2013-11-24 12:39:28 +00:00
Thu Nov 7 20:18:27 UTC 2013 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 2.0.0:
+ Support for ITS 2.0 Preserve Space data category.
+ Support for ITS 2.0 Locale Filter data category.
+ Support for ITS 2.0 External Resource data category.
+ Support for ITS 2.0 ID Value data category.
+ Support for ITS 2.0 parameters, including user overrides.
+ Support for ITS 2.0 local withinText attribute.
+ Fixed handling of localization note inheritance.
+ Fixed handling od namespace prefixes on elements.
+ Added option to retain entity references in PO files.
+ Added option to load external DTDs.
+ Added built-in rules for DocBook 5.
+ Updated built-in rules to use ITS 2.0 Preserve Space and
External Resource instead of 1.x custom extensions.
+ Excluded editor remarks and comments in built-in DocBook and
Mallard rules with Locale Filter.
+ Made all DocBook *info children not within text in built-in
2012-07-01 10:33:54 +00:00
Wed Jun 27 19:22:43 UTC 2012 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.2.0:
+ Added new "join mode" for multilingual XML formats.
+ Correctly handle ITS version attribute.
+ Better handling of multiple localization notes.
+ XML path markers are now in dedicated comments.
+ Show language code when failing to get translation from PO.
+ Added more regression tests.
2012-05-16 07:04:56 +00:00
Mon May 14 07:49:11 UTC 2012 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.1.3:
+ Handle UTF-8 in attribute values
+ Don't output non-translatable external ref messages
+ Better error handling
2012-03-11 17:38:13 +00:00
Tue Mar 6 13:46:28 UTC 2012 - coolo@suse.com
2012-03-14 11:56:22 +00:00
- Remove python BuildRequires and %py_requires: we only need a
minimal python, which libxml2-python will bring in both cases;
and we don't need a specific version of python.
2012-03-11 17:38:13 +00:00
2012-02-06 09:03:38 +00:00
Sun Feb 5 22:16:33 UTC 2012 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.1.2:
+ Better handling of XML errors in PO files.
2011-09-21 15:23:11 +00:00
Tue Sep 20 07:09:11 UTC 2011 - vuntz@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.1.1:
+ Catch XML parsing errors and exit with error code
+ Fixed placeholder translation when it contains sub-elements
+ Improved autogen.sh for out of tree compilations
2011-07-01 08:36:52 +00:00
Tue Jun 28 11:22:55 CEST 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Update to version 1.1.0:
+ Added itst:context to set msgctxt
+ Added itst:drop to drop context from translations
+ Allow XML attribute to be translated
+ Allow locNotePointer to return a string
+ Allow localization notes to be space-preserving
+ Allow both XLink and child rules on its:rules
+ Fixed Unicode encoding/decoding errors
+ Added automated test suite
+ Added a man page
+ Python 3 fixes
2011-05-26 20:42:51 +00:00
Tue May 24 07:52:11 UTC 2011 - dimstar@opensuse.org
- Initial package, version 1.0.1