------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 24 14:08:44 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Update to version + Bug fixes. - Changes from version 0.48.3: + Regression fixes: - Pre-0.46 grids are now correctly imported (lp#221040) + Important bugfixes: - Clipped and masked objects are selected correctly (lp#365458) - The units feet and picas are now correctly handled for grids (lp#885500) - The grid origin is moved when resizing the page (e.g. when clicking clicking "Fit page to selection") (lp#240689) - The emphasized grid lines of the axonometric grid now move properly according to the origin of the grid. + Other bugs fixed: lp#167419, lp#168417, lp#168942, lp#184341, lp#239430, lp#298528, lp#340123, lp#341866, lp#386237, lp#403421, lp#407394, lp#408566, lp#479644, lp#487144, lp#494722, lp#496793, lp#602005, lp#612882, lp#623660, lp#663667, lp#668895, lp#681262, lp#693010, lp#721424, lp#721448, lp#725063, lp#786667, lp#788560, lp#789122, lp#791709, lp#805095, lp#810503, lp#812413, lp#812497, lp#819209, lp#821435, lp#824221, lp#829947, lp#834721, lp#837603, lp#837799, lp#845354, lp#858369, lp#869019, lp#884368, lp#885324, lp#887539, lp#888793, lp#889172, lp#898538, lp#900854, lp#902054, lp#907157, lp#909783, lp#909958, lp#910463, lp#910467, lp#910479, lp#911079, lp#911123, lp#915329, lp#917544, lp#919728, lp#923241, lp#933831. + Updated translations. - Change liblcms-devel BuildRequires to liblcms2-devel, to build against lcms2. - Drop inkscape-glib-2.31.patch: fixed upstream. - Add some automatic detection of localized man pages in %install, so that we don't have to list all new translations manually. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 13 10:47:52 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com - patch license to follow spdx.org standard ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 1 09:14:47 UTC 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add inkscape-glib-2.31.patch: Fix build with glib 2.31. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jul 13 21:16:21 UTC 2011 - mrdocs@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.48.2: + many crash/hang fixes + DXF and tex export fixes + Bugs fixed: https://launchpad.net/inkscape/+milestone/0.48.2 + Updated translations. - Drop inkscape-0.48.0-gcc46.patch: fixed upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 22 08:00:15 UTC 2011 - idoenmez@novell.com - Add inkscape-0.48.0-gcc46.patch: fix compilation with gcc 4.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 12 19:22:44 CET 2011 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons. - Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. - Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 31 12:07:52 UTC 2011 - mrdocs@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.48.1: 0.48.1 is a stability and bugfix release. + Many small regressions in the node tool were fixed. + Exporting of masks has been substantially improved in all Cairo-based output formats. + lp#544599, lp#591986, lp#605575: Several crash bugs in the node tool have been fixed. + lp#627134: Rulers are redrawn properly with recent versions of GTK + lp#675309: Unlinking an orphaned clone no longer causes a crash + lp#482993: Problems with extensions sometimes not working at all on Mac OS X. + lp#651678: Inkscape should no longer crash due to missing icons at startup or when opening the document properties dialog. + lp#680520: Shift-clicking on the top rounding handle of a rectangle will no longer cause a crash. + lp#676271: Inkscape builds correctly with recent Poppler.lp + Bugs fixed: lp#658055, bnc#661370 - drop inkscape-r9710-9712.patch: fixed upstream. - export CFLAGS, as inkscape is C and C++ - Remove --enable-inkboard from configure: jessyink replaces it - Remove Obsoletes: sodipodi NLD9 is obsolete - Delete installed but useless header files - run spec-cleaner on the spec file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 14 18:18:01 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Fix the build again: the te_IN translation should simply be te, so move the translation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Dec 11 11:16:56 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Add popt-devel BuildRequires to fix the build. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Dec 7 16:50:10 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Tag localized man pages with the right language. We should eventually move them to the lang subpackage, but at the moment, they would create a file conflict between bundles and the lang subpackage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 30 09:51:39 CET 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Make inkscape-extensions-extra depend on python-xml instead of pyxml: pyxml will be removed, and we really wanted to use python-xml anyway. - Update inkscape-packages.patch to mention python-xml instead of pyxml: even if upstream mentions pyxml, python-xml is really okay here. