windows: crash after open recent file no
more existing
* bugfix: lp#2065625 save button stay disabled after edit
a transaction
* bugfix: lp#2065592 changing status to none from txn dialog fail
* bugfix: lp#2065551 embedded help file misses some new files
and images
* bugfix: lp#2065531 statistics report with tags filter show
extra tags
2024-05-17 16:02:41 +00:00
Mon May 13 18:50:31 UTC 2024 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.8:
* new : statistics report: category sign is now also displayed
* new : added a tooltip to display active filter in all
report windows
* change: migrating to GTK4 preparation (GdkEvent struct)
* change: migrating to GTK4 preparation
(GtkApplication, GtkApplicationWindow)
* change: migrating to GTK4 preparation (GtkMenu*, GtkToolbar)
for ledger
* change: 'select action for target xfer' creation cancel now
get back to txn dialog
* change: reports: moved the collapse/expand buttons to bottom
of the list
* change: example file addition: split, tags, loan, flags,
* change: the Info field is named as it should have originally:
* change: added missing enums for most action of combobox
* wish : lp#2064754 yours account should always display
a tooltip for consistency
* wish : lp#2064520 enable ledger txn reconciled > cleared,
like for none
* wish : lp#2063416 index for importing csv files
* wish : lp#2060588 widths of memo -v- amount field in split
* wish : lp#2059733 preference to use the template list when
edit a transaction
* wish : lp#2058696 enrich account transactions list window
title with account number and institution name
* wish : lp#2058566 budget Report - detail pane size not
* wish : lp#2056654 add thousand separator when print
'your accounts'
* wish : lp#2055533 Payment column in auto-assignment window
* wish : lp#2054906 "Cancel" button on prompt for a target
txn when adding xfer should not create a transaction
* wish : lp#2051758 add a help tip when input amount range
in filter
* wish : lp#2045514 Balance report to exclude transfers when
multiple selected accounts
* wish : lp#2044601 preference to always prompt for a target
txn when adding xfer
* wish : lp#2042674 idiot-proof preference for
"Sync transfert Status"
* wish : lp#2038753 copy transaction to clipboard to paste
external apps
* wish : lp#2037039 amend "Spending By Month" to have income
option & both income/expense by month
* wish : lp#2023696 budget report to show not-budgeted amount
* wish : lp#2017625 transfer txn widget From vs To field
ordering to be static
* wish : lp#2017437 reorderable columns in the
Scheduled/Template window
* wish : lp#2017436 scheduled/template window show internal
transfers "To" account in Payee column
* wish : lp#2016317 columns for status icon and payment icon
in scheduled/template
* wish : lp#2002177 automatic GTK dark theme switching for
Linux (using the Freedesktop standard)
* wish : lp#1910935 statistic report by accounts groups
* wish : lp#1909255 report exclude income in transfers
* wish : lp#1867979 internal transfer edit dialog to show/change
date in both accounts
* wish : lp#1867498 add "Life Energy" attribute
* wish : lp#1817274 add more paymode + user order position
+ disable
* wish : lp#1674016 assignment to assign tags
* wish : lp#1600356 add colour flag/group to transaction
* wish : lp#613894 favorite saved filter list to use in report
and ledger show all
* bugfix: multiple txn edit tag was not displaying the tag list
* bugfix: time report quick filter item list were displaying too
much columns
* bugfix: lp#2064839 post of today due date txn do not happen
* bugfix: lp#2063145 top spending pie chart subcategory is not
sorted descending
* bugfix: lp#2063135 statistics details export menu items
sensitivity update problem
* bugfix: lp#2061979 cross-currency transfer still do not propose
target transaction
* bugfix: lp#2060159 window width and height size is reset to an
invalid small size after demaximizing on startup
* bugfix: lp#2059709 filter exclusion of payment=none hide
* bugfix: lp#2055101 windows: recent file Clear keep
deleted/renamed files
* bugfix: lp#2052678 home time chart spending by month should
show net expense
* bugfix: lp#2052304 budget should warn/fix when we input
positive number for expense
- use gcc13 for openSUSE Leap because building with gcc7 fails
2024-02-08 16:59:14 +00:00
Wed Feb 7 18:05:15 UTC 2024 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.7.4:
* change: migrating to GTK4 preparation (GtkScrolledWindow)
* change: statistic report default type is now Total
* wish : #2037200 add a used feature for tags like for
* wish : #2044850 revert 5.7.2 print single account (statement)
fit to the page width
* wish : #2051419 management dialogs to shows hidden items
by default
* bugfix: template deletion was possible despite used into
an account
* bugfix: dateentry was faultly trigger double parse/eval/update
* bugfix: filter for report was faultly show always show items
* bugfix: update currency was not counting change to enable save
* bugfix: input a mindate > maxdate from the filter was possible
with no warning
* bugfix: lp#2051440 export CSV not including memo field from
split transactions
* bugfix: lp#2051349 add an existing category/payee/tag from
manage dialog do not warn user
* bugfix: lp#2051307 export CSV not including remind status
* bugfix: lp#2050848 skip multiple Scheduled do not refresh
as expected
* bugfix: lp#2048236 transfer are not included in forecast,
balance mode
* bugfix: lp#2047647 cross-currency transfer do not propose
target transaction
* bugfix: lp#2046157 info icon for transfers is not displayed
* bugfix: lp#2046032 date filter shows wrong date
* bugfix: lp#2043523 exclude zero-sum categories from
Top Spending
2024-01-05 09:39:15 +00:00
Tue Jan 2 16:15:30 UTC 2024 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.7.3:
* change: budget report added sign on categories like in
manage dialog
* change: budget report only display fulfilled for budegt
* bugfix: forecast was sometimes faultly done for
excluded/closed account
* bugfix: date range 'last 12 months' start was not set to
1st day of -12 months
* bugfix: lp#2045299 'install for me only' end with error message
when creating optional desktop shortcut
* bugfix: lp#2043886 portable version could prevent to store
* bugfix: lp#2043433 chart drill down Category link is not
* bugfix: lp#2043385 budget report forced displayed subcategories
can have no parent
* bugfix: lp#2043366 budget forced category remains displayed
with exp/inc filter
* bugfix: lp#2043223 budget report fulfilled column badly rounded
display 99% vs 100%
* bugfix: lp#2042676 accound dialog exclude from any report
do not refresh the graph after close
* bugfix: lp#2020181 mate: only french flag for payment icons
* wish : lp#2042699 chart drill down shows the cat total when
drawing subat
* wish : lp#2042683 assigment rule dialog to be wider
and/or size saved
2023-11-13 20:19:00 +00:00
Mon Nov 13 19:12:51 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.7.2:
* bugfix: crash was possible when no file loaded and change to
main chart
* bugfix: lp#2043152 lock icon for transaction sometime disapear
due to column resize
* bugfix: lp#2042771 currency don't update due to wrong api url
since 5.7
* bugfix: lp#2042770 HomeBank closes after leaving "preferences"
menu with no file open.
* bugfix: lp#2042668 remove/sanitize GTK listview quicksearch
* bugfix: lp#2042484 category popoverlist shows subcat income
standalone its expense parent
* bugfix: lp#2042463 manage categories add subcategory fail
after a search
* bugfix: lp#2042035 assign edit cancel faultly persist the
rule search
* bugfix: lp#2040494 App crashes when exporting a report after
I delete a category that contained data
* bugfix: lp#2040010 ISO 8601 date format not respected when
exporting to clipboard or CSV
* bugfix: lp#2039995 budget by time do not filter txn type
* bugfix: lp#2039493 statistics report crash when opened with
a too wide date range
* wish : lp#2042692 count and show number of selected
transactions when suppressing them
2023-10-09 19:45:22 +00:00
Mon Oct 9 15:34:02 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.7.1:
* new : split dialog: add a confirm dialog before delete all
split lines
* new : dateentry only rely on token and date order
detection, glib failover
* change: split dialog: add info+tooltip icon next to the
amount input
* change: split dialog: amount input is named according
transaction type
* bugfix: dateentry d, dm, md was sometimes wrong
* bugfix: dateentry 2 year digits fix with 40/60 windowing
* bugfix: lp#2037597 top 10 Spending Category chart legend
labels sometimes ellipsized
* bugfix: lp#2037468 "All Transactions" CSV export no longer
includes account
* bugfix: lp#2037132 cannot create assignments from a
transaction with empty memo
* bugfix: lp#2036703 budget report shows wrong Spent and
Budget totals
* bugfix: lp#2036290 migrate libsoup-2.4 to libsoup-3.0
* bugfix: lp#2036270 no message when split limit is reached
* bugfix: lp#2036228 forecast only limited to time span set in
* bugfix: lp#2036097 budget report date range from/to does not
localized month name
* bugfix: lp#2035401 Main panel size not retained; account
info concealed on start
* bugfix: lp#2035129 incorrect values in "tooltip" message
for forcast view (subcategory)
* bugfix: lp#2034764 statistics Report Total Row not
reflecting displayed amounts
* bugfix: lp#2034647 trend time Report Title does not match
* bugfix: lp#2034618 statistics report sometimes crashes with
half year interval
* wish : lp#2038601 "Schedule" and "Template" linked
togglebuttons are not mutually exclusive (don't act like
* wish : lp#2034625 statistics Reportsorting by expense or
income when using the Time Mode
- Changed BuildRequires from libsoup-2.4 to libsoup-3.0
2023-09-07 18:56:04 +00:00
Thu Sep 7 16:23:23 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.7:
* new : added balance mode for statistics total report
* new : added fulfilled column for budget report
* new : added back the Custom indicator in Date Range widget
* new : added the date as last sort in case of prior equality
for transaction list
* new : added two preferences parameters to be more flexible
with currency rate api
* new : added abbreviated weekday in date input widget
* change: migrating to GTK4 preparation
* change: the currency rate api to exchangerate.host
* change: numerous optimization and refactoring for report
* change: home scheduled: moved the maximum post date to an
info icon tooltip
* change: avoid refreshing undisplayed items on the home main
* change: chart legend is hidden when not enough space to
display chart
* change: export PDF of transaction migrated to a standard
print feature
* wish : lp#2030322 add weekday display in date input
* wish : lp#2024956 sort the scheduled transaction by date
* wish : lp#2028464 manage account add sort header, search
and website
* wish : lp#2023477 stack chart to display income above and
expense below
* wish : lp#2019193 preference to sync transfer status by
* wish : lp#2018680 replace * *PREFILLED** for new
assignement/archive from register with added icon
* wish : lp#2018174 change currency rate api to a more
fulfilled one
* wish : lp#2008641 add a duplicate assignment action
* wish : lp#2004078 print option missing in Show all
* wish : lp#1964434 optimize the legend position to maximize
chart size
* wish : lp#1933165 budget report includes
Category & Subcategory
* wish : lp#1932198 pdf print txn report, custom title, total
and portrait/paysage
* wish : lp#1918459 adding pdf print function - show the
result as a list
* wish : lp#1912973 ability to print "Your accounts" list
in main window
* wish : lp#1909851 filter scheduled operations add Next
payout (max post date)
* wish : lp#1857890 home chart to show account balance
* wish : lp#1816389 home chart to show spending by month
* wish : lp#1783645 chart drill down for categories
* wish : lp#588864 budget report over time (month)
* wish : lp#121510 cash flow forecast
* bugfix: lp#2030333 account not sorted by position in import
* bugfix: lp#2024322 currency online update not working
* bugfix: lp#2018726 budget report should be bounded to month
- Update BuildRequires minimum versions for glib-2.0, gtk+-3.0
and libsoup-2.4
2023-08-08 20:44:45 +00:00
Tue Aug 8 05:15:14 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.6.6:
* bugfix: lp#2027201 when ordering the transaction list by
category, split ones are not ordered
* bugfix: lp#2026641 anonymise does not deal with account notes,
start balance, overdraft and automatic assignment notes
* bugfix: lp#2026626 anonymise feature doesn't fully anonymise
accounts name
* bugfix: lp#2026594 changing currency account with xfer faulty
change target account currency
* bugfix: lp#2026184 statistics report doesn't always show total
for parent category
* bugfix: lp#2024940 statistics faulty hide items with data when
result is 0.0
* bugfix: lp#2024389 filter Status always show section should
always be visible
* bugfix: lp#2019312 status column included in export detail txn
from report break re-import
2023-06-28 19:49:52 +00:00
Tue Jun 27 15:51:36 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to 5.6.5:
* bugfix: lp#2024243 when creating splits for income transactions,
expenses are added as incomes regardless of amount sign
* bugfix: lp#2023388 account cannot be deleted message is not
precise enough
* bugfix: lp#2022049 windows: displayed values overflow int32 in
* bugfix: lp#2019312 status column included in export detail txn
from report break re-import
* bugfix: lp#2018039 lock icon for reconciled txn is not displayed
in report detail
2023-05-21 22:34:57 +00:00
Fri May 19 15:37:28 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- update to 5.6.4:
* bugfix: lp#2012576 statistics Report using Balance Mode by time
shows odd "total" column
* bugfix: lp#2012999 one transaction Imported from QFX file no
longer matches
* bugfix: lp#2017435 posting both sides of a scheduled internal
transfer posts 2 occurrence
* bugfix: lp#2018145 rate calculation on total report values
* bugfix: lp#2018206 balance sometimes displays -0.00
* bugfix: lp#2018414 tags edit/import faultly enable space and may
cause report crash
* bugfix: lp#2019876 balance report allow max < min date (crash)
and ignore input with All dates range set
2023-03-20 17:52:37 +00:00
Mon Mar 20 16:34:23 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- update to 5.6.3:
* change: budget table view is now the default
* bugfix: scheduled transaction list was not display src/dst
account for xfer
* bugfix: scheduled transaction list total was incorrect
* bugfix: account future transaction account column was not
displayed oblique
* bugfix: lp#2009277 removing tag from multiple transactions
* bugfix: lp#2009250 cannot select Hidden Categories in
Statistics Reporting
* bugfix: lp#2008521 account window toggle future transaction
is not working
* bugfix: lp#2007947 dropdown boxes in the Edit Transaction
dialog box behave inconsistently
* bugfix: lp#2007712 report half-year column header is not
* bugfix: lp#2000728 wayland: template window closes only
on third attempt
* bugfix: lp#1999699 wayland: click on schedule button select
first item and don't open popover
* wish: lp#2007714 table budget dialog view improvements
* wish: lp#2000290 Fortnight interval in Reports
* wish: lp#1996505 Sum SELECTED scheduled transaction at
main window
* wish: lp1956060 sort by amount in statistics report to take
sign into consideration
* wish: lp#1886123 Remind status transactions not calculated
in reports despite include preference
2023-02-08 10:00:19 +00:00
Mon Feb 6 18:10:55 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- update to 5.6.2:
* change: updated the example.xhb file with up to date data
* change: avoid to call the update currency api unless file
last save is less than 24h
* bugfix: lp#2004631 date and column title alignement
* bugfix: lp#2004053 budget manage table view category column
no ellipsis nor resizable
* bugfix: lp#2002873 changing a category name do not update
the list
* bugfix: lp#2002699 en_GB locale faultly translated to Arabic
by a user
* bugfix: lp#2002650 update currency at program start always
mark the file changed
* bugfix: lp#2002348 impossible to schedule income template
with an amount equal to 0
* bugfix: lp#2000480 crash importing OFX under specific
* bugfix: lp#2000452 vehicle cost report shows duplicated subcats
2023-01-10 08:45:02 +00:00
Mon Jan 9 16:41:47 UTC 2023 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- update to 5.6.1:
* bugfix: lp#2001566 vehicule cost report label vehicle while
properties label Category
* bugfix: lp#2000834 when fiscal year is not 01 jan
last/this/next year is 1 year ahead
* bugfix: lp#2000809 user feedback when create template or
* bugfix: lp#2000760 typo in french translation
* bugfix: lp#2000629 move buttons in Manage Assignments window
do not update at ends
* bugfix: lp#2000294 statistics Time 'Balance mode' ignores
* bugfix: lp#2000292 week 51/52 display incorrectly in
Statistics Report
* bugfix: lp#2000269 quick filter transactions uncleared shows
reconciled transactions
* bugfix: lp#2000266 duplicated 'This fortnight' label in
date range
* bugfix: lp#1999963 category list with an & show other name
* bugfix: lp#1999879 new assignment by amount do not save
the amount
* bugfix: lp#1999322 When I hide a payee, changes are not saved
* bugfix: lp#1999297 win: crash in scheduled transaction
* bugfix: lp#1999265 future/remind list column width
to 0 (hidden)
* bugfix: lp#1999250 program crashes exporting Payees to csv
* bugfix: lp#1999243 moving assignment rule is not subject to
saving and moving to position>99 fails
* bugfix: lp#1999188 show detail preference is ignored + column
width to 0
* bugfix: lp#1999186 void transactions show regardless of
preferences setting
* bugfix: lp#1998987 translation is missing for days and
transaction status
* bugfix: lp#1998912 translation is missing for the new
date selector
2022-12-06 21:31:38 +00:00
Tue Dec 6 21:24:58 UTC 2022 - Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 5.6:
* new : add a Manage > Wallet menu entry
* new : add suggested/destructive style to relevant dialog buttons
* new : add search input into manage category dialog
* new : all search input CTRL+F to activate, ESC to empty+quit
* new : filter on individual type: expense, income, transfer
* new : filter on individual status: cleared, reconciled
* new : filter dialog has a visual indicator on page with active filter
* new : added an info icon with detailed info as tooltip in import, account pages
* new : added a warning icon when xfer with different currency prefill target amount fail
* change: dropped usage of remaining comboboxentry in profit of a popoverentry
* change: account rename dialog relayout
* change: payee edit dialog relayout
* change: category edit dialog relayout
* change: manage payee/category hid usage column by default, toggle button to show
* change: filter dialog relayout
* change: layout harmonisation of all manage dialog
* change: spacing check and harmonisation of all windows
* change: removed icons for secondary windows/dialogs
* wish : #1996223 statistics time report stack chart to show rate in tooltip
* wish : #1993088 register closed account popmenu should be disabled
* wish : #1989211 stats report preference to include/exlcude xfer by default
* wish : #1986501 columns visibility settings for scheduled mainwindow list
* wish : #1983995 Ability to "Copy raw amount" from a transaction in the account's transactions list
* wish : #1982036 improve columns order/width for target xfer transaction list
* wish : #1980562 setting to unlock by default the reconciled changes
* wish : #1977686 autocompletion for split memo field
* wish : #1974450 modify assignment order by specifying its index
* wish : #1973029 add tag import/export function
* wish : #1958039 Add ability to sort by search text in Assignments Dialog
* wish : #1955305 Ability to search for criteria text in "Management Assignments" window
* wish : #1933164 sort by header column click on statistics
* wish : #1932193 add a note field into payee
* wish : #1920642 separate columns and widths settings for reports details pane
* wish : #1909749 feature to lock changes of reconciled transactions
* wish : #1906953 add "ignore" week-end behavior
* wish : #1896887 Reports / Exclude tags does an AND on multiple tags, it should default to OR
* wish : #1896441 set an account to be outflow into 'Your Accounts'
* wish : #1886757 HomeBank Report Account balances for each month
* wish : #1875801 shows split detail in the report detail list
* wish : #1869352 option to add scheduled txn until x months
* wish : #1826360 archive payee/category to lighten the lists
* wish : #1710085 assignment based on amount
* wish : #1673260 internal transfer with different currency
* wish : #1530170 more date range option and redesign
* wish : #1173135 charts for stat over time items (pay, cate, acc...) report
* wish : #625527 multiselectable combobox in trendtime reports
* bugfix: unused tags were not saved
* bugfix: add ellipsize to some report columns for large item name
* bugfix: report budget layout problem with large category name
* bugfix: #1993599 your accounts tooltip fail when account name contains a &
* bugfix: #1993727 import assistant selection counts do not update
2022-10-21 19:23:58 +00:00
Fri Oct 21 15:59:00 UTC 2022 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.8:
* bugfix: lp#1992548 linking xfers between accounts fails to
join correctly
* bugfix: lp#1992284 manage tag edit input is empty
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
Wed Oct 5 16:12:38 UTC 2022 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.7:
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
a new transaction
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
transfer refactor
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: lp#1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
sign transaction
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
update focused amount
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
* bugfix: lp#1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: lp#1991459 register apply type=income +
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
status=uncategorized shows expense
2022-10-05 22:02:05 +00:00
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, lp#1984246
fixes building with glib2 < 2.68
Accepting request 1008265 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.7:
* bugfix: #1681532 Segfault when pressing escape while editing
a new transaction
* bugfix: #1981464 "Select among possible transactions" duplicate
transfer refactor
* bugfix: #1984246 compilation problem on Debian 11
* bugfix: #1987975 choose among target xfer faultly propose same
sign transaction
* bugfix: #1988489 Statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1988594 edit txn with keyboard ok button (alt) don't
update focused amount
* bugfix: #1989171 Invalid appdata confuse gnome-software
* bugfix: #1991459 register apply type=income +
status=uncategorized shows expense
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed back to >= 2.39, #1984246 fixes
building with glib2 < 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1008265
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=10
2022-10-05 22:00:24 +00:00
Accepting request 988049 from home:Kieltux:branches:Office
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/988049
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Office/homebank?expand=0&rev=8
2022-07-09 22:18:40 +00:00
Thu Jun 30 18:07:43 UTC 2022 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.6:
* bugfix: #1977796 rounding problem for euro minor in
deutsche mark
* bugfix: #1976138 split amount opposite sign don't work when
using + button
* bugfix: #1972078 inherit old xfer enable to post to
a closed account
* bugfix: #1970526 windows do not minimize independently; cannot
raise main window above others
* bugfix: #1970509 manage scheduled list column hscrollbar
* bugfix: #1970020 balance report - toggle detail show no txn
* bugfix: #1967708 csv export invalid with semicolon in text
- BuildRequires for glib2 changed to >= 2.68
2022-04-26 10:18:53 +00:00
Mon Apr 25 16:30:28 UTC 2022 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.5:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.33
* wish: #1960755 add a refresh button in account detail screen
* wish: #1960380 void transaction icon improved visibility in
dark mode
* wish: #1950234 your account show total for single group
foreign currency
* wish: #1948608 scheduled list (manage/bottom) could show
category column
* wish: #1945636 detail report list amount sort in base currency
* bugfix: fixed double trigger on some radiobutton: category,
budget, assign, repstats
* bugfix: #1968249 templates names not displayed in Transaction
* bugfix: #1965594 children windows should be transient for their
* bugfix: #1964433 'Top Spending' home chart option button
* bugfix: #1963833 window: main window don't open in primary
* bugfix: #1960750 tooltip is in English even if localization is
set to FR
* bugfix: #1960745 not showing * after some changes made
to manage
* bugfix: #1960743 double click payee not working after search
* bugfix: #1958767 managing payees search does not refresh
after merge
* bugfix: #1958145 windows: can't enter specials characters with
alt gr
* bugfix: #1958001 balance 'Show Empty Line' includes days
outside of selected range
2022-01-17 11:25:05 +00:00
Sat Jan 15 06:10:06 UTC 2022 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.4:
* change: windows: upgraded to GTK 3.24.31
* bugfix: #1956185 dates not accepting 2 digit year
* bugfix: #1955984 homebank cannot import its own CSV exports
* bugfix: #1955046 statistics time csv subcategory export fail
* bugfix: #1954017 QIF import uncheck similar txn with
different category
* bugfix: #1947931 vehicle cost CSV output incorrect values
in km/l column
* bugfix: #1945715 windows: update currency return
'unaccaceptable TLS certificate'
* bugfix: #1942494 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1940103 (null) is shown in dialog when deleting
a template/scheduled
* bugfix: #1919063 windows: scaling in 'Top Spending' text
too big in UHD 3840 x 2160
* bugfix: #1801655 windows: button order for GtkAssistant
import is confusing
2021-08-11 14:22:26 +00:00
Tue Aug 10 17:47:42 UTC 2021 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.3:
* new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint,
material, nord
* change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme
* wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance)
* bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled
* bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save
* bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report,
the list is empty
* bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker
* bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains
in english
* bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction'
don't sort by date
* bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags
* bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog
* bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit
does in practice
2021-05-10 13:39:08 +00:00
Sun May 9 12:03:33 UTC 2021 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.2:
* new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv
* wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close
* wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time
mode on Statistics report
* bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown
* bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated
after date change
* bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap
* bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn
* bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does
not make document dirty
* bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show
up in the current transactions
2021-05-05 18:41:48 +00:00
Tue May 4 19:32:51 UTC 2021 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5.1:
* change: report window are now closed when new/open a file
* bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width
and height
* bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable
* bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme
* bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong
* bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete
* bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check
* bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly
by week (ISO 8601)
* bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer
* bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with
* bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance"
option doesn't update balance in accounts summary
* bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is
too invasive
* bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much
decimal digits
* bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due
to inconsistent XML
* bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or
more at once
* wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import
* wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts
2021-02-19 22:49:51 +00:00
Sat Feb 13 16:48:32 UTC 2021 - Carsten Ziepke <kieltux@gmail.com>
- Update to version 5.5:
* new : your accounts added cleared column
* new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column
* new : added checking and savings account type
* new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled
date, minimun/maximum remaining
* new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph
* change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled
* change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more
accurate 'Total'
* change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox
to clarify the interface
* wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish)
* wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find
* wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average
* wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading
* wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding
new transactions
* wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules
* wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results
* wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme
* wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button
* wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font
* wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft
* wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts
* wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference
* wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion
* wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for
transaction and overall usage
* wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type
* wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row
* wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for
credit card account
* wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled
operations in the main window's overview
* wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon
* wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable
* wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared
* wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date'
* wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report
* wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly
for report/graph
* bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is
indicated incorrectly
* bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with
info + add to info
* bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty
* bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places
for cryptocurrency
* bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage
scheduled/template transactions' dialog
* bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top
- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file
2020-10-07 12:16:55 +00:00
Wed Sep 30 13:16:51 UTC 2020 - Paolo Stivanin <info@paolostivanin.com>
- Update to version 5.4.3:
* change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for
* change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect
* change: split list column now follow same width rule
than other list
* change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies,
template, scheduled
* change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show
next time checkbox
* change: reworked and improved the new file assistant
* change: prefixed template created from the register
* wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts"
* wish : #1861432 merge tags
* wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report
* wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown
* wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post
* wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list
* wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV
* wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register
(expand or other)
* wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register
* bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty
* wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title
* wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import
similar date gap
* wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in
splits dialog
* wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit
* wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size
* wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..."
transactions view
* wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with
every split line
* bugfix: delete tag was partially working
* bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new
file or import
* bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your
* bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized
with wallet folder
* bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment
* bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3
digits dollar amount
* bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in
scheduled/template dialog
* bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order
on each save
* bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon
isn't displayed against the 'from' account
* bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default
backup folder
* bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and
"Regular expression in the assignment dialog
* bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed
* bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch
* bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date
* bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads
to crash
* bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble
currency symbol
* bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory
has same name
2020-03-11 17:53:48 +00:00
Tue Mar 10 14:06:06 UTC 2020 - malcolmlewis@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.3.2:
* Changes;
+ Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance.
* Bugfixes;
+ Edit menu was not disable for closed account.
+ Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted.
+ #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not
showing > Transactions > Show All.
+ #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button
is not enabled.
+ #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown.
+ #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after
creating a new transaction
+ #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from
"Show All" view.
+ #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total.
+ #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after
initially working.
+ #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime.
+ #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu.
+ #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit.
- Changes from version 5.3.1:
* Bugfixes;
+ #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on
Statistics Report doubles the amount .
+ #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category
after edit txn.
+ #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation
text' in preference.
+ #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account.
+ #1858945 keep last date preference no more working.
+ #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a
+ #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English.
- Changes from version 5.3:
* New;
+ Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency.
+ Transaction type created expense/income and transfer.
+ Added a clear menu for recent opened file.
+ Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction.
+ Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed.
+ Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment.
+ Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the
* Changes;
+ Xhb data file format (v1.4).
+ Account dialog layout change.
+ Budget dialog layout change.
+ Assign dialog layout change.
+ Filter dialog layout change.
+ Transaction dialog layout change.
+ Merged transaction and template dialog.
+ Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer
+ Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer.
+ Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar
under listview.
+ Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated
+ Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance.
+ Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'.
+ Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message.