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Aug 15 22:27:48 CEST 2010 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.48.0: + multipath editing + improved text tool: subscript, superscript,numerical input for text kerning, tracking and more + new Airbrush tool + LaTeX export with PDF/PS/EPS + JessyInk extension to create presentations + numerous bugfixes - Rebase inkscape-remove-datetime.patch. - Drop inkscape-poppler-0.12.2.patch, inkscape-gcc45.patch and inkscape-non_void.patch: upstream fixed. - Add inkscape-r9710-9712.patch to fix node editor crash when dragging near the last node of a path. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jun 14 12:04:30 CEST 2010 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Do not add wrong categories to inkscape.desktop (Office, FlowChart). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 2 13:20:36 UTC 2010 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Add inkscape-gcc45.patch to fix build with gcc 4.5. Patch copied from upstream bug tracker, lp#522327. - Add inkscape-non_void.patch, cross-ported from gdl upstream, commit 40b8cb7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 16 15:06:57 CET 2009 - vuntz@opensuse.org - Add inkscape-poppler-0.12.2.patch to fix build with recent poppler. This patch comes from Fedora, but was not committed upstream. See lp#487038 for the discussion, and another patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 27 14:50:21 CET 2009 - dimstar@opensuse.org - Update to version 0.47: + Timed autosave: no more lost work + Spiro splines: an exciting new way to work with paths, fully supported in Pen, Pencil, and Node tools + Auto smooth nodes: a new type of node that keeps the path as smooth as possible as you move it or its neighbors + New modes in Tweak tool: pushing and jittering whole objects, scaling/rotating objects, deleting and duplicating using the "soft brush" + Reworked, much more usable snapping system and a Snapping toolbar + New path effects, including sketch, hatching, envelope deformation: effects can be stacked and assigned to groups + A huge collection of preset filters in the new Filters menu + New cairo-based PS and EPS export: improved quality, more features supported, fallback rasterization for filters and transparency + Spell checker for text objects in a document + Many new extensions: restacking, calendar, printing marks, cartesian and polar grids, interpolating attributes + Optimized SVG code options, now with their own Preferences page + Many other improvements, usability tweaks, memleak stops, and misc bugfixes - Drop patches: inkscape-automake111.patch, inkscape-gcc44.patch, inkscape-gtk-clist.patch, inkscape-lp237574-poppler.patch, inkscape-polyutil-newpoly.patch, inkscape-warnings.patch, - Rebased patches: inkscape-packages.patch and inkscape-remove-datetime.patch. - No longer patch configure.ac during %setup. - Add gsl-devel BuildRequires. - Added openSUSE palette file to the package (openSUSE.gpl). - Do not provide sodipodi; version Obsoletes for sodipodi. Fixes a rpmlint warning. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 3 19:09:21 UTC 2009 - coolo@novell.com - updated patches to apply with fuzz=0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jul 13 11:58:53 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com - remove dupliacted files (fix build with automake 1.11) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 13 02:53:30 CEST 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Remove unneeded BuildRequires: libglade2-devel, libgnomeprintui-devel, libgnomeui-devel, libwnck-devel, loudmouth-devel - Add BuildRequires: gc-devel, gnome-vfs2-devel - Do not build gc inside this package and use the system-installed one. Drop gc6.4.patch since we don't need to patch gc now :-) - Drop inkscape-boehm-gc.patch: we just use the system-installed gc now. - Drop inkscape-swigfix.patch: I don't really see the point of this. - Drop inkscape-bug-189159.patch: the change is actually wrong, looking at the code... - Drop inkscape-configure.patch: not needed anymore. - Drop inkscape-buffer-overrun.patch: doesn't appear to be needed anymore. - Tag inkscape-polyutil-newpoly.patch - Remove non-existing --enable-db2html, --enable-gnome, --with-gnome-print and --with-gc configure options. - Use makeinstall. - Do not package some files twice. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 28 13:14:17 CEST 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Add inkscape-gcc44.patch to fix build with gcc 4.4. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 3 11:38:25 CEST 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Remove python-numeric Requires: there's no reference to it anywhere in the code, so it wasn't needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Mar 28 00:40:10 CET 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Add inkscape-remove-datetime.patch to be more build-compare friendly. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 25 14:45:22 CET 2009 - vuntz@novell.com - Use sr@latin instead of sr@Latn since it's what glibc upstream uses. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 3 21:01:44 CEST 2008 - vuntz@novell.com - Add inkscape-lp237574-poppler.patch to compile with poppler in Factory. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 24 13:56:13 CEST 2008 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Require and supplement correct resolvables for gimp. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 1 11:15:28 CEST 2008 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Added missing dependencies: libMagick++-devel, libwpg-devel, gimp, transfig, yudit. - Packaged extensions using pyxml, lxml and yudit as an extra package to shrink mandatory dependencies and not break plugins. Uses an extra script for evaluation. - Packaged optional dia, fig, gimp and skencil plugins as separate packages with extra dependencies. - Removed dependency on skencil, no more needed for EPS import (bnc#394748). - Removed dependency on libwmf, no more needed for WMF import. - Tell user about pyxml and lxml packages instead of suggestinng of compilation from source (however the message should not appear). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Jun 28 01:29:17 CEST 2008 - maw@suse.de - Add inkscape-gtk-clist.patch, to enable building against recent versions of gtk+. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 15 19:58:44 CEST 2008 - maw@suse.de - Recommend python-lxml (bnc#370334). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 7 19:10:42 CEST 2008 - maw@suse.de - Respin inkscape-warnings.patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 3 19:42:45 CEST 2008 - maw@suse.de - Buildrequire libpoppler-glib-devel, thereby enabling pdf import support (bnc#376752). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 28 23:18:56 CET 2008 - maw@suse.de - Update to version 0.46: + Many new features and bugfeatures + For a detailed account of what's new, see the NEWS file - Remove stale patches: inkscape-invalid-conversion.patch, inkscape-0.45.1-gcc43.patch, inkscape-g_assert.patch - Respin inkscape-bug-189159.patch - Add inkscape-warnings.patch - Rename sr@latin to sr@Latn. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 6 19:27:48 CET 2008 - maw@suse.de - Fix the build when against newer versions of intltool. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 5 18:27:27 CET 2008 - maw@suse.de - Disable perl support for now. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 28 17:59:41 CST 2008 - maw@suse.de - Add inkscape-g_assert.patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jan 11 10:41:20 CET 2008 - coolo@suse.de - take more gcc43 patches from SVN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Nov 10 11:50:12 CET 2007 - mauro@suse.de - Added inkscape-0.45.1-gcc43.patch + Fixes issues with gcc 4.3. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 8 00:03:52 CEST 2007 - maw@suse.de - Use %fdupes - Split off a -lang subpackage. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu May 10 12:10:58 CEST 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - recommends pyxml [#271758] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 18 08:38:14 CEST 2007 - aj@suse.de - Fix spec list so that package builds again. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Mar 29 09:52:37 CST 2007 - maw@suse.de - Update to version 0.45 - Remove upstreamed inkscape-siox-max.patch - Remove now-unnecessary inkscape-session-manager-strcmp.patch and inkscape-enable-perl.patch - Add inkscape-buffer-overrun.patch ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 31 14:23:33 CET 2007 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Removed remaining references to /opt/gnome (#240571). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 23 11:22:41 CET 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - fixed build errors * polyutil-newpoly.patch - uninitialized structure * session-manager-strcmp.patch - comparing char* w/ string literal ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 22 18:01:04 CET 2007 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Prefix changed to /usr. - Spec file cleanup. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 4 12:46:30 CET 2007 - prusnak@suse.cz - fixed illegal comparison (siox-max.patch) [#231224] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 6 17:11:05 CET 2006 - jhargadon@suse.de - applied a patch that fixes a problem where the package would not compile with the --with-perl option. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Oct 21 14:06:26 CEST 2006 - schwab@suse.de - Don't use obsolete macro. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 13 22:24:29 CEST 2006 - danw@suse.de - Remove dead patches ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 5 17:47:54 CEST 2006 - jhargadon@suse.de - added --datadir=%prefix/share as a configuration option. This is a work around for bug #204719 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Sep 29 23:04:34 CEST 2006 - jhargadon@suse.de - update to version 0.44.1 - Layers dialog - Outline mode, many performance improvements - Native PDF export with transparency - Clipping and masking support - Configurable keyboard shortcuts - Docked color palette in the editing window - Interactive indicator of the style of selection in the statusbar - Innovative "node sculpting" and other improvements in Node tool - Better SVG support: element, ICC color profiles for images - Persistent rotation centers, Paste Size command - many bug fixes - removed the --with-perl option from configuration in the specfile ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Sep 9 20:34:07 CEST 2006 - meissner@suse.de - use RPM_OPT_FLAGS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Aug 16 16:26:35 CEST 2006 - cthiel@suse.de - buildrequire python-gtk-devel instead of python-gtk ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 7 22:15:04 CEST 2006 - jpr@suse.de - add patch to not use freetype2 internals ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 18 08:36:44 CET 2006 - stbinner@suse.de - fix typo .desktop file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Feb 18 01:19:27 CET 2006 - gekker@suse.de - fixup .desktop file for UI team ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 31 01:13:40 CET 2006 - ro@suse.de - take fix from swig to swig-generated source file ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Jan 25 21:32:15 CET 2006 - mls@suse.de - converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 23 16:23:29 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Updated to version 0.43 (#134655). - Enabled Inkboard Collaborative Editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Nov 7 18:18:03 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Fixed qualification and type conversion errors. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 25 15:37:14 CEST 2005 - nadvornik@suse.cz - updated to bugfix release 0.42.2 [#112918] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 1 18:54:39 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de - added dir to filelist /usr/share/man/fr/man1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Jul 29 17:29:35 CEST 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Updated to version 0.42. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 31 17:04:28 CEST 2005 - schwab@suse.de - Fix more invalid casts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 18 18:27:40 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de - fix build with current pkgconfig ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 28 13:10:17 CEST 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Build boehm-gc with -fPIC and -fno-strict-aliasing. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 27 17:32:44 CEST 2005 - ro@suse.de - remove boehm-gc from nfb (dropped) - use private copy of gc6.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Apr 26 16:57:05 CEST 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Install missing translation files. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 11 18:48:04 CEST 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Fixed invalid casts. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Mar 21 17:29:00 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Bi-arch fix (#66780). - Require skencil needed for PS/EPS input (#66780). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 28 17:34:41 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Added needed Requires and triggers for optional extensions (#66780). - Turned on perl, python and gnome-print support. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Feb 21 17:04:21 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Updated to version 0.41. - Worked around problems with boehm-gc detection. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 11 12:38:36 CET 2005 - sbrabec@suse.cz - Updated to version 0.40. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Feb 11 01:55:21 CET 2005 - ro@suse.de - change to libsigc++12 in neededforbuild ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Nov 2 21:24:58 CET 2004 - mmj@suse.de - Locale rename: no -> nb ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Aug 12 13:27:48 CEST 2004 - hhetter@suse.de - Obsolete and Provide sodipodi ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Aug 2 13:49:10 CEST 2004 - hhetter@suse.de - initial SuSE package