+ Lighten stack usage for dialog.
* Wish;
+ #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account
+ #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input.
+ #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import.
+ #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files).
+ #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments.
+ #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close
+ #1840100 updates when use multiple account window.
+ #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction
+ #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen.
+ #1818320 add "void" status to transactions.
+ #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s).
+ #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions.
+ #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer.
+ #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as
configuration option?).
+ #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register.
+ #1792279 configurable backup directory.
+ #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure.
+ #1749457 change order of same day transactions.
+ #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category
+ #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code).
+ #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days.
+ #1504348 improve control of assignments.
+ #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog.
+ #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate,
acc...) over time.
+ #1095160 account: more type and created group.
* Bugfixes;
+ #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import.
+ #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and
+ #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2.
+ #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings.
+ #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen
doesn't always update the account summary.
+ #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a
+ #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the
- Changes from version 5.2.8:
* New;
+ Import: auto assigment is now optional.
+ Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management.
+ Add help and donate toolbar buttons.
* Changes;
+ Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one.
* Wish;
+ #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog.
+ #1841462 shortcuts for register view.
+ #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget.
+ #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice.
+ #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget
* Bugfixes;
+ Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown.
+ Accelerator key was not working for date widget.
+ #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode
cheque and positive amount.
+ #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode
+ #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8
char (é, ç, à, etc).
+ #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance.
+ #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show
+ #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00.
- Changes from version 5.2.7:
* New;
+ Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list
for tags.
+ Payee column shows >account or <account for internal
+ Transaction tooltip were clarified.
* Wish;
+ #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit
* Bugfixes;
+ Filter payment click on label was not working.
+ Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name.
+ Tags were not freed from archives.
+ #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing
space in account name.
+ #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case.
+ #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always
+ #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c.
+ #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow.
+ #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't
activate the save button.
+ #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide.
+ #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't
match" if internal transfer.
+ #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes
revert to minimum width.
+ #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount.
+ #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents.
2020-01-31 22:56:21 +00:00
Thu Jan 30 11:14:07 UTC 2020 - Dominique Leuenberger <dimstar@opensuse.org>
- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use
2019-05-27 09:14:55 +00:00
Mon May 27 06:18:13 UTC 2019 - mvetter@suse.com
- Update to 5.2.6:
+ Changes:
- access to the show all transaction with the toolbar
+ Bugfixes:
- #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT
- #1829076 status "no category" filter not working
- #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report
+ Wishes:
- #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single
- #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount
- #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part
- #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency
2019-03-26 21:32:24 +00:00
Wed Mar 20 06:31:53 UTC 2019 - Paolo Stivanin <info@paolostivanin.com>
- Update to version 5.2.3
+ new
- statistics report, added account
- trend time report, added half year interval
- added console error message for load/save preference file
+ wish
- sortable columns during import
- fill paymode/category independently from payee
- enable to import unlimited account
- reorder split transactions
- add tags manager
- "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected
- scheduled home list to show remaining occurence
- OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info"
- remind expander state into 'Your account' list
- display list of available tags in txn dialog
- enable tag for trend time report
+ lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list
2018-09-24 11:11:48 +00:00
Sun Sep 16 08:58:45 UTC 2018 - antoine.belvire@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.2.1:
+ Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698).
+ Bugfixes:
- Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677).
- Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567).
- CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656).
- Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out
- Changes from version 5.2:
+ Changes:
- Import, you can drop file to import on the main window.
- xhb data file format (v1.3).
- Optimized XML close tag.
- Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements.
- Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout.
- Migrated split to GPtrArray.
- Improved the register selection informations.
- Relayouted payee and category dialog.
- Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface.
+ Wishes:
- Show average of selection (lp#1783826).
- Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145).
- Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028).
- Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from
files (lp#1744612).
- Import remember last account (lp#1738816).
- Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538).
- Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902).
- Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048).
- Update account target window if open (lp#1667501).
- Show category in subcategory view of budget report
- Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931).
- Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563).
- Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211).
- Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494).
- Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227).
- Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10
categories (lp#1225122).
- Optional default transaction template for each account
- Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218).
- Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418).
- List of all transactions (lp#668417).
- Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739).
+ Bugfixes:
- Currencies update fail due to fixer.io requires api key
- Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with :
- Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830).
- Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn
- Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862).
- Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926).
- When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display
the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749).
- Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720).
- Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659).
- Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953).
- Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547).
- Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year
- Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction
- Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532).
- Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601).
2018-04-20 15:27:18 +00:00
Fri Apr 13 01:38:54 UTC 2018 - luc14n0@linuxmail.org
- Update to version 5.1.8:
+ Wish:
- Add more decimals for cryptocurrencies (lp#1743254).
- Enable/disable show future txn in register window
- Trendtime, average line, negative amounts (lp#1446505).
+ Bug Fixes:
- Account dialog, the frac digit was not set for currency with
more than 2 digits.
- Update currency message error (lp#1750426).
- CSV export decimal char is not always the same (lp#1750257).
- No warning when a file was changed from another instance
- Currencies update fail due to yahoo discontinued service
- Group internal xfer when sort by payee (lp#1721980).
- Update '+' to '-or-later' in GPL License tag to comply with SPDX
- Drop standard BuildRoot tag declaration: RPM already sets it
2018-01-22 15:20:41 +00:00
Wed Jan 17 01:59:24 UTC 2018 - luc14n0@linuxmail.org
- Update to version 5.1.7:
+ New:
- Rewritten partially the charts and removed the treeview for
- Chart line have now a vertical line on active item.
- Chart now display the 0 scale text.
- Rewritten the dateentry widget to use a popover.
- Reports enable to copy to clipboard in addition to export
as CSV.
+ Change:
- Chart bar/line now span automatically.
- Chart donut hole do not trigger overlay anymore.
- Preferences, txn column list removed, as there is a now a
context menu.
- Top spending is now display top 10 items.
- Fixer.io is now used to get currencies exchange rate
(replace yahoo).
- Changes and new entries into the help menu.
+ Wish: lp#1709374, lp#1697241, lp#1674018, lp#1661986,
lp#1656589 and lp#300380.
+ Bug Fixes:
- Chart x-scale labels were sometime overriding each others
- Balance report:
. Overdrawn was not displayed if the threshold was 0.
. The amount scale was faulty offset to left at first draw.
- Budget report: chart bar was not showing over state.
- lp#1734449, lp#1734210, lp#1730527, lp#1721980, lp#1720377
and lp#1688744.
- Point fdupes to the data directory instead of the build root,
which is a practice that must be avoided.
- Conditionalize the use of shared-mime-info BuildRequires as it is
only required by some old distros that does not have RPM File
2017-09-26 19:16:05 +00:00
Sat Sep 23 19:54:30 UTC 2017 - luc14n0@linuxmail.org
- Update to version 5.1.6:
+ wish: warn when opening a backup file (lp#1710955).
+ Bugfixes:
- New memo doesn't get added to quick list (lp#1716182).
- New/deleted transactions and search box show inconsistency
- "All date" range remains as is after "Select All" in Report
- Un-editable category (lp#1713413).
- Manage budget window do not expand properly (lp#1710800).
- Automatic check numbering issue (lp#1708956).
- Anonymize dialog change accounts if user close window
- Months in Manage Budget should allow tabbing from consecutive
months (lp#1697174).
- 'Notes' field in 'Manage Accounts' should wrap text
- Start Balance not shown after new file assistant
- The "other" side of an internal transfer is not marked as
changed when an internal transfer is deleted (lp#1691992).
- Internal transfers with a status of "Remind" are not created
correctly (lp#1690555).
- Add fdupes BuildRequiers and %fdupes macro.
- Add conditional use of deprecated %desktop_database_*,
%icon_theme_cache_* and %mime_database_* post/postun macros for
old suse versions buildability.
2017-07-17 07:10:07 +00:00
Tue Jul 11 09:47:47 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.1.5:
+ Change: win32: Upgraded to gtk+ 3.22.7.
+ Bugfix: Updating currency rate was not updating file changes
(and enable save).
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1689308, lp#1687117, lp#1683646, lp#1681532,
lp#1678476, lp#1678230, lp#1676162, lp#1674020, lp#1672209,
lp#1672205, lp#1672135, lp#1668036, lp#1667201, lp#1664916.
2017-03-17 14:06:40 +00:00
Wed Mar 8 21:33:06 UTC 2017 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.1.4:
+ Change:
- filter:
. Reworked the layout.
. Category select change now propagate to subcategories.
+ Wish:
- lp#1661806: Show overdraft amount in account window (balance
- lp#1655542: Improve handling of end of month scheduled
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1663795, lp#1663789, lp#1663399, lp#1662197,
lp#1662189, lp#1661279, lp#1660910, lp#1658538, lp#1656720,
- Changes from version 5.1.3:
+ New: Your account, added expand/collapse button.
+ Wish:
- lp#1653350: Cvs import default category for payee.
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns listview in the main
- lp#1530784 easy way to see closed accounts in account list.
- lp#1164643 totals per Financial Institution in account
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1658047, lp#1658045, lp#1658043, lp#1656531,
lp#1653957, lp#1652994, lp#1652527, lp#1649081, lp#1649078,
- Changes from version 5.1.2:
+ Wish:
- lp#1645126: Remember the size of columns in the main window.
- lp#1639862: Multiple edit transactions date.
- lp#1638023: Remind scheduled listview column width.
- lp#916690: Qif option (info to desc; payee to desc).
- lp#462919: Option to choose to import OFX name to payee or
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1645001, lp#1640885, lp#1638064.
- Changes from version 5.1.1:
+ Wish:
- lp#1634615: Get currency format from system again.
- lp#1634182: Template chooser popover could be wider by
- lp#1629647: 'Multiple Edit' to include account.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1638035, lp#1637805, lp#1635857, lp#1635260,
lp#1635053, lp#1633915, lp#1633895.
- Changes from version 5.1:
+ Change:
- Xhb data file format (v1.2).
- Internal storage of txn into accounts.
- Transaction dialog, changed the layout.
- Template/scheduled dialog, changed the layout.
- Register, refactored toolbar grouping single and multiple
- Listview:
. Removed deprecated rule hint (alternate row color).
. Added line grid (new GTK+ option).
- Preferences, reworked layout.
+ Wish:
- lp#1610672: Multiple edit should allow clearing fields.
- lp#1608025: Revert prefill with shift/ctrl clicked txn when
multiple edit.
- lp#1500235: Automatic assignments based on regular
- lp#1500220: Allow auto assignments to overwrite payee.
- lp#1484449: Warn when amount sign and category don't match.
- lp#1448613: Display full category name in autocompletion.
- lp#1424365: Separate scheduled transaction from template
- lp#1242312: Category split for template/scheduled
- lp#1102981: Add comment bloc for accounts.
- lp#1094528: Auto-assign Payment.
- lp#844576: Payee default category and payment type.
- lp#552565: Multiple currency accounting.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1631888, lp#1628664, lp#1625913, lp#1615245.
- Add pkgconfig(libsoup-2.4) BuildRequires: New dependency.
2016-09-10 22:55:20 +00:00
Wed Sep 7 09:38:06 UTC 2016 - fcrozat@suse.com
- Update to version 5.0.9:
+ Enhancements: lp#1507253, lp#1429411, lp#532564.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1602835, lp#1594152, lp#1583406, lp#1562372,
- Changes from 5.0.8:
+ Bug fixed: lp#1584342.
- Changes from 5.0.7:
+ New: preferences, add preview for chart color scheme.
+ Enhancements: lp#1509485, lp#1507252, lp#1501125, lp#1501111,
lp#1292377, lp#880846.
+ Bug fixed: lp#1577555, lp#1556289, lp#1553862, lp#1523216,
lp#1511325, lp#1464961.
2016-01-05 20:55:38 +00:00
Sat Dec 26 16:13:23 CET 2015 - fcrozat@suse.com
- Update to version 5.0.6:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1504514, lp#1504359, lp#1503682, lp#1502997,
lp#1502496, lp#1502444, lp#1502034, lp#1501968, lp#1501962,
lp#1501144, lp#1501138, lp#1501129, lp#1501098, lp#1500043,
lp#1498622, lp#1497630, lp#1497521.
- Changes from version 5.0.5:
+ Revert back fix for lp#1464961 inconsistency in internal xfer.
- Changes from version 5.0.4:
+ win32: upgraded to gtk+ 3.16.6.
+ Amount toggle sign button changed from text button to entry
+ Added/changed transaction are always showed by default filter.
+ lp#1469424: bank Account window should remember user column
+ lp#1338052: add option to show x days future ledger txn.
+ lp#1330156: in the ledger, a way to identify graphically the
past from the future.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1492634, lp#1475969, lp#1473717, lp#1464961,
2015-06-12 18:31:05 +00:00
Thu Jun 11 11:46:25 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.0.3:
+ Internal xfer credit should display from account.
+ Button to expand/collapse all in "Manage Categories".
+ Re-design icon "credit vs debit card".
+ Add ability to modify transaction when posting from template.
+ Bugfix: "Save file as". If I change the file name, it does
not change.
+ Some win32/libofx fixes.
2015-05-10 08:46:48 +00:00
Thu May 7 10:55:39 UTC 2015 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.0.2:
+ Fix importing CSV files automatically creates 3 new accounts.
+ Fix date filter From/To fields not working in Trend time and
Balance reports.
+ Fix saving cut file name after a dot.
+ Fix budget amount is wrong (seems twice).
+ Fix calendar widget can't be dismissed by clicking on the arrow
or text entry.
2015-04-10 07:52:46 +00:00
Tue Apr 7 20:49:24 UTC 2015 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.0.1:
+ change: xhb data file format (v1.1).
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
2015-02-11 15:44:24 +00:00
Tue Feb 10 11:36:46 UTC 2015 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 5.0.0:
+ Migrated to GTK+ 3.0.
+ For other changes, please see ChangeLog.
- Replace gtk2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0),
following upstreams port to GTK+ 3.0.
- Replace glib2-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(glib-2.0),
matching what configure looks for.
2015-01-20 20:54:52 +00:00
Sun Jan 18 18:47:37 UTC 2015 - p.drouand@gmail.com
- Update to version 4.6.3:
+ New: enhanced categories completion (complete is done with
partial match on both categories and subcategories).
+ Change: win32: upgraded to libofx 0.9.9.
+ Bugfixes:
- lp#1351098 win32: OFX import freeze HomeBank.
- lp#1349160 layout are not persisted well on maximized
2014-03-02 17:22:46 +00:00
Sun Mar 2 12:35:09 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 4.5.6:
+ This is a stable maintenance release.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1285326, lp#1285164, lp#1277622, lp#1276377,
lp#1275534, lp#1273848.
2013-03-12 16:15:40 +00:00
2014-02-05 12:43:05 +00:00
Sun Feb 2 21:24:49 UTC 2014 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 4.5.5:
+ Extended number of split from 6 to 10.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1242274, lp#1238575, lp##1231120, lp#1202503,
lp#953695, lp#735350, lp#1272760, lp##1270876, lp#1270687,
lp#1270457, lp#1268026, lp#1267344, lp#1258821, lp#1254544,
lp#1253004, lp#1252230, lp#1250061, lp#1250057, lp#1235465,
lp#1234879, lp#773282.
- Changes from version 4.5.4:
+ Scheduled transaction icon was still displayed after a save.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1230401, lp#1232418.
- Changes from version 4.5.3:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1225611, lp#1221484, lp#1218644, lp#1216321,
lp#1216284, lp#1215521, lp#1214077, lp#1213569.
- Changes from version 4.5.2:
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1207156.
- Changes from version 4.5.1:
+ Lot of code warning fix with gcc -Wextra and cppcheck
+ Source code preparation for gtk3 migration.
+ mainwindow, top spending was not refreshed after preferences
+ Anonymize, bankname/number were not modified.
+ Bugs fixed: lp#1163319, lp#814472, lp#801970, lp#703544,
lp#559787, lp#331113, lp#1202507, lp#1202503, lp#1197516,
lp#1195859, lp#1173910, lp#1163749, lp#1163447, lp#1156846,
lp#1151259, lp#1140903, lp#1138103, lp#1133105, lp#1103668,
lp#1102896, lp#730319, lp#1099944, lp#1047103.
- Updated translations.
2013-03-12 16:15:40 +00:00
Thu Jan 24 19:09:19 UTC 2013 - zaitor@opensuse.org
- Update to version 4.5:
+ Portable version for Windows.
+ Where your money goes mainwindow report.
+ Category split for transactions.
+ New filters for account window.
+ Scheduled append until a day of month.
+ New color scheme for charts.
+ Lots of more features and wishes.
+ Lots of bug fixes.
- Add url to source.
2012-01-24 11:18:09 +00:00
Fri Jan 20 12:11:52 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Clean up for inclusion in Factory:
+ Create lang subpackage.
+ Use %suse_update_desktop_file instead of a patch to change the
.desktop file.
+ Remove application-registry files: those are not used since
GNOME 2.8.
+ Use %desktop_database_post(un), %icon_theme_cache_post(un) and
%mime_database_post(un) macros in scriptlets.
Sun Apr 24 19:24:24 UTC 2011 - alexandre@exatati.com.br
- Initial package (4.4) for openSUSE